New Ability

"Tya, what is the new ability? Didn't you say that I would have to wait for another week?", Aditya asked excitedly as he saw Tya float towards him and settle on his shoulder.

He remembered that Tya had said that this ability would guarantee that he would not have to hide anymore from 'that' organization. He could also use all of his powers without the fear of 'that' organization coercing him with the lives of his parents. So, Aditya had been waiting for this moment for many days. How could he not be excited about this when he thought that finally, he could get on the track of rescuing his parents?

Tya chortled merrily as he said, "Elder brother Adi, I would tell you about the ability but before that, I have a question which only you can answer me. This is very crucial for me."

"Oh, just ask, I will answer anything you ask," Aditya said with exhilaration as he looked at Tya.

"What were you doing with Elder sister Hamsa last night?" Tya asked cutely as he tilted his round head to look at Aditya with big, round blinking eyes.

Aditya's smile froze as he looked blankly at Tya when he heard this question as he swallowed hard. He didn't expect that Tya would see this 'almost' R-18 scene. Would it affect his 'mental growth'? Wait, though this fellow looks like a kid, he is actually very old, so maybe he can handle it.

He looked at Tya's expression closely but could not find anything else but genuine curiosity. Afterwards, his vision instinctively went towards Tya's legs but everything was very foggy from the waist. He looked at Tya and said, "from now on don't call Hamsa as an elder sister, you should call her 'Sister-in-law', also what do you think I did last night?"

Tya nodded obediently when he heard Aditya's words as he said, "Well, you both seem to be mating as described in the 8th-grade Biology textbook but you seem to have stopped midway. Why didn't you complete it? Is it that difficult for you?"

Aditya almost wanted to smash his head against a wall and die when he heard the words, 'Is it that difficult for you?' No man could accept this insult let alone he who was very good with flowers as can be seen in the 'other' world.

He looked at Tya's expression which did not change much as he said, "Tya, this is something you will know when you become big like me. It is of no use explaining to you now. So, let us get back to the main topic, what is the new ability?" Aditya did not know what to do if Tya became an adult one day. He felt jitters just thinking about taking sex education class for him. Hopefully, Tya does not change as he remained the same for so long.

Tya nodded as he explained, "Adi, yesterday when Hamsa sister-in-law kissed you a change occurred in your soul particle as if a new connection was being made with some other entity. Later, I found out through your soul particle that the other entity was another soul particle. I know that it was Hamsa sister in law's as I recognized that soul particle was also modified by 'Dark Energy'."

Aditya was shocked that such a romantic and emotional action led to changes in his and Hamsa's souls particles. He felt like this was not as simple as it sounded. He turned to look at Tya earnestly as he asked, "You mean to say that Hamsa's soul particle and mine are connected in some way right now?"

"Yes," Tya nodded.

"Does it have something to do with the rapid completion of this ability and the fact that I could not access the quantum realm last night?" Aditya asked again.

"It has everything to do with this," Tya affirmed as he continued, "When Sister-in-law's soul particle and your soul particle created a new bond, Sister-in-law's soul particle also influenced the amount of 'Dark Energy' absorbed. Due to this sudden upsurge which is not as simple as the addition of two individual capabilities, your ability was created in a few hours along with a small evolution of your soul particle. This was the reason why you were not able to access the quantum realm last night."

Aditya was dismayed when he heard this explanation. Yesterday was the night that both Aditya and Hamsa determined and accepted their love for each other. This romance which was supposed to be an intangible thing actually resulted in a material manifestation in the quantum realm where his and Hamsa's Soul particles bonded. This has resulted in an increase in the absorption of 'Dark Energy', it all felt surrealistic to Aditya as he closed his eyes and thought about last night events.

Suddenly, Aditya opened his eyes as he felt the connection. He could feel some existence attached to him. The bond felt warm and Aditya's heart trembled when he felt this feeling, it was like Hamsa was with him at this moment. The connection was stable but he could not gain any more information through that link.

"Did you also feel it?" Tya asked with a smile as he looked at Aditya.

Aditya nodded with a complex expression on his face as he asked," Why do I feel the bond when Hamsa has actually left now. Also, I feel like she is very near me."

"Well, you have to know that the space-time continuum is very complicated in this realm. The normal rules don't apply here. So even if she is at another end of your world, you will feel her near you just the same," Tya explained as he played with his small, chubby fingers.

Aditya nodded as he settled his mood and looked at Tya, "Now we know why the ability was completed earlier than expected, now can you tell me about the ability itself?"

"Sure, do you remember what I said about 'Dark Energy' entering your soul and enriching it along with your mind & body?"


"Well, the Dark Energy had successfully infiltrated your cells, more accurately, your genes." Tya smiled and said.

"So, you mean to say that I will have supernatural physical strength?" Aditya said excitedly. He still remembered the scene when that person called 'Bunny' crushed stone into dust.

"Nope," Tya shook his head.

"Then, will I have lasers coming out of my eyes, Fire control, ice control?" Aditya did not lose hope as he asked excitedly. One had to know that after the sophisticated explanation given by Tya about Soul particle and Dark Energy. Anyone would have high hopes. Aditya was only thinking about all the DC and Marvel heroes when he imagined what the new ability was going to be.


"Then, at least super speed to escape bullets even if I can't stop them?"


"Mind control?"


"Tya, if you say 'nope' one more time," Aditya spoke with gritted teeth when he looked at the figure who seemed to enjoy crushing his expectations.

"But elder brother Adi, you can't get these abilities, there are too 'unrealistic'," Tya said in a low voice as he looked at Aditya with clear eyes.

'You know what's unrealistic? Me talking to you in this realm' Aditya thought as he heard Tya's words. He looked at Tya with and asked directly, "Okay, just tell me what is this ability?"

Tya looked at Aditya and excitedly replied, "Cellular Regulation"

Aditya blinked repeatedly for some time as he looked at Tya with a blank face as he asked, "What is that? I seem to have never heard of this ability before."

"Well, Adi, the dark energy has successfully infiltrated the cells in your body, so you can manipulate your cells to an extent," Tya replied in an adorable tone.

"And, what does that do?"

"you can control all the involuntary processes in your body through this ability."

"Such as?"

"regulate your blood sugar, cholesterol, hormonal balance, healthy growth, heart rate control, steady breathing movements, quick digestion… elder brother Adi, what happened?" Tya asked when he looked at Aditya's crestfallen figure swayed as if he would fall any moment.

Aditya did not pay attention to Tya as he muttered words like 'blood sugar', 'digestion', 'hormonal balance'. Was this the new ability which Tya promised would be phenomenal?

"Tya, I have to take a small break, I will be right back," Aditya could not stay in this realm for another instant as he feared he would either faint or shout at Tya.

"Okay, elder brother Adi, come quickly as this ability has more powers."

"..." he feared what other 'super' powers Tya would list out like 'Healthy kidneys', 'No eyesight', 'No hair loss'

Aditya felt that the sadness of Hamsa leaving him has been successfully clouded with the shock of this 'spectacular' ability of Tya.

He sat on his bed brooding over his future path as he had held high expectation of this ability. Aditya rubbed his left eye as he felt a little itch. He got up and opened his lunch as he wanted to binge eat Hamsa's delicious food to suppress his anxiety. He started to think of what else he could do so that he could guarantee that he could stay completely under the radar of 'that' organization.

"Elder brother Adi, do you have a mirror?" Tya asked as Aditya was checking new freelancer programming jobs. He had become quite famous on this website for his speed and efficiency in completing the tasks to the satisfaction of the customer.

"Tya, not now," Aditya said as he continued his work.

"Please, Adi," Tya's pleading voice was heard.

Aditya sighed as he walked towards the small mirror at the other end of the room as he thought, 'maybe I am having high expectations from Tya, he is trying his best to help me, after all.'

"Okay, why do you want a mirror?" Aditya asked, trying to sound as normal as possible, as he held the mirror in his hand.

"Look at yourself in the mirror, Adi"

"What is there to look at..." Aditya was shell shocked when he saw his reflection in the mirror. To be more accurate, when he looked at his eyes.

His left eye which was supposed to have a pitch dark pupil like always was now bright emerald green in colour. He gasped when he saw his right pupil start changing to dark brown colour and finally stopped when it became a very rare grey-coloured pupil.

Aditya's heterochromatic eyes lit up when a word sprang up in his mind when he looked at this change.


"Tya, YOU ARE A GENIUS," Aditya shouted loudly followed by Tya's chortling. Aditya now knew what Tya meant by evading 'those' people.