
We need a counter which revolves in real time to show how much money our company has given in charitable donations and support since we started the business.

We already have a page set up which shows a figure but we have to update this ourselves manually every few months.

The counter (timer) should be large and in euros. It will need to start from 56,000 and be counting up at a rate of 1 euro per hour, which is 1.66 cents per minute and 0.02 cents per second.

"Oh Shopify?, that's easy-peasy, 12,000 bugs (180 USD) for a five-minute job, pfft" Aditya smiled to himself as he started programming. His fingers started dancing at a lightning pace as the music of keys being clicked formed a harmonious and soothing sound in the calm environment with the rain sound in the background.

Aditya could have earned 4 lakh bugs (around 6000 USD) working for just two hours but he refrained from showing off his skills. He really liked these freelancer jobs which he could take up at his convenience. He found these works very easy and found it hard to empathize with those other people who asked one week for the same jobs. Only now when Aditya started to study more value-based jobs did he notice the vast difference between normal people and him. He did not have to worry about pocket change anymore with his capabilities.

Aditya did not want to give off any strange vibes if there was anyone who was monitoring him. He could take up some of these simpler freelancer jobs every day to earn some money but did not want to paint a big radium painted target on himself proclaiming to those who were monitoring him that he had special capabilities. So long as he stayed in the 'smart kid' range it was fine, he did not want to go into an 'anomaly' spectrum.

Aditya had started studying about Cyber networking. When he was sure that he could create a perfectly anonymous profile for himself with absolute privacy and confidentiality, he would not have to hold himself anymore, at least in the Cyber domain. He was working towards it steadily as he did not want to make any mistake due to impatience.

"Send" Aditya muttered as he sent his code to the client. He did not know if this client was a dead beat client (A client who doesn't pay up or on time) but he didn't care as it did not take much of his time.

"Adi, why don't you ask that elder sister to come up," Tya asked as he blinked his puppy eyes.

"Oh, why do you think so?" Aditya was surprised hearing Tya talking about Hamsa as Tya had never spoken to him about another person ever before.

"It's nothing really," Tya shook its head like a rattle drum," I just feel like helping her, I don't know why?"

"You want to help her?" Aditya was even more shocked when he heard Tya, "Why?"

"I don't know, I just find something about her endearing," Tya muttered in his lovable voice with his round head lowered.

"Do you also feel that way?" Aditya asked in mild surprise as he also felt the same way when he first saw her.

"mmhm." Tya nodded.

"But you have to know that people who give help when it is not asked for are usually looked down by those beneficiaries." Aditya taught Tya in a stern voice," Only when they ask us for help should we help them if we can."

"Oh" Tya tilted his head in a cute way as he held his soft chin as if thinking deeply. Aditya looked at this and laughed while shaking his head.

"You see, most of the people who are suffering are the only ones who know what kind of help they require, for them to alleviate their misery. If we try to help them without understanding their problem, we might end up harming them instead. So, we have to only help them when they request us as that would ensure the most optimistic result." Aditya calmly expounded like an old wise sage to Tya who was actually some millions of years old while Tya listened reverently while nodding like a good student. Even Aditya found his face becoming hot when he thought about this.

When Aditya was thinking about narrating the daily dose of bedtime stories for Tya as he did usually, he heard a car screech to a halt in front of the garage. The garage had closed early today because of less work and the rain so Aditya did not think that this car came for a repair. When Aditya saw the below scene, his blood boiled.

Five ruffians got out from a car whose name Aditya found below himself to mention the name and got hold of Hamsa by her hair and hands as they tried to drag her forcefully into the car. Hamsa was crying pitifully as she tried to free herself from these goons but her weak self could not give a strong resistance.

Blood rushed into Aditya's head as he did not think anything, as he shouted loudly and rushed down the stairs while jumping 8 steps at a time. He grabbed a few tools which were lying around as he rushed towards the gate. The gate of the garage was a mild steel grill gate which had space between each steel bar. By the time Aditya rushed to the gate they had already pulled Hamsa into the car and they were also getting in a hurry. It looked like they did not want anyone to discover their actions and Aditya's involuntary shout had stimulated them to work faster.

The driver of the car smiled at Aditya tauntingly as he started the car and drove away. Aditya roared in anger as he saw the car drive away as he looked in all directions and found a bottle of used motor oil which was charcoal black and stored in some plastic bottles. He rushed towards and grabbed a few of them as he jumped over the gate as lithely as a monkey.

Aditya loosened the caps of these plastic bottles as he threw one bottle after the other. The first bottle hit when the car was 30 meters away as dark oil spread over the windshield of that car. Even the rainwater did not help much, as not before long more bottles came crashing down on their car painting the whole windshield black.

The driver also seemed to panic as he pressed down the accelerator instead of slowing down the car. When Aditya had started running towards the car, the car was already 100 meters away from him. But he was not perturbed as driving in a desolate street like this was easy when you had limited view but it was not the case if he had to get on the main access road which was two hundred meters away from the garage. Aditya gripped his tools as he chased the car which was going farther away. If he couldn't save the woman himself, all he had to do was get at least the details of the car so that he could get the car tracked by his friends or relatives who were pretty influential in this city. Aditya might not have contacted them these days but it did not mean they wouldn't respond to him. As a matter of fact, it would be the other way round.


The driver exceeded Aditya's expectations as he dashed the car into an electric pole before they even got on to the main road. Bright sparks emitted from the electric pole as the street lamp short-circuited. The area around the car became dark with only minimal light from the adjacent street lights due to grown trees besides these poles obstructing the path of light.

When Aditya got there in less than a minute, he saw only darkness around as rain drenched him. A small confident smile appeared on Aditya's face when he saw these guys tumbling out of the car one by one. If he had to fight five people at once in the ring while they surrounded him, then Aditya was sure that he would be beaten to the brink of his death without him putting up much struggle. But now, the darkness, the goons who were not coordinated, being separated and confused.

On the other hand, Aditya had 'Slow Timing' which maximized his efficiency to 100%, 'Sensifull' which empowered him to take every movement of everyone around him, so given the little amount of light which passed through the leaves of adjacent trees, he could practically 'see' each and everyone like in broad daylight. Catching sight of a left pinky in the light was enough for Aditya to figure out the posture and placement of the person in the dark. To add on to that, he had his tools which were a small hammer and a heavy duty straight pipe wrench in each of his hands.

Both of them were blunt instruments but they were more than enough. These days of training with Munna was not a joke. Today, maybe Munna felt bad for him been beaten by those three bulls, he actually gave a list of five spots/ places in the human body which were the most fatal for disabling a person from fighting.

The driver was the first one to come out followed by others. Everyone was arguing as to whose mistake it was and what they had to do. They still couldn't connect the oil with Aditya as it was too incredible for them to think.

"Now what are you going to explain to the boss who wants this girl, you @#$%" a hook-nosed guy shouted at the driver vulgarly as he rubbed his head which had hit the roof of the car when they crashed into the pole.

"Big brother, you also saw this dark oil falling on the windshield, I couldn't see anything, what can I do?" the driver who had yellow dyed hair was trying to get the oil off the screen as he said.

"Shut up, if the boss blames me for being late, I will break your left leg," the hook-nosed guy stated ruthlessly as the driver shivered and sped up the work of cleaning the windshield.

"Is the girl alright?" the hook-nosed guy took out a cigarette as he lit it while ducking into the car for lighting it with a matchbox.

"Yes, the girl's alright but fainted when we dragged her into the car, big brother you have to see this girl, what a figure she has..." the person in the back who got off cackled. The hook-nosed guy smiled lasciviously while the others laughed.

Clang! Thud! Splash!

A sound of metal hitting a human skull was followed by the sound of a heavy object falling on the ground and splashing of rainwater accumulated in a puddle was heard.

The blood of hook-nosed guy and others froze as they stopped what they were doing and looked at the source of the sound.

They saw a dark figure in the shadow of the tree standing not far from them. They could see the violent ripples of water being refracted in the little light they had. As they followed the ripples, they saw a person lying motionlessly in a puddle of mud water. The hook-nosed guy gulped when he saw the scene. The first thing he did was to observe his surroundings to see if they were others as well but he did not find any which emboldened him a little.

"Who the f**k are you brat, do you know who you are messing with?" the hook-nosed guy probed but he received no reply, instead he saw the figure had started walking slowly towards him.

"everyone, attack." the hook-nosed guy immediately shouted as he jumped towards the figure while revealing a hidden dagger from under his clothes.

Aditya also sprang towards the nearest guy as he activated his abilities, the world suddenly became very slow as he saw each raindrop falling and his own reflection in some of them. He could see each and every movement of these goons, he could figure out what weapons they were taking out at a very slow speed with high clarity.

This was the first time that Aditya had utilized these abilities in a fight and it was like having a moment of enlightenment for him. A series of questions bombarded him as he saw these guys move slowly towards him while he had already calculated what he had to, whom to hit, when to hit, where to hit, how to dodge. For the first time, Aditya felt that he was no longer 'normal' and that he shouldn't treat himself like one. Of course, he had to cover up this truth in front of others but Aditya realized that he was burying this truth even from himself as well. He had to start accepting this 'new' reality. He doubted whether a fly felt this way when a person tried to swat it.

A hammer smashed into the finger holding the dagger accurately as he howled with pain. At the same time, the wrench cracked the skull of the driver who had just caught up while Aditya's body bent in an incredibly flexible angle as he dodged a knuckleduster blow of another person which landed accurately on the hook nose of the hook-nosed guy thus breaking it.

Aditya swept his hammer holding right hand back as he slammed his right elbow into a precise location of the lower jaw of the person wielding the knuckleduster thus dislocating it. The person's eyes rolled up as he fell into a puddle of water. By the time the person who badmouthed Hamsa had come from the other side of the car holding the rod, he saw that only the leader who had his nose broken was still conscious. It had just taken a moment for Aditya to deal with four people. The rod had fallen on the ground as the guy started running away while shouting," Bastard, my boss will see your end, if you are a man wait..." before he could continue his warning, a hammer knocked into his left leg ankle accurately with high speed which broke the bones of his ankle. He howled in pain as fell face first on the road while he held his left leg.

"Don't be in such a hurry," Aditya mumbled as he caught the jugular vein of the hook-nosed guy and pressed it between his fingers. After a minute, the hook-nosed guy also fainted. Aditya let out a sigh as he looked at his 'accomplishment'.

He looked at the fainted figure of Hamsa in the car with hesitation in his eyes while scratching his head. He had to make a quick decision. Her cries still rang in his ears when she was being dragged, held by her hair. The powerlessness, the despair, the lack of ability to protect herself. Slowly his eyes became firm as he gritted his teeth to reach out to her.

"Adi, didn't you say that we should only help people when they ask us for help. If you help her without her request, then you might end up hurting her instead..." Tya started to speak with childlike innocence.

"Shut up."

"Sniff sniff.."

"I will get you a lollipop."

"Hee hee, Okay."