
The fight has occurring both upwards and downwards, in downwards Misaki at her best trying to hold the Mutant Hunters as long as she can, *Splitch...Schunk... Sshhluck...* Metal to metal collides; metal sparks whenever Misaki's Noryoku attacks the Mutant Hunters.

Mk1's Musclemass Noryoku is very hard to broke; its strong biomass has no effect on any kind of bullets, swords and any Blades types Noryoku. Mk1 constantly smashing on the ground for producing ground waves. One she dodges left for the waves, but she got scratched on her cheek by Mk2's sharp nails, she stepped back from Mk2 then again she got a kick from back from Mk3.

She went straight, rubbed on the concrete made ground, resulting tiredness and injuries. Misaki very slowly gets up, crumbling hands and legs, heavily breathing.

She looked at the Mutant Hunters as they approaching "It's one against three, I can defeat those two but the problem is the Biomass protecting Mutant's arms" Misaki signed straighten her body up.

"It's useless attacks with your blades" Mk1 lifts two cars with his each hand and throws them upon Misaki.

Grey Clouds brewing hiding the sun, turning the place shadowy and dark, winds blows every direction,

Misaki looked up at the black sky "Storm is coming" then she looked at the base "Shinsuke, whatever you doing, please help Miyoshi, I will hold the Mutant Hunters" she prepared for fights again.


After cutting up severally, Akagi falls down scratching on the ground. Before he regenerate his old wounds, he constantly receives a new one.

He looked up in the dome glass like structure and thinks "I can't win, I don't know how to win, and I don't know how to save Miyoshi I... I can't control my Noryoku"... He stayed silenced for a moment then he widened his eyes "Wait! I don't have to win; I just have to free Miyoshi from the chair, that's it". He secretly smiles "I need to detract him somehow, and I have an idea.

Just as he thought he will defeat suddenly he received a fatal blow from Morikazu's Cube, his sharp sword staves Akagi's feet, his feet stuck in the ground.

He tries to pull off the cube, which deeply buried on the ground, before he even touches the Cube, another sword pointed out a few inches from Akagi's throat.

"Not so fast pretty boy or you want your head to be cut off?" Morikazu warned him while holding his cube on Akagi's throat "You know, I wander myself that how many Mutant's life that I takes". Morikazu looked at Miyoshi hopelessly sitting on the chair "Know that girl, she just lost her family, she must be in pain, I'm just trying end her suffering" he rambles on.

Akagi frowned and thinks "That man makes no sense, I have to DO something, that sword pointing on my throat, I don't do anything" Akagi looked down, shouting in his inner voice "I want to win, win to save them from destruction"

Suddenly same creepy, squeaky voice banging on Akagi's head "Hehe hehe so you want to win, how so immature of you" the Voice insults Akagi, he tries to communicate with the voice "What do you mean I'm immature just shut up if you keep rambling like that" Akagi wants to shut the voice up on his own thoughts.

The voice laughed "You taking this as a competition, there is no clear winner or loser, it's a simple matter of who will live and who will die. The voice commands Akagi

"You want power I will be your power, or you want to die here, your choice.

Be reasonable, I know you better than anyone else does; murder is that you take pleasure from…

Killing is your master...

This human is evil...

Feed him...

Graters your poweeeeeeeer...

More you consume greater your power will be...

Just let your mind go, close your eyes"

Akagi did not agree "No! I won't let you rule my body, just get out of my head!"

The voice angrily response "You stubborn fool! You'll suffer for carelessness"

Akagi knit his brows in tension, seeing that Morikazu is quite disturbed "You don't hear me anymore, I don't blame you well..." He pulls his Cubes, attempting to slip through Akagi's throat decapitated his head "Now... YOU DIE!" he screams in excitement.

When Akagi closed his eyes he had a glance at Miyoshi, her blindfold had slipped from her eyes she can see another person that she cares about being killed. Not accepting the truth Akagi does what the voice told him to, he let his mind go

Felling that the voice felt it rises up though his subconscious to conscious. The last things that the voice said

"Good decisions Akagi...

I always on your side...

Your suffering is a test.

You should have never been here...

Now through you I will display my power...

Don't interfere, just watch..."

Before the cube sticks into Akagi's head, he suddenly slipped his palm into the swords, and grabbed the middle of that sword.

Morikazu was shocked when he performed that.

While his head down hiding his eyes from hair

Akagi giggling for no reason "That's you can do, I rather disappointing in you" A completely different voice coming out from Akagi's mouth.

A same creepy, squeaky voice smirking at Morikazu "Akagi is still weak, fight me if you have balls" Akagi's eyes begin to shatter like a glass, something black organic manifesting from the Victor's bite mark holes that was still present in Akagi's left neck.

The biomass soon covering left side of his face,

Once Akagi looked up at Morikazu, he was startled looking at his face "What... What are you?" Morikazu asked without any idea.

Akagi's half of his face is coated with a Vector's face, the same artificial Vector that attacked Akagi in the beginning, now it's manifested more and more itself by attaching Akagi's left side of his face. His right eye is completely gone, only leftover is empty black eye socket, the Victor face takes control of Akagi's left face, Vector's Razor-sharp teeth appeared from his left side mouth.

After seeing that Morikazu tried to pull up the cube from Akagi's palms

Nevertheless, two face Akagi, holds tightly, Morikazu tried to remove it even strongly.

"It's no use Soldier, it is clear that I'm more stronger than you" Akagi warms him "It's time to educate you about how a real Mutant does battle" he quickly slipped out his hands from Morikazu's Cube, easily pulled out of Buried Cube with his Feet check.

Soon he grabbed the buried Morikazu's Cube sword and tries slice him, Morikazu desperately blocked Akagi's attacks. He pulled out from him.

"What's the matter? Why you suddenly become so pussy stands up and FIGHT ME!" Akagi shouts at him with furious anger.

Akagi personality is completely changed, calm, quiet and collective Akagi turned into a homicidal Maniac. His morals and sanity just flows away into the river stream.

Akagi looked the sword that he was holding "I don't need this anymore, you can have it" he throws the Cube at Morikazu in extremely speed attempt to slice him.

Between the matters of seconds, he just dodges that bullet fast Cube, dug beep as it could into the wall.

Morikazu saw behind the dug Cube sword and it got him thinking just how powerful that Mutant is.

Once Morikazu looked back and saw Akagi's deranged creepy face just stands in front of him, before Morikazu got sense what's going he got a fatal punched right to his face, he got dragged back on the ground.

Akagi looked at him and laughed in amusement "What the fuck? Just you at your fucking face, I blunted your fucking pointy nose, Hahaha!"

Akagi waves hands easily actives both Noryoku he looked up at Morikazu, red dots appeared from Akagi's blank eyes socket turning into small Hikaru in a black empty eye socket "I am so fucked up but..." he wildly ponce at Morikazu "I fucking love it hahaha ha" Akagi spread his claws tries to ruptures Morikazu.

*Sshhluck* he blocked Akagi's claws, metals clash between them, its sparks shattering.

Morikazu holds Akagi shaped claws by his Cube sword he quietly speaks at Akagi while he grinning with his spiky teeth "Damn you monster, why can't you die... My wife...was killed in the hands of the Mutants" he shouts, "I wouldn't die at hand of YOU!" he let Akagi came closer *Bang!* he shoots at Akagi's ribs with his A.M Gun.

Akagi stepped back yelling "What! What did you do? You FUCKING bitchass Motherfucker! Its hurts... It's hurts"

Morikazu takes the opportunity and severed Akagi's right arm

"Aragghh!!!" Akagi screaming in pain, bloods flows in a muffle way from his elbow joints "You got me... You win," he whispers before he fell down.

Morikazu looking at Akagi has fallen body, his eyes and mouth all the way opened. Morikazu slowly crouched down thinking he was unconscious or dead but surprisingly Akagi went up his head *GAG!* Akagi choke Morikazu's throat by his left arm he lifts Morikazu from the ground dropping his Cube.

"Gotcha!" Akagi surprised him looking at him, as choked he chuckles "It's truly amazes me that how brainless you are, do serious thought, I was dead with a fucking bullet

"He went towards Morikazu's face *Shiff...* Akagi smells Morikazu, when he exhales, a flow of thick dark red steam comes from his mouth "Your brain smells delicious, you like lucking people on their face" he giggles "let's see how it feels like".

Victor's skins that attached on Akagi's left face grows more covering Akagi's whole mouth. His whole mouth becomes is filled with spiky inhuman teeth just like Vector. Once Akagi opens his mouth pointy tongue filling in saliva comes out and starts licking the Major's face "Your face tastes like white vanilla flavour ice-cream" Akagi explained to him while licking his face.

Morikazu is straggling to get Akagi out of him, he panic tries to stabs a knife in Akagi's neck Nevertheless, unfortunately, he missed Akagi's neck shakes leftwards and with the widened his big mouth


Akagi pierced Morikazu's right arm with his spiky teethes, he simply tearing it from his shoulder's joint.

"Aragghhhh!!!!" he screams for getting his hand ripped off from his body.

*Cham. Cham* Akagi consuming Morikazu's arm, a sudden reaction happening in his body, red bubbles became to grow in his severed joint newly generated biomass appeared from Akagi's right arm transforming into new Noryoku.

The blade powerful and deadly cutting and thrusting weapon, perfect for slicing and swiping, when Akagi's right hand activate this Noryoku, an elongated double-ended blade forms from the base of the right elbow, turning his arm into a giant razor-sharp cutting weapon.

Akagi laughed in amusement "Oh! Fuck this shit!! Did you see that" he inhales looking up spreading his hands "I'm so fucking high, this blade is so sharp that I can see my face in it". He crouched down like an animal ready to attack Morikazu. He bounce forward him screaming, "It's time for you to DIE!"


Misaki had given all her best fighting alone against Three Mutants Hunters, she fell down on ground in exhaustion.

Seeing that, Mk1 responses "Oh... Given up already?" he picked a massive pile of concrete by his Musclemass "Here comes another, try to dodge this" and attempted to throw at Misaki.

"What's that?" the others Mutant Hunters points it out at high.

Mk1 rises his eyebrows glancing "What's that it some kind of..." before he was finished a redden flames crushing down at the military base, many concretes just crashed went upwards making it a circle waves.

The Mutant Hunters just flew back from the waves.

At the centre of the wave a man in black rises.

"Who's that? I can't see him," Misaki questioned herself laying on the ground.

Mk1 smirks seeing that man "How nice of you to join us" he invited him when smokes cleared and a pair of Red eyes started to glow "Shall we continue from where we left of?" Mk1 speaks again, "I know you be here... Redtron"

"Redtron!? Why is he here?" Misaki shocked to see him.


Morikazu had enough fighting with this crazy Mutant, he just so fucked up, after getting his hand ripped off. He runs towards Miyoshi, Akagi the other end manically chase after him.

"Don't you move" Morikazu quickly held Miyoshi hostage by pointing a gun at her head "I won't hesitate kill that Mutant" he is heavily bleeds, cannot focused anything, only he sees is burring images, shaking hand. At his condition he yells the bitter truth without thinking anything "You uncivilised animals, why you all even here, you heartless bastards, you caused me enough pain. You and your entire species are just monsters happen to be stumble at age of mankind".

Morikazu laughed turned his neck backwards "Hehe hehe and we are here to fuck you up, just like I did to her father and sister, I enjoyed torturing and killing her family, that only that I missed doing that is to fucked that girl big sister's pussy before I short her in the face...".

*Shhhhhunk... *

Right after Morikazu's rambles, he got what he deserved. A big wide kukri severed Morikazu's only hand

"Aragghh!!!!" yells in pain.

Miyoshi has finally activated her Noryoku, A big and wide Kukri and other its claws with many pointy metal spikes in buried within her arms. Morikazu without any hands wildly roams spraying his blood on the ground. Miyoshi stand up from the chair broke all the chains, glazing Morikazu, her hide away from her hair.

Without saying anything, she forwards her hand towards Morikazu,

Then She's speaks in a ghostly manner "You said that you had fun killing my family",

Her sweet voice and cute smile just gone into the darkness, a cold emotionless voice with expressionless face appeared, those also comes from the darkness itself,

"I hope you will like it to" soon her Noryoku spike begin to shake. Then one of spike suddenly expands into expands thin a tentacles with sphere attached to its edge, it runs towards Morikazu.

He was on his thoughts slowly shaking feet wants to run away while walking he was out of his mind slowly singing, whispering, rambling, every step he took, pieces of flesh just fell down on ground from his meat bone visible tore off arms. Haven't he received worse soon he got by her long tentacles that pierced his heart and went back through his body to Miyoshi arms. Morikazu falls down and died.

Soon Miyoshi deactivate her Noryoku and calls Akagi "Aka-Chan, are you alright?".

Akagi was present in the different world until her voice disturbed him. His long psychotic face tried to become normal but something deep inside tries to keep antagonising him, he tightly clenched his face felling what he become, only half of his upper face are still in attached,

the rest are evolved into a Vector's Monstrous face.

Without getting any response Miyoshi comes closer to check him, "Don't come any Closer MIYOSHI!" he shouts at normal but in muffled voice, "Aragghh... Get off me now!!!" he groans in pain, he grabbed his own Victor's skull, trying to fighting something within him.

After many struggles he calms down looking at Miyoshi in empty face , she thought that Akagi is again normal and she comes closer "Ahh your head looks delicious, can I have a bite" the squeaky voice again comes from his mouth,

"It's so delicious I can hardly control myself, I will come to get you, try not to run, little girl," Akagi said intimidating way.

Miyoshi widened her eyes in fear.

The power that Akagi received from his inner voice caused him to split personality...

Creator's thoughts-

This is the end of Volume 1. Volume 2 will be published after 3 weeks, I know it lot of days but I'm a lone writer, I have to write and edit all by myself.

if I missed any plot holes regarding Volume 1, let me know on the comments below and if you like this novel, please send me a review and feedback, it motivated a lot...