Music and Dreams

It was a bright morning. The day was warming up as signs of spring were apparent in the air. One could feel that the flowers were colouring the world for the warmer days to come, waving in the breeze like a smile born of the cosmos - happiness in brilliant shades.

Students were coming to the school in small groups as they excitedly gossiped with each other. There was still half-hour time before classes started. Some kids were playing football, basketball and other games. Students carrying sports kits related to badminton, table tennis, martial arts and archery could be seen exiting the school grounds.

They had to fresh up and return for the academic classes. Thirty minutes were more than enough to bath and get ready. Typically, these students resided near the school, which made things convenient even if their coaching dragged a bit.

Aditya sat on a wooden bench, under an old sausage tree, along with Yu Yan. He was listening to gentle flute music with an Airpod in his left ear while Yu Yan had the other one in her right ear. Yu Yan had asked Aditya to come earlier so that he could give suggestions on her music arts. She wanted to ask a favour from Aditya, related to this tune. The time was nearing for her to submit her e-portfolio.

The music was elegant and ethereal as Aditya's soul merged in the rhythm. His eyes were closed as he was held spellbound in rapt silence. Music had always had the power to influence a person's mood.

Though Yu Yan's reason was a little forced, Aditya was, indeed, proficient in playing the piano and a few other instruments. He had participated in many programs and had helped give background musical assistance to many singers in his previous school. Aditya had also created a few musical scores on his own, and they were not half-bad.

Aditya's mother had taken a keen interest in training Aditya in musical arts since he was a kid. She, herself, was a talented musician who was partial to the Sitar (a plucked stringed instrument, originating from the Indian subcontinent, used in Hindustani classical music).

Aditya had also obediently learned the arts as per his mother's wishes until he reached adolescence and started having rebellious thoughts. And then, one day, he stopped going to those classes. Aditya's mother tried to persuade him to continue, but seeing that Aditya remained stubborn, she did not insist again. Aditya had a decent talent and potential in regards to the musical field, but he neither had the interest nor the passion.

Since Tya had transformed Aditya's body, the required amount of sleep had significantly been reduced. So, Aditya woke up early and reached school as requested by Yu Yan, who was already waiting for him with some snacks.

Recently, The dream world had been quite monotonous. Aditya, of the dream world, was a complete mess with an unstable mindset. Even, after a few years, he had not recovered from Maahi's death.

Aditya had completely focused his energies on his races and the charitable trust that he had established so that he would not break apart. Many people, including his parents, advised Aditya to retire but 'racing' was the only thing that kept him going. Without racing, Aditya feared that he would become a chronic alcoholic and a drug addict.

Otherwise, he would not know what to do. Amanda, the bodyguard, arranged by Maahi, accompanied Aditya and guarded him along with a supporting team. Both of them had become accustomed to each other's silence.

The technology of the 2030s was rapidly advancing as were the quality of life of people. The Asian countries were on a rage, in terms of economy, taking advantage of their demographics and globalisation. Aditya's father had risen in position in the CERN laboratories, thanks to the research funded by Maahi.

Aditya had heard something about a new research project taken up by his father pertaining to Dark Matter and the 'origin of life & consciousness'. Aditya's mother accompanied his father and would visit him from time to time. Aditya's father would also come every few months, but both the father and son had conversations rarely. Usually, the time would be spent in silence.

Aditya's contact with his friends had significantly reduced, which was his mistake. Everyone had their own lives, their families and their careers to take care. Anupama, on the other hand, had become his closest friend during these hard times. She had not married again.

Anupama's mother, Vandana Sharma, had become a central minister in the cabinet and wielded high power and influence. Anupama would always be the one to congratulate him whenever he completed the race. She did not care if he won as long as he was not hurt.

Anupama did not care about her parents' power and wealth. She did not have thoughts about depending on them. Anupama, herself, was an accomplished individual, and her agricultural corporation was doing well. Even though this company was not established to be profit-oriented, it did become popular among the farmer communities and gained her a lot of reputation.

Anupama would take a few days from her busy schedule and would accompany Aditya in London, every three months. She would bring news of his other friends and relatives along with some fresh organic Indian agricultural produce from her farms. After all these years, Anupama had become a close friend with Amanda and would gossip about each other's life experiences from time to time.

The Raipath family was finished, and Aditya did not have to deal with any active threats. Amanda and her team easily dissolved the few dangers which he faced. She was a professional when it came to looking after his safety and beautifully accomplished her job.

In these years, Anupama and Aditya had quite a few beautiful memories with each other. They travelled all over the world. But it did no result in any romantic relationship. In a way, both of their hearts had long died. A thing like love became an unaffordable luxury for them. But they did share a special place in each other's lives.

Aditya was amazed when he saw how his life (dream) and Anupama's life had turned out to be in the Dreamworld. He was even more stunned when both of their lives intertwined again, after everything they had to go through. Each one brought support to the other during crucial times.

In all these dreams, Aditya still could not identify any piece of information that linked the 'Organisation' to the 'Dreamworld' or the origin of Tya. He had even begun to doubt his conjecture that these things were inter-linked.

Yu Yan had worn a white cotton shirt and a blue knee-length skirt. She had her hairstyle changed to a shoulder-length bob hair with side bang. Yu Yan also curled the ends of her hair for a delicate finish. It looked simple and pleasant when matched with her round face, dark pupils and a small nose. There was a pink coloured 'Hello Kitty' hairclip attached to her hair, which made her look even cuter than she was already.

Yu Yan leaned towards Aditya with her eyes closed as she enjoyed this moment with Aditya. Both of them heard the 'Moderato' part of Sergei Prokofiev's Flute Sonata as Yu Yan's personal project was based on this piece.

Aditya was impressed that Yu Yan had chosen such an intricate composition to study. Even though she was not required to play this high-level composition, it took guts to touch this classical work. Usually, upperclassmen in musical college played this composition.

"Are you sure that you want to do this?" Aditya asked Yu Yan as he removed the Airpod. Yu Yan confidently nodded as she giggled, " Aditya, you don't have to worry as I have been practising this tune for a long time. My father had always liked this tune, and I intend to play this work as a gift for my parents' wedding anniversary."

Aditya nodded as he asked, "So, how can I help you?"

"Aditya, could you please play the piano part of this composition for me? I want to make a recording of this composition and gift it to my parents," Yu Yan looked at Aditya with blinking eyes and pressed lips. The pitiful expression was skillfully achieved.

Aditya nodded and even before he had opened his mouth, Yu Yan had jumped and punched the air. Aditya grinned when he saw how this little girl was dancing. It might be hard for someone to play this composition without good practice, but Aditya was different. He could do it as long as his right hand was healed.

"When do you have to record this tune? I am going to need a week before my right hand is completely cured," Aditya added after Yu Yan had calmed down. Yu Yan nodded excitedly, "Don't worry, Aditya. My parents' anniversary is in the coming month. I will be leaving for Beijing at that time. It is alright as long as the work is done in this month."

"Oh, will you be going to Beijing?" Aditya asked as he stood up to leave. The bell will ring at any moment.

"Yes. My mother had recently risen in her position from the 'Foreign Affairs Ministry' to the 'Central Foreign Affairs Commission ', which is of the higher tier. She is currently a member of the 'Foreign Affairs Office'. Because of her promotion, my family has been invited to some wedding related to the top official. As it coincides with my parents' wedding anniversary, my mother asked me to come along. So yeah, I will have to leave next month," Yu Yan smiled as she held Aditya's left arm even if he did not need her support.

"Oh," Aditya nodded as he made way for his class, "Yu Yan, you should go to your class before it is too late."

"It's fine," Yu Yan shook her head and continued accompanying Aditya. She held onto his left arm firmly with her thin and delicate hands. Yu Yan could not be considered as tall, but she was not short either. Yu Yan seemed to be similar in height to Charita and Maahi.

Aditya sighed internally when he saw Yu Yan's actions. It does not take a genius to know that this little girl fancied him.

"Oh, little sister Yu Yan, how have you been?" a delicate, mature voice, like silver bells, was heard from behind.

A smile appeared on Aditya's face as he knew the owner of this voice. Who else could it be other than Maahi? Aditya and Yu Yan turned around to face the gorgeous woman, who was holding a few books in her arms.

Maahi was dressed in Indian formal ethnic clothes today. There was a dress code for both male and female teachers in the school. Even though the colour and design was not restricted, the type of clothes one could wear was limited.

Maahi wore a navy blue printed Kurta (a long tunic) and a pair of green trousers with a matching scarf (dupatta). The scarf was opaque and had an ethnic design on his border which complimented the whole dress. Maahi had a capable and stern aura around her. She looked a Yu Yan with a smile that was not a smile.

Yu Yan's face changed as she released Aditya's arm. The smile on her face faltered as she said, "I have been good, elder sister Maahi. It has been a long time since we met. How are you doing?"

Yu Yan had not forgotten the sharp tongue of Maahi when she insulted Anupama in the old school. She had dreaded Maahi a little, ever since. Even if Maahi had not done anything to her, Yu Yan's delicate and softhearted nature made it hard for her to get over that incident.

Maahi's eyes glinted as she said, "I am doing great, little sister. Thank you for asking. Have I disturbed you guys? Since I am going towards Adi's class anyway, let me drop him off. You can go back to your lessons. What do you say?"

Yu Yan nodded her head vigorously as she said, "Yes, elder sister Maahi. Aditya, bye. Have a good day." She turned and walked towards her school building with her head facing the ground.

"Maahi, you scared her away. Why do I feel that she is afraid of you? Do both of you share a history?" Aditya asked as he saw Yu Yan's departing figure.

"Nothing worthwhile to talk about, anyway. That girl is too soft, and I like it. You will have to handle her very carefully. A small harsh word is enough to break her heart, especially from you. Here is your lunch, don't eat at the cafeteria. I am planning to upgrade the canteen, but it will take a few days. Then, you can eat there," Maahi said as she handed a lunch box to Aditya. She walked away without waiting for him. Aditya also made way for his class as he mulled over Maahi's words about Yu Yan.