The Tendrils

Battleground about to start, Akagi has no experience in this field. He looked at other contestants, see how they react in this situation, two of them are looking brave and muscular possibly courageous, two of them has no idea what's going on they are scrawny and scared as hell, they beg on the ground even doesn't know how to use their Noryoku, holding hands very tight on their head. And the last one is confusing, he's blonde hair, neither brave nor scared just looking at the front.

Akagi ignored them and focused "The place looks like the illegal fighting ground, that bastard Tomita, sell me out to fight" he knits his eyebrows for regard "Damn! I am a such an idiot, knowing that Misaki warns me about this, I've still gone there" he calms down "OK, it's no time for regards, I have no choice but to win the game, It looks like we're in a closed dome for entertainment purposes, some kind of hide and seek game, well the Maze is looking very large, right move for me to hidden quick and stay quite but... " he looked at the VIP centre above the crowd, it belongs to the organizer, "What's the meaning of this, what they intend to deal with us?"

Soon ground pull back into the wall, the players jumped on the ground enters the maze's starting point. When they dropped in the ground.

Suddenly microphone buzz out again, the Commentator who spoken a few minutes ago warns them about something "Oh remember kids, There is Blackwatch technology collared belt tried on to your neck when time is over the collar called Mutants Restrainer will below up your head off.

If you plan to hide the whole game not attempt to grab the key from the Bull Man" he clearly his throat "Well you're in deep shit"

From that warning, Akagi's plan is ruined he have to the fight in order to survive. He looked again at other contestants to see how they doing in this situation.

Some of them looking at the crowd, the other just weeping continuously.

The speaker again spoke "Now, ladies and gentlemen I'll present to you, your favourite, your champion, the undefeated brute the Bull Man....."

The stop light hits on the giant screen, from the other side from the entrance door. A seven foot tall, massive muscular body with 8 abs Russian bald man with a ox face tattoo in his chest walks in, he is holding a very heavy medieval black axe, wearing an outfit that similar to the European medieval period executioner, when he entered through the gate audience had gone nuts, cheering for him as he wears his black bull mask ready to execute everyone.

From there in the VIP room in the glass shield, Tomita Mitsumasa is sitting in a luxurious sofa with a wealthy human who owns Oil Company named Ali watching the match.

Ali is a fat old geezer wants nothing but watch murder and bloodshed, he also with his two of his personal bodyguards and three bunny outfit girls to serve him, Ali is arrogant and egoistic bastard who takes pleasure humiliating people, when he arrived at Tokyo, he saw Mutants as a brutal, savage animals.

He thought an idea run a business from putting Mutants in the cage and watched them as they ripped each other apart as a show. And now he organised this gambling arena for Humans bet on who going to survive, he practically owns all of the Battleground.

He employ Tomita Mitsumasa to capture unique but young Mutants and fight in an arena.

Ali continuously insult Tomita as he back to back losing to him, though he was doing it for built trust, but now he had enough, Tomita bets on Akagi to win the match, to show Ali a taste of defeat. Not only he bets on Akagi just because he is a Blacklight created Mutant, he gains very information of him.

After the match starts everyone spread out into the Maze where the gigantic man meat with a big axe coming the opposite way, as the lights turned down, audience keeps quiet and looking at the night version TV screen

From the rest of them, Akagi seems moving very slowly and carefully. 15 minutes is gone, "Armagh!" "Arrrrrrggggh!!!" "Noooooo!!! Don't kill me! ", Akagi heard multiple screaming from everywhere.

Ali and Tomita could see everything from above, every life the Bull man take, Ali constantly laughing at them well as Tomita for bringing such slow life Mutants, Ali wagered on that Bull man as he undefeated in this arena.

Ali smug looking at Tomita's calm face "What's the matter? You won't seem not to enjoy the this shit show" he lean on the sofa "I going to win this round as always , one or two contestants remains, You should bring Mutants that have balls", Tomita clenched his hand and watch Akagi play.

Akagi seemly didn't know himself where is he going, every screaming sound as they killed in any corner in the maze, the crowd thrills for the entertainment, light coming from the small bulbs every 50 meter in the Maze, specially designed to provide little help the contestants, all that horrible conditions that messed up Akagi's brain.

While walking Akagi slowly, he suddenly fully stopped at the two way turn, only one thing roaming around his head in any turn he'll choose that Bull man waiting to slice Akagi. He set a minor trap for insurance and went to right direction, he looked at right he saw one of brave contestant yelled when he looked at Akagi for the first time he terrified and

He yells "Who's there!?" he recognised him as another contestant, both he and Akagi relieved to see each other

The brave contestant spoke to Akagi "Look everyone dead expect we two" he looked at the clock "We don't much time 10 minutes remaining we need find and take keys from the Bull man" he thinks "And how about this I distract Bull man, you'll grab the key..." .

Suddenly Akagi seen a shadow behind that contestant, he quickly gets up and tried to warms him, *Shhhhhunk* the bull-man easily amputated the man head as red fluid gushing out from his neck.

Before his headless body hits the ground, Bull Man vertically cuts in half the man's body. Left side half falls down, half of his rib cage crush down with follows up with his intestines coming out from his stomach like a over boiled cup noodles.

To saw that image, Akagi was about to vomit, he somehow pressed his mouth and swallow it.

The bull-man glowering at Akagi like a real black bull, he ran straight for to the Maze, a few metres running then he suddenly slipped down and landed his hand on a squishy thing, he looked at the hand felt sticky he closely looked at it and found he's entire hand filled with blood, and the squishy thing turned to be one of the contestant's ripped out heart along with some contestant's pulled out torso.

In very difficulties Akagi was still keeps quiet and hide in the shadows while the Bull man, still finding him.

"Where are you piggy? Piggy, Piggy, Piggy, Piggy, I won't you hurt you, just come out" the bull man taunting Akagi,

Giving the situations, Akagi comes out with a plan, he saw the flat rectangular shape key hanging around the bull man's neck like a necklace and his bull mask contains large eye holes on it. About his plans he felt little gross, but he has no other way.

7 minutes remaining, he picked the ripped out heart and went quietly close to the Bull-man,

Once he saw Akagi, he tries to attack but Akagi dodged his attacks and pressed the heart right to the Bull-man face, heart contained blood poured at the Bull-man's eyes "Araghh!!!!" the man dropped the axe and screams in etching he holding his eyes "Ahhhhhh!! My eyes, my eyes! I can't see, I can't see!!!" step back from Akagi before the Bull-man step a leg.

Akagi very quickly placed the heart where the man going to stepped. Once the bull stepped on the slippery heart, he falls down, for this opportunity he ran for taking the key from The Bull-man. Akagi grabbed the key from the man's neck.

Because of the low light, Akagi had so difficulty put the key into the look.

While desperately trying a suddenly a hock grabbed Akagi's collar jacket and pulls him down, after he falls down on the ground,

He saw same expressionless blonde hair man takes the key from him and went the way where Akagi had come "See you, in hell, Asshole" the blonde shouts while running.

The Blonde man's plan was to follow the Bull Man from behind while undetected, any contestant are successful, and he immediately grabbed the key from them and wins. Its takes easy to fight a low life Mutant then a huge monster, when blonde man turned left side where the trap is, he trip and fell for a thin 10cm height copper wire tightly tied from two ends.

Akagi knew that he fell from his small trap from that way. "Awee, fuck! What is this?" he tried to get up, from that time Akagi was able keep up with him, he jumped at the Blonde man and tries grab the key. As tension rises between them. From above Ali went wild as he slowly losing the match he shouts at the bull man to quickly finish them, but unfortunately for him, He was standing far away from the Maze with a massive shouting crowd,

Tomita enjoyed while looking at the Ali terrifying about losing to him.

The blonde man punches Akagi's face and went on running from him, Akagi gets up growling at the man while he was running straight , suddenly crimson coloured sticky looking biomass appeared from Akagi's left hand and went straight to grapple him in very high speed it pulled the man and fell near Akagi, the biomass disappeared right away.

As, once the man turned back Akagi punched right to the face and he dropped key on the ground, Akagi quickly takes the key and unlocked the collar. Akagi looked at clock only 2 minutes remaining; he looked at the hopeless Blondie trying to pulling the key from Akagi's unlocked collar. Seeing that, Akagi withdraw from that sight, regarding that there nothing he can do. The clock ran out the collar blast out from his neck. Akagi didn't want to see the poor man body as it blew away from the Mutant Resistaner.

Mega lights spot on Akagi, crowds yell in happiness seeing the one has survived.

The Commentator speaks "Ladies and gentlemen we have a winner!!!! That boy has some ball to defect the undefeated Bull-man"

Seeing Akagi had won, an Ali had gone crazy; he is screaming banging on the glass, tearing up his pillows.

Seeing Ali's reaction Tomita stepped up "Well, looks like you are lost, my player had won"

Ali looked at Him with a sobbing face "You player?"

Tomita smirks "Yes I put my money on Shinsuke, Akagi and looks like we won, when I got his info I was surprised myself, he's smart, competent and no matter how difficult the problem might be, he's always find a way to beat it that's why chose it to be my player, now time for payment"

Ali boiling out in anger "No... I can't lose, I'm a winner, I also win" an idea stork in his mind then Ali dat grinned, he takes his personal microphone and announced "Ladies and gentlemen, the fight is not over yet, We've going a one on one death match between the winner and the bull man! Vladimir! (Referring the bull man) get up and kill him".

Crowd yells more, the Maze slowly going down, becoming a dusted battlefield, and Bull-man laughs at Akagi as he removed his mask, cleaned his face from blood, put down his axe, becomes very serious glowing Akagi as he ripping him tread by tread.

Akagi bitten his teeth thinking what he will next

Tomita wasn't agreed about Ali "It's not of game, Ali, he's ran out of Biotium soon he'll die"

When he heard Tomita he just laughed at him "You just a fool, don't you see I own everything and includes you"

Tomita furrowed "Say that again Ali"

Ali slowly repeats himself "I own you, bitch!"

Tomita grins, "That's the word I was looking for", and red strings appeared on his right arm.

After that, the VIP room's glass slashed red from outside.

While Akagi still haven't find out how to deal it, the man groans in pain turning into something gigantic, he went taller and fatter becoming a Behemoth. One of the infected individuals that Blacklight had created is Behemoth; they are powerful creatures, built with durable, obese bodies, thick and stubby legs, large fists, follows up with three round yellow eyes and jaws broken into three separate parts. They are capable of dealing tremendous damage to enemies and the environment around them while blocking projectiles directed towards them, thus truly earning the name Behemoths. Some Behemoths have the ability to create ground spikes.

Akagi was terrorised to saw a massive creature "How the virus can do something like this to a Mutant" he thought.

The bull man is a Beastor Mutant, Beastor are kind of Mutant, that they can grow power and transform into a large beast or Infected monster. The Beastor smash the ground with giant fists waves breaking the ground and went crashing down towards Akagi.

He jumped to the left, following up with two waves from different ways, however Akagi was able to dodge them all when he stands up the Behemoth went very close to him and it punched Akagi. He smashed straight to wall.

While Akagi coughing on blood he thinks how to defeat that thing "That thing is huge how I suppose to awk..." He coughing more blood from the mouth.

When he was able to stands up the Behemoth cornered him and delivered a strike with it first Akagi blocking it with own bare hands, the creature even applied more force, while Akagi fells his hands literally going crush feet's crashing down on to the ground. The creature has no intelligence, it just went on roaring and smashing anything came in sight.

While holding he anxiously thinking, "I don't think I can't hold much longer, I have to DO something" he tightly hold his left hand manifesting much red String he releases with all in creature's belly.

The heavy Behemoth blow away from Akagi's attack and crash down to the ground. His left hand transforming into another unique Noryoku type, the Audience are both entertain and surprises to see Akagi's strength.

Akagi looked at his left arm, four fingers with sharp nails on top of it coloured in full black with many red lines roaming around his hand. The commentator looked at Akagi's new Noryoku and announced to the audience "Ladies and gentlemen we have a Mutant with Tendrils Noryoku power. For those of you who do not know, Tendrils is another unique Noryoku type, when activated, the arms turn into four-fingered hands composed of strands of biomass capable of stretching long distances. The Tendrils capable of ensnaring or ripping off large bodies, now we'll see our Tendrils Mutant can defeat this Behemoth".

For the Commentator's info Akagi knows about his power, now he can use it for his aggression. Every time Behemoth tries to get closer, Akagi expand twisting his long left hand fingers into a wade mass of defence, keep pushing it to get him, after so many hitting and pushing, it looks like the mindless Behemoth becomes weak, crowd cheers for him, calling him The Tendrils, to win this match.

Suddenly the battleground begin to shake, Akagi looked at ground as the dust began to spread and large holes came from the ground, soon after Akagi smelling gas. Soon after he realised that it he will be incinerated a massive fire erupts through the holes like a volcano, melting Akagi's flesh right away. He was thrown away

Akagi suffered massive burn damage, his body looked like an over roasted pork meat, his hair completely burned away; most of his exposed flesh fades black for over burned.

While hot steam went up from his body,

glowing red are still visible from far, as far as crowd, they went on full silence, still processing what just happened, the Behemoth slowly approaching Akagi's body, intended to be eating him.