Acknowledgement part 2

Lex new recruit Hyoubu Masamune and his partner Nakajō Tomotaki arrived at Brittonia's Headquarter. The second tallest skyscraper in the city, for this reason, other skyscrapers surrounding the Green zone are looking tiny compare to the Brittonia's HQ, the exterior of the skyscraper filled mirrors impossible to see from the outside.

The Dropship landed on the Rooftop in the helipad, Masamune and his partner got out and getting an elevator.

The wind strongly blowing for the height, while on the elevator going up Masamune notices another skyscraper across the HQ, two of the Skyscraper mostly is in the same height.

Masamune points his finger of that building,

"What's that? That building is also huge like our HQ plus there is a Golden Globe on its top, that's Amazing."

"Oh that. That's is MRC's Headquarter, the tallest building of the world, nearly 203 floors on that skyscraper, mostly are in for research, Biology, Chemistry, Biomechanics, Weaponry Technology, Quantum Physics, anything"

"Wow! So The Empire's Imperium States are the most developed country in the world after all."

"More or less."


the lift arrived they entered the glass made left, Tomotaki pressed the second floor, left goes down, Masamune noticed that the lift floor bottoms, the Brittonia's Headquarter contain 173 floors addition 3 and 4 floors are in the underground

*Ting* lift reached the 2nd floor,

Tomotaki smiled, wish luck Masamune,

"Alright now go straight then right you'll find room 2b there's Lex new recruits conference, go there, I'll pick you up once the conference is over, best of luck."

Masamune enters the room and sees dozens of new recruit already sitting there; he finds a sit and wait. Not long after a Brittonia uniform wearing, a mid-age stocky build man fair skin, Wrinkle on his cheek and forehead brown eyes and brown spiky short hair entered the room.

Everyone stands up with attention, Masamune does the same,

"Gentlemen at ease."

After everyone sits down including the entered Soldier "My name is Major Mizuki Takezō, I am also the instructor while you are in the Brittonia"

he pulls his chair towards the desk the drops fade yellow a file on to the desk,

"Like ordinary I will follow the same protocol for you newbie, alright, so I start from the beginning."

He picked a remote from the desk and a wade pen like object from his pocket, he pressed the pen's button sky blue light appeared at the bottom of that pen, a pen is actually a scanner designed to scanning text files.

After scanning the fade yellow file that, Major was carried four small marble balls appeared from the middle of that pen scanner, he pressed a button on the remote, all window screens starting to shut down the room is now dark, Major Mizuki throws the marble on the floor. The marble produce a 3D holographic image of a Mutant's body

Mizuki walks, informing the new recruit,

"OK, as you can see, this is a diagram of a normal Mutant, our enemies, not all but their high class, are responsible for major Rebellions, two bloody civil wars and thousands deaths, and you all thought the contained outbreak is bad, now look closely." Mizuki points the hologram's parts,

"their body parts are the same as we are, same respiratory, their brain works the same as ours, same reproductive system, genders etc. But!"

he slides his finger on the next image, the image changed with their nerves system, a tiny red spots on their nerves appeared

"That's tiny little spots are the Fallen, a Mutagen, for that chemicals Mutants has the ability to transform their limbs into a weapon, with also have other abilities like shape shifting, inhuman strength, speed, dexterity.

Mutants are divided into different types, Offensive and Defensive types according to their Noryoku types they formed Seaks in order reform consumption. Here comes the best part, these Superhumans have a weakness."

He slides another image,

"Mutants seems to be affected with Antamentium metals and Anti-Viruses."

he smiles spinning his arm crossed them, looking at everyone,

"The Lex special weapon the Cubes are made of Antamentium metals with filled with Anti-Fallen, a strong effective and perfect weapon for fighting against Mutants.

While a Mutant can withstand and regenerate many injuries while getting hits from our cubes, they will be weakened by serious injuries such as losing limbs, arms, legs, toes and even waist. It will need to consume something in order to fully heal, anything with organic substance; if they take too many serious injuries, they can become too weak to regenerate and eventually dies. Look they maybe look, act even enchanting than humans but trust not in their appearance for the Mutants are as utterly alien to us, honest men as the vile and savage. They are capricious and fickle, we gave Mutants so many chances to reform themselves but they won't, attacking without cause or warning. There is no understanding them for there is nothing to understand – they are a random force against our mighty Empire.

Another easy way to kill a mutant is to chopping their heads or preaching their hearts with cubes or burns them to the point they longer exists, any question?"

Masamune raises his hand and stands up "Sir, to my knowledge Mutants cancan surviving without hurting anybody, Then why they do consume humans?"

Mizuki leans forward a bit, answered Masamune's curious question,

"Private, do you know why they consume, the way they do? Mutilated, brutalized, human beings, make them disappeared because they want human's Biotium, fresh bio-matter is acquired by consuming living organisms. Along with regeneration, Biotium is also used to transform a Mutants' body into a deadly weapon or create protective armour to defend them and most of importantly, we can't argue with Mutants, those are the species whom believes themselves to be automatically superior to all humans."

Mizuki roams his head to others, gazing around the new recruit for find any doubts.

"If you don't have any questions then I will bring this conference to the end, you dismissed."

He goes back to his desk to pick up things.

"Those of who got their partner go to the Cube's production facility, it's in the 54thfloor, pick a cube"

Everyone gets out and chatting one another on the way out except Masamune, still standing thinking about the comment that Mizuki had made he thought with a anger mind. "That's the reason my parents were died, that's why Mutants killed them for power" he clenched his hand very tightly "If that true, they will pay, all of them"

After that he got the room without saying anything, he joined with Tomotaki outside the 2b room and went upwards to the Cubes productions facility.


After a long human type run, Akagi finally reached the Supermarket he sees Misaki was leaning on the bike, when Akagi reaches here; she unzips the jacket but still wearing it.

It appeared to be a full sleeve white t-shirt under her jacket, she pick a bubble gum chewing in the market with him.

Akagi looks at the two lists and hands the other one to Misaki "OK, here's the list pick up all items and head to the counter quickly while I do the same"

Misaki speaks while chewing the gum "Oh, Why is that?"

Akagi looks at the crowd in the supermarket "I don't comfortable with large people, I felt like they staring at what I buying"

She narrows her eyes and sighs, feeling awkward "Ahh?? You're kind of awkward, you know that"

Akagi replies with no surprise, looking straight to the market "Yeah, I know, many people says the same thing. Well let's find a cart shall we?" Akagi goes forward, pick two carts and casually says "Its lot of items, so we divided into the market, find all items on the list and then we meet here" he hands one cart to Misaki "Here, you can't handle so many items just your hands" she picked the cart and they goes different directions. After half an hour later, Akagi is mostly completed the list he's on to his way to the shop counter but he suddenly encounter few men. It was Sudo and his three sidekicks, the bully who thrown Akagi's bag to the dustbin.

Sudo amusingly laughs "Well, well, look who's here, our dear old nerd genius Shinsuke" he angrily points his fingers straight to Akagi "You're going pay for my bike and It's look like you got lot of cash inside your pocket only reason you would shop so much" he sees his sidekicks and signals them by moving his neck leftwards, his men surrounding Akagi.

Akagi anxiously thinks "What will I do? Those guys aren't looking very friendly; I don't even run with my heavy cart beside". Before Akagi do anything, some of his man tightly grabs Akagi's neck the others grabs hands and searched his pockets. They find lots of cash that the owner had given him, after they obtained the money, they threw Akagi aside"

Akagi glowering "Give it back you bastard, it's not mine"

Sudo grins "Hehe, Why don't you take it from me, you fucking freak".

Little that Akagi knows, Misaki behind him for the whole time, hearing everything, she very quickly walks towards Akagi grabs his neck and pulled him behind her. Akagi noticed that she had heard everything,

Misaki asked politely but serious voice to return the cash. Sudo and his friends hilariously laughs at them teasing Akagi "Do you heard what she just said" Sudo looked asides at Akagi's downed face "Hey! Shinsuke, I don't know that you got a girlfriend?" Sudo glazing Misaki "damn, She's cute, how about this, why do join us, I could buy you a drink if you want" he slowly approached her, while Misaki stayed silent hides her eyes behind her hair. Sudo plays with her hair by politely rolling it with his fingers "You know, it's no good hanging with this guy, he's just a book worm but my father is goddamn rich he even ties with Brittonia. Be mine and I 'll shows you anything that you want, I don't usually make such an offer but you're so beautiful, I couldn't resist myself". Sudo tightly grabbed her rolled hair "What you say, girly?"

Akagi disgusted by Sudo's actions, he frowned "You, rich fuck! since you have the power that makes you right? That makes you feel superior from us, if you feel that way, then there is no need of you to live, I wish you all just die"

Sudo raises his eyebrows "Uhh? What was that? You want me dead" He exhausts "I don't feel to beat you real good as always, but my boys will teach you a proper lesson for me, get him boys" he ordered.

After a long rambled Misaki grins "You, pieces of shit humans, you and your fucking rambling never stops"

Sudo surprised "Huh? What dare you, you whor..."

Misaki interrupts "Here the Idea, why don't you fuck your buddies instead" she removed Sudo's hand and grabs his last two fingers "If they don't agree, better yet, you have jerk off yourself with your filthy hands" then she breaks it. Sudo stepped back from her falls down holding his hand, yelling in pain "Araghh!!!"

Misaki sadistically smirked "Oh, Shit!" she slowly smacks a palm on her forehead in disappointment "It looks like, you got a three finger left of your right hand" she shrugged her both shoulders "Well I guess you've to try jerking with your left hand for now on.

Sudo's lackey attacks her, from her back, Misaki dodges from first lackey's attacks then punch right to his stomach, second lackey tries to seek from her back and blow a punch, she couched down then stands up very quickly from the second lackey's back and delivered an elbow right to his neck.

Akagi is just stunned to see her speed and quickness in action "She is slim yet strong build body, for her slimness she is able to move quickly and dodge those men" he thought.

The last lackey was still unharmed, he shacking in fear to see Misaki coming towards him. He shacked body puts his pocket bringing out the stolen money to her "Here, You can take it, I got no problem, please don't hurt me" Misaki snatches the money from him.

Misaki puts the money in her pocket, "OK, I better get out here and don't forget take your pals with you"

"Ye...yes ma'am" the Lackey was so scared that he somehow managed to take three of them and ran away as fast as he can.

Misaki sighs in disappointment "Those guys had no bone" she looked at Akagi and said "Those guys stole your money? You're a goddamn mutant now for God's sake, at least try to defend yourself from bullies"

Akagi understood what she meant, he downs his head for while, then up his head in concern "But they're well connected with Brittonia. Don't you worry what happens next?"

Misaki replied "They're going to do nothing, I knows this type of people, they only thing they can do is to brag not to do anything" Misaki sighs and speak again "I know, we need to stay in low profile but when I see someone has bulled. I can't help to punch them right to the face, I'll never stand those who would judge someone without knowing them or how they feel, just doing it for their amusement" she looked at her hand tightly, holding it remembering something from her past then she relaxed and released it, she noticed Akagi deeply listening, she down her head "I'll talk to Yuji to teach you some martial arts to protect yourself, you know, he was a martial art instructor"

Akagi interrupts "Yeah, I kind of know already, once I saw his strong build body"

Misaki agreed "Anyway, it's a lot of stuff, come on, let's cash it then let's go home".

Akagi and Misaki purchased the items and exited the market after apologising everyone in the supermarket for the troubles.

After they got out Akagi noticed that it's too heavy items to carry to the Restaurant, he sees Misaki starting her bike.

"Get on" Misaki suddenly said,

Akagi is confused by that "Huh? What do you mean?"

Misaki exhales "I said "get on", on my bike I mean, I'll drop you there, and it looks like you don't carry those bags on your own"

Akagi overly surprised to see her kindness despite she is a cold-hearted woman. He put the bag on the bike and he gets on with holding hands behind the bike's handle. While Akagi asked about two ladies temporary staying together, at first she unwilling to told him that, keeping on telling him that their none of his business, just ignore them, but Akagi kept on Insisting, finally Misaki takes a deep breath, and explained their situations. Akagi understand entirely well how they and Misaki feels because he also had been chased by Brittonia.

A few blocks from Friendo's, Misaki parked her bike in house garage that belongs to an old man; Misaki always parks her bike at his house with his permission.

On the way walking to Friendo's, Akagi noticed a vending machine across the street "Hey, would you hold the bags for me Mayumi-san, I been right back" he gives the bags to her and running to the machine.

Misaki tries to stop him "Hey! Where you going?" Then she realised that he buying something from the vending machine when he gets back to her, purchased a can of cola.

She noticed the Can and she again nags him "You could told me that you wanted a drink before you ran"

Akagi narrow his eyes "It's not mine you idiot, it's your, consider my treat for helping me on the market".

Misaki was totally exclaims about his offer "What do you mean? That you are seriously going to give me this cola can?"

Akagi gets annoyed, he pressed his lips together into a thin line "That's I said" he looks away to enter his memory, "When I was in middle school I used to stole few coins from my mom's purse and then buy that cola, the way back from school",

Still Misaki hesitated to take it

"What's the matter? Did you never get a treat from a boy?" said Akagi

She avoids eye contact and muttered "Umm, No, I don't usually get a treat or any gift from a Half Mutant hybrid"

Akagi huffed "Puff, just take it, that contain peppers, that makes it even spicy" he close the cold Can near her cheek.

She gave the bags to him and finally takes it

*Ka-Click Pop KcSsshhhh...*

She opened the can and starts to drink it. After drinking it she realised that Akagi was right about the cola, it's spicy, that she likes. She looked down at her feet and mumbles

"Thanks...I guess"

Akagi smiles and crossed his arms "See, I knew you like spicy things".

Misaki secretly smiled "Let's go numbskull"

And then they're on their way to Friendo's. From that moment he acknowledged that Mutants are not only looked human, they also behave like a them.

Before they reached the Bar, they ran Minamoto Nagako the elder sister, Akagi first time he sees her. She is young woman with blue eyes, long blonde hair tied into two side-twintails with black ribbons, she also put black pins making an "X" cross on her bangs. wearing a grey wool made wavy sweater.

"Minamoto, are you going somewhere?" Misaki asked

She smiles "Yes, I going to buy some clothes for us since we both one clothes for us"

After that she suddenly worried about something, she hesitates "Misaki, may I ask you something? If you don't mind"

Masaki Anxiously says "What is it? What's the matter?"

Minamoto sighs "A man with spiky fade blue hair appeared to your restaurant, sitting on the tables looking for the Manager, he said he's one of your associates, I do trust your associate but he seems like a odd person, I left Miyoshi (Nagako's little daughter) in the Restaurant, I slightly worried".

After Misaki heard that she runs straight to the Restaurant. Akagi is also run behind her thinking while running "Who could it be this stranger man? And why is want with the Manager, I mean, why is he wanted from me?" Akagi now desperate to see him, strange man.