His Past Sins

"It really suffocating when you under a hood those of who he was in, I know, I was, crouching down on an ongoing vehicle floor, unaware where it going and what is awaits me when I arrived", Akagi thought during his journey, he was abducted from a unknown faction.

"When the vehicle stops, I heard door slides near my ears, they pulled me out like piece of bag, I got dragged having no idea where I was going, all I could is resist, they expertly cut off every clothes and strip me naked except my shorts those I am still wearing".

"They handcuffed my arms under a bamboo made chair, as I crouching, it begin to hurt my back, blindfolded, mouth concealed, retaining on a chair, It almost buried my senses, my mind and my thoughts are in hyper state for not knowing what is going on".

"After long steady silence, I heard metal doors sliding with a couple of footsteps approaching me, soon my bag removed but still blindfold, they forced me to drink something from a glass, it tastes sweet less juice, then they put the Mutant Restrainer on before they let me see.

Of all my might, I lifted my head and glared at them as they glaring at me, they are clearly soldiers but I never see them before, they wearing all black, hardy seeing their appearance, they wears black ballistic mask making it impossible to look at their faces. They were absolutely silent before I heard few heels stepping behind me".

"When it revealed, I shocked and yet somehow I knew this could happen".

The same woman who pull Akagi out the multiplex, her appearance completely changed, when he first saw her.

Now she wearing same clothes as black soldiers moreover she wears matching hat. Her pants are white and she has black knee-length boots that are high-heeled. She sports glossy nude pink lipstick.

The woman looking at a files keeping glaring at Akagi after finishing each page,

"Quite a swirling tattoo you got here" the woman nonchalantly questions,

Akagi muffled through the duct tape,

She sighs, signalling her men by her menacing eyes,

"Who-what is going on here, who are you people? GIVE ME MY CLOTHES BACK!" Akagi yells after they removed the tape,

Woman immediately stepped in slapped Akagi, the slapped was brutal, he fell as if his jaw have been shattered,

"Aragh," Akagi grunted, thinking, "It hurts, what a powerful slap I still feel pain even now".

"My name is Melissa Shinohara, the Captain of the Spectre detain squad",

"Spectres!" Akagi mumbled,

"Yes" Melissa replied, "Brittonia's anti-terrorism division and Akagi Shinsuke, you are a Mutant, and yet you still work for MRC",

"Yes, so what have to do any of it?" Akagi furiously questions,

Melissa crouched down near him "Mr Shinsuke, you are a mole, you were assigned to infiltrated the MRC's as a student and your mission is passed down information to the Mutant Militia, now", she stands up, "What other information do you passed out?"

Akagi hoarse "What rubbish are you talking about! That's fucking bullshit I...",

One Spectre officer pulled Akagi's hair interrupted him, "Answer only what been asked" he ordered, then released it

Akagi sighed calming himself "Look, I'm not a mole, yes I have become a Mutant but I don't know anything about any militant group, I, I was human at first",

Hearing Akagi's defence, Melissa smirks "Oh, about the Morikazu's murder, your foster parents murders, and stolen documents about Redtron's files, see we already know everything about you, Akagi Shinsuke, you had been permanently suspended from the MRC's Training Institute, you have three murders charges, treason against the Empire, and you been a Mutant and you keep it that way",

"No, no" Akagi hopelessly pleaded "You have to believe me, yes I am a mutant and I stole document from my college but I did for saving someone I care about, please I am not a spy or a mole",

"We already knew all that, we well aware of how many Mutants are living in the yellow zone, since they are peaceful living in it, showing no sign of rebellion against the Empire, so we don't interfere in their daily pathetic lives but You Akagi Shinsuke, you are not a peaceful living Mutant, one of your own confirmed that",

"Who-who was?" Akagi babbles, eyeing her,

"Hrmph..." she snorted, eyed her men "Send him to Southern Black site prison, Detention 141".

"Yes ma'am",

"Wait, wait!! Where you taking me, I'm not mole!" Akagi shouted, but it seems doesn't help....


Seeing Akagi didn't show up in the theatre, Misaki knew something is wrong, she seek help from Yamamoto and other about the Akagi's disappearance,

Everyone present in the Yamamoto's office including Yuji, standing behind,

"I checked, his apartment, his house even his college, still nothing" Misaki reported Yamamoto,

"Maybe he ran off somewhere playing games or doing dope" Fumihiro sarcastically joked sitting beside Misaki,

"Shut up Kishino!" she hoarse "Or you'd like me to beat you into a bloody pulp!".

"Aright, fine I'm just joking"

Yamamoto sitting calmly on the sofa, "Maybe I made a mistake" he sighed ", First I thought, he would behave but his actions causing to me pulverised as well as ours".

"Would kindly explain, what you decided sir," said Yuji, leaning on the wall,

Yamamoto exhales "What about to tell you all, I want complete obedience from all of you since you working for me".

Yamamoto stands up "Akagi has been captured by Spectres; they linked him from the info leak".

"What makes you so sure?" Misaki quickly question, standing up,

"What makes me so sure doesn't matter you, as your previous question I think you already knew" Yamamoto replied,

"Knew, knew what?" Misaki said, eyeing Yamamoto,

"I am the the one who confirmed that Akagi is a mole", he unemotionally declared, "Whoever crossed the line, I will disowned them, it is a rule you all must obey!"

"Enough with your rambling old man" Fumihiro casually grouse, "Why you told Akagi a mole, who did you told that about Shinsuke?"

"Such fool!" Yamamoto hoarsely yells "Do you heard WHAT I SAID!" he Growled in anger then calmly sighed, "Fine, I tell you, yesterday evening I encountered few men, they introduced themselves as Spectres agents, after I welcomed them, they claim to know about us, they also claim they aren't interested in us, they offered me a solution, if I could tell them everything about Akagi Shinsuke, and his Affiliations to MRC, then, they will spare us, spare you all, truth to say"

He strikes his walking stick on the wooden ground "I did what I had to, I told everything, giving them his address and his current location and beware this is not a confession, it is a threat to all of you who worked under me, Spectres firmly warned if any of us interfere with their works they would come here again burned the Restaurant down on the ground including us as well, if you still find loyal to Akagi Shinsuke, then you have to deal with me first, GOT IT!".

After Yamamoto confidently threatened every staff of Friendo's, no one dares to question him,

Yamamoto glaring at everyone in satisfaction, as no one shows no sign of alarm "Good, no objection then, we could pretend that we didn't meet Shinsuke at all"

"I got a objection!" Fumihiro nonchalantly raised his hand "You know what Mr Owner, you're the few crafty old croakers in town, Akagi thought you as his mentor and you stab him in the back" he claps "Quite the characterization of you",

Yamamoto glaring at Fumihiro with his intimidating eyes "Yes I am betraying him and no one is to opposed me, you should behave yourself Kishino Fumihiro, Don't forget Shinsuke hired you not me, there is no reason of you to patronized me".

Fumihiro snorted, "Huh, you cared only about yourself not me old man; I'm going to find him" he looked behind at the staff "Who else wanna join me?"

After Fumihiro's proposal Miyoshi felt relief that someone volunteered to rescue him, she worried about Akagi excessively, she about to stand but stopped by Misaki, she silently taps Miyoshi's shoulder forcing her to sit. Miyoshi herself confused at Misaki's sudden change of behaviour.

As no standing up, Misaki later stands "What is you want Kishino?" she scolds him "Who wants to help that arrogant piece of shit like Akagi Shinsuke, give me a break, next time you better shut up and listen to Yamamoto-San" she pleaded to Yamamoto "Please forgive him, he newly joined so he didn't know all of that".

Overwhelming with exhilaration Yamamoto overly praised her, "Yes, of course my child, see I knew she would be a good girl, glad I could raise you properly, she's always a daughter to me" he taps Misaki's head for gladness, She's isn't smiles after receiving Yamamoto sanctions.

Including Fumihiro and Miyoshi, everyone was at shock witnessing Misaki's action.

"The meeting is over, we had decided not to act, tomorrow we start as normal, I be manager, until someone new willing to take his place".

Fumihiro massively hoarse Misaki after the meeting "Tell me How cold you really are, huh? What your said about Shinsuke, 'An arrogant pieces of shit', Shinsuke is our friend, damn it, as your friend you should defend him not encourage Yamamoto to betray him!"

Misaki keeps silence not defined her action,

Exhausted for scolding, Fumihiro told her one thing, he sighed, "I know I'm a monster but, you're different kind of monster, the one who aren't capable of love".

Misaki flinched hearing such awful words, but she's stern, still keeps silent,not willing to explain anything.

Fumihiro walked out from the store in anger,

Misaki clenched her hands, shaking when she fold her fingers, she stand still, thinking about something.

"You could fool that kid Fumihiro but you couldn't fooled me", A voice alerted Misaki's senses; she quickly, turned back.

Yuji and Miyoshi standing behind,

They walked towards her "I been a instructor for many years, you were strong-willed, hated rules, I also teach Akagi how to fight, in my experience you never gave up on your friends, especially the one you cared about, What you will intend to do? How will you find him" Yuji inquired,

Misaki hopelessly mumbled, "I don't know If I could save him, Yamamoto has been a father to me but I can't obey his every order and I can't let him die in the hands of Spectres, Shinsuke is only one who understood me, I learned so much about myself when I was talk to him, if he in danger, I can't just sit back doing nothing"

"Don't be hesitated Misa-Chan" Miyoshi politely encourage her "You and Aka-Chan had saved me once remember, you always help your love ones in need, don't lose hope now".

For Miyoshi commitment, Misaki's hesitation turns into confidence, "No I won't" she energetically eyed her, Miyoshi slowly smiles seeing her energetic face.

"Although!" Yuji suddenly interrupted, he comes forward saying, "Spectres is secretive military group hundreds of hidden bases across the city, many don't know about their bases, it would be impossible for only us to find their base which one Akagi was holding",

"What you suggest?" they both asked, looking at him,

Yuji hummed first then says, "I don't their bases but I know who can send his spies to dig it out".

"Who?" Misaki asked,

Yuji sighed, "A brilliant Mutant informant named Spider, I think he could help us",

"Spider?" Misaki thought, "Who could be"...