The Uncivil War 2

"Who are those people? What did they want?" Akagi thought, standing in the middle of the Helecters.

"You Freaks!" a feminine voice came out from the rebels as she stepped out pointing a gun at them, "We are seven Rangers, here to protect Brown Zone ghetto areas and its people, they hired us to protect them from scumbag bandits likes of you".

"Whoa!!!! You're the great seven samurais" Sogen magnificently yelped in sudden excitement, he step forward spreading his hands in gratitude, "I am a big fan of your work, I always wanted to take the role of a badass samurai, but..." He crossed his hands, "You're the lady, this sector is dangerous for a lady hanging around with a bunch of ugly looking people who taught themselves some fighting.

Female leader flinched for underestimated them, "Don't take us lightly, you killed Dr Saiki and his family, you intend to keep on looting until you killed everyone in the ghetto".

Sogen bent down in ecstasy, swinging his limbs for overwhelming excitement, "Oooohhh listening to your angelic voice, remind me of the movie, then I been the remorseless Bandit, here you are capturing me your sexy handcuffs or chains" his eyes rolled upwards, "It's overwhelming sensation wanting me to fuck you really hard".

"They just worthless and untrained teenagers hoping they could make a difference, attacking bad people", Akagi thought as he howling inside of his head, however he takes no action instead he look at his comrades "I usually don't bother killing them all, but I want to see what they react to it".

"There is no point of immature brats interfere with adult's work" Juzou darkly warns with threats of violence, "Be good kids and go home to your mama, this place isn't for pesky teenagers, you do shit pointing guns at us"

"Duh! What you doing Blue-Head!?" Sogen stopped Juzou from talking, then takes the conversation as he speaks farther "You wanta play hero? Duh," he crazily wakes towards the Seven Ranger,

"Who you calling, Blue-head? You fucking blondie piece of shit!" Juzou roared, glaring at Sogen but Sogen ignored him, continue walking towards the rebels ,

Before Sogen stepped any farther Mike harshly stops him, "Sogen! You had enough fun with the mother and daughter, it's time to get serious", then he looked at Akagi, commanding him, "Redtron, finished them off quickly, we have no time playing with teenagers".

"Hey, please send the leader here alive, I love girl samurai" Sogen annoyingly request, before Akagi even started,

"Don't order me round" Akagi coldly stated, looking behind at them, "I'm not the one who gets ordered Sogen and that goes for you too, Mike"

Mike smirked for being understood.

Then at once Akagi jumped without much taking any pressure, he protrudes on middle of the leader and her rest of the crew, he forcefully kicked out of the ground throwing the crew with his single kick.

Before the Seven Rangers could aware what happened, Akagi brutally choked the leader and pushed her forward.

A spectacular curly crimson hair flows when her helmet drops down, the leader is a pretty woman with well-endowing body.

Sogen grabbed her and pulled her out of sight, then Juzou ruthlessly fires at them without any hesitation. The distracted and unprepared Seven rebels got brutally shot down as they were no match for the Helecters, the most notorious Mutant organisation notably known for their distinct brutality and wickedness.

All of six were presumably dead, each of them got five or six bullets excavated in their flesh. Worst ones who tried to fight got head squeezed badly as their brain gushed out of the skull still loading with bullets,

As for the leader, Sogen meticulously brushing every inch of her body.

"No, let me go!" The leader shouts with great fear, anticipating what will happen if she caught by the group of villains, who has no moral whatsoever.

"Duh, not so tough, are you?" Sogen said, wrapped around her like a snake, "I love the smell of a pure maiden", Sogen whispers tightly holds her cheek. He smacked her face over tin made shanty.

"Please spare us, I don't do anything, wanted to protect my friends" she glistened her cheek with tears,

"Hahaha. Duh. Can't do it for you baby" Sogen wickedly grins come closer on her body, "God! Humans have cold bodies but yours is blazing in fire, and yet you failed understand, you all humans solely underneath my beauty, you should be lucky able to withstand the overwhelming lust that came out from a Harem God such as myself"

"The only thing that matters in this world. Is power," Sogen rips off the leader's grey dress exposing her half-naked curvaceous milky body which trembled in fear and sorrow as she screamed for help but it was seem hopeless.

Her white corset bra and panties are still intact when she was pinned against the shanty by Sogen's sadistic rough hands. Her luscious melons bounce and jiggle everywhere,

"It's time for round two!" Sogen grins as he waste no time taking off his pants and whips out his erecting shaft.

"You let HER GO NOW!" A young surviving boy growled, come out and tremendously crumbling as he trying to stands in-front of them, "You let Sakura go now! Or I pulled your dick right your balls" he pulled out the destructive device however the boy got shot in his foot, not able to stand up properly but he was courageous and brave standing in front them like a man.

"Aahh... The hero" said Sogen widely smirking, "The hero who protect the girl from distress, how brave".

"No, Shu, don't..." she mumbles with tears rolls from the eyes, being in Sogen's grasp.

Witnessing all of that, Mike sighs, "You know bravery are better called for stupidity, if you act heroic, you die, and die horribly" he slowly stepping forward, attempt to make reason with that boy "Do you know what you holding?"

The young man gritted his teeth, tightly holding his weapon, presumably not knowing what the weapon does,

"It's a plasma radiated hand cannon" Mike explains as he slowly approaching the young man, "You don't know how to fire, you even holding it wrong".

The young man looked down thinking what should he do,

"Be reasonable, don't be brave and heroic, save your own life" Mike advised as he grazed at the face,

After a long silence, the young man lifted his head, "You think I'm stupid enough to run away without rescue my comrade" he pressed the Plasma gun bottom and it takes a shape of a robotic hand,

Mike gritted his teeth in anger "Damn, he knows!"

Soon plasma hand cannon slowly charging, making a boiling sound "I wouldn't forgive you killing my friends and I won't forgive if you hurt Sakura," He loudly quoted, "FOR MY ALL POWER I SHALL DEFEAT ALL EVIL AND SAVE HER".

Just in time Akagi stab the young man in the back with his pointy sharp blade before he fire that cannon into the Helecters.

"No! SHUU!!!.. Ughhhh..." Sakura shouted in grief, before Sogen smack her mouth with his hand.

"I heard enough of you bitch! Give me your pussy!" he immediately ripped off rest of her clothes.

Innocent Sakura yells as she tightly gripped Sogen forearm and begs for her life as Sogen pounds her badly and relentlessly, loud puffing sound followed up with screaming and laughing echoes throughout the empty the brown zone ghettos. None dare to opposed this. None sided with this helpless girl.

"Get your filthy hands off me!" she fights with all her might until Sogen quickly slices off arm and fresh warm blood splattered into his furious face

"AAAAAH!!!" Screams out the woman in pain as she falls to the dusty ground and starts rolling around in agony.

"Nooooooooo!!!" Shuu screams as he sobbing in sorrow. "Gak-ak!" when Akagi pull out his blade,

Shuu grunted, "What!? But how and why!? It's not supposed to happen!" Shuu said throaty, blood filled mouth.

Akagi choked him up from the ground, "As Mike suggested, you should've run away, no there is no place for heroes, only thing are existing in this world is evil" Akagi firmly quoted,

"Is there God here? Will he punish the wicked and save you and your lover from us, no.?" Akagi's eyes frowned watching Shuu as he struggled to breathe, "No... There is no god, there is no justification of right or wrong".

"What you talking about?" Shuu questions, holding Akagi's fist, "You act like you're different"

"Of course, I am..." He claimed, tighten his grip even stronger, "How dare you compare me to them, I'm much better than them, I am the one who will be changing this world, this city, this world is rotting, what it requires is a change, I know I'm evil and Immoral, and I do evil things just to create a better future for everyone who wish to be free because there no place for good".

"You fucking insane!" Shuu directly declared while being choked,

"Of course, I knew small brain like you wouldn't understand my philosophy" Akagi huffed pull his other hand backwards, "If you want quick death , and then I will quickly consume you, if you want to live, they going to torture you later after done with her" he violently punched Shuu's stomach completely gouged it, then Akagi's Seaks stick out from his body and quietly consuming his flesh