
Sounds of jabbering and gossiping could be heard in the luxurious banquet hall as many people, mostly comprised of youth, talked and laughed in merry as they waited for the entry of the main lead today. The spacious banquet hall was luxuriously decorated with classy, refined furniture with its vaulted ceilings, glossy hardwood walls and Italian marble flooring.

A massive tiered crystal chandelier glittering in the soft light could be seen hanging in the middle giving a special touch to this venue. A professional musician in a formal black suit was playing on a grand piano placed in the corner of a stage as the guests enjoyed this soothing music. White-gloved uniformed waiters and waitresses were serving champagne and other snack items to the visitors.

Elegant floral arrangements consisting of tulips, lilies, roses of multiple colours were placed in pre-planned discerning positions brought the partygoers' attention to the huge extravagant screen in the middle which read, 'Happy Birthday To Hamsa Agarwal'. The air was filled with perfume and cologne smells.

The music suddenly stopped as the lights dimmed while a white LED light was lit up to focus on a person who was so charming and staggeringly beautiful that the breath of the onlookers stopped for a few moments as if they did not want their breathing to disturb there concentration. Nobody dared to make a sound with the fear that they would disturb themselves and others thus tuning into a public enemy.

The woman had an angelic face with large black eyes, flawless and lustrous skin. Her luscious red lips caused many men to gulp as they saw her give a gentle smile. Her large eyes became even more attractive with Kohl application. She walked in small steps with her head slightly lowered as she smiled at everyone with no discrimination. Anyone who saw her smile blessed her a long life from the bottom of their heart.

She was dressed in a north Indian traditional dress which she liked very much. She wore a dusty pink dress with satin lining consisting of a blouse with a round neck which brought out the charm of her peerless swan neck and a net lehenga (ankle-length skirt) which was similar to a western princess dress. Her small, delicate waist was only covered by a transparent embroidered long scarf (choli) through which the navel could be seen if one concentrates. This dress achieved a delicate balance between tradition and modern beauty standards.

She donned a layered pearl necklace with a matching pair of oxidized handcrafted pearl earrings with golden ear chains. She wore a set of pink beaded bangle set which matched well with her dress. Hamsa was very happy and felt blissful today not because her foster parents were celebrating her 21st birthday so extravagantly but for the simple reason that her foster parents finally accepted her as their daughter.

They had brought her out for shopping and bought this birthday dress as they talked and chatted lovingly with her. They even bought her a car so that she would not have to use public transportation again. They gave a card filled with money for her to spend and encouraged her to buy jewellery for herself. When Hamsa was hesitating, they personally accompanied her to shop and bought this birthday dress and other jewellery. These past few days were her happiest ones she had since her parents passed away.

Hamsa was a very simple girl with a little to no ambition. She just wanted her foster parents and siblings to accept her, nothing more. She did not want her parents' property or other riches. Now that her wish had been fulfilled, she was feeling jubilant and gratified. Her lonely feeling had finally vanished. Some might think that Hamsa was foolish for been this way but that's just the way she was. She wanted to have people around her accept her and she always strove for that.

Hamsa walked with a smile as she noticed her foster parents waiting for her in front of a cake which was exotic. It was like three cubes of cake placed one above the other, which were only connected to each other from corners only. The above two layers felt like they were literally hanging in the air with no support. it looked like stairs. the cake was printed with photos of Hamsa's childhood. Hamsa looked at this cake with interest. With a happy mood she was in, she felt excited about every small thing.

When her foster father looked at her expression, he smiled gently and explained, "though it appears that that the cake is floating, it is actually held by metal and wood inside the lowest tier cake."

Hamsa smiled as she understood but her true happiness came from the fact that her foster father took the time to explain such small things which never happened before.

"Look at my darling daughter, isn't she beautiful?" Hamsa's foster mother caressed her long black wavy hair lovingly. All the neighbouring people nodded as they smiled.

Hamsa blushed as she lowered her head shyly, pink patches appeared over her fair cheeks. This was all a new experience for her that it almost felt like a dream for her. If this was a dream, she wished that she never woke up from this dream.

"Ah, Reyansh young master, you have come upon such short notice. It is very kind of you," Hamsa's foster father hurriedly went forward to meet a handsome youth who was tall with long pomp and low fade hairstyle. He was fair with brown charming eyes. Especially the surrounding women's eyes lit up when he smiled and talked in a refined way. He looked stunning and manly in Giorgio Armani anthracite coloured Slim-fit, half-canvas micro check twill Soho suit. One look was enough for anyone that this person was not your normal young master.

Hamsa's brows slightly frowned when she saw Reyansh but immediately relaxed. Although she knew that this senior of her in college appeared to fancy her, he did not go too far. It was only natural that he would come to her birthday party as her foster parents encouraged her to accept Reyansh. Though she knew that Reyansh was the most eligible life-partner that her classmates dreamt of seducing, her heart always became restless when she made eye contact with Reyansh. It was not 'love struck' kind of restlessness but that of a feeling like 'something bad was going to happen' type. So, she always maintained a safe distance from him.

"Hamsa, you look very pretty tonight," Reyansh smiled gently as he praised her. Hamsa also smiled politely in return but did not speak.

"Only praises and compliments? No gifts," Hamsa's foster mother grabbed Hamsa's hand and led her near Reyansh as she asked in a fake interrogative tone.

"mother, why are you asking like that?" Hamsa was embarrassed and anxious when she saw her foster mother acting close to Reyansh.

"Oh, I will give my gift after some time," Reyansh answered enigmatically as he looked at Hamsa from top to bottom. His eyes gleamed for a flash, his smile widened as he gave a look to Hamsa's foster father.

"Okay, let us start the program, Hamsa dear, come here to cut the cake." Hamsa's foster father spoke as he called all the invitees to the centre under the huge chandelier. Everyone cheered as they saw Hamsa cut the cake gracefully and thanked everyone for giving their blessings to her by coming. She personally attended to everyone as they enjoyed the sumptuous feast with all kinds of exotic varieties. As Hamsa was a non-alcoholic, she could only drink soft drinks when people drank as they wished her health and prosperity.

Hamsa started feeling weak and dizzy at some point of time when the party was finished and most of the people had left. She informed her foster parents and took a room card key to take some rest. She was in no hurry as this hotel was her parents'.

Hamsa did not even change her clothes as she took off her heavy jewellery and crashed into the soft bed. She only left the silver anklet on her left foot as this was her mother's and she always had it on her. She closed her eyes and slept blissfully thinking that her good days had started and she did not have to worry about being spurned by her foster parents any longer.

After some time, Hamsa was woken up by a painful stimulus. When she opened her eyes, Hamsa saw a scene which shattered her delicate, pure heart. A naked man was kissing her all over her naked body. As if kissing was not enough, he was biting her neck like a beast and forcefully pinching her soft arms and legs leaving glaring red prints on her snow complexion skin.

She recognized the naked man, it was Reyansh. Many questions bombarded her at once, Why is he doing this? How did he come? How could he do something so cruel to me? The only thought she could think of was that she had to shout loudly and call her foster parents who would come and rescue her before it is too late. Just as she was about to shout, the doorbell rang. Reyansh got off the bed with a regretful expression as he put on some clothes and opened the door.

"Reyansh young master, I brought you some things which might be helpful. You don't have to worry about Hamsa making a big fuss about it. I know that she is a very traditional girl. If you do the deed, then she will definitely follow you as she treasures her purity immensely." a female voice could be heard speaking to Reyansh.

It was not the meaning of those words that caused intense grief to Hamsa but the person to whom the voice belonged. That was her foster mother. Hamsa's soul died that moment, so all the love, care and affection was an act. There was never any care for her, everything was done so that they could sell her to Reyansh.

Hamsa did not even care about shouting anymore, her last will had been ripped off mercilessly by reality. She was practically dead inside right now, so if Reyansh were too come back, she will kill herself and be done with it. She did not want to live anymore. For whom should she live for? For what? It felt easier and comfortable for her to end her life now so that she did not have to bear any more pain. Even her eyes seemed to think that it was not worth wasting tears as she closed her eyes.

Reyansh threw his coat over his shoulder and walked out of the room under the puzzled eyes of Hamsa's foster mother. "Young master, is there any problem?"

Reyansh smiled at her and said, "you don't know me. Do you think I am one of those weak cowards who force themselves upon an unconscious woman? Hamsa will be mine but only when she pleads me to sleep with her."

"But young master, you don't know Hamsa. She is a very conservative girl. It will not be easy to make her come to you. it's better if you do her now." the middle-aged woman said anxiously, as long as Reyansh sleeps with Hamsa, their hotel could be upgraded to a Five-star hotel.

"If Hamsa was easy, why would I even bother trying. it's fun only when she is very hard to subdue," Reyansh replied with disdain.

"Then, why did you..." she hesitated before completing her question as she looked at the bruises on Hamsa.

"Oh, Hamsa was really beautiful today, I just couldn't help myself," Reyansh also looked back at Hamsa with a burning gaze. He did not plan on making a move on her today but he lost his control when he saw Hamsa tonight. If Hamsa's foster mother had not interrupted he might have continued but now that he is back to his senses. He restrained himself as so much fun would have been missed if he took Hamsa today. That would be a pity. Anyway, she was going to be his at last. Delaying gratification can increase the pleasure obtained. He took a last look at Hamsa and walked away.

Hamsa heard every word of their conversation but did not register one word in her mind. After some time, she got up, put on a set of normal clothes and walked through the door. She walked into a dark corridor where there was not a beam of light. There was only endless darkness and despair as she walked aimlessly for time unknown. She could hear the conversation between Reyansh and her foster mother been repeated in her ears endlessly. Her heart trembled whenever she remembered Reyansh molesting her.

She remembered the happy memories she had accumulated the past few days only to realize that these were all unreal and fake. She felt nauseated now when she thought of her foster parents soft, caring words and deeds. She saw that the corridor that she walked into ended up opening into a maze. The walls of the maze extended to the sky leaving her no other choice but to enter the maze.

She dragged herself for many hours as she wandered in this maze ending up with dead-ends always. The maze corridor gradually thinned as she walked deeper leaving very less space for her to move freely. The walls of the maze were covered with thorny bushes which started scraping her clothes and skin bit by bit as the width decreased.

When she wanted to return the way she came, she found that the return was not possible as the route was closed. She could only feel her way forward in the darkness. Every time she used her hands to feel, she would be pricked by thorns and her hand would bleed. If she did not feel with her hands, she would end up walking into a wall full of thorns directly which was excruciatingly painful. Her hands would bleed, scabs would form in the process of healing after some time and before the wounds are cured, her scabs would be again pricked by sharp thorns causing more bleeding. She was filled with despair as she lost her hope to survival or a painless death as she kept on moving forward like a moving corpse. the only motivation she had so that she continued moving forward was the silver anklet on her foot. The picture of her mother's last words before she died lingered in her heart preventing her from giving up.

After what felt like a few days of this kind of agonizing travel, it started raining suddenly which jolted Hamsa from her despair as she let the cold raindrops drench her as cool, fresh water flow on her injured skin. She felt that this water can wash off anything, even the pain in her heart.

When Hamsa was experiencing this, she saw a beam of light pierce through the darkness and lad on her pale face. She ran towards the warm light like never before. She saw a sphere of light floating in the middle of the dark path emitting all kind of brilliant sparks filled with myriad colours. Each and every beam that fell on her body as she ran towards that sphere caused her to feel cured as if all her pain, despair was vanishing like fog in sunlight.

Hamsa did not think anything before holding on to that sphere with all the strength her frail body could gather. The movement she caught that sphere, she felt safe and secure like no harm could fall on her as long as she was holding this sphere. The wounds caused by the thorns were been cured at a rate visible to the naked eyes. The wounds were replaced by new, glowing skin which was as delicate as a baby's. Suddenly, she felt an urge to cry, to let out all her pain and grief. Hamsa cried like a little baby without caring for anything as she felt the pain crystallized in her heart from so long, finally melting and leaving her.

She basked in the warm lights as her tears rolled down her cheeks while a small, blissful smile appeared on her face finally. She closed her eyes and slept peacefully holding on to the fluffy sphere.

When Hamsa woke up after some time, feeling refreshed and peaceful, she felt something wet on her cheeks. She blinked cutely as she gained focus slowly. She was lying on a sky blue coloured pillow which was wet. Wait, why was this pillow so hard, it feels like it is stuffed with bones?

Bones? When Hamsa lifted her tear-stained head she saw a pair of eyes filled with care and pity looking at her as warm sunlight shone through the window of the room. Her cheeks blushed when she finally realized that she woke up hugging Aditya again. She knew even without looking that it was she who was on Aditya's bed and not the other way round. Why would today be any different when she had been doing the same thing for a whole week?