The Supreme One Arrival

Green Zone lighten significantly as Brittonia began its preparation for their only one of one, The Supreme One.

The Lincolnshike Garden famous for its features of plain green grass, beautiful trees, and decoration, are filled with armed guards in the proper rally for the Supreme One return from his conquered victory in Vietnam and Laos and Cambodia. all those natural countries are now to be a part of the expanding empire. Brittonia flags have risen, soldiers assembled, matching rally continues it's a duty. The full light red in the background, a broad white cross stripe, and at the centre with golden two headed Eagle facing across from each other, crown and Imperial sceptre at talon, the symbol represents stability, sovereignty, order and a warning to the enemy that the golden vigilant Eagle watching everything, everywhere from above, is the Imperial emblem of Brittonia's Flag. The whole Imperium of Brittonia Empire is very complex, diverse central political system, having as many corrupted and cowardly individuals as they have brave and wise heroes. For better or worse, they have taken a central role in balancing the fate of it's colonies in the world.

Everyone went silent, once the huge convoy of Airships comes in Airships landed, with it the five Generals comes in to get their Infinite Dictator, the Supreme One,

The Imperium of Brittonia Empire the full name of the Empire which nobody bothered to pronounce except The Supreme One, who firmly believed in higher standards among his Empire, also pure discipline, and proper welcome from his men after his victory against the recent Asian Continental War which Brittonia ruthlessly fighting outside from Tokyo region.

A.N.A realised that their colonies weren't holding any longer hence the continuous revolution against their rules including raising ideas of independence. They had no choice but to assigned Brittonia to deal with the uprising, in return, they received the lands they captured. Brittonian imperial army filled with brutal, ruthless, but skilled soldiers, moreover they have full roster of private military contractors from different continents such as Asia, Europe and even Americas.

Obviously, they easily crushed the Revolt and seize total control within the regions by the help from their supreme benefactor who sincerely funding to it's limits.

Despite the full name and busy making itself an Empire Brittonia is the name most people know and fear. Since Brittonia transformed itself into full-fledged political Empire, thus their features their own military forces which are huge and complex, it particularly went under in five Major groups. Infantry, Cavalry, Navy, Air force and Special Units such as Lex Unit, MRC, Wall's Guardsman Troops, The Counter-Rebellions Division, Spectres etc.

No matter how over developed they are or how developed Green Zone, there is 90% poor people from all over conquered countries are staving, living in complete misery, hash condition, turmoil and they experienced continuously oppression of Empire, there the people angry against them, Nevertheless Brittonia did not care they only aim to renovating their capital and erased the Infection forever.

As the lines forming for the parade, Kawazoe Ken who also on the line, noticed Claire at female front at back row, standing forward in the line as he wandering around a bit, breaking the rules, however, no one dare to question him anyway

Brittonian military fully believed about gender equality, they also have no problem recruiting Hard-core women who willing to fight for them if they passed the results test which is tough beyond imagining.

"How are you, my dear Claire?" Ken politely inquired, after he approached her,

"Major Kawazoe" She slowly turned, as if she didn't care at all.

"Ahh don't be mad now, it good for us to know each other more privately" Ken casually response after he clearly saw Claire's disgruntled tone.

"You're really are shameless pervert, Major Ken" Claire utterly surprised to his reaction, nevertheless Claire is a simple manner woman, joined the Brittonia for glory, respect, honour which most of the Amateurs thought when they first join in.

Claire intended looking to keep her virtue for her wedding night, but she can't control the lust and lose her virginity and Ken knew all too well hence he keeps on teasing her in snide.

His sweet teasing was rudely interrupted when the

At looking at his face and attitude, many people thought The Supreme One beg his speech.

The Supreme One is the man with many mysteries, by the time he set foot, he displayed no arrogance, the power of tyranny or any superiority among the media, he speaks with passion, commitment, a sight of conviction whatever he babbling about, nevertheless the all his Legion including Generals are listening with ear wide open.

The Supreme One, name Byron Kyousuke is a tall, broad-shouldered gentleman with the appearance of a man of relatively healthy middle-age has Slick swept back grey hair, sports with a full Donegal-style beard on his strong jaw.

Beside Byron there is his son Ichiro Kyousuke, smiling at his father speech, although Ichiro is handsome looking young man with neck length white hair and purple eyes, many of soldiers claimed to be a complete idiot, a coward who hides in his big daddy's pocket.

Ken mostly ignored most speech as he had no interest list a typical politician speech whatever The Supreme One is speaking but a sudden pair of words grabbed his attention.

"The people, the civilian, and soldier suffered long enough it's time to change, we have the solution to cure the infection!",

Everyone including Ken was surprised after Byron's 's statement,

"May I present to you, the mind creating the cure, Yurie Arata!".

After Byron welcomed Yurie Arata who was in the Norway researching about Cure, once she finally achieved it she wastes no time arriving in TYZ. Once Byron's wholeheartedly stepped out of the stage Yurie stepped forward announcing herself, Yurie is a young woman of average height with a slender build and large boobs. Has long reddish-orange hair that is waist length, with several strands next to her head sticking out in a spiky manner, and her short bangs clipped together by several hairpins to frame her face and has brown eyes.

"My fellow people" She announced to the public, "Let's be honest with ourselves, so much blood already spilled and my studied many Mutant's analogy for years and we finally discovered the Mutants are the same like us, only difference they have an awful disease that embedded in their bodies till birth, expect that disease we are alike. As the Supreme One, Byron's has already mentioned I'm the head scientist me and my team created a Cure, that will help against the voracious virus called the Darkfallen".

By her manner and attitude, she is a composed, well-versed, and mature person. She cares a lot for the other people of her friends is probably the most level-headed of them. Her sole intention is to start a program, put an end to this bloodshed and violence and keep going for decades. She is goodwill and determined to make a positive and peaceful solution for good.

"Our cure is designed to extinguished that disease and grant them a chance to be a human, without any differences we can end the Infection and save millions of people, both humans and Mutants together we call it the cure as the Bluelight and my fellow Mutants who do not want to participate any violent activities, who want to live their lives in peaceful manner so I request you all for come to vaccination camps that will open in few days, as guaranteed Military Police will do no harm to the volunteers, please come to those camps we can put a end to the civil war that taken the lives of many, we have to end this bloodshed forever only if we join forces and set our sights to the future".


"Is that joke? Cure that destroys the infection but why now, is it really happening, a Mutant's vaccine that cure Mutant into human, stop the infection that dominated for decades is finally over?".

just like that many of people had their jaw dropped as whispers around, rising many questions has risen by Yurie's unimaginable statement,

"Um, The Supreme One?" one of the General bent down near Byron's 's ear and stammers, "Why you let that girl or whatever allow to the public, we trying desperately to the stop the infection, we have all under control over vast city, did you lose faith in us, beside why since Brittonia needs approval from the people",

Byron's slightly turned back of head while a smug portrays on his face, "You said 'Under control'? 6 months before, one Mutant slaughtered half of my Spectres Unit, Helecters still on large and not to mention the People's Messiah Redtron is still kicking around, and you said 'Under Control`!".

The General went numb after witnessing Byron's 's ambitious demeanour,

The General explains himself in maunder manner, "Supreme One, what are your saying we'll drag that immoral son of bitch Redtron into justice hence we about to send our finest infantry into Red Zone".

Byron's firmly intrigued, "Oh really, what happens then, Redtron again bring down a fucking building upon your infantry",

"Yeah, that one is really awesome!" Ichiro childishly said, sitting beside Byron's .

Byron's ignored his son talking as a child joke and continues his word with the General, "What do you think since I'm not here that gives you the permission to do whatever you wish over the prefecture?".

Byron's continues, "You still don't know how to play politics, I feed the people and give freedom thus they kept in line, if I don't, this 'civilized people', they will tear your home up and place your head on a stick, you don't know the rising fire of revolution, thus keep your dirty dick in your pants, on the infection is gone, Brittonia will move forward taking over the whole Tokyo prefecture forever".

"Wish advice, my Supreme One" General gladly nods,

Byron's nods back, watching the military assembly, "We let the girl make the cure for our success, if the Mutants wants to lose their superpowers, whom we to decide, nevertheless we will take, soon or later, and if the Mutants interrupts or the program failed, we still have the opportunity for the total crackdown and destroyed that filthy rebellious mutant".

By the sight of it He is known for his stoic, tough as nails, pragmatic, cunning and calculating demeanour, but also his ruthless, cold, manipulative, power-hungry, and often unfettered attitude, even for his family.

Masamune arrived at least for Yurie's commendation,

"Brother! you are here" at sight, Yurie happily announces, went straight for hugging him.

Yurie Arata is nonetheless is Hyoubu Masamune's Younger sister, who was desperate to see him until the morning she got back.