Make Sure You Never Forget

Everyone around was shocked when they saw this spectacle unfolding. Kritika unconsciously covered her cheeks as she watched Hamsa slapping her foster mother.

"Hamsa, you, how could you beat your mother, she..." the middle-aged man shut up immediately when he saw Hamsa turning to look at him. Somehow, he felt that if he continued, his position would be the same as his wife.

The evil looking person came beside Reyansh, who was currently feeling frustrated, as he whispered, "Reyansh Bro, didn't I say that you should leave your bad habit of 'manipulating and conquering the mind before the body' logic. Look, where this had led to you. If it was me, this girl would have already been under my crotch. let's go with my approach today before you become the laughing stock of our college and our circle."

Reyansh's eyes turned sinister as he nodded at Madan. He had wanted to try to get back Hamsa through her foster parents as he did not want to have contradictions with Taarini. But, now that things have come to this stage he would take Hamsa forcefully first and leave the complications for his father to handle.

Reyansh looked at Hamsa and jeered, "Hamsa, I gave you a chance to understand your position but it seems that you do not understand how puny and powerless you are in front of me. Do you think that anyone around here would be able to protect you if I do you here and now? Do you think those five or six people who are protecting you can stop me, look around you, I have brought forty people."

Hamsa saw a huge gang surrounding them from all directions as they held all kinds of weapons from knives to hockey sticks. Hamsa's brow relaxed when she examined for a while as she turned to look calmly at Reyansh, there was even some pity in her eyes.

Reyansh became angry when he did not see the expected reaction in Hamsa as he ridiculed, "You think that Mafia boss for whom that fellow is working could help you. I am sure she doesn't even care about you if it resulted in offending the family behind me. I have seen to it that the police would also not come here for another hour. The other people would only watch the happenings but wouldn't dare to pick up a fight with 40 people. What can you do?"

Gauri trembled when she saw these happenings and despaired at Hamsa's misfortune. But, she gritted her teeth and stood her ground refusing to budge but other classmates had already started retreating. Hamsa's noted her best friend's action which warmed her heart.

"Cough, Reyansh, something doesn't feel right," Madan interrupted Reyansh's speech as he looked around.

"Today, I am going to make you mine, let me see who is...what?" Reyansh turned to see the trembling figure of Madan as he looked at the surrounding people.

"Reyansh, I think it is better to go now, "Madan said as he voice became apprehensive.

Reyansh wrinkled his brows as he said impatiently, "What are you afraid of Madan, we have so many people surrounding us with all kinds of weapons, what will happen to us?"

"That's the problem, there are 'too many' people holding all kinds of weapons surrounding us," Madan said as cold sweat started forming on his forehead.

"That's what I said, why are you repeating my..." Reyansh's words got stuck in his throat when he saw the number of people surrounding them. It was definitely more than the planned forty people, the number reached hundred at least. The people he brought were trembling as they were surrounded and disarmed by others, who were gossiping among themselves as they conveniently played with their weapons.

"Who are these people?" Just as this question sprouted in Reyansh's heart, the crowd split as a lean figure with straight shoulders walked steadily towards them. Reyansh understood now what had transpired but it not only failed to calm him but caused his heart to beat violently as if it wanted to burst out of his chest. When he saw the dark eyes of that person, he was reminded of the abyss and at the same time, he remembered the warning of that person.

A beautiful smile unfolded on Hamsa's face as she walked, with a spring in her steps, towards Aditya and stood so close to him that their hands brushed against each other. A small blush could be seen spreading on Hamsa's face while Aditya felt awkward about it but he did not pull his hand away. Hamsa had seen Aditya's men with a relaxed expression as they smiled courteously at her from within the crowd, so she knew that Aditya must have known about Reyansh's plan and was prepared.

Aditya smiled as he patted Hamsa's hand and walked towards Reyansh who was currently trembling with fear, "Young Master Reyansh, I remember saying something about disturbing Hamsa again. You seem to have discarded my warning."

"What words? forgive me for not remembering, Young Master Aditya, you see it was just a coincidence that I met her today," Reyansh tried hard to smile as he spoke but failed eventually. he had an ominous premonition sprout up in his heart when he saw the indifferent expression on Aditya today, somehow he felt sure that it was not going to end well for him today.

Aditya's face showed a thoughtful' expression as he said, "Oh, looks like I have to do something so that you would never ever forget my words again even with your bad memory." Aditya's eyes iced up as a chilly aura, characteristic of Taarini, started emanating from him as he arrived in front of Reyansh.

Reyansh's heart skipped a beat when he saw those eyes, he screamed hysterically with almost the same high pitch as a woman's, "Aditya, I warn you, my father is the great industrialist 'Siddharth Varma' who is a loyal retinue of 'Rai… Ahhh!!" the remaining words did not come out as Aditya deftly grabbed Reyansh's hair and smashed him, face first, into the newly renovated road. The asphalt had not cooled down yet and was still wet as well as sticky. The hot molten tar along with gravel stuck to Reyansh's well-maintained face which burnt into his skin causing him acute scorching pain as he cried insanely.

Gravel and sticky globs of tar flew in all direction as Aditya practically rubbed Reyansh's face forcefully on the new road thereby damaging it. After successfully drawing some 'face tracks' on the new road Aditya lifted Reyansh to his face level as he said, "Since you have forgotten, let me remind you again as there won't be another reminder."

Aditya spoke in a cold, impassive tone, "You know what? I really do not like getting into violent conflicts if I could solve it through talks. I suggest you forget about Hamsa, otherwise," Aditya leaned forward and looked at Reyansh's face, which was stained with tar coated gravel and blood, as he stated, "I don't mind killing you."

Aditya threw the beaten figure of Reyansh to Madan who caught him promptly and dragged him away without a word. even after a full minute, the agony filled cries could be heard from a distance as they finally faded away. Hamsa's foster parents also followed him without a word of protest, they did not want to know the taste of asphalt. Everyone around them including Kritika and college students looked at Aditya with fear as the painful screams of Reyansh still rang in their ears.

The cold aura around Aditya dissipated as if everything that happened right now was illusory. He turned and smiled at Hamsa who looked Aditya in a daze as if something was melting inside her. Aditya then turned to smile at the short figure of Gauri as he said cheerfully, "This must be your best friend Gauri, quite a loyal friend you have here." Gauri was somehow more afraid of Aditya than she had been of Reyansh when she saw what he did and how he acted like it was not a big deal.

She trembled when Aditya's gaze landed on her and ducked immediately to hide behind Hamsa who giggled with amusement. Hamsa did not seem much perturbed by Aditya's show of violence which intrigued him.

Hamsa also snapped out of her daze as she turned and held Gauri ice cold hands firmly. It could be seen that Gauri had quite a rough experience today. Hamsa introduced her to Aditya as they slowly walked away while Aditya's newly formed gang enthusiastically greeted Hamsa and Gauri as they made way for them.

Aditya looked at a youth and called him as he asked, "You are Thomas, right?" The youth was so excited as he jumped in excitement and said, "Boss, you actually remember my name, oh my God, I am so fortunate. Boss you were so cool just now..." he went on talking while Aditya rolled his eyes as he thought, 'it would be a shock if I forgot something, I actually know each and every name of you guys.'

Actually, Thomas was one of the early followers who had approached Aditya with the intent to become his underlings when he witnessed Aditya's fighting skill.

"Okay, stop talking and go get three cups of Chai (Indian Tea) for us and disperse our people. We will meet at our place tomorrow." Aditya waved his hand as he could see the woman called Gauri was getting fidgety. She calmed down a little after a cup of tea and went back to her home while Hamsa followed Aditya to the place he parked the bike.

Hamsa's face was beaming with happiness as she pulled Aditya to buy some groceries for supper. She would look at Aditya from time to time. Tya had just informed Aditya that all the remaining traces of Trauma in Hamsa's heart had been cured today and that she became perfectly healthy psychologically.

Hamsa looked at Aditya with questioning eyes when she saw the splendid bike. Aditya rubbed his head awkwardly as he explained that he had to bring a bike as he was afraid of getting stuck in traffic if he drove his car and might not make it in time.

Hamsa smiled when she heard the explanation as she sat in the back seat and wrapped her arms around Aditya without any reservations. After all, she was waking every morning practically hugging this person and after what happened today, Hamsa had confirmed some things in her heart. Aditya smiled a little as he started the bike and asked, "I forgot to ask, how was your exam?"

"Pretty good."

"Did they ask about Acute Flaccid Myelitis?" Aditya grinned as he asked but immediately let out a cry as a pair of thin, exquisite fingers started pinching his waist he replied, "Ouch, yeah I forgot, you said it was not in the syllabus."

Aditya thought as he rode the bike, 'No wonder she is a doctor, even Kumari couldn't pinch me because of my thin skin.'