Another Instance

"Say sorry," Kumari twisted Aditya's ear as she demanded with an angry expression as he pouted her lips in dissatisfaction.

"Never, one should always call a spade a spa… Aahh! Okay Sorry Kumkum," Aditya changed his sentence midway.

"Pussy," Kranthi muttered under his breath when he saw Aditya give up so quickly but he also knew better than anybody that who would win if you tested Kumari's stubbornness. This girl was as stubborn as a mule. A tigress in the making. Also, Kranthi, as well as Kumari, knew that Aditya would never raise his hand against a woman thanks to his father's upbringing. So Kumari took full advantage of this fact without a tiny bit of guilty consciousness. Chakri had left when he saw that this was a gathering of old friends.

Hmph! Kumari released Aditya as a bright smile appeared on her face again. She hugged Aditya from the front as she shouted so loudly that half the garage heard her even with all the noise, "I missed you."

To be frank, Aditya was a little shocked at Kumari's enthusiasm as he examined her closely with a puzzled expression.

Kumari had changed so much in these two years since he changed schools. Kumari used to hang out with him and White Buffalo during their childhood. In a way, she was one of the few who knew everything about Aditya's history and vice-versa.

She was a textbook example of a tomboy then, she hanged out usually with boys, maintained short hair, wore sporty clothes and hooded jackets. There was a time when she wore pants instead of a skirt for the school sports day and participated in the boys running race and actually came first in it. Before they reached their teens, Aditya and Kranthi also truly treated her like another boy and even when they discovered their sexual nature, they never felt 'that' way with Kumari. But the same could not be said of Kumari who had suddenly discovered the difference but she couldn't change her outlook and habits successfully as she continued to hang around with Aditya and Kranthi instead of other girls.

In the end, she even began discussing beauties with Aditya and Kranthi as if it was normal. Aditya had finally realized one day that Kumari was going the 'other' way when she fought with him for the right to love Sameera, a beautiful girl who came from the Capital and joined their class midterm.

Aditya would have found it perfectly normal if his love rival was another boy even if it was his best friend Kranthi. He thought about it seriously for two days before he decided to assume responsibility and take decisive action. He bunked school in 10th grade and dragged Kumari alone to watch a blue film (adult film) in a cinema hall so that she would understand some 'truths'.

But the reality betrayed Aditya as Kumari started watching the woman while displaying a drooling expression. Aditya despaired at that time and in that despair, he forcefully held Kumari's face and kissed her on the lips which happened to be the first for both of them. Both Aditya and Kumari were shocked but neither of them pulled away. Aditya also slowly forgot his purpose and slid his tongue into Kumari's mouth while she did not obstruct or resist. Instead, she also used her small, juicy tongue to wrestle with Aditya excitedly.

The hall was dark and most of them were couples who came to do their things. So, Aditya and Kumari finally parted after some 30 minutes as they looked at each other with fiery and complicated gazes. They left for their respective homes without any parting words. If they were sure of one thing, it was that things would never be the same between them after they tasted the forbidden fruit.

After that, Aditya and Kumari pushed Kranthi out from their circle gradually for 'obvious' reasons. It would not have been complicated if things stopped there but Sameera became close to both Aditya and Kumari muddying the waters.

Kumari knew that Aditya had feelings for Sameera while she also had the same feelings. By now, she had discovered that she was supposed to be a lesbian but because of Aditya's intervention in the budding stage, she somehow turned into a bisexual. She liked both Aditya and Sameera now. So in a way, getting both Aditya and Sameera together with her would be a win-win situation for everyone (she did not consider Sameera's thoughts).

Sameera who was just a pure girl with a blank sheet-like heart was easily subdued with the joint attacks of Aditya and Kumari. Then started the legend of 'Playboy' Adi who was romancing two girls at once but the real truth only known to them was that each member of the trio had two partners.

Though they fooled around a lot, Aditya never allowed himself to take the last step for some reason. Sameera also felt the same way so with both of them restraining Kumari, all of them maintained a healthy relationship which was happy and not complicated though it did not look that way to outsiders.

This triangular relationship broke when Aditya transferred schools leaving Kumari and Sameera. Aditya had conjectured that Kumari and Sameera would be there for each other and so he thought they would not think much about him or miss him. But the reality seemed different from his expectations when he saw the exhilaration in Kumari's eyes. Dark circles could be seen around her eyes which contrasted with her milky-white complexion.

Another great change, he noticed that Kumari had grown her hair to medium length. She had straightened her hair. She had dyed her hair in silky and smooth coffee colour which was complemented with soft touches of caramel balayage. She had a new 'half up half down' hairstyle with long straight bangs reaching her cheeks making them feel loose and playful. She would have looked very cute and energetic if she didn't have the bleak aura around her.

She wore a dark navy blue woven shirt dress which was printed with beautiful floral patterns. This dress was sleeveless, was of midi length and had a curved hem. A pink belt tightened the dress around her thin waist which brought out her curves which were still developing. She wore a pair of girly pink Felix runner shoes which matched well with her belt and her artificial pink stone-studded circular earrings.

Aditya who was observing her froze when he saw a cheap multicoloured multi-faceted brass bracelet which was hanging on her left wrist. He caught her left hand and asked, "What happened to Sameera?" this was the bracelet that he had gifted her. She had always liked wearing it and had promised him that she would never give this bracelet to anyone and would wear it until it wore off. Aditya was shocked when he saw Kumari wearing it which made him feel a bad premonition that something had happened to Sameera.

Kumari gave an astringent smile as she said, "She died a year ago, yesterday was her 1st death anniversary, this was the only item she left behind," she gripped Aditya's hand tightly, no one knew if she was comforting him or was seeking comfort from him.

"What! But white buffalo told that Sameera was about to get a boyfriend last time he mentioned you guys?" Aditya's heart shuddered when he heard these words. The girl with bright and pure laughter appeared in his mind. How was this possible?

"It was due to an accident," Kumari replied succinctly. She patted Aditya's back but could not bring herself to speak comforting words.

Aditya rarely got angry at anyone. Even when Karan had humiliated him in the past, he did not retaliate and only when Karan took Anupama's name did he react. But now Aditya felt very angry as he held Kranthi's collar furiously as he roared angrily without caring about the place they were in, "Why didn't you tell me already?"

Aditya knew that he did not possess the feeling of real love for Sameera but that did not erase the fact that she was a very good friend who always supported him. He still remembered those days when he had started working in his father's friend's garage. She would visit him regularly with packages of snacks from time to time. He had never seen her show a hint of disdain at his work or treat him differently.

Her simple and stainless personality was what attracted him to her in the first place. Now that he heard that she had died and that Kranthi had hidden the fact from him. His sad and gloomy feelings turned into anger towards Kranthi.

"Adi, when we got the news that Sameera was involved in an accident, she was only deemed missing in action at first, only after a thorough search was conducted and some dried blood samples matched the DNA data of Sameera that the government declared her dead. But her parents had not accepted her death nor did Kumari, so no one dared to inform others that Sameera had died then. Even now, Sameera's mother lives in a delusion that she will return someday." Kranthi explained patiently and continued.

"As for informing you when I met you a few weeks ago, do you really think I can't tell that you already have a lot going on in your mind? We have grown up together, you were and are always my best friend, you think I can't tell that something had happened to Uncle and aunt? Otherwise, why would you suddenly stop going to school and start working at my garage at a whim?"

"Also, Sameera had already died a year ago, what could you do if you knew about her except mourning for her? So I thought of revealing the truth after you have settled down, that is why I also stopped Kumari from coming here immediately when she knew that you were working in my father's garage." Kranthi who usually acted jovial and foolish had an earnest face as he explained in a sincere voice.

"Kumari was the one who asked me to tell you that she already had a boyfriend and that Sameera was going to get one so as to see if you had any true feelings for her. We decided that if you felt anxious or restless, we would stall the truth as long as possible. If you did not have any big reaction, we had decided to reveal Sameera's death today as she was once your best friend after all." Kranthi finished as he looked at Aditya and did not make any move.

Aditya's hands loosened Kranthi collar as he sat down on a stool. He felt warm in his heart that though Kranthi looked like he was dumb and did not care, he was still protecting him in his own way. But at the same time, Sameera's death was not a small blow to him.

Every instance he had shared with Sameera flashed by in his mind. Her beautiful face, her sunny smile, her moral support. The moment when they kissed for the first time. It was in the bushes at the back of their school's playground. She would even do his homework sometimes when he was busy working in the garage. She was always acting as the mediator and the pacifier when Aditya and Kumari fought or argued. Most of the time the verbal fight ended up with Kumari physically attacking Aditya when she couldn't win with logic. Sameera would always appear and defend Aditya while gently dissuading Kumari.

Now, when Aditya suddenly knew that Sameera had died a year ago. He did not know how to respond. He stood after a while and hugged Kumari. He knew that Kumari truly developed feelings for Sameera in the end. He was sure that these both girls would end up together in the end if no external obstacle came up. He knew that the person who most needed consoling was Kumari and he also knew that he was the right person to do that given their previous relationship.

Kumari cried softly for some time and recovered her composure quickly. After all, the event was a year old and time always cures everything in the end, life goes on. Aditya also smiled when he saw Kumari calm down but did not release her hand. Only now did he understand the reason that Kumari was so excited to see him, she needed him to soothe the pain caused by Sameera's death.

"How are our classmates and teacher?" Aditya asked after some time. With Kranthi and Kumari here and the regurgitation of old memories prompted him to know about how others were doing.

"Everyone is fine, most of them changed schools just like you, recently a batch of rich elites have come who are jumping around showing off their luxurious lifestyle, our class and they have started been at opposite ends ever since. There is one arrogant young master who is pestering Kumari, these past few days. Anyway, why are you using an ancient phone with no internet connection? You rejected even when I gifted you one. Are you suffering from technophobia?" Kranthi also tried to steer the conversation so that Kumari could come back to a happy mood quickly.

"Oh, our beautiful Kumari is Bollywood actress material, so a few pursuers is perfectly normal, "Aditya put his arm around Kumari's shoulders and praised her generously. Kumari's cheeks reddened as she lowered her head and spoke in a low voice, "You don't have to praise me so much for my happiness, I am alright."

"Oh, okay."



"Adi, die, you idiot, so you don't think I can be a Bollywood actress from the bottom of your heart," Kumari began pinching Aditya all over his body. Luckily, his thin body did not offer much loose skin for her to grab easily. In the end, she went back to twisting his ear followed by Aditya's exaggerated cries of pain.

After sometime when both Aditya and Kumari stopped pestering with each other, Aditya's brows creased as he asked, "White Buffalo? Though I am not using a smartphone now, I did stay connected to everyone through the social network, so why did I not receive any news of Sameera's accident or death through the social network?" Aditya usually was not active in social media but that did not mean that he did not stay connected with long-distance relations. So if Sameera died in an accident he was pretty sure, they would have been many posts spreading the news.

Kumari was the one who answered this question, "It was quite a surprise to everyone at that time, Sameera's account got crashed coincidentally after her accident and all her contacts were thus uninformed and when I personally tried to create a new account for her so that I could inform everyone of her missing and subsequent news of death, that page also got corrupted along with my account. Even now when I type a message with Sameera's name in it, the message either get deleted or fail to reach the recipient. I sometimes think whether the name of Sameera triggers a glitch in the social network. Other classmates also experienced the same problem."

"Oh, wait... what!"