
Aditya stood in front of a statue on a pedestal under which the name 'Manu Shetty' was inscribed with a date of birth and date of death. Aditya inhaled cool fresh air with a relish

A feeling of reverence took birth in Aditya's heart when he saw that he was a retired soldier who defended India in the 1999 Kargil war and was even awarded a bravery medal for his service.

Aditya knew that this person was the elder brother of Taarini Shetty, the mafia leader for whom he was about to start working.

He wondered what kind of circumstances would force a soldier of honour to become a mob leader. He did not look down on him. Rather he did not have the right to look down on him. What was he doing right now?

"He was our real boss and a great man. At that time, the police under the instigation of the local politician had opened fire on the people of slum causing the death of three people, they wanted the slum dwellers to move away so as to build some hotel. My mother, who was the only parent, was also killed at that time. It was Big brother Manu who took me in. I was fifteen at that time." Raghav narrated as he stood beside Aditya.

Aditya nodded as he listened seriously. The deep truth that each and every person had their own story was deeply imprinted on his heart.

"Taarini big sis was just a lively little girl at that time, I think she was 8 years old. She was the apple of Big brother Manu's eye and the princess for the rest of us. Big brother Manu might feel good if you did him a favour but if someone could make Taarini little miss happy and cheerful, that was true favour to him. Every member who was taken in by Big brother Manu understood this. When any one of us was injured or killed during the bloody gang wars and police skirmishes we had that time, Taarini little miss would cry piteously and would even fast a full day for the well being of the death." Raghav recited as he looked at the statue with deep emotions in his eyes.

Raghav turned to face Aditya with a cold gaze that sent chills down Aditya's spine as he said in a firm tone," So, that is why I have to warn you, if a day comes when I or any other core member of our gang find that Taarini Big Sis would be brought to harm because of you. Even if it was not your mistake, as long as there was a breath left within us, we will hunt you down like a pack of mad dogs. I know that you have your reasons for coming here, just make sure you don't confuse Taarini Big Sis as a ladder for you to climb and discard later."

Aditya was finally awakened to the fact that he knew very less and his thinking was still inadequate. He had thought that he had considered all angles, scenarios and prepared for everything. It looked like he had forgotten that this was not a movie or a story where all the side characters' only reason for existence was to aid the protagonist in his quest. This was real life where everyone had their own 'meaning of existence'.

Take, for example, Aditya looked down Raghav for his low intellect and knowledge but when Raghav looked him in the eye and warned him, he felt as if he was really stared by a mad dog with which you could not reason with. The very properties of Raghav like being dull and narrow-minded which Aditya regarded as negative aspects actually accentuated his fearsome aura when he became crazy. As to why Aditya felt the chills, it was because of the convection with which Raghav spoke. This was a kind of blind faith of the follower which a leader should feel blessed if ever he could gain such a following.

Aditya did not have the same feeling when he had encountered Bunny from 'that' organization because although Bunny had an unknown physical strength which looked fearful, his eyes did not have the conviction or blind faith. You could always talk with that person and reason with him. If you have enough cards in your hands, you could even get him to change sides because such people basically were selfish and always put themselves before their masters.

Aditya was not saying that the 'shadow' organization as a whole lacked such followers but he was sure that at least Bunny was not that kind.

Aditya calmed his beating heart as he smiled at Raghav, "Thanks for the warning, I will keep it in mind. Now shall we go."

Raghav had reverted back to his normal self as he nodded and led Aditya through the giant gate. Aditya felt like he was entering a closed territory looking at those tall walls which seem to cut the external world from the inside. Aditya knew that they had left the city by some 10-15 kilometres.

Aditya saw many students who were aged from 5-13 years playing in a distance when he entered. He was surprised a little as he inquired, "do you guys run a school here?"

Raghav nodded as he said, "Taarini Big Sis likes children very much so she runs an orphanage which house 1500 children, she looks after them until they turn 14, various practical skills are taught so that the children who move out would be able to work for their living and could also continue their studies if they wanted to."

Aditya nodded while feeling impressed. His choice of joining Taarini did not look so bad now. He looked at the wide parks and clean paved roads as he asked, "What kind of place is this?"

"This place of 300 acres (around 120 hectares) comprises of an orphanage and a club. The club is called 'Royal Club', it has got a golf course, resorts, shooting range, and other facilities." Raghav explained as he walked towards an electric car which was open on all sides so that you could enjoy the wind while riding. Aditya was not shocked with Taarini's wealth as he had expected this much.

Raghav drove the car along with Aditya for some time as they went deep into this territory until they stopped before a huge building which had the board 'Royal Shooting Academy" on it. Aditya had seen many people on the way here but he saw no one near this building.

"Taarini Big Sis wanted this shooting range all for herself, she seems to have high expectations from you though I really doubt you would be able to reach them," Raghav answered seeming to want to impress Aditya with his Big Sister's magnanimity.

Aditya looked at Raghav with a calm smile on his face as he strode towards the entrance. It was not that Aditya was being arrogant, but his confidence in his ability just did not allow him to doubt his value for Taarini.

There was a huge quote in the lounge area which intrigued Aditya, 'It takes 43 muscles to frown and 17 to smile but it only takes three for a proper trigger squeeze'

Aditya laughed lightly as he read this quote.

"Do you like it?" a mature female voice asked Aditya who was looking at the quote.

Aditya turned around to look at the stunning female who had a calm face with a signature icy look. Taarini wore a white striped detail sweatshirt today with long sleeves and round neck which regretfully covered her physique which the playboy in Aditya liked very much. But as if to compensate for this sin, she wore grey high rise skinny fit leggings which brought out the complete beauty of her long fit legs combined with pink Enzo strap mesh running shoes.

Aditya had activated 'Slow timing' long ago to get a good look without getting punched in the face. If you remove that icy look from her face and the gangsters that always followed her, Taarini was just your beautiful neighbour who had returned after finishing her jog.

"Glad to meet you again, Ms Taarini." Aditya thought for a bit on how to address this woman before choosing the safe way. He did not want to jump to conclusions by calling her as Taarini big Sis like others.

Taarini found that the eyes of this kid moved a little fast as if he was scanning her but the speed was too fast to register anything, so she didn't mind it. She acknowledged Aditya's greeting as she said, "Munna will teach you on the basic safety instructions while handling a firearm, it will take about an hour, meet up with me after that."

Aditya nodded as he followed Munna into a small classroom setting, as this shooting range was closed for outsiders today, the whole building looked a bit desolate.

Munna smiled as he started explaining the various rules and regulations to be followed while handling a gun

Aditya found that Munna was more to his taste than that fellow Raghav as he could communicate effectively with him without embarrassing each other. The key rules/tips he could get from this class were

- treat the gun as if its already loaded

- only point the gun down range.

-keep your finger off the trigger until you are ready to shoot…

Aditya practised a drill of insert clip, chamber the bullet, empty the clip, unload the bullet according to the direction of Munna. Even Munna was shocked at the learning speed of Aditya, anything as long as it was shown once to Aditya, he could reciprocate the same without the need for repetition. What kind of a prodigy did Taarini little miss dig this time?

While Aditya was learning to handle firearms, Taarini looked at Raghav and asked, "What do you think of him, elder brother?"

Raghav was one of the core members of the Star Empress gang. He had accompanied her big brother in many fights and was loyal to the core to her. Though the image he presented to the people who just met him was that of an ignorant brute. Every core member knew that Raghav possessed a very keen intuition which outpaced even that of a woman. His feelings were proved accurate most of the time.

Raghav took a deep breath and said one word, "dangerous."

The pupils of the people who followed Taarini shrunk when they heard this word as light gasps were heard, they knew Raghav and never heard him use this word even for their deadliest enemies. Now he was saying that a kid who was around 17 years age whose beard has not started growing as 'dangerous'.

"Do you think he has malicious intent towards us?" Taarini continued to ask without bothering her subordinates reactions.

Raghav shook his head but added, "he does not possess any goodwill towards us either. I think that as long as his aim is fulfilled, he would not think twice before leaving us. I don't think we can subdue him mentally. He has this aura of assurance around him as if even if he was deep into our territory, he is still the one in control."

Taarini was the only one who stayed calm when she heard him. She nodded in agreement as she said, "I have the same feeling, if these were peace times and we were not facing an existential crisis, I would definitely not take him under me. Even now it gives me chills unknowingly when I think that I am going to give him access to firearms, I fear that it is not different from giving wings to a tiger. It's just this feeling I have had the past few days." this was the reason Taarini had not contacted Aditya immediately after that meeting. She was somehow feeling conflicted about her choice which was new to her. Taarini usually never had this much trouble making key decisions before.

Even Raghav was shocked at the high evaluation given by Taarini as he nodded and asked, " then shall we send him away, give him some monetary compensation as a reward for saving you and be done with him. It's still not late." some subordinates also nodded their heads in support while some were still sceptical as to why their boss was making this teenager into a big deal. It was just a kid, what could he do by himself?

Taarini shook his head as she said, "elder brother, you don't understand, do you think we are the only ones who could give him a gun? He would get it one way or the other, it's not a big deal but it might delay him a little. Also, imagine that he was as scary as we imagine him to be and he joins an opposing faction."

Raghav hands shook as he thought of this possibility while connecting it with his intuition, he was sure that this would spell calamity for them. He didn't think about this, as Aditya was adamant on joining the underworld, their gang was not the only way or route for him.

"Then, shall we..." Raghav stopped as killing intent flickered in his eyes but shook his head as he knew that his little miss was too kind to act ungratefully towards the person who had saved her life.

Taarini looked at Raghav as she spoke in an icy tone, "Elder brother, we are doing what we do because we haven't found the way to get out of this path yet. Don't become like those people who we wanted to protect ourselves from."

Raghav lowered his head in shame as he apologized, "Sorry, Big sis, it won't happen again."

"Looks like the training had been completed, let us go see if he is as fearful as we deem," Taarini spoke as she walked towards the shooting range.