The Encounter

Akagi has been infected with something. Viral for sure, but he's a calm and open-minded man, after being infected with the virus he did not panic and think harder.

"What am I have become? This twisted tendrils on my back and arms!? Everybody know I been infected or worse case scenario, the Brittonia will come down here and take me, my mother, and Akiho for suspicion. they are also been infected and, and they will be shot. And. I...I have no idea how to deal with it because to my knowledge most of the humans whose have been infected that virus has died immediately due to massive organ failure, so why I am so special?"

He takes a sample of his blood and called Natsume again.

"Hey Natsume, are you still at your father's lab?"

"Just closing up, why?" Natsume replied,

"Don't close it! I am coming to your lab; I need to run some blood samples, so keep the lab open!"

"Okay, man, whatever I am just looking some porno mag until you come here,"

 "Natsume, you sicken me, take this seriously for this time, Sheesh!!" Akagi scolded.


Natsume little panicked and said "Alright, alright, no need to get mad, I will stay here"


"Alright then, I will be there soon as I can" after Akagi hangs up the phone. His skin look pale and dark sheds under his eyes have appeared.


Akagi brushing his teeth for that clean himself up, thinking, what is wrong with him? On the mirror, he sees a long swirling black biomass in form of a thin spiral black tendrils, swayed around his back.


"Aw!!!, what the fuck?" he yelled in horror, tries to rip that black fleshly tendrils off from his back, but that black tendrils-like thing tightly attached to his body. The tendrils somehow  differ from that twisted Tendrils lies under his skin, those are thick, beneath his skin, glowing in red and do not move.


"Get the... fuck... off!" he tried even harder. After a long struggle, the black Tendrils return to his body but he did not get these off from him. Akagi thinking to that, what is going to happen next, to his body? And then suddenly,


The door knocked, it was his brother returned from his tuition Akagi quickly grabbed a grey hooded jacket, put the hoods on his head for hide his face.

"Akiho, hey. Listen, I gotta urgent matter intend to, here have some money, tell mom I'll be late, bye,"

Akagi said, then leaves immediately.

"Hey where you going in this hour, Akagi?"

Akiho asked, but its already too late.

Without taking his glasses or explaining anything he rash off on a whim, although Akagi had given his brother a few money to buy his food because Akagi ate his share too. His brother got little suspicious on Akagi's erratic behaviour because he hardly see his face, rushing to leave.

But Akiho (Akagi's brother) ignores it. Akiho as a 15 years old, high school student, has dark blue hair, blue eyes, and wears square glasses, little stouter than his older brother and has pimples under his left eye.

Akagi walked down on the street, trembling each step forward. Unable to go to a hospital or his home. While walking randomly he reached a popular and expensive restaurant, through the glass, Akagi felt a small comfort. Seeing his right eye went back to normal. And randomly seeing the customers are eating in a restaurant.

 Again, Akagi lose control of his body. Driven by pure impulse jumped right through the glass, enters the Restaurant and starts to eat every food from everyone's plate. Eating from customer's table, eating from waiter's serving food for the table. He tried to eat every food in this restaurant.

Each food he ate, seconds later, forcefully had to spit out, every meat or steak he ate, unintentionally keeps saying that this thing is dead he want it alive. The customers felt disgusting and demand to call the manager. The manager soon arrive to stop Akagi, but he has no intention to stop, begin to rampage the restaurant, throwing tables breaking chairs, the manager and the other waiters again tries to stop forcefully.

The customer felt even more disgusted and tries to tell the manager for call the police, some of them just walk out the restaurant. Causing more mayhem in relatively peaceful Imperial Sector.

The manager has to call the police which Akagi overheard and able to escape in time.

Then Akagi reached in a small alley. Both legs continuously shaking, his whole body is in terrible shape, every portion of his body has in a immense amount of pain,

Eventually Akagi tired up, sits down a bit and rest for few minutes but suddenly came out from nowhere, same Brittonia soldier from that hospital, where Akagi was escaped ambushed  him in this state.

After the escape, the MRC scientist told them to find Akagi at all costs, after that, the four soldier splits up and try to finding him and keep the whole thing under wrap as possible.

Those restaurant incidents made easier for them to pinpoint him because Brittonia has a great influence over the local police, one street-dwelling soldier searching on his last sight and found him resting around a corner. He jumped at Akagi, grabs his neck and pushes him on the ground and said with sudden excitement.

"Aha! Found you freak! You're such a pain in the ass!", the soldier took out his gun and hit Akagi at the back of his head.

The Soldier thought that Akagi is been knocked down, turned backwards towards the main road side trying to contact the other soldiers, but Akagi haven't fully unconscious, he recovers and stood up without soldier's awareness, he approached slowly to chocked his throat, and lift the soldier's body up in the air.

Unable to breath, the soldier panicked, was able to jerk his dagger free from its sheath tried to attack Akagi but before he could jam it into his belly Akagi grabbed his wrist and slammed him down on the ground. Causing those black Tendrils to erupt from Akagi's both back shoulder, middle, and lower.

Total in six Tendrils grabs the soldier grounded body and start to dissolving it. The Soldier was very much alive when his body being ingested into; shouting and screaming when the spontaneous tendrils dissolving his body: a dark bodily fluid, absorbing all of the flesh inside and return back to Akagi's body.

After seeing the horrifying imagery, Akagi is both scared and confused. Felt disgusted of his own body.

"What is happening to me? Am I-I becoming a Mutant!? The soldier he, he, completely vanished and went inside of me." He waves his hand around the chest and stomach seeing where is the body had gone. "What am I suppose to do?! Shit!"

The pain, gunshots and the  injuries all heal up, even the paled skin and black eye sheds becomes normal. Akagi knelt down and summarise what he's about to do next.

But the three remaining come to the location and sees the whole ground is cover in that soldier's blood as well as Akagi's clothes. The soldiers imminently take out their guns and point toward Akagi, one soldier ranted to the other. 

"Don't move, we have to kill him he's too dangerous, take aim!"

But the other soldiers objects--

"But the Dr. Kornine said he wants him alive sir,"

"He ate Shiroki, (consumed soldier) Do you want us to be eaten too? Then do just as I fucking ask".

The elite Anti-mutant unit of Brittonian military have one sole purpose: To eradicate any rogue Mutant causing trouble in any TYZ's Sectors! After settling in Japan, Brittonia became a political party and expansionist Empire, their government became increasingly bent on expansionist policies and has sufficient amount of well trained Soldiers, they has been easily recognized by their Black and dark blue battle uniforms, tactical vests or combat webbing and sometimes wears a rounded black helmets and menacing gasmask.

"What am I going to do now, Are they going to kill me?",

Suddenly the same monotonous voice, echoed, instructed Akagi to use red-eye power; it has supernatural powers to save him from this situation: look direct to their eyes with all his emotions and sees what happens or die, doing nothing.

Lacking in options Akagi does as the voice told him to, he quickly he looks directly to soldier's eyes and unleashed all of its fury.

A yellow circular perimeter from Akagi's glowing red eyes and expands, and went farther towards the hostile band of soldiers before they get a chance to shoot him. After the yellow circle is passed them, their intention and personality both has changed. They drop their guns, fell down to their knees; beg for mercy in fear and waiting for his command.

Akagi is shocked to see such radical behaviour from the soldiers. A minute ago they ready to kill him and now they following his orders. Akagi nevertheless ordered them to take their guns, ran away and not bother him ever again. The Soldiers at once obeyed his order and run away.

Their mind has been manipulated from Akagi's right eye; he possesses an incredible Mind control ability. Along with mutant abilities, he is must be the first human variant created by the virus and having a beneficial results "I have a superpower ability," he accidently tells himself out loud, while intuitive smirk emerged from his face.

"Huh! A Supernatural ability, from a filthy human likes of you. You got be kidding me". A feminine voice heard by Akagi's behind. He turns around to see who it is, but received a kick to his back, falls on the ground.

"What the hell? Who is it? Akagi grumbled

 He opens his eyes and saw a teenage slender girl with dark blue eyes and short blue hair that is to shoulder-length. She is pale skinned, extremely attractive, and has curvaceous body-figure, for the pure radiant beauty made her appear as if an angel had descended from the heaven.  

Despite her angelic appearance, she doesn't seem so friendly. After a long graze with her cold sharp eyes, she suddenly asked,

"So you're the one with the superpower, rampage the other restaurant and tried to eat a live fish and crab? Kinder gross".

She went closer leaned forward towards him "Haven't seen you around here? Who the hell are you? What are you a doing in here?".

Once Akagi first saw her, he was speechless and only thought that occurred in his mind

"Wow! This girl is so beautiful; she could easily become a supermodel or something. But few seconds later he snapped out his fantasy and answered politely.

"One question at a time Miss, Well, Um... I'm just nobody, just to be passing by that's all" Akagi replied while sitting on the ground.


As response girl kicked Akagi right in the face. While her boots on his face she said directly--

"So since you are not telling me so easily, you looked like a human but still, you have some kind of glowing eye. What kind of hybrid are you and how about the blood on the ground and your clothes they are blood right, Or maybe a red ketchup perhaps?

After no respond from Akagi, the girl frowned, she was indeed  cute, also violent and well trained maybe be a hot-head and way too strong for poor, helpless Akagi.

"Enough, Misaki! He's not our enemy"

The man behind, command her to stop.

"Ah! Taka-san, he was roaming around near our restaurant and consumed a soldier or more, don't you think the other soldiers will look for him?" the girl said, turned her head behind,

The man is tall, well muscular and has a black well polish hair styled into black pompadour. He wearing a half hand tied black shirt and soil coloured army pant. He is shocked to see Akagi's widened  a mathematical plus pattern red eye and quite surprised to see that legendary glowing eye even exist. The man suddenly said

"Boy, you are coming with us. The owner wants to meet you"


"Mr Taka, are you sure about this? I mean" the girl said.


"Relax Misaki, he's harmless, beside he's in our territory"


"One of you, Who, Who are you people?"

Akagi nervously said, barely able to stand.


"You will have your answers, once we reach our bar, boy"

 After Taka's proposal, Akagi confused quite a bit of nervous and warring whom to trust.

"Bar, what bar, what's going on, I am not going anywhere?" Akagi stuttered,

Misaki quite pissed off, seeing Akagi's nagging;  a hot-headed girl such as her. Without saying anything, she punched Akagi in the face and gets him unconscious.

"Well it is the easy way, now hurry and pick him up, let's go, Mr Taka"

Mr Taka grabbed Akagi's unconscious body on his back and head back to their bar.