
"Ranganath, what do you make out from the fact that a representative from the 'Ahuja' group is going to join our meeting?", the chief minister couldn't suppress his emotions when he said those words. Ranganath was a retired member of the Indian Administrative Service (IAS) who had been one of his most trusted advisers.

"Mr Chief Minister, I was also surprised about this piece of news but I think it should be good news as the 'Ahuja' group does not joke around by sending representatives just for fun. It should be something crucial." an old man in a formal suit with spectacles said as he watched the celebration of the six-year-old son of Chief Minister cutting the cake amid the clapping, cheering, singing and inconsequential polite conversation.

Every major construction group and finance group knew that the iconic tower project proposed by him is not financially viable at this moment. The government has no money to spare, it could only guarantee the best piece of land and basic infrastructure. The area selected for the 'Information Technology Investment Region' was also quite far from the city and is currently a piece of barren land. The potential of this development project is attractive but all the numbers are only on paper and much of it is wishful speculation given that there was no project taken up like this before in this city to act as a standard reference.

The central government has only agreed to a bunch of tax incentives and other logistical support like building a new railway line. So, the only way for the iconic tower to come to fruition is if someone was ready to take a major part of the risk by himself/herself. India's economy was booming right now that all the major construction and finance companies had a lot of more profitable options to invest their money which carried far less risk. So, the chief minister wanted to see if there were any people who were interested in the 'honour' part of this project.

That's why, it was not a small amount of surprise to him when he heard that the largest and most prestigious construction company in the country, the 'Ahuja' group would be sending a representative to this informal meeting. He was sure that if Ahuja group decides to take up this project, they would definitely be able to complete this tower by the time for the next elections.

He knew that the anti-incumbency feeling among the populace was getting stronger day by day so if he wanted to come to power once again, he had to get this tower completed. Therefore, in a way, this project was his lifeline. This was also the reason that he had painfully decided to let go of the 'commission' for such a huge project. All he wanted was for this tower to be completed before the next elections. As long as he could remain in power, everything could be sacrificed.

"It would be nice if at least the 'Wande' group comes forward, this company is based in our city. I can also place this project in their hands with a steady heart as they already have a proven record," the Chief Minister stated as he nodded politely to every guest. He spotted an uninvited fellow with a depressed face stuffing his pockets with honey jars but did not care.

He conversed a little with other cabinet ministers of Finance, Information Technology, Industries and Commerce and Urban Development. These ministries were connected to the project he was about to discuss. He had also spent great effort to convince these ministers who were also senior members of his party to let go of some benefits and to speed up the bureaucratic process to facilitate a rapid issuing of related permissions. He had inherited his position from his father at a relatively young age and it was not a secret that he was not fully in control of his party.

"I thank each and every one of you for making my son's birthday more memorable by sharing this joyous occasion with me and my family. It pleases my heart to see young people who are having a good time. The future is yours and I am doing my best to create a safe and secure world for you handsome men and beautiful women. I hope that the young people have a pleasant experience." the chief minister almost began his campaigning propaganda but restrained himself when he saw the bored look on the faces of the audience. He invited all the VIPs with a smile as they left the Ballroom for the conference room.

Taarini bid goodbye to Aditya who promised to wait for her while simultaneously cheering for her success. She nodded lightly and followed the bunch of elites along with Munna. Munna was knowledgeable about each and every prominent member as he introduced some of the relevant ones to Taarini. Taarini would nod from time to time as she remembered these people whom she might have to deal with in the future.

When Taarini reached the lounge area, she noticed more people who were waiting here while conversing with each other in hushed voices while some sat browsing through magazines or just closing their eyes.

One look from their attires was enough to know that these people were the elite among the elite. Taarini who rarely contacted this circle was also impressed with their graceful demeanours. Though she never thought less of her, she had to accept that these people felt different and unique.

Taarini frowned lightly when she spotted Reyansh. It was not because he was present here but that he was currently speaking with the representative from 'Wande' group. He turned around to face Taarini as he smiled gently and walked towards her and spoke softly, "All is not lost yet, I don't expect too much from you. I only ask that you stop covering that brat. I will take care of the rest, otherwise, it would be very tragic if the representative of the 'Wande' group does not endorse your contract. All your hard work will be equal to a perfume poured into sewage. What do you say?"

"Get lost,"

"What did you say?" Reyansh lost his gentle demeanour as he asked with raised eyebrows.

"I said, get lost," Taarini replied coldly as he looked at Reyansh with unfeeling eyes.

Reyansh's face twisted with rage when he heard these words. He sneered and walked into the conference room while flaming tiger stayed as he smirked at her. Taarini looked at the poker face of the representative from 'Wande' group and felt her heart sink. Did she make a mistake by supporting Aditya? Is this going to cut her only path to a normal life which was the only thing she had dreamed of since her elder brother died?

Munna was also shocked when he saw what had transpired. He sighed when he looked at the blank expression on Taarini's face as her eyes became unfocused in a daze. His little miss never had a day when she did not smile and laugh when Big Brother Manu was alive but after he died, he never saw her smile again. She always worked hard to achieve her goals and never spoke about her grief or hardships to anyone. Just when he was thinking that little miss was becoming more normal because of Aditya it turned out that this kid would also become the reason for more grief for Taarini.

When the image of her elder brother and the reason that he had to become a mobster flashed in Taarini's mind along with the words spoken by Aditya on that night, Taarini's unfocused eyes slowly regained their sharpness and aloofness as she nodded at Munna and strode into the conference room.

She was not going to allow herself to be bullied for doing the right thing. If that person wants to create an obstacle, then he better be prepared to have his skin sliced by her. Did he think that the people of the underworld thought and acted logically while following rules and regulations?

Meeting Room

Taarini sat on a mahogany chair calmly as she closed her eyes and composed herself. When she let go of the concern of winning this contract, her heart suddenly felt a little relaxed and sad at the same time.

"Elder sister, can I sit here?" a delicate female voice was heard which sounded very soothing to her. Taarini opened her eyes to see a petite woman looking at her with big, round and watery dark brown eyes. Taarini had to agree that this woman who seemed to be younger than she was very pretty and charming.

This woman wore a black solid one-shoulder maxi dress revealing a side of a weak and delicate shoulder, with a flared hemline, which contrasted beautifully with her white creamy skin tone. The dress was abstrusely designed stylishly using lace frills, lace inserts and bows. A fine and thin layered gold chain hung around her flawless thin neck and a pair of black and gold floral drop earrings swung from her delicate ear lobes as she asked in a sweet voice.

"Elder sister?"

"Sure, please," Taarini nodded her head as she continued to observe this woman who seemed to be innocent and fragile but the feeling in Taarini's heart was just the opposite. She felt that this woman was not simple but at the same time, this woman did not seem to hold anything against her so she did not delve deeper into this.

After a few minutes, the Chief Minister thanked everyone for coming and then began a lengthy speech on his great achievement of bagging this prestigious project despite heavy competition from other states (provinces). He spoke about the wonderful prospects Information Technology (IT) held for India and how Bangalore was at the heart of this revolution and ahead of other cities. He stated some unbelievable figures of how hundreds of thousands of direct employment will be generated from this region and how billions of dollars of foreign revenue will be attracted here. Every one of the elite listened to every word with rapt attention.

After a 10 minute introduction and a series of powerpoint presentations, the chief minister requested everyone to come forward and be a part of this region's development to which almost all of the people present pledged verbally that they would love to invest in this region. Everyone here already knew the main purpose of this meeting before coming, so, anyone who was actually not interested in this project would not have come. As these people took the trouble of coming here, of course, it meant that they were interested in investing in this region.

Bhadra's father was interested in constructing luxury apartments and villas in this region, Jatin's father was interested in building a World class multi-speciality hospital while Anupama's father was interested in establishing a technology centre. Other people who have come also shared similar interest and wanted a pie in this project. Taarini did not speak and the young woman beside her also watched on with curious eyes blinking from time to time with a little smile on her face.

The chief minister was happy with this enthusiastic response as his confidence increased with respect to the iconic tower. He smiled and said, "As everyone knows, a new iconic tower of 440 m is coming up in Mumbai recently so I want our city to have a similar iconic building of at least more than 100 floors. I am sorry to say that my government is not able to take up this project but if anyone shares my passion for bringing honour to our city, I can assure that my government will give 100% support. So, is there anyone who wants to take up this prestigious project? As this is an informal meeting, I welcome everyone to discuss and ask if you have any queries."

The chief minister looked at the silent representatives from 'Wande' group and 'Ahuja' group with an anticipatory expression but he was surprised when a woman stood up from her seat and said, "I would like to take up this project."

The chief minister frowned slightly as he did not know this person so he looked at Ranganath who leaned a little and whispered, "she is Taarini AKA Star Empress, a prominent Underworld leader and a businesswoman. She is known as one of the better ones who does not indulge in unlawful activities and she owns 'Vivanta' group which is quite prominent among the service industry and entertainment industry. I would suggest you go along only if she could provide financial as well as quality credentials and in the scenario that no one else volunteers."

The Chief Minister wrinkled his brows when he heard about Taarini. He was not comfortable working with people of the underworld. He looked at Taarini and asked, "Miss Taarini, as you see this project will be worth a minimum of $ 300 million USD, are you sure you can secure the required financial capital for this project? Also, constructing a skyscraper requires quite a different set of expertise and technological support unlike malls and five-star hotels." He indirectly implied that he was not interested in giving her this project.

Taarini turned to look at both the Deputy Chief Minister and the representative of the 'Wande' group who lowered their heads and ignored her. Although Taarini had expected this, she felt as if her heart was gripped by a claw as she clenched her trembling fists. She did not cry as this setback was not worthy.

She saw Reyansh revealing a triumphant smile as he looked at her in a disdainful expression. She did not want to make herself look like a clown by getting into an argument with these people in front of the Chief Minister. As Taarini prepared to sit down, she saw the young woman who sat beside her stand up and said, "I can guarantee the necessary financial capital if elder sister Taarini gets this contract."

Taarini was shocked along with each and everyone in the room when they heard this young woman's words. Taarini looked at Reyansh to see if this was another plan of Reyansh to humiliate her but her heart calmed down when she saw him stare at this woman with a wide open mouth. Taarini could clearly see the dread in his eyes.

The Chief Minister stood up with a laugh, "I didn't expect that one of the youngest and most successful entrepreneurs from Mumbai would be interested in this humble project. If you are interested in financing this project, I am sure even 'Wande' group would take up the construction part." he still did not completely understand the words of this woman.

The young woman smiled and said while shaking her head, "Nope, this offer only stands if elder sister Taarini is the one who gets this contract."

The Chief Minister exchanged a look with Mr Ranganath who shook his head, he turned and asked, "I am afraid, I don't understand you Miss Maahi."

Maahi smiled sweetly as she turned towards Taarini who was standing in a slight daze and said, "I don't care about the project, it is just that I owe a favour to elder sister Taarini so this is my way of repaying her."

The Chief Minister and everyone else were shocked to their core when they heard these words, 'what favour was worth $300 million USD?'

Reyansh was both shocked and terrified when he heard these words. How could he not know this corporate devil? Why was she siding with Taarini?

The chief Minister hesitated before saying, "But Miss Maahi, this is the first project of this kind and I feel that Miss Taarini does not possess the required capabilities,"

The middle-aged person who was the representative of the 'Ahuja' group stood up and stated austerely, "If Miss Taarini requires our assistance, our Ahuja group will provide all the assistance and technology support for her disposal and we can also guarantee the quality of the construction. Actually, this was the only purpose of my visit today."


Reyansh felt his mind explode when he saw the 'Ahuja' group backing Taarini. Ahuja group was something that was on par with the 'Raipath' family.

The Chief Minister was having thoughts of giving the old man beside him a good hard kick. How can someone who has strong connections with both Maahi Kapoor and Ahuja group be just an underworld person? He smiled and said, "If Ahuja group guarantees, what else do we need? I congratulate Miss Taarini on bagging this contract and I hope that her construction remains a prominent landmark for our city for decades to come."

Taarini's ice cold expression stiffened when she saw people unknown to her standing up and supporting her. She did not know how to react, she looked at the smiling face of Maahi and asked, "Why?"

"Thank you for taking care of Aditya and I hope you continue to do so," Maahi replied simply.

Taarini's expression finally changed as she looked at Maahi with wide open eyes, "What do you mean?"

"Aditya is my little brother. I have failed to look after him but you are doing my job, so helping you is only natural, right?" Maahi explained patiently.

"Aditya is your little brother?" Taarini murmured slowly. It took quite some time for her to let this information sink in. The kid who worked as a mechanic instead of studying in a school, living in a small penthouse, was her little brother? Why would this woman let Aditya remain like that?

Did she know what Aditya did during evening times? Did she know that Taarini trains him so severely that his limbs will be trembling and swollen at the end of each session so much so that they would be lacking even a little amount of energy? What kind of an elder sister would allow that if she knew this? Clearly, this woman loved Aditya as could be seen from this huge favour. Taarini's head was getting clogged with questions as Maahi watched with a bright smile.

Taarini regained his composure after some time as she thanked the Chief Minister. She ignored the repentant expressions on the 'Wande' group representative and the deputy Chief minister as she turned to Maahi and asked another important question,

"Is Ahuja group also with you?"

"No, do you think I am all powerful? I have nothing to do with those old fogies."

"Then, why are they going to such length to help me? Is it not about Aditya?" Taarini asked

"No, it is about Aditya."


"I said that I don't have anything to do with them but Aditya has," Maahi said simply as she played with her hair locks.

"Isn't he, your younger brother?"

"We are not blood-related."

"So, why are they helping me?" Taarini asked trying hard to stay on the subject.

"Well, let's just say that Aditya is heir to the 'Ahuja' group and they are flattering him." Maahi giggled as she covered her mouth with her small, delicate hand as her eyes narrowed.