Maahi And Aditya (2)

Happy Birthday to you

Happy Birthday to you ♫ ♫ ♫

Happy Birthday dear Adi

Happy Birthday to you. ♩ ♩ ♩

May God bless you… ♬ ♬

Aditya's mouth twitched as he struggled between laughing and crying when he heard Kranthi's high pitch singing which practically drowned all other voices. It also disrupted the tune of every other person successfully. Although he was well aware of Kranthi's 'talent' in singing, his voice seemed to get 'better' by the year. He was currently entertaining thoughts of never inviting Kranthi to his birthday again.

Just when he thought that this ordeal was over, another round of 'Happy Birthday' followed which almost caused veins in Aditya's forehead to burst with rage. He had invited Sameera today to score some brownie points but looking at her red face caused by laughing. He could forget about his plans.

Kumari, who was a tomboy, was already laughing without restraint when she saw Aditya's expression. She knew Aditya's plan for Sameera and she was afraid that she might fall back after today but Kranthi had caused her heart to settle down. Even Aditya's father could not fully control his laughter as his lips trembled when he looked at Kranthi and Aditya.

Maahi and Aditya's mother were smiling as they stood behind Aditya. But oblivious to all this was the fatty who had already closed his eyes and sang with emotion with his brows slightly pressed like a professional singer as if he had lost himself in the song and its meaning.

"Adi, how was my singing, I trained especially for your birthday for three days. I know you are unable to express your gratitude in words, being overwhelmed with emotion. Don't worry, I can understand you," Kranthi came and patted Aditya's shoulder with an 'understanding' look on his face.

If Aditya's mind was affected with Kranthi's song then his mind went blank when he heard the following words. He forgot everything about cutting the cake as he directly buried his hand in the cake and took a large chunk and stuffed it in Kranthi's mouth as he said, "White Buffalo, here, take my gratitude. If this is not enough, let me bury your head directly in this cake."

Aditya jumped onto Kranthi and used all his weight to bend him so that his face got buried in the cake as he roared, "Sing, now sing." Kumari ran excitedly and started kicking Aditya on his buttocks as she laughed, "Birthday Kicks."

Aditya's parents saw this and knew that the fun part of the birthday party had already begun and so excused themselves leaving Maahi in charge. They knew that this was bound to happen but it started early this time thanks to Kranthi.

It was mainly Kranthi, Aditya and Kumari along with some others who created small mayhem while most others watched and ducked from time to time as some articles came flying towards them. Kumari started blasting party poppers in all direction showering everyone in confetti with glittering colours while Aditya was currently struggling as he was pressed on the ground by layers of fat as Kranthi rolled on him like a road roller, "fatty get up, I don't want my birthday to become my date of death also."

"Say, sorry."

"Never, a true man never admits defeat."

"Okay, let's see how long you can go on,"

"Fatty, sorry."

Maahi looked at Aditya with a smile as she conversed with some people who were also close to Aditya's family. Only really close ones were invited so, not much formality was required.

After two hours of fun and partying, everyone had sumptuous food made personally by Aditya's mom and bade goodbye to each other. Kranthi dragged Kumari away so that Aditya could have some time with Sameera. Aditya also flirted a little with Sameera before she returned to her home which was nearby.

When he returned, he saw Maahi vacuuming the floor while his parents were talking with the other neighbours.

"Elder sister Maahi, you have not changed at all, you are a millionaire now. Why are you doing this work?" Aditya said as he tried to grab the handle from her but Maahi refused to give as she said, "What's wrong with me working in my home?"

Aditya shrugged and gave up as he started cleaning other areas. His parents also finished talking after a while and lent a hand so the room was cleaned up quickly. Everyone had a light supper and retired for the night.

At around 12:00 am, around midnight, Aditya's room door opened as a petite figure, dressed in pink Sleepy Owl top and pyjama set, slipped into Aditya's bed as he slept. Maahi looked at Aditya's face for sometime before shaking him slightly.

Aditya woke up from deep sleep as he looked at the figure beside him in the dark and almost had a fright but caught himself in time as he spoke in a hushed voice, "elder sister, you have not changed at all, still slipping into my bed to scare me. You know that mother forbade us to sleep in one bed since the last two years, right?"

Maahi nodded but did not get out of the bed as she whispered calmly, "I have a flight early in the morning, got an emergency in the company, I have to go back."

"Oh, I thought you would stay for a few days," Aditya said disappointingly, he truly missed those days when he used to spend with Maahi all day long. But his mother had explained briefly how his and Maahi's life would only be going further away as they both grew and that he should get used to it.

He also slowly understood this truth and so was not overly depressed when he heard that Maahi had to go back. He was already satisfied that she took time from her busy schedule to come to celebrate his birthday with him. Look at his other elder sister Saira who had gone for some special training and was not able to come to his birthday, she could only give her wishes through a call.

"So, how's life in Mumbai?" Aditya asked as he also wanted to talk a little with Maahi as she was leaving in a few hours.

Maahi inspired as she smiled and explained some things about her business and what kind of prospects her company had and some of her future plans. It was all too complicated for Aditya but he still tried hard to resist sleeping as he did not want to hurt Maahi.

"Adi, this is my birthday gift for you, I did not want aunt and uncle to know so I am giving it to you now," Maahi slipped a card into Aditya's hand.

"what is it?" Aditya felt the card but could not see what it was.

"A premium membership card to the 'Red Riders Go-karting track', you can practice your riding skills as long as you want," Maahi smiled as she explained.

"Wow, you are so awesome, elder sister, that fatty gave me a racing magazine as a gift and that Kumari has totally skipped giving the gift as we are currently fighting over something. You are the best," Aditya caught Maahi's hand excitedly as he almost jumped from the bed in ecstasy. 'This was what he required and Maahi gifted it to him, how could he not be happy.'

Maahi looked at the excited expression on Aditya's face with a contented look in her eyes as a small smile appeared on her face. Nothing pleased her more than seeing this look on Aditya.

Her smile faded as she said with a stern look, "you can practice as much as you like on that track but I don't want to know that you are driving real cars on city roads and putting yourself as well as others at risk, have I made myself clear?"

"Yes, of course," Aditya nodded vigorously. Right now, he would promise anything to Maahi.

Maahi's eyes glinted when she saw Aditya as she nonchalantly, "Adi, who was she?". Aditya looked doubtfully at Maahi and asked back, "who are you talking about, elder sister?"

"The one you spoke at the last after the party, the one in the bright yellow t-shirt"

"Ah, she is Sameera, a new student in our class." Aditya smiled as he explained. He moved near to Maahi as he whispered, "Do you want to know something?"

"If it's about you, I want to know everything," Maahi replied seriously as she gazed at Aditya but Aditya failed to perceive a change in her mood.

"It's this, I find her very attractive and I like her gentle attitude also. I am thinking of all means right now to make her my girlfriend. But, you know, of all the obstacles I could imagine standing in my way, I never thought it would be Kumari, I think she is acting a little weird..." Aditya started talking oblivious of the fact that Maahi's expression freeze when she heard the words 'I find her attractive', nothing else was registered in her mind after that.

She looked at Aditya and asked in a calm voice, "What did you say?"

"Yes, even I find it unbelievable, I have been friends with Kumari for many years and I never imagined that she would lean the 'other' way," Aditya could not see Maahi's expression due to the darkness and rambled on.

"No, about that girl called Sameera," Maahi repeated.

"Oh, about Sameera, elder sister Maahi, you wouldn't believe, even Kumari scoffed at me when I had started working in the garage but Sameera actually supported me and even defended me in front of my classmates. I am thinking it would be nice if I could make her my girlfrie..." Aditya stopped talking when he saw a pair of small hands grab hold of his face.

Aditya was stunned a little as he saw Maahi hold his head, he could feel her nail pressing against his skin, he asked, "What happened, elder sister?"

"You want to make Sameera your girlfriend?" Maahi asked in a low voice

"Yes, why? Do you feel anything wrong with her?" Aditya asked as he wanted to know Maahi's opinion on Sameera. He valued her opinion highly.

"If you make Sameera your girlfriend, then what about me?" Maahi asked. Though the voice remained low, Aditya could hear Maahi's voice trembling a little.

"What about you? You are still my elder sister," Aditya said as he held Maahi's arms and said. He was beginning to feel that Maahi was acting a little peculiar.

"that's all?" Maahi raised her voice a little as she looked at Aditya in the eyes.

"Haha, well, if I feel anything more than that, maybe your husband will feel envious in the future," Aditya laughed a little trying to ease the tension a little but the reality was totally unexpected and different than his expectations.

Aditya felt a sharp pain as nails dug into his facial skin leaving him stunned. What was elder sister doing? Maahi rose from her position to sit on top of Aditya as she brought her face above Aditya's and said in a sharp tone, "Adi, remember the words that I am going to speak now. Can you hear me?"

Frankly, Aditya was starting to feel a little nervous when he saw his elder sister behaving in such a bizarre way. He nodded immediately when he heard Maahi's question.

Maahi's eyes revealed a craziness as if a coiled venomous serpent which usually slept peacefully inside her had awakened and bared it's poison fangs. Her delicate and soft lips came near Aditya's right ear as she muttered in a tone which did not allow resistance, "you are mine, only mine. You can have any woman you like, I will gift you, anyone, you like and throw them at your feet to serve you. But, I will always be the queen of your heart and you will be my king. No one is allowed to come between us, I will rip the heart of any woman with my bare hands, who creates a gap between us. You can have any woman but her place should always come after me, Understand? Never forget this Adi, you are mine."

Aditya mind exploded when he heard these words that his mouth was left hanging open. He had never heard such strong words in his life and the one who said those was his elder sister who he had grown up playing with. He never knew that his elder sister was capable of speaking such words with such wild fervour which bordered on insanity.

Maahi lifted her head slightly and without prior warning, pressed her lips against Aditya's lips and kissed him with a fiery passion that almost melted Aditya's heart as his recovering mind fell deeper into chaos. Her tiny, soft tongue entered his mouth along with a stream of sweet nectar and wriggled with his tongue, this vaporized any thought of resisting in Aditya.

After a minute which felt like an instant and a decade at the same time, Maahi let go of Aditya and sat up. She looked at him for some time but Aditya could not see her expression because of darkness. Maahi stood and went back to her room leaving Aditya to sort out his thoughts at last. It did not take much time for him to realize that something that should never have happened had happened and he was really unprepared both ethically and psychologically for this.

Aditya was not young anymore that he could brush it off as playing around and he was not mature enough to truly understand Maahi's thoughts. For the first time, he felt the need to distance himself from Maahi as he did not want to face this dilemma or mental struggle.

He did not know how to explain this issue to others or to himself and how to feel about Maahi. How was he supposed to explain to his mother and father? First and foremost of all, he did not have 'that' kind of feelings for Maahi and he was shocked that Maahi felt 'that' way about him.

Aditya did not sleep that night as all kinds of questions and thoughts bombarded his mind. In the early hours, he saw Maahi get ready and go to the airport as his mother sent her off. He knew that Maahi had stood in the entrance of his room and waited for a few minutes but he did not have the courage or the preparation to face her so he pretended to sleep. After Maahi went away, Aditya got up and sat on his bed as he buried his face in his hands trying hard to figure out his feelings.

He felt that he could not face Maahi like in the past anymore which Aditya felt sad about. He liked and treasured his relationship with Maahi and did not want to change it for anything else. He closed his eyes and slept in that sitting position, he felt tired mentally and physically. From then onwards, the legend of the 'white snake in a unicorn's clothing' was created.


Present time,

Neela Palace,

Maahi stood on a balcony of a royal deluxe suite as she watched Aditya part ways with Taarini and drag a pleading Faizal from the driver seat and get into the car while Faizal dejectedly sat in the front passenger seat.

A beautiful smile could be seen on her face as she said, "he truly inherited the thin physique of Uncle Satya. Elder sister Qaima, did you pass on the message?"

"Yes, Maahi" Qaima who stood behind Maahi watched her boss's blissful look with complex emotions in her eyes. She had started working for Maahi after Aditya and her boss stopped contacting so she really couldn't fathom how one of the most successful entrepreneurs of Mumbai worth more than $ 4 billion USD attached such importance to a kid. But she did not voice her opinion as she knew very well that Maahi never entertained any trash talk on Aditya.

Maahi looked at the Black Jeep wrangler going further away as she muttered, "Six hundred and sixty-three days Nineteen hours and fifty-two minutes, Elder sister misses you, Adi. Uncle and aunt, don't worry, I will look after Adi."