
"Who is in the helicopter? is it elder sister Saira?" Aditya hoped that it was someone on their side, but Tya's answer disappointed him.

" No, it is someone from the opposite party. Many warnings from the official authorities but the helicopter has not responded. Also, I can't hack into that helicopter because it has a quantum core also." Tya replied.

"Elder sister Saira is also on the way, but it looks like she won't be able to catch up in time," Tya said as he gave details about Saira's position.

Aditya's expression became chilly when he heard these words, "Tya, get me satellite images of the route in front of me."


Aditya's eyes lit up as he went through the images. He gave a set of instructions to Tya as he cut through the traffic.

Soon, Aditya heard a faint chopping sounds unique to a helicopter. He turned back to see the chopper. Aditya's left eye was able to catch a man in dark clothes wearing a mask standing near the door. He could tell that this man was different as he had a vertical faint red line on the mask. The helo was a transport kind and not fitted with any military equipment. The volume of the sound grew as the helicopter quickly caught up.

After a few minutes, Aditya saw an overpass in the distance. His left eye squinted lightly as every vehicle within a kilometre range came in his view.


Aditya's left hand swung the sword towards his back as he deflected the bullets fired at him and Taarini as a chopper flew past. Many vehicles were hit, and some plummeted while some caught fire. Aditya did not even glance at the helicopter as he could determine it's position from the sound. As for the firing, he could see it through the wing mirror.

Zamir's eyes widened when he saw Aditya deflect the bullets with a sword. He had seen this done before, but every one of them were elites in the organisation. Zamir did not think that this was possible for these ordinary ant-like humans as well.

" Halt above that flyover, you four people get down," Zamir ordered his men. The chopper reduced its altitude to 20 feet as the four men jumped and landed on the road. The few vehicles on the way stopped when they saw the armed people.

Aditya sliced his way across the chaotic traffic as he entered the overpass. His eyes narrowed when he saw the four people barring the road. Aditya looked at a truck in the distance, which had stopped with other vehicles, and modified his plan of action.

"Mentor, I need you to go back," Aditya said in a low voice but did not receive any reply. He noticed that Taarini had closed her eyes. Aditya shook her as he could not allow her to faint. Taarini opened her eyes as she looked at Aditya and gave a small, assuring smile.

Aditya's heart clutched when he saw Taarini's smile. He said, "Mentor, we are almost there."

Those four people started shooting while Aditya was seventy meters away from them. The bike moved in a zigzag motion to escape the bullets while Aditya aimed at the back of an overloaded Indian truck. This truck was carrying massive wooden planks which weighed significantly more than the optimum capacity of the vehicle (such overloaded Trucks are a common sight in India).

"Mentor, try to hold me as tightly as possible," Aditya said as he added a joke, "Hug as if I were your husband." Taarini did not verbally respond, but Aditya felt Taarini's arms tighten around him.

The bike did not slow and maintained the same speed. After shooting at the metal chains, which were restraining the wooden planks, for a few times, they broke. Aditya also aimed at the lock and handle of the rear end of the truck. After which, he also shot the rear tires of the vehicle, causing the truck to incline backwards. Aditya threw the rifle away as it had served its purpose. Two pins also fell along with the gun.

This action caused the back of the truck to open and resulted in the wooden planks sliding onto the road. These wooden planks stacked one above the other, forming a temporary ramp-like structure.

Zamir's pupils shrank when he saw what was happening. He held a handgun and aimed at Aditya, who drove the bike behind that truck and onto that ramp.

The bike flew into the air for about fifteen feet. Aditya and Taarini immediately felt a sense of weightlessness. With this jump, Aditya could not reach the height of the chopper. He held Taarini firmly with his left hand and kicked the bike beneath him with his full power. Aditya had cut the fuel lines of the bike using his sword with a sharp stab. This kick of Aditya allowed him and Taarini to stay in the air for a couple more seconds. It also caused the change in the direction of his and Taarini's momentum.

The bike crashed near those people who had jumped from the chopper on Zamir's orders. The motorcycle caught flames, causing dense black smokes to rise. This dark smoke acted as a screen to block the vision of these people so that they could not shoot at Aditya and Taarini when they were suspended in the air.

In the instant that Aditya stayed airborne, almost motionlessly, he threw the last two grenades with his right hand towards the helicopter's wings. Aditya's pupils contracted when he saw Zamir aim a handgun at Taarini.

Aditya could not change the position of Taarini as both of them were airborne, and there was no way. Aditya moved Taarini to the side a little and placed the sword in the path of the bullet. He used both of his hands to support the sword as he had the feeling that this bullet was different based on the design of the gun. Zamir fired the weapon.


The sword that was made to withstand even armour piercing rounds broke against this bullet. The bullet passed through Aditya's right hand, damaging the glove of Tya. After passing through the hand, the bullet pierced Aditya's right lung and lodged there. If Aditya had not changed Taarini's position, the round would have shot through her heart.

Aditya felt a piercing pain in his chest when the bullet dug into his flesh. But, he did not allow this wound to affect him as he rotated as he placed himself below Taarini. If his calculations were accurate, they had a chance to escape.

Zamir saw the grenades flying towards the chopper's blade. But he could not stop them as he had utilised this time to shoot at the target. Zamir's eyes became stern when he saw Aditya save Taarini at the risk of his life. This action spoke volumes about Aditya's attitude towards Taarini.

Zamir watched Aditya and Taarini fall towards the railway line. He was sure that they would die after they hit the ground as the height was enough to kill a human. Also, Aditya was in no position to prepare for the fall.


The helicopter's blades blasted into pieces because of the detonation of grenades. The engine and the motor caught flames. The helo crashed on the overpass.

At the same time, a train passed at high speed from below the flyover. It was a freight train and was transporting cotton stacked bags which were being taken for processing. Aditya and Taarini fell accurately in these cotton stacks which absorbed their fall and did not injure them fatally. Aditya groaned in pain as he took the most damage from the fall. He was already shot once, so the pain was almost unbearable for him.

All the witnesses to this scene gasped when they saw a human figure stride from the flaming debris of the helicopter. It was Zamir. He was a 'partially successful' product in his 'Genetic Awakening' trial. It was not easy to hurt him, let alone kill him. Zamir dusted his clothes as he stood on the corner of the overpass and coldly gazed at the train in the distance. His eyes glinted as he muttered, "was it luck, or did he plan to escape in this way? If it is the latter, this person was very dangerous."

Zamir looked at the sky as he watched four military choppers rapidly approaching him. It looked like he could not stay here for a long time. If news got out that he had engaged with the country's military, not even the Blackwood Family could save him.

Zamir established a connection with his subordinates as he ordered, "the target is marked, and both of them are critically wounded. The male, who is the main aggressor, is bound to die. I want the female to be killed in a way that it can't be linked to us." Zamir cut the call and walked towards the cars which were waiting for him. After he got in, all the vehicles rushed in different directions. The helicopters, which were approaching, also dispersed to chase the targets. It was going to take some effort if Zamir and others had to lose them.

Blood spilt from the bullet wound into Aditya's lung and airways. He was almost drowning in his blood. Aditya coughed blood as the cotton stacks were dyed red. It was fortunate that this railway line was not electrified. Otherwise, there was no way Aditya could jump.

Aditya did not care about his situation as he checked Taarini, who remained motionless. Her chest was feebly moving as blood trickled down from her wound. The acid that had leaked from her stomach had prevented blood from clotting, leading to severe blood loss.

"Mentor... Mentor... Taarini, wake up," Aditya nudged her as his heart became tensed. Taarini opened her eyes as she looked at Aditya. Aditya could feel her gaze slowly losing focus as Taarini looked at him. It felt as if she was looking at the blue skies behind him. Her lips moved faintly, but no sound came except for faint breathing sounds.

"Taarini, hang on. You are going to be alright. Everything is going to be fine," Aditya said as he lifted Taarini and jumped onto a passing train. Aditya threw his and Taarini's mobile on the first train. Tya could remain invisible on the web without the enemy organisation noticing it, but if the enemy organisation wanted to track their mobiles, Tya could not stop it.

Aditya had to make sure that those people were not able to track them before starting the treatment. He groaned in pain as he landed on the second train; his injuries were worsening by the moment. Blood flowed from his right hand as he removed the glove and threw it away.

Aditya waited for a few minutes before another freight train entered his view. He held Taarini and jumped onto that freight train consisting of open Hopper wagons filled with grain sacks. Aditya did not want to take chances. His glove had been destroyed, and Tya was not able to hack into the nearby devices anymore. Aditya remained on the run as it was the best way to ensure safety.

Aditya chose to remain on a moving train so that he could concentrate on treating Taarini. He did not care about the place that this train was headed. Aditya would be getting off in ten minutes, where there was a hospital in the vicinity. He had memorised the location.

Aditya had targetted the chopper because he knew that if they wanted to escape, the helicopter could not be allowed to remain intact.

"Adi, you are poisoned. This poison is enough even to kill around five hundred healthy, adult males. Even though you are safe, don't move anymore and sit tight," Tya's voice was heard. But there was no urgency in Tya's voice as this poison was not a life threat for Aditya.

"No wonder, I felt my head spinning," Aditya muttered as he coughed even more blood. Dark black clot formations could be observed in that blood if one looked carefully. It was fortunate that he was the one who was hit. With Tya and the fuel (oil packed with nutrients) that he had drunk before the fight, the poison was no threat to him.

"Tya, enough about me. I want to know about Taarini's condition," Aditya said as he observed the bullet hole, in his right chest, starting to close and heal at a rapid rate. Aditya removed his shirt to look at the gaping hole in his chest. It was a shocking sight, and the blood had stopped leaking out.