Gift (2)

Aditya did think about Hamsa when he was on his way to Maahi's office. He did not forget her even in his haste. It was not simple for him to make a choice. But in front of his relationship with Maahi, the bond he formed with Hamsa seemed to pale.

He knew that Hamsa was in no better position than his elder sister Maahi. Parents who loved her were dead, foster parents want to sell her in exchange for business opportunities. She was almost raped by a sadistic young master who wanted to exploit her pure mind.

But if he had to make a choice, he would break ties with Hamsa. He knew that Hamsa might hate him in her whole life, but he would rather bear that hatred than ignore elder sister's Maahi's grief. He could compensate Hamsa in other ways to guarantee her security and assuage his guilty feelings.

Aditya looked at Maahi with an earnest expression as he said, "I would be lying if I told you that it was an easy decision for me but I know that I want you more than her..."

Maahi observed Aditya's eyes and saw his pain as well as sincerity when he said those words. She smiled as she stopped Aditya from continuing as she covered his mouth with her small hand. She leaned forward as she whispered in Aditya's ears, "it seems like you forgot what is special about today."

Maahi stood up and sat on Aditya's lap. She wrapped her arms around his neck and came dangerously near to Aditya's face as she said, "happy birthday Adi, it had been exactly two years since we separated. Let your elder sister give a small gift to you."

Aditya was stunned when he heard the birthday greetings. He had no idea that his birthday and that dream intersected exactly causing this coincidence to happen. He usually keeps his mobile switched off during the night as he is very busy alternating between his avatars at that time. So even if his friends had called him to greet him, he was not available. Before he could respond to Maahi's words, a small, juicy tongue entered his mouth as Maahi started kissing Aditya with her soft and tender lips.

Aditya's blood started boiling when he felt Maahi's tongue wriggle with his own. He did not need any more stimulus as Aditya was currently like a dead tree in the most barren, drought-stricken land. A small spark was all that was needed to flare up the whole tree. His languorous tongue swirled over the delicate inner membranes of her mouth in a flagrantly sensual exploration, seeking out all the secret, sensitive corners within, inciting a bigger response.

Maahi had initially planned to stop before things got serious. But when Aditya started being initiative, she felt a hot breath on her face as she inhaled deeply. Her body started reacting immediately as if her heart caught fire. All her thoughts and restraints were thrown out of her mind. She started to pull Aditya's clothes away as she curved her supple body against him.

Maahi started feeling a little dizzy as if she had forgotten to breathe since she had started to kiss. She had no other thoughts in her mind except to lead this action to its logical end. With every breath, Maahi was breathing the unique scent of his skin, subtle, musky maleness that seemed to bypass the rational part of her mind entirely, and reach directly into some primaeval core of femininity deep inside her that she had never been aware of.

Aditya's eyes were filled with desire as he ran his hand down over her wavy, black hair. All mental barriers, which he thought he would have to overcome, broke as if they were never present. All the experiences he had accumulated in the dream world started showing its merits as Maahi felt like she was about to be burned with the fire of desire raging in her mind.

Each point that Aditya's hand touched was a new stimulation for her which caused her mind to fall deeper. She felt like she could never come out from the abyss formed by Aditya's pitch dark pupils. Every second, she felt like she was drowning deeper and she was not willing to come out. In a matter of a few seconds, she felt like she had experienced a barrage of multiple feelings but regret was not one of them. Just when Aditya was about to remove Maahi's clothes, he heard a gasp which jolted his mind which seemed to have previously gone into a slumber.

But it was only him who had come back to his senses but Maahi continued to kiss him as if she did not hear anything. Aditya saw elder sister Qaima who was looking with shocked expression accompanied by rage. She had a blush forming fiercely on her cheeks as she looked at Maahi who was kissing Aditya's neck while her milky white shoulders were exposed.

"Tya, stop the stimulants, if this continues, I fear I that I will become a walking aphrodisiac," Aditya thought as he held Maahi securely and counted numbers from 100 to 1 in a reverse way. This was not the place or the time for his first time with Maahi, he did not want it to be based on an impulse. Also, Qaima did not seem to have any idea of going away as she did not budge a little which Aditya found a little weird.

Maahi stopped after a little while as she turned to stare at Qaima but she was feeling a little grateful in her heart. Qaima snorted as she walked away when she saw Maahi stare at her. Even her heart was feeling complicated right now. Maahi closed her eyes and rested on Aditya's shoulder as she let her breathing slowly steady itself.

Sweat rolled from her forehead and dampened Aditya's shirt. She was slowly savouring the wonderful feeling she had experienced just now. She did not know what caused this to happen but she was happy all the same. Maahi also felt that all the pent up feelings she had accumulated in the last two years were finally released. She felt relaxed and happy.

After some time, Maahi looked up at Aditya as she said with a calm expression, "I know that you have feelings for Hamsa, don't act as if you are sacrificing because of me. I don't want you to compromise for anyone in your life, even for me. If you are a man, go get her so that she does not go to bed with another man and do things we just did."

Aditya was shocked when he heard these words. He knew the weight of the words that Maahi just spoke. He looked at Maahi with a complicated gaze. Maahi hugged him as she thought, 'Silly little brother, why would I let that swan fly away? As long as you want, I will get them for you, I still stand by those words'. She did not reveal her thoughts as they were unnecessary, she would just give Adi a pleasant surprise.

Maahi and Aditya conversed about other things. She informed him that Saira was still in the city as the 'hunt' for the sleeper cells has been extended with an influx of new information. She did not talk about that 'organization' or his parents as it would cause pain to Aditya.

Maahi was trying her best to get some news about them and was sure that she would have some results in a month. She could inform him at that time when she had some legit information. Also, she strongly felt that Aditya had to be kept as far away from these people as possible.

Aditya was feeling very happy as he got his elder sister Maahi back. Maahi looked at Aditya with a smile as she asked with a mischievous expression, "How was my gift?"

"It was good but it would have been better if I had unwrapped it completely." Aditya winked at Maahi as replied.

Maahi knocked Aditya's head and rebuked, "you are just 17 and not an adult yet. I heard that doing it in your adolescence will affect your growth."

Aditya smiled but did not explain that his body was different. Aditya wanted to reveal at least some of his powers to Maahi as he felt that she needed to know that he was not as weak as she thought. He did not want her to carry his burden for him any longer.

Aditya smiled as he said, "Maahi, since you have given such a beautiful gift to me, tell me if you have any wishes. I will fulfil them for you as a return gift."

Maahi's eyes twinkled when she noticed that Aditya stopped calling her as 'elder sister'. She smiled and asked, "Can you make my wish come true?"

Aditya thumped his chest as he said, "Of course, just try me. You will be surprised to find that it is quite easy for me to do it." He had quite a bit of confidence in his abilities and potential.

Maahi's eyes twinkled as she stated her wish and giggled as Aditya's face slowly darkened as he shook his head with a bitter expression.