Akagi: The Diabolical Mastermind

For waiting so long, the opportunity its flouts as Akagi begins explaining proper plans,

"Roald and Spectre's Colonel Bulldog never together in the open so give me some time to think about it" Akagi politely requested, "Also, for my plan to success, I need Doctor Freddy's assistance" he looked back at Doctor Freddie who were in the meeting in entire time, waiting silently.

The reason he asked for Freddie's help because Akagi was aware his background.

Doctor Freddie was old town doctor who visit patient's door to door but somehow, he got hidden mental illness issues, that urge him to kill, he brilliantly kills 90 or more of his patients undetected, he poison them into their medication, once they inhales the medicine they died in 5 days, since slow poison taken their lives slowly, it nearly impossible to say what their death.

In that time Freddy's was a mild-featured man with polite voice tone, the Mutant's doctor Fred hates the humans he is strict, knows every human and mutant's analogy will knock out cold anyone who misbehaves during his present. For his politeness one suspected to be an Angel of death, after Helecter found out about Angel of death, they directly recruited him as the member he becomes their doctor with wearing a European plague doctor outfit.

Akagi didn't wanted Freddy's help so desperately, Freddy will finish it.

After two days of strategizing and gathering information though out of the city, Akagi finally represents his plan,

as members sitting on their respected seats, Akagi began,

"After analysing everything I concluded that man Ronald is so under his ego about his power and his friendship with Brittonia that he wouldn't complain about Helecters nor his past illegal supplies to them, that is suggest he doesn't aware what will do" he pressed his hands on the table before walk a bit, "I have an idea that Ronald and Colonel Bulldog will die in different places, different time and different circumferences.

"Brittonia and their imperium Empire will never have found out those murders were linked, I consulted with Doctor Freddie and he agreed but, You're the who take the final decision, Captain Ogomi",

"What's your plan?" Ogomi desperately asked,

"I have an idea and I want to explain to details" Akagi didn't sits his low rank seat instead he keeps on walking continue, "There's Human name Motohashi Yasuaki, another extremist, Brittonia bootlicker and one of Colonel Bulldog close friend. He constantly provoking and mocking Big Mutants Anarchist cult called Big Brothers, calling out directly"

"Next Friday" said Akagi, "Yasuaki's daughter Wedding day, Colonel Bulldog and his most important men will also be present, I arrange to plant a bomb over the wedding hall", Akagi slowly sits on high Lieutenant Seat.

After Akagi's quote Everyone in this organisation went numb and went absolute silent, someone lean up and some of them sit tightly, a strange expression of their faces when Akagi coldly expands,

"Yasuaki?" Ogomi verified with an exclaiming face, "You plant a bomb over Yasuaki daughter's wedding hall?"

"The explosion created by the bomb will kill off Colonel Bulldog and his men instantly as the bomb will be under the wedding cake" Akagi slightly moves his chair to Ogomi, "Brittonia and imperium media will thought this a bomb blast for Yasuaki by the Anarchist cult Big Brothers but we all know the truth, the real target is Colonel Bulldog, I sacrifice Yasuaki to cover the Bulldog's murder, you see, no one will ever suspect that this national bomb blast used to kill one particular Colonel, who will thought about a assassination plot over a massive bomb blast".

The whole Helecter was shaken tremendously, thinking how cold-hearted and calculating man Redtron is, that the most dangerous Mutants are going to think about him

"Brittonia, Spectres and even Ronald will think Bulldog's death by the Big Brothers and two days later, Ronald will die too. Green Zone, Northern side of Shinjuku, there is a guest house, Room no. 65, the room where Ronald spreads his time fucking a married woman, the woman's husband is unaware of his wife affair, her husband is also short temper, just after Bulldog's death, I will use the husband to kill Roald and the wife, those murders will committed by Husband, Military police will easily assumed it's a simple case of Love affair going violent".

"How to execute the plan properly, I will tell you what to do" ....

His Plan went smoothly as he plays out the game using the cheat code from his brain,

The bomb blasted over the wedding cake, killing everyone on the spot, with high kill courts, Military Police and Brittonia announced the Big Brothers were responsible for the attack, and for the Roald, call blocked number soon Rigged out from the Husband's phone, saying all about his wife's affairs, sends some photos proves and given the address from where he can find his wife and Ronald in the act, after the husband boil out in rage, Akagi instructed him there's a loaded gun outside of doorsteps and do what you have to do, as Akagi's calculation. The husband rushed out from his house, holding the given gun, while he was drove there shooting his wife and Ronald. The husband soon be killed because the gun's handle he was holding was indeed poison, Akagi specially told Freddy to improve the poison as it kills within an hour, when the husband holds gun handle, the poison slipped through his palm. While driving dreadfully, his right hand went parallelized that leads to his death by car accident,

Helecters lackeys after destroy any evidence that links to their organisation.

And then, planning and strategizing a single problem, Akagi is errand more respect than any members ever could, they are easily trust Akagi into planning as he keeps on manipulating everyone and The Helecter's co-leader Arisa were played under Akagi's thumb, he had no difficulty higher up his ranks in no time. Even though Brittonia, Lex Unit or Spectres do not know Redtron's identify Helecter and their members is unaware that sexy Mild-manner Professor Akagi Shinsuke is going to a become the most dangerous threat Brittonia and even Helecters never comprehend.