Making new friends?

Few weeks has passed. Akagi slowly knowing more about Mutants, As the first day in the job, Yamamoto has shows the managing office, where Akagi will going to work, gathering the documents and papers about the restaurant, all the usual stuff.

"Are you sure, you can rely on me for big responsibility such as this?"

"You will do just fine, at first time might be difficult handling the staffs, what they should or shouldn't do, but you once get hang on that, there will be no for you to worry"

Akagi nod with a smile "So, what am I going to do? I gather all information about restaurant's management but I really appreciate your opinion sir."

"Hahaha, you are the first manager asked me to my opinion." Yamamoto proudly laughed and slowly walks with help of his walking stick towards the office window and opens it, a flow of wind coming from the window then he asks him to look at it. Akagi comes near the window.

"See, the yellow zone, also known as commercial zone, lot of Mutants and middle class people lives here, many of them decided to make shops or stores. Now you see Shinsuke-kun, you don't have to work hard like the rest of us"

"Huh! I don't understand."

"This place is a covers, a front."

"A cover?"

"Yes a cover, most of the civilized Mutants who wants to live in peace, they often using shops or any commercial business as a front, for hiding their true identities. The Friendo's bar is either popular nor unpopular around this area, most of the people sees as a regular snack bar and family restaurant and I like it this way, you have to make this mild as possible, if you make the bar more it might become Brittonia's soldiers for hang out place for them. We don't want this to be happened, would we?"

Yamamoto explained the life of the Mutants in TYZ and the Imperium States,

"On many Imperium colony, Mutants are quickly abandoned by their parents and have to quickly learn how to take care of themselves. They are almost always the worst off people in Brittonia's society. It is very rare to find a place that will tolerate them and not discriminate against them. However TYZ are a paradise for Mutants compared to most parts of the world.

Desperately seeking some form of acceptance, many mutants join rebellious cults. Most of these cults simply condemn the faults of Imperium society but others abandoned the basic civility and produce chaos to take what they want or plan rebellion. These cults are banged of corrupt mutants due to the discrimination they have suffered. On most nations of the worlds mutants are not allowed to carry weapons for fear of rebellion just like two major rebellions in Imperium States."

After the basic information Yamamoto's command Akagi,

"Now go down to Misaki, she will introduce you to the rest of the staffs."

Akagi again nods put his glasses and went downstairs.

The restaurant has two floors upper floor has family restaurant along with the owner personal room and the manager's office where Akagi will be working, it also features a separate entry and exit for those people who only wants to eat not to visit the bar and ground floor has the bar, kitchen and staff's personal rooms.

When Akagi reaches the downstairs he sees his brother Akiho, setting on table eating a cheese sandwich and black coffee, Misaki standing right beside Him. After seeing his brother in the Restaurant, "What are you doing in here Akiho?"

Akagi questioned his brother in a serious tone.

"Well, I was going my way to school but suddenly I saw your restaurant, thought I might visit you in. After entering, I saw no one in there."

Akiho points his finger on Misaki,

"Then this girl saw me, welcomed me to sit and offered this delicious meal for free, since I was hungry, I thought why not" he smiles at Misaki and said

"Thank you for the treat."

"No need to say thank me, it's my pleasure."

Misaki response in a fruity voice.

A few days ago Akagi told his Mother and brother that he got a part time job on a restaurant, his mother was extremely happy heard about it, she always said Akagi to get a part time job, she even mentioned him as spoil lazy brat, from his mother Akiho knew that his brother got a job in the restaurant. After eat his meal Akiho is about to leave but he was stopped by Akagi.

"Hey, you should pay for this, I know mom gave you the money for lunch."

Akiho pulled his face toward Akagi before leaving from the restaurant.

"He isn't going to change, I sure he will spent all that money in gambling."

Akagi heavily exhaled in disappointment.

After Akagi's bother gone Misaki pulled a bubble gum from her pocket and puts in her mouth, starts chewing, spoke out from Akagi's back, went again went cold as normal,

"Make sure that you perform well, Yamamoto was the one who assigned you as such our manager. Don't disappoint him."

"Yeah, I get it."

"Hey Misaki!"

Akagi called before she wander off his sight,


"Well I'm..."

Akagi sighed, reluctant at first then he spoke out clearly.

"I'm sorry for saying such things yesterday, I was so anxious and confused, then you know.."

Despite Akagi's apologies, Misaki showed no response in return, coldly went towards the kitchen,

Seeing her rudeness, Akagi frowned, pissed off than again he kept silent, slightly unhappy.

Misaki realised that she was acted little rough on him, she asked Akagi,

"You don't know anything about the Lex Unit, so let me tell you briefly."

She focused her eyes on Akagi,

"They kills both Mutants and humans, whoever who holds radical thoughts, the military police force found those and throw them without even asking what they guilty of. Not any of that scares me",

Misaki gritted her teeth, clenched her hand,

"If somehow the suspect got any family, they first kill the target they tasked, then going to take everyone from the family including women and children. Put in the MRC's laboratory, from there they become living test subjects; MRC scientists will keep on experimenting until they found anything that helps them to get rid of them. In their eyes, they are the same."

Akagi was surprised to see Misaki's true intentions, he down his head in regard thinking "I am a fool, she just thinking about everyone safety, including Akiho and mine and I shouted on her likes an immature brat."

he slowly lower his voice.

"You don't have to worry about me, I am just a student."

After the conversation, Misaki replied nothing and goes to the kitchen's front door but she suddenly stopped,

while she is on the Kitchen's door turn on her eyes toward Akagi and said "Oi, four eyes" Akagi turns his eyes on Misaki holding the one hand on the door "Don't just stand there, come along, there some people, the owner would like to meet" Akagi smiles and follow her.


Few weeks earlier

Masamune and Tomotaki in on the on their way to the Brittonia's base.

While them on the transport, Tomotaki shouted because the Dropship's engine was so noisy.

"How's the view?"

"Well, it's not all that bad, I see normal people roaming on streets, chatting to other people, driving cars and going to their usual work, I do see many Brittonia's patrols on the checkpoints when I see closely, most of the people wearing green face mask, I expected to be lot worse, when you mentioned passing by the Red zone and even expected to see dozens of zombies on every corner of the streets."

Tomotaki laughed at Masamune's statement,

"Because you only see the West Red zone is a quarantined zone where citizens are under suppression of Brittonia. It is heavily influenced by the military police or the Wall Guarding Troops who guard the front wall however it is extremely regulated. If civilians decide to travel, they have to proceed through multiple checkpoints. This Zone is overcrowded with camps and shanty towns of refugees while the virus slowly grows here. The East Red zone is about to come."


"Yep, you heard right, because the river Red zones has divided into two zones but trust me there is a huge difference between the two zones, you'll see."

Masamune thought back to his history book, before the outbreak, Tokyo peaceful once, but the Mutant race suddenly appeared and mixed around the civilian population, and soon after, huge human population starts to disappearing. Later found out that mutants were responsible for the disappearance.

These beings consume or absorbed the whole human bodies' biomass, for increasing their power or healing wounds.

However they intention was clear when they started a revolution against the Government, and killing everyone including the prime minister and the major politicians in order to seize governing power over the populace.

Humans recognised the threat and planned to get rid for them because they also created a fully-fledged Civil War over the city, killing thousands for accomplished their goals.

The old government called Brittonia to handle this situation, once they arrived, they quickly created a new division unit called the Lex specially to counter Mutants. That's how the Lex unit is born. From then, it's very hard to kill the Mutants, because they have 7 times of the physical strength, speed, dexterity especially and one of the greatest Mutant's ability is to shape shift, some Mutants can easily escaped from Brittonia soldier's assaults by consuming humans and take their forms and never be found once escapes, for those reasons they decided to study in Mutants even more.

After a long time researching, they had developed a chemical named it VX-1118 or the Darkfallen. The chemical was synthesized from Fallen, an antibacterial Mutagen commonly found from Mutant's blood.

The program was to create a cure for the cancer, but it went wrong turned out to be a virus spread the Eastern side of former Tokyo and spread westward it effecting on the human whose came into the contact with the virus. Instead of becoming Mutants, they all died for organ failures and became walking dead and started to infect all the non-infected.

Hopefully Brittonia and it's military quickly seal off all the entry and exit for the infected walkers to come.

For their quickness, they will able to save many humans lives and they are still the real hero of TYZ and this country. The outbreak name as the Catosphatopic Outbreak that swaps the half of the entire city population, within a few years they pushed all the walkers to the East-Red zone and divided the city into five zones and exit the city has impossible for normal people. The Darkfallen project was meant to be the end for Human suffering but it just had been started.

Soon Masamune went back to the real world and about to see the conditions of the East-Red zone.

*Zezeze...* The Dropship's engine blowing crossed the wall, the zone walls were created by Brittonia to prevent the walkers and the infection each zones division because the zone wall, the walls are 50 foot , full concrete made with Razor-sharp fencing and watch towers with heavy armed soldiers authorised to kill any trespassers tries to cross the wall, in each 100 metres along with the walls.

He widened his eyes for surprise to see East-Red zone, the Zone portrays a nightmarish vision where the Darkfallen virus has completely overrun the city's shattered skyscrapers and population, with infection and the risk of death at every corner. This is the zone where some dangerous Mutants resides, and is crawling with deadly creatures. It is the deadliest out of the five zones and is mainly populated by Infected. There are few to none civilians, in the southern and northern parts of the zone respectively, the Black Zone, the darkest most grimmest part of TYZ.

"Holy Shit"

Seeing his astonished face, Tomotaki chuckled

"Told you."

Masamune nodded his head and said,

"The Walkers are everywhere, nearly thousands of them walking on the road, thousands of empty cars on the road, toured traffic lights and the building nearly about to collapse."

"If someone thrown to the road, the walkers going to turn the person apart devour their flesh, well good thing is Darkfallen is a slow virus, it takes lot of time to spread, even years to overrun the East-Red zone, speaking of which The East zone only consists of 3 Sectors of Eastern side of TYZ , its a small area."

"I'm wonder how many people have died"

Tomotaki pat his hand to Masamune's shoulder,

"Don't be, because we had entered the green zone, the biggest, organised and safest of all."

Masamune looked by the window of the Dropship

he was shocked by what he saw. The huge skyscrapers in every direction many of them have massive moving advertisements on them.

Tomotaki saw Masamune's gaping face and chuckled,

"By looking at your face, let me guess you've never seen the Green zone."

"Yeah, I have born in yellow zone and mostly grow up there."

Tomotaki points his finger on the biggest and tallest building of the Tokyo "That's the Brittonia's Headquarters" the front of the building Imperium of Brittonia name is mentioned in golden colours alphabets

"How do they make that? It's huge."

The building was full covered in non- transparent glass. The helicopter is about to land on the top of the Brittonia's HQ.



Akagi enters the kitchen, he sees three normal people dressing for work, Misaki waves her hand towards them,

"There is our staffs, I will introduce them one by one"

Akagi nods. She moves towards Fukuda Taka,

"You already know Taka-san, he was with me when we're first meat. He's our cook, he can cook and prepare any kinds of snacks, and hot dogs, and burgers, taco, and you name it".

"Ha-ha, I'm not a big of deal."

Taka laughed forwards his hand,

"Well good to see you Shinsuke-kun"

"Same here."

"Now behind Taka-san, there are Shimamiya Yata, and Hasemi Ryūsaku, our waiters" They reposed with hello and hi to Akagi. He is quite surprise to see living Mutants standing in front of him and without saying anything he nods to them and start to observe them.

"After I see them, they appear quite normal to me, Yata is tall, slim, has brown hair with a ponytail and wears egg-shaped glasses and the other one, Ryūsaku, he is tall but not so tall as Yata's, but he has brownish-black hair is combed backwards and is very spiky and green eyes. But it is too early to a make a assumption, I don't know what this guys capable of."

"Um... Mayumi-san? "


"You said, four people in the kitchen but I see three people here, where the forth one?"

But suddenly something big stands behind him, Akagi turns his head backwards to see, he completely shocked


A huge man with big belly grey beard that reach up to his chest, brown skinned and wearing a green pagri, the man growing Akagi with serious manner, Akagi leaning forward widens his eyes and asks the man,

"Are you... a Sikh?" The man questions with heavy tone more angrily manner "Oh! So, what do you know about Sikhs?"

Akagi turn his head looks around the people in the kitchen, everyone keeps quiet all the sudden, growing at him.

"Answer me boy, I asked you a question" the man constantly staring at him, Akagi shrugged off and answers, "Well not much, all I know is that Sikh are people associated with Sikhism, a monotheistic religion that originated in the 15th century, in the Punjab region in the northern part of the Indian subcontinent, based on the revelation of Guru Nanak. Why did you asked?".

Misaki including everyone suddenly bug out, because he's got right answer that no could when they first meat him.

The man with serious face magically disappeared, he smiles, throws back of his head laughing.

"Hahaha hahaha! Correct I'm surprised you got right answer, I am Dipon Singh, the dairy maker, the owner told me there is a new substitute Manager here and here you are, pretty small don't you think?"

Akagi presses his lips into a thin lines thinking,

"I got the answer from a Geography book, one of the chapters contains northern parts of Indian subcontinent and You're wrong about one thing, I am not small, you are just big".

Dipon quits his laughing "Well, I did scare you back then."

"Yo! Hello, what are you doing? It's no time to chat, Get back to work we're opening soon" Dipon obeys and gets back to Bar's storages. Akagi looks at Taka

"Um... I got a minor concern he's..."

"Oh, relax, he's just joking around He means no harm, he's too much obsessed about his religion since they're minors he asked everyone to relate to and gets pissed when someone gives the wrong answer." Taka waves a hand, tell Akagi to relax himself however when he looked up,

"Oh shit!, look at the time, it opening time" Misaki waves her hand on the staffs "You guys, hurry up and get back to your stations!". Everyone quickly get back and ready to starts.

Akagi looks at everyone, professionally Handling the staff Masaki suddenly standing behind him.

"Oi, Four-eye!"

That call suddenly anxious Akagi, he turns his head and looks at Misaki, pointed her finger towards exit door.

"Go with Yata and Ryūsaku-san to dining table they can handle the rest, you must know what to do, Taka, Dipon and I will take care of the kitchen." Misaki hoarse, at Akagi like his boss,

"Now go!"

she went back to her work place, even after she gone out of sight Akagi lower his eyebrows, displease by her bossy attitude.

"Whoa, what the matter with her, can't she spoke to me, softly. But never mind of that now on to business."

Akagi have to take a huge responsibility with his new friends.