Misaki’s Quest

Misaki? May I have a moment?" The Friendo's owner Yamamoto, grimly requested,

Misaki about to start her shift but then Yamamoto's request she comes forward,

"Where's Shinsuke? He didn't come to the restaurant, for 10 days; do you know where he is?"

Misaki slightly flinched when Yamamoto asked about it "I don't know where he is" she muttered, "He didn't in his apartment, I thought he went home for take a break".

"Look I don't bother with him but he is the Manager of this Restaurant, and he has few responsibilities" Yamamoto harshly commands, "Spectre is circling around the Yellow zone, you better find him before he got into any trouble".

Misaki slightly worried because, last time she saw Akagi, he was thinking about something not willing to share anything".

"Alright, I checked with his house" Misaki agreed and she slightly noticed a sudden change of Yamamoto's mind hence he's always strict and pushy all the time.


Misaki first goes to Akagi's house, when she knocked, his mother immediately opened the door with some expectation, then again when she saw it was Misaki, and her face went numb.

"Oh, Misaki, please come in" Amiya welcomed her,

She comes in, "Is something wrong? Shinsuke didn't go his work; I thought he was in his house",

When she entered and noticed he wasn't here,

"Mrs Shinsuke is something happened, between you and your son?" Misaki inquired, after seeing Amiya's dreaded face,

"I made a mistake, hiding the truth from him," She whispered, closing the door and coming forward.

"What truth?" Misaki questions her.

Amiya walks near the window, seeing the scenery of their neighbour and quietly says "I spent 6 years in prison for my foolishness, I wished that I could spend with my sons, I thought if I could hide the truth from them then they safe but...".

"Akagi knew most of it and demands the rest, he wanted to know the truths that endanger him and us as well", she continued, "Nevertheless I told him, after he finished listening, he went away, I don't know where he is".

"I expected he will returned but he didn't, when you arrived, I thought it was him, looked like I was wrong".

"Despite the fact he was turned into a Mutant, he still knows family values, he desperately doing his duties been a big brother and responsible son", Misaki thought after feeling his mother condition.

She looked at Amiya "What truth you hiding Mrs Shinsuke".

Amiya hesitated at first not revealing the truth,

Knowing that Misaki tried to reason with her, "He is my friend, you can trust me, I know a way find your son but I have to know what truth is then I understand what he so upset about".

Amiya glanced at Misaki after hearing her proposal.

Amiya finally told her about some of the truth about Akagi and her past, as a broken and traumatised mother she displayed a great amount of trust in Misaki since she's the only one who concern about Akagi.

"Miss Shinsuke?" Misaki confidently says, "You told me all of that and I promise I will bring him to you".

Seeing Misaki's admiration, Amiya can't help but to thank her for all of that.

After hearing all of that, Misaki went off searching for Akagi.

With help from someone , Misaki was able to track down Akagi's location with no difficulties.

There he was lying on a street corner, appeared like a beggar,

"God! You such a man to find" Misaki said, walking towards him,

She didn't saw Akagi was doing until she noticed a surgical rubber tube on his left arm and a syringe on right.

Akagi interrupted by hearing her voice

"What the hell you doing?" she croaked, sprints towards him, and snatches the syringe from him and throws it aside "What was THAT?" Misaki harshly questioned,

"Cocaine, and" Akagi mumbled "A 27 Gauge – 3 CC – 1 ¼, syringe with needles which you thrown it away, I was curious what infect will be on Mutants".

"That's not what I am asking!" Misaki corrected, "Why you doing in here, sitting such a place with" she looked aside, "With other junkies".

Akagi not alone, other drugs addict are present near him, they knocked out of the real world.

Akagi also looked at them, smiling "Oh! Them, they were a pain in the ass when I arrived here but when I shook one of them, a skinny supplier gave me few grams of Cocaine and other stuff for free".

Misaki furrowed, looking at his condition "Stop giving me this Bullshit and let's go"

"Go, where?" Akagi interrupted and questioned "Back to my Mother's house who lied to me about my whole past"

Akagi leaning backwards against the wall putted his hands on the forehead, "Whenever I think of something from my past but can't think of what it was I was thinking of, I can't stop thinking until I think I'm thinking of it again. I think I think way too much."

"What else have me to believe? I feel like every piece of life is a lie".

Misaki stared at him for a minute at glance she realised he is a mess. "I see you don't talk too much, that only reason you're sitting in a dark alone" Misaki commented.

Akagi chuckles "That's because I talk because l have something to say. People talk because they have to say something. How did you find me anyway?"

Misaki pressed her lips mumbling, "With Miyoshi's help, she has the ability to track Mutants"

"What something like Sonar? What do you mean...? " Akagi murmured "That thing like bat's possess this or a submarine sonic technology placed on her body?"

Misaki denied and says "No, it's an unique gift that Miyoshi can capable of sending a viral sonar pulse to isolate his target among a group".

"That's I said!" Akagi commented.

Suddenly she noticed, she's in familiar place, "Look, This place is dangerous, Spectres roaming around, we could caught any moment now, I know somewhere safe" Misaki offered him,

Akagi slightly frowned "What? Why would you care, you were the one didn't want me running the Friendo's"

Misaki flinched, "You're sometime such a jerk, I get it, you don't want to go home now, I just want you to follow me, and I have to show you something".

"What is it?" Akagi questions, after listening her,

"Somewhere I didn't expect, I would going with you" she politely offered her hand.

"You still here, you piece of trash!" a bastardly criminal cursed comes forward from the knocked out people and threats him, "Give me my stuff back or...!"

"Or what?" Akagi turned left, confidently said, "That Cocaine you stole from a addicted teenage girl, you robbed her and broke two of her teeth, that stuff don't belong to you".

"I don't give a fuck, give me stuff back you asshole," the criminal hoarsely barked,

Akagi slightly grinned, hiding his face under the hood, "She is the one got your staff, you should ask her" he suggested that criminal,

"That Chick!" he aggressively rushed over her,

"Huh! What the hell, four eyes" Misaki croaked, "I don't want to fight that junkie"

Akagi pull his legs, standing up "Come on... it would fun" he encouraged her "Let's see you can knocked him out without killing him".

"Why me?" she annoyingly questions,

"Come on, you should live up with your name that gave you" Akagi cheered her "The Blue Demoness"

"Huh!!!!!! What the" Misaki overly exclaimed by the name before she could say anything the criminal grabbed her collar.

"Are you the one throw my shit!" the criminal harshly demanded "You have to pay for that, you little bitch"

The junkie Criminal is odd looking, he's bald with large different colours spiky hair on the middle,

"This guy is really a pain in the butt, why is he wearing sunglasses in the night?" Misaki wondered, "Maybe, I should use my unarmed brawl stopper technique".

While Akagi watching Misaki rise her right hand beside the junkie's shoulder

*Slap!!! * With her other hand she harshly yet expertly knocked the Criminal out.

He falls on the ground dropped out unconscious,

"Did Yuji taught you that?" Akagi questioned

Misaki hummed, clapping her hand for dust "This only hint larger lessons that I learned in Judo dojo".

Akagi gleefully commented, "You really are a dangerous girl, Misaki-Chan"

"Great, we should get moving before that guy will wake up in 20 minutes".

"That we do but unless" Akagi comes near the Junkie, searching his pocket, he pulls out a black marker pen and while giggling start drawing over Junkie's bald head "This is will be fun" he muttered,

When Misaki saw what Akagi had drawn, she couldn't help but to laugh hilariously,

"Huhhhhhheeeeeeeeee!!!!, you... What did you draw" Misaki can't control her laughter

"That's.. So perverted."

Akagi drawn a dick over the Junkie's shiny baldhead, "That's for his punishment hurting that woman, he will remember it forever". After finished Akagi got back to her and asked, "Now what?"

Misaki turned back "Near the river!" she starts walking,

"Huh?" Akagi flinched, "Near... What"? He followed her into somewhere.


Akagi and Misaki reached an old but yet liveable house near the river. The smell of river silt arousing Akagi's senses. The cold wind refreshed his body and established a peaceful mind. The House appeared to be empty, but still well maintained,

"What a magnificent view, looking at the sight" Akagi confessed "Whose house is that?"

"Mine!" Misaki replied, walked towards the house,

"Yours?" Akagi shocked, he runs to her "You lived here"

"Not quite" She corrected, "This is my family house, and I decided to keep it".

Misaki opened the door of her house and they entered,

She switched on the lights offered Akagi to sit and she went towards her kitchen,

He sits down exploring her house "So this is house you grew up with", Akagi guessed, "I can't sure, why you brought me here?"

While she doing something, she answers from a distance "I bought you for keeping you alive".

She got back and informed him "Miss Amiya is worried about you; you should get back to her".

"I don't wanna..." Akagi directly denied,

"For your troubled past" she responded

"So mother told you everything" Akagi said "How strange, she hidden that secret from me,"Why she decided to tell you that, don't tell you used your Hikaru". He joked,

"Hmm..." Misaki smiley hummed.

Misaki briefly empathise Akagi's emotions and why is he not wanted to go home,

"Maybe, I should tell you about myself a little," she mildly said, and then she gravely tells about her past

Akagi slowly gets attended and listening,

She continues, "I grew up around Tokyo pretty much, never knew my mother, my father told me that she died giving birth to us".

"I have a question!" Akagi interrupted,

"What is it?" Misaki calmly allowed,

Akagi hesitantly "How Mutants reproduce? About human chromosomes, they have 46 chromosomes (23 pairs) in the nucleus of every cell except in the gametes, sex cells i.e. sperm, and egg cells which contain half of this amount i.e. 23 reproduce and yet somehow I don't know what Mutants have babies"

"I have no idea what to say in front of you, that's not a propionate thing to ask a woman" , Misaki said,

"Is it appropriate question to ask?" Akagi confusingly questioned,

"Yes that's a very appropriate question to ask, many girls felt very embarrassed or don't talk about reproduction, sex or other stuff, but since I'm smart and mature girl so I don't mind telling you, yes, I know what you thinking, we reproduce like humans do" Misaki undoubtedly admitted "But they should be committed to do it more thoroughly, if you know what I mean".

She continues "Without any mother figure I still living happily, spent most time with my father and my twin brother, dad was a mild manner fruit merchant, regularly gone away for work, me and my brother Mikoto,".

"You never told me you have a twin brother?" Akagi questioned,

Misaki glance at him for a moment "Had!" she confirmed, "He was a very compassionate boy, we were just alike, no doubts we had a special bond together, regarding compassionate, Mikoto was also care deeply cared about me, not long we discovered that we are Mutants, living beings, gifted with superhuman abilities. My brother and I were careless brats, playing games like playing with inserts, cycling near the river, climbing trees, digging etc. I had to live in a dream until war broke out. Along with side fun, I also learned about the condition Mutants facing, Brittonia and other military humans want to kill Mutant's rebels, because they cause many murders and distraction and they constantly trying to overthrow the Empire.

As The Second MH War, Brittonia wanted the sector clean before it turned into a battlefield, so they isolating entire zone".

"Many people gathered around the mini wall, passing through zones with Brittonia supervision, I don't remember something odd about me, but one Brittonia soldier picked me aside from my father and taken me away from my father, he saw but he couldn't do anything because he already passed through the wall gate, Brittonia didn't let him go back.

I screamed in terror as I separated from my family, they threw me on a truck alongside with other kids,

Fortunately, for me, Mikoto sneaked on the truck.

Before he could help me out, the truck went off, going into a unknown location".

A familiar smells surrounding the room,

"It's finished!" Misaki said and went back to the kitchen.

Akagi knew what she was cooking, the smell that he never forgets, he stayed sitting, wanting to know what about the next about Misaki's past.