Kawazoe Ken the Mocking Bastard

On the Brittonian military HQ,

The baroness Natalia sat down discussing with her new subordinates and his underlings after Raizen Supermaxim attack.

"Why did you told your division to put stop squeaking on the captured Prisoners?" Natalia emotionless demand, answer to her worthless subordinate, "Are you the one in charge, interrogating them?"

"I do, Major" Her new subordinate quickly replied

"Have I order you to lower it?" she nonchalantly said with her deadly menacing eyes,

"Ma'am for your due respect "The subordinate said in stutter and whimper, "I did what you asked, we beaten, electrified, drowning, we did everything, but, but..."

"No, No, no! Have I abundantly cleared that you and your underlings will skinned the captured prisoners while they're alive, break their bones and teeth, then poured the boiling oil all over them, have I not instructed to do so?"

"You did, Ma'am",

"Then do your job! Any kind of rebels will receive the same treatment for treason, either they Mutants or plain peasant we will make sure that they will never tried to cross our empire".

"Yes ma'am" He obeyed, without any question.

As the meeting ends they only as fast as they can, without looking in the eyes.

She's pissed after her defeat by Redtron, and loss of her half-brother and Toshiba making her even more, she immediately landed to the HQ, began her search with Masamune's for the Redtron and Helecters, she vowed to avenge her brother, Jorge, and her friend Toshiba, as she pulling her own cards on the deck. She thoroughly ordered the new ones to interrogate the captured Helecters with as brutal as possible to spill it all.

While she rearranging her document on the Helecters,

A casual whistle approaches briefly interrupted her.

Ken arrives with a usual smug face, sits on the empty seat, as he not cares in the world,

"What are doing in here?" Natalia asked with annoyance

"What can I say" Ken brush the smooth table as if he knocking with a musical tone, "I've arrived with so adventure to tell, explore the sensational pleasure, playing tug of war, and wrestling with a rookie female soldier in a shower",

"I don't have time to listen to your nonsense! A Mocking Bastard like you, Ken" Natalia rudely answered, picked her files as she just about to leave.

"Do you have any idea what happened if the rebellion breaks out against Helecters", Ken directly says in serious tone

"I don't know what you mean" Natalia replied, "I'm doing my job as an honourable Soldier",

"By torture useless captives are honourable, I see, have they passed a new law?" Ken said with a sarcastic tone, looking at Natalia with his slit eyes, "You understand, it won't help if you only doing it for satisfying your bloodlust"

She snorted, "Heh then it's their fault if they can't hold like a man".

"Wow! Boobs of steel, a true aristocrat don't you agree?" Ken smiled for been sarcastic "No wonder our lads afraid of you and calling by your Nicknames such as the lady, the Baroness and lady of war, nevertheless you have a lack of understanding of how warfare works"

"What do you know about warfare or the Helecters anyway!" she retorted,

"Properly nothing about the Helecters" Ken said, "But I know how to fight in warfare, and I know people, the people hate the Helecters as much as they hate us and if the Helecters have the peasants support, the greater chances, they joined the Mutant militiamen and try to overthrow us together, so don't do anything that provokes the Helecters".

Natalia hoarse, "What you're suggesting that we let him go? Running around filthy animals, and by the way, how the peasants know about what we do in Safe Zones?"

"Hold on let me finish" Ken confirmed, "I'm saying you shouldn't announce your cruelty to the people because" he leans forward, pick up some candy from the bowl, "Since Redtron is smarter than all of you, he already knew what going to happen to the captured prisoners hence he deliberately spreading rumours about us, and all the injustice we are commenting"

"Huh!" Natalia laughs, "Why people care what we doing to Mutants, they know Mutants are monsters"

Ken loudly retorts "They now care about they witness we causing more atrocities then the Helecters, it's a matter of time they rose up against us because the people will soon realise we and the empire are the greater monsters than Mutants".

"What your suggestion Major Kawazoe represent your glorious plan," Natalia said in snide,

Ken smirks, put the candy in, and mocked back "I know it might be difficult for you, after I read your file about your past endeavours, they say how you reached Major position for such a young age, committed crimes for Brittonia such as massacre, human experimentation, starvation, and forced labour, I don't blame for your background, been a daughter of a professional Torturer".

Natalia thunderous frowned, slams the table with brute force, "Choice your words every carefully Major, you don't want me to get angry".

"Na" He smiles, "Thing I have to tell you that, forget about your vendetta against Redtron, his nothing more of a foot soldier you been assigned to assembled to a rally for the Supreme One arrival",

"Hey, you cannot order me to move away" Natalia firmly protected, "Moreover marching rally are Spectres job?",

"They should" Ken replied, "After someone massacred half of Spectres, cut short in half thus they aren't going perform that, never are you the honourable Soldier that rambled about, you said I'm the 'Mocking Bastard' thus I'm too dishonourable to perform that, best of luck". He left without saying anything else since Natalia had no words to protest.

After Ken firmly ordered Natalia to assembled the troops for the rally, despite he had no right to moreover that his job too but he aware of that is nothing except deep politics and bureaucracies and he is not interested lick Supreme One's shoes, he rather gave the responsibility to Natalia.

He made his way to Masamune's room,

"Wow, quite the documentary film you've directing" Ken joke after he saw Masamune's room filled with files, newspapers, tied down with red threads. Forming a spider's web

"Oh Major" Masamune said, "That's not a documentary, which is nets",

"Nets?" Ken asked,

"Yes, Nets about Redtron" Masamune said back, "I'm trying to find Redtron's real identity hence I forming a connection with individual incidents over the past months".

"Such as?" Ken questions,

For Ken's question Masamune thoroughly replies "All Helecter's attacks, Bomb Blast on Luton King's Palace and Brittonia's Barracks, dozens of political and social assassinations, building collapse on MRC Research Facility in East-Red Zone and coordinated assault on Raizen Supermaxim, what is all in common?",

"Well according to you, instead Helecters, Redtron is the one pulling the strings from behind" Ken guessed, looking at one of at centre of Masamune's diagram,

"Correct Major" Masamune replied.

Masamune didn't have many Redtron photos, hence he placed a most recognisable photo with bunch of question mark because he doesn't know Redtron very much.

"Whatever you're doing or wasting time, because all these are just for the skirmish more between the Brittonia Empire and Helecters" Ken response after Masamune's claims,

"I've!?" Masamune growled, "You're saying I've making this shit up!".

"I'm not saying anything" Ken amorally claims, "I just staging the fact that I seeing, you're overtired just like the Baroness Natalia, Redtron is an urban legend, the present Redtron that you all are seeing just some lame boy playing God or whatever something although the lads discussing over month but I have no tolerance for nonessential gossips"

"You not seriously know that" Masamune firmly protested, "Have even listening to your fellow men?",

"Heh!" Ken laughed, "Right but I don't see your point of view here, however you should carry on with your crazy theory".

"Maybe I should ask my friend around the subject" Masamune mumbles,

"Oh! You have friend who can help you out" Ken said, overheard Masamune's mumbling.

"Yes, I have an old friend who knows a lot about the subject, I heard he got a job as a Professor",

Ken smirks and leaves off by saying "Good, best of you talking to your friend and share more hypocrisies I mean theories I go to hospital for check my rib broken friend.

Masamune frowned by seeing Ken's reactions but nevertheless he did not say anything.

Whatever points and theories Masamune represented, Ken just throws away since he doesn't care how will Brittonia win against the uprising forces Helecters nor Ken doesn't know his beliefs, the prime honour that lies within a soldier is believe in something and Ken does not care what is happening or will happen to the future as he careless, only thing Ken believe is he is middle of unsure Crusade between two forces of Evil. And he's well aware that the Empire may be genuinely highly civilized, wealthy, organized, at the same time they're vital, corrupt, bureaucratic, sybarite and militaristic turned inwards.

For leaving the death, destructions and corruption behind Ken were up in sky guarding Raizen over the last whole year but soon his long shift is over and he is back in the circus.

"By the way" Ken said, leaving the room, he turned back with his creepy unpredictable face looking at Masamune, casually asking "Who's your friend that you going to met?".

"Due respect Major" Masamune replied, "Despite I'm surrounding with Assholes, I have one less hostile friend, a Mild-manner guy name Akagi Shinsuke".