Arrows (2)

Kumari was about to drag Anupama and Kavya to escape, but a person fired the gun. Kumari's eye closed tightly as her body trembled when she heard the loud noise. Kumari did not feel any pain or hear any cry from the other two girls. Instead, she heard a distinct crack as if hard surface had been broken. Kumari opened her eyes a sliver to discover that the man fired the gun into the wall beside her. Her pupils trembled when she saw the proximity of the shot fired.

People, in the surroundings, ran away when they heard the gunfire and Javed did not stop them. In a few seconds, the whole ground was empty as people stood at a distance and watched. At the same time, many police vehicles rushed into the field.

"You three girls, follow us," Javed sneered when he saw these vehicles. He seemed to have already expected them to come. Javed pointed his gun at Anupama and walked. He turned towards the other men and said, "brothers, among these three girls, there is a daughter of a state minister and an heiress to a famous pharmaceutical company. As for this girl, take her as well, so that we can have a person to kill so that those Indian dogs take us seriously."

Kumari's body violently shook, and her face became pale when she heard these words. They were going to kill her, and they talked as if it was an ordinary thing. She could not believe that the calm and silent mathematics teacher was, in fact, a terrorist.

"come on, move towards the podium, I want to perform a show, today," Javed cackled with glee in his small eyes. The three girls quivered when they listened, they looked at each other and climbed the stairs.

"Javed, don't you dare make a move on these students," an indifferent female voice was heard as a woman walked from one of the police vehicles. She did not have a gun in her hand, but she did not look disturbed as if everything was in her control.

'Elder sister Saira,' Kumari gasped when she saw the woman as a small hope rekindled in her heart. She knew this person.

Saira also recognised Kumari. She did not expect that the list that Aditya had passed to her would end up affecting his close friend. Javed was not on the list given by Aditya, but the elimination of all the spies and terrorist organisations resulted in an unexpected chain reaction.

The intelligence agency for whom Saira worked, discovered the existence of other rats. These people were outside the control of Pakistan agencies. These groups were rattled when they caught a hint of the Indian government's elimination of similar organisations. People like Javed were heads of such organisations. They did not have a choice but to come out of their holes. Either they could wait for people to kill them or they could do something outrageous so that even their deaths could mean something.

People like Javed were leaders of sleeper cell groups. Only they were privy to complete information about people who worked under him. Others did not have a way of obtaining this information. Javed possessed the exclusive knowledge and codes which could 'activate' these sleeper cells. So, once Javed was killed, the whole network of sleeper cells would collapse as no one else could contact them.

This factor was the reason that Javed did not start indiscriminate killing like most terrorists. He was aware that if he was killed, all the years which he had to spend in brainwashing innocent youth would become worthless. So, Javed wanted to escape using a hostage so that he could activate all the people beneath him to cause as much destruction as possible.

Javed sneered when he saw Saira, "I did not expect that you guys would be so quick. It looks like I was right in catching these girls. But before that, I have something I have to do. Something which will force you, people, to pay more attention to my demands. If I see you guys make any suspicious movements, I will kill two instead of one."

Saira's face hardened when she heard these words. She had already arranged a sniper to take a position, but it was not possible as they were three people. One could guarantee that the hostages would be safe. Even if a sniper was ready to take the risk and took a shot successfully killing a terrorist, the other two would kill the hostages. Saira did not have three snipers at the moment, and any delay might result in the death of an innocent schoolgirl. Saira could only depend on 'him'.

Kumari's heart shook when she saw that Saira was not able to dissuade these people. She forcefully controlled her fear and trembling. Visions of her parents, Sameera and Aditya, started flashing in her eyes. She looked at Anupama and Kavya.

Anupama was looking at her with regret and apology in her eyes while Kavya was filled with anxiety. Anupama regretted that Kumari was affected because she was with them. Kumari shook her head at Anupama, she understood her feelings, but it was not her mistake.

Saira looked at Javed and said in a soft voice, "Javed, We can promise you that we will not touch you or your family. We will arrange safe transportation for you and your followers. These girls are innocent, and they are just young children. If you want a hostage, you can take me. I was the one who was responsible for identifying your people. Look at me. I don't have any weapons on me."

Javed snorted with contempt as he said, "I know you people, don't take me for a little child. I have my methods for escaping and do not need your help. As for the hostages, I am fine with these tender girls. Let me express my sincerity by sacrificing a lamb."

Javed pointed his gun at Kumari and said, "girl, you seem a little familiar to me. You must be one of my students, right? Do you know why I didn't care about having a good rapport with my students? It was because there will come a day when I will kill each one of you with my own hands. Why would I want a relationship with my victims? So today will be your last..." Kumari shuddered when she heard these words. She closed her eyes as she bade goodbye to all her close ones in her mind. When Javed was about to continue, he noticed a cold glint in Saira's eyes as she looked at him.

Before Javed could notice anything, his eyes almost popped out as a piercing pain spread from his neck. His body, below his neck, lost control as he collapsed, he could feel something sticking from his neck. Gurgling sounds came from his throat as he tried to breathe but couldn't. The last thing that Javed saw was the shock reflected in everyone's eyes as they looked at him and his followers. His eyes rolled up as he died, thinking about where his plan went wrong.

Kumari's palpitating heart skipped a beat when she heard a small, indiscernible sound and then felt some warm liquid sprinkle on her face. She also felt the temporary stage shake a little and heard dull, heavy sounds behind her back. Kumari did not dare to turn to check it. But when she saw elder sister Saira running towards the stage, Kumari touched her cheek to feel it. Her pupils shrank when she saw that it was blood. She was not hurt, so from where did, the blood come?

Kumari saw that Anupama was looking at the rear side, but there was no expression on her face as if she was frozen. Kavya was too afraid even to notice that something had happened. Kumari clenched her teeth and turned around. She noticed three rigid figures lied behind them without moving. Kumari gasped when she saw a piece of dark, gloomy metal poking out from each of these terrorist's neck. There was also a stick at the back of their necks. They were arrows!