Darkfallen Origins Part 2

Shocked after shocked, Akagi was listening the unbelievable truth that we never known, whatever Hiroshi said, it's hard for him to swallow. He just couldn't believe anything spoken by a stranger but what Hiroshi is saying, Akagi thinks thoroughly and found the missing pieces of his life that he didn't noticed until now.

Akagi was listened to the history of own city which he was unaware of entire time. He stepped out of the bed, comes near the closed screens of the window.

"What happened next?" he demanded,

"Mmhhhh..." Hiroshi stretched his body in exhaustion "I'm hungry" he gets up and searched anything in his fridge "Aragh! I got a sandwich" he picked one and showed Akagi "Do you want any... "He saw Akagi's narrow eyed face "Oh! Not hungry I suppose".

Akagi huffed in annoyance "Would you continue where you left off".

Hiroshi sat on the chair, holding the sandwich "Right, then where are we left off" Hiroshi continues of his journey.

Next morning after virus had release, I got 29-missed call on the phone, last night I was very tired and went back sleep, and I found the missed call after I wakened. Right way I called back,

"HIROSHI! YOU FUCKING ASSHOLE, where the fuck are you?" a soldier busted over my phone from other side "Do you saw any news channel, TV, Internet, anything come at your station at once?" the soldier was screamed in panic, before I could saying anything the phone disconnected, later I turned on my TV.

The hell was let loose media explaining the situation on the front line it said biological terror Attack, I was really confused by then, I immediately went my station, that time MRC Headquarter was under construction for 8 years, the project happened to the largest building of the planet.

I found out that someone broke Darkfallen contains vial over the Eastern side of Tokyo, government immediately closed any transportation within the area .The government feared that Mutants militiamen will take the opportunity of chaos and invade, they given Brittonia's temporary control within the city, to take control of the virus.

I suspected Darkfallen was broken and it slowly spreading, soon the scientists informed me that they found those animals we were tested, displayed worse side effects, the virus eat away every organ that belonged to the animals and formed an organ less creature to hunting find other it can transform a rabbit into a flesh eating berserker.

After infection, the virus "plugs in" and activates the 'junk' DNA in its victim, resulting in several biological changes that create (and recreate) sentience within the infected creature's cellular makeup. It acts by affecting the protein encoding regions of the promoter introns in each cell as a...

"A retrovirus, it contains both RNA and the reverse transcriptase enzyme, allowing it to insert its own genetic codes into the host's cells. It enters, re-purposes and changes the cell, replicating previously dormant non-coding segments of the organism's DNA, so yeah I did my research" Akagi commented from the back.

"Anyway, the scientists discovered VX-1118 type was responsible doing all that, by the time the knowledge we had we assumed that this was going to be very ugly"

"Now you know more often than not, these changes are too drastic and 99.97% of all infected organisms die from massive organ failure and cell saturation". "However, few variants have yielded other beneficial results, endowing the infected organisms with incredible superhuman genetic prowess that greatly increase their natural abilities to levels far exceeding human capability"

Hiroshi looked at Akagi's face "You... You and your father one of the 0.3% varieties. However, the virus had found a perfect host in Akashi's genetic system. He was able to withstand the virus and gave him superhuman abilities".

"Once Akashi infected you, you were gone under a transformation, right?".

"I experienced massive stomach-ache and extreme pain in my muscles and body that I couldn't walk properly, every step like my ligaments has been tore off" Akagi admitted,

Hiroshi put his chin up "The virus had to broke down your original immunity system and replaced into its own evolved one within your body, the Darkfallen had to break your entire body in order to replace it, that's why you felt so much pain during your transformation"

"I see..." Akagi mumbled, his eye drops down filling in sorrow.

Looking him just numb like that, Hiroshi sighed.

"You have to understand what Akashi did to you, is to save you from death, he cared about you."

"Whatever he did, he had no choice, you couldn't be lucky to survive the cancer, your father did everything for your sake" Hiroshi tries lighten Akagi's mood up "Don't be so depressed look at the bright side here, the virus destroyed your cancer, cured you back to normal, even with granted few Mutant's abilities"

Akagi scolded him, "Yeah? What cause, he turned me into a Mutant, putted his family into danger, he did nothing just painted a target on my back for Brittonia to shoot it down and I don't know why my mother hide that from me" his short temper slowly calms down when he muttered "I won't say Mutants are evil species, he could just talked to me about my cancer or approached us directly"

Hiroshi corrected him by straighten his finger up, "Well, actually, they are both evil and immorally ruthless, species with gender, male and female both, maybe more l don't know".

Akagi suddenly glanced at Hiroshi's mechanical left arm, "What happened to your arm?".

Hiroshi showed his left hand "That was other part, I was going to tell you". Hiroshi said,

Brittonia doing its best taking over, they ordered many vehicles, weapons, machines and many, many men for the service, soon they were all over the city, many conspiracies theory dictated that Brittonia was intended to happen, the democratic government became unless they were given Brittonia too much power, once the outbreak flew out, Brittonia immediately proclaimed a state of emergency and declared Martial Law within the city, politicians and government officials who opposed the Brittonia, got arrested or shot on sight.

The virus was spreading rapidly, Brittonia soon placed Zattai Barriers from separating the eastern side from the central cities. The city already has suffered from overpopulation and the Eastern side of Tokyo were contained thousands no... Millions of people lived in those parts of the city. Brittonia just let millions of people got eaten and got infected by their own infected humans,

One morning citizen of Tokyo woke up and saw their city divided into different section, razor wires and guards blocking between divided sections, over time, the walls had constructed, families were tore apart, thousands of people who lived in the East, at the point they risked their lives escaping over the walls and mostly of them died trying.

I heard from colleagues that Akashi's died, he stole the vial and released near a shopping mall in out panic,

I wouldn't believe that bullshit, but at the same time, I had to keep the secret, I casually asked Maculam about the tragedy but he explained to me a different story.

Maculam said that Akashi was a terrorist, he sympathize with Mutant's militant and planned an attack on humanity and now he's dead. Both statements confused me, those are completely different, somehow I kept digging about what really went down.

Days passed, virus dominated the Eastern side of Tokyo, killing most people in there, later they turned into Walkers. Brittonia has totally controlled over the country, they divided into five main zones, several Sectors, and Tokyo changed into TYZ. Plague slowly influenced people's body and mind.

Brittonia reports daily about new creatures formed by Darkfallen. Vectors, Behemoths, Scissor Heads etc. We named as you could but we now, infected monster despite what happened Brittonia still more concerned about Mutants than the Plague.

Couple of days after of the Outbreak, ANA suggested they should called Brittonia to handle the situation, and our foolish government did exactly that, they passed permission Brittonia to enter the country and contain the outbreak before it spreads, but Brittonia has another goal hence they are a private military organisation filled with mercenaries from different countries and they had some influence over the south-east Asia, Once claimed the power, they totally transformed their small military organisation into a Massive Fascist Empire and taken over the entire country and at first they seize power over the capital and it's prefectures followed next, they easily came into power, later on without a fight".

"Brittonia's arsenal of advance weaponry, armies, aircrafts, battleships and technological tools and gadgets are more advanced than any of the others.

I presume they wanted a base capital for their own elite military empire and what better place than Japanese islands, turning our goodly good democratic government into a military junta and now the country more or less of a military dictatorship, it quickly formed after a coup d'état has overthrown the previous government."

Brittonia have taken control over the country without taking any of its non-infected citizens, Brittonia made a circus of the city and we are the clowns entertaining for the world to see our despair and miseries, ironically we are the citizens of the Imperium States and yet we haven't figure out what nationality we call ourselves. Situation such as these how will we can go to survive, anyhow I kept digging about the cause of the outbreak, and that cause some notoriety.

"One day Brittonia Secret Police bust my house, kidnapped me and burned my fucking house down. That little asshole Maculam captured me and told me on my face that I was insanely obsessed with science, biology and particularly in Darkfallen, they accused me that I harassed my colleagues for getting some more information, you believed that fucking bullshit? They wanted to send me into a asylum!" Hiroshi angrily yelled at Akagi.

Akagi strongly disagrees by shaking his head, although he can see Hiroshi's obsessive nature when he asked that question, after seeing a positive reaction from Akagi, Hiroshi calms down to his chair and continued his story.

A single Mutant attacked Brittonia who tried to take me into an asylum, on the way there the van, which I tightly chained in, he tore off vehicles killed all of the guards.

When he got me out from the van, I over exclaimed.

A man in hooded black men's gothic dress coat, one of the Victorian coat black long coat male tuxedo, he had worn a black mask with red design stripes.

Akagi gulped, "It's the steampunk jacket trench coat, Redtron used to... "He hesitated "My, My father used to wear, wore"

He looked, a way weird then I expected then again got up from crashed vehicle and glaring at him for a while,

"Are you Cosplay grope, you seem like one?" I asked with thinking anything else, but he stayed quite.

I thought he was with Cosplay group until he removed his mask and revealed his face, Akashi Shinsuke,

I was shocked and surprised, that he was alive

"Akashi I thought you were dead?" I asked,

But he did not respond until "That's what they said to you" he said in grief,

"I don't understand?" I murmured, "They said... You..."

"FUCK THEM!" Akashi shouted in extreme rage "You can't trust what they said, what they claim to be doing, you can't trust any of them" he comes closer warning me "You and I are the loose ends, they killing every scientist, who were involved in Darkfallen Project, we must hide, and do you have a safe house? Where we can operate"

"Operate? What's going on here, could you please explain to me", I responded with surprise but I realised something by looking at the scene, we just killed five soldiers who supposed to be escorting me, I thought, we better hide then asking more questions"...