Techno Suits

Few weeks of harsh physical training, Masamune is ready to test his Techno Suit. While downing to his destination.

Masamune wondered "The Techno Suits, they say it maximise 5times more than the human's capabilities" he looks at his hand "The Suits provides Mutant like power into human," he looked straight after lift reached it's destination "Let's see, how true the Suits are as they claim,".

Masamune walks towards to the meeting room, as the glass door automatically slide open, Masamune saw Tomotaki and, more few dozens of soldiers chatting about random stuff,

"Shit! Am I late," Masamune feared, "Looks like meeting is already started,"?

"God, you finally arrive, come stand beside me" Tomotaki sought Masamune from the group.

Masamune walks towards him and joined the line.

Soon all soldiers posed stand by, Major Mizuki and Harasaki comes from the door.

"OK, I'm sure all of you have heard the news of massacred in Fort Bedrock, East-Red Zone" Mizuki notified from the mic "Spectre is already on their work, and for the Lex Unit, you will investigate the Fort Bedrock, I doubt you found any survivors if you find one, try to rescue them".

One female officer arrives at the door with a square box,

She comes and stands beside Mazuki as he continues, "Your Techno Suits are in those boxes. For those of you who passed the physical training will use the Techno Suits but first you final physical checking by our lady doctor here, Dr Seiko".

All Lex soldiers are gone to physical health check, while standing next in line, Masamune heard some flirtatious conversation from the Seiko's office,

"Hey baby, you want to go out, I could show more my physical than this," one soldier attempt to flirting with Dr Seiko.

"Agrh!" the man groaned after got pinned with an injection needle.

"Don't be a big man" Seiko calmly says "I once stab a man with a number 3 pencil, want to know why? Because he was a complete jerk to me,".

Soldier has nothing to say, just take his shirt and go back.

"Next!" Seiko called,

Masamune slowly walks near her office.

First, she checked his blood pressure, diabetes, etc.

Seiko questions readily, him "Do you on any medication, drugs or any prescriptions"

"No," Masamune straightforwardly answered,

Receiving all answers, Seiko writing to Masamune's files. Dr. Tayama Seiko is a young beautiful woman who takes care of her appearance. She has black hair with straight bangs cut into a bob that reaches past her chin, and magenta eyes.

"Umm..." Masamune hesitated "Why so medical reports, isn't so important?"

"Why!" Seiko rolls her chair facing Masamune "If you didn't qualify to handling the Techno Suits, then you will experience low pressure and high diabetes, dizziness and worst blood vomiting, so we have to take care about your health,".

After the machine showed positive results, Seiko handed Masamune's file "Hey! I know you; you were with Nakajo Tomotaki's partner Sergeant Masamune, right?"

Masamune nods "Yeah we meet... You with the Dr Hiroshi,"

Seiko answers him with a smile "Technically, we are the engineering department, I've assigned to check Techno pilots medical health,".

Masamune takes his files and about to get out,

"Oh, Sergeant Masamune" Seiko stopped Masamune, He turned back to her, Seiko advised him "When you're in the Suit, don't use it's modes more frequently, it will increases the symptoms, those I mentioned earlier",

Masamune positively nods and went out.

One square room, group of soldiers wearing silky black inner, holding bowl shaped Machinery thing, staying stand by.

Harasaki comes forward facing the group "This what you holding is Techno Core" he placed on Techno Core on his chest "You put this on your chest and..." once he pushed the button on the Core, it expands covering his whole body.

"Whoa!" the soldier was excited and exclaimed by seeing him, Harasaki's body turned into a mechanical suit.

"OK Asswhipes, I suspect this suits are completely alien to you so I very thoroughly explaining how it works".

Harasaki begins explaining "This is Second generation Brittonia's Techno Suits aka Technological muscle suits are powerful and extremely versatile sets of tactical-combat armour originally designed to counter the dominate infected or Mutant's threat and circumvent the technological margin between Mankind and the Mutants.

Reverse-engineered from captured Mutant's biological technology, the suits are light Antamentium made muscle fibres can be programmed for a variety of purposes such as hardening, muscle augmentation or camouflage, leading to drastically enhanced combat and physical performance, allowing the operator to execute superhuman feats".

He walks around with his suits, squeaky sound comes every time when he walks.

Harasaki lifted his hand near his neck "There is buttom; I want you to press it, when pressed".

His head transformed into a helmet, everyone did pressed it including Masamune.

Under the helmet, Harasaki talks under gaseous helmet "Soon the blue screen will appears",

As Harasaki said, blue screen appears inside their helmet, scanning their face, "Her name is Alice" Harasaki conformed them "She is the Techno Suits and she is very competent girl" Harasaki giggled, "You notice there is round buttons toms right side of your screen, those are modes, The Techno suit can switch between one of four modes: Armour, Strength, Speed, and Cloak, the rest you will in find in the manual instructions".

Harasaki questions everyone "Any current confusion?"

One of the soldiers questions "Umm... How do we pee, wearing these things?"

Everyone chuckles after hearing question, however Harasaki didn't find that funny, he pressed his lips and ignored him, "Anyone except that fucking idiot had any questions?"

Everyone stayed silence, seeing that Harasaki is pleased "Good... Now, are you ready to kick some fucking Mutant's ass"?

"Hoo-ha!" The Lex soldiers roared,

"Umm... Excuse me" same ignored soldier asked again "Of all that excitement, making me pee, I have to take a piss".

Harasaki silently walked near the soldier and screaming like crazy "YOU PISS WHEN YOU TOLD TO PISS, you talk when you allow to talk and you fuck when you told to fuck, GET THAT CLEAR YOU DIZZY ASS MAGGOT!"

Literally everyone just went pin drop silence, the ignored soldier's mind just explode,

Harasaki released his frustration and calmly asked "Anyone show him, how to piss".

One of the soldiers takes him into the bathroom.

Masamune and his Lex division begin proceeding towards the Fort Bedrock.