The Devil’s Feeling

"I be off then" Akagi lastly said, get out of the office, completely ignores Misaki, while she standing in front.

He had a glimpse of Miyoshi Nagako, standing in back, nevertheless he also ignored her, quickly withdraw from the Friendo's.

"Why was he here?" Misaki inquired Yamamoto

However, Yamamoto did not respond, wandering within his thoughts.

"Mr Yamamoto, you lied enough" Misaki snarled "Tell me what he told you?".

After a brief of time, Yamamoto response, "A threat, he was here to threatened to destroy us",

"Us?" Misaki stammered,

To clarify Misaki's confusion Yamamoto sighs and says, "He going to destroy us all for abandoning him, he vows someday, he will seek revenge upon me, you, and every person that he knew in Friendo's.

"Impossible!" Misaki replied in disbelief, "You're lying, he will never do such a thing, you're FUCKING LYING!",

"Standing at this moment, you think I'm lying" Yamamoto protest with false confidence, "You're hatred against me caused to fold your sensibilities, what do you think I wouldn't notice that you all day without working glaring at the sky, thinking about him, your ineffective affection to him will not work because" he firmly snarled at her "His poisonous attraction blinded you so much that you lose own creditability"

"SHUT THE FUCK UP!" Misaki shouted and skipped out of the Friendo's. Not accept that Misaki firmly reject it and find the truth herself.

Misaki confront Akagi in a terrace of a multi-story building, which he viewed at the scenery of good old Yellow Zone,

Once she arrived, Akagi questions, facing backward "What can I help you with?"

"So you know, I'd follow you" She said, grimly

"I had a feeling that you will" Akagi replied, still facing backwards,

She removed her tame face and seriously inquired him by saying, "What did you said to Yamamoto? He's made some wild accusations on you".

"Then why ask me now?" Akagi questioned but now he turns facing her forward, "You already heard whatever Yamamoto said, then why you feel the need to verify by me?"

"Well because" she mumbled, avoids eye contact "Whatever you said last time, that affects my feelings towards you..."

"Feelings, huh?" Akagi smirks and walks, way too close to Misaki!

Her suddenly heart drummed when Akagi stands between an inch away from her.

With his dark hair significantly grown and shaped, Akagi indeed became an attractive man with a sudden attraction, appeal and seduction towards his appearance, his handsome face along with sharp define cheekbone, strong jaw, eyes mature enough to give away a sense of brooding that filled with full of mysteries towards a woman like Misaki.

"Why you, just answer my question…"


Before Misaki could finish, Akagi slowly shushed her

"You know, I had living my life as a mouse, underestimated my pride, work, and self-esteem" Akagi said with extreme passionate tone, "I've gone too far that I cannot go back maybe I will go back again, but beforehand there is a gift for you to comfort your feelings"

Wasting any longer, he lifted Misaki's soft chin up with his slender finger, "You're a lovely woman after all" Akagi romantically quoted and with it he zooms his luminous face towards Misaki's luscious wet lips attempts to kiss her!

Misaki's eyes widened extremely as she frightened rapidly, her eyes widened and fixed, body paralyzed, seeing Akagi's lip slowly travelling towards her own, she couldn't do anything, her instinct craving for lose within herself and don't move, however she snapped,

"No, Stop!"


Within half-inch distance she breaks his hold and slap him on the cheek.

"So, you can push me" Akagi claims, rubs his slapped cheek.

"Enough fucking around, tell me what you said to Yamamoto?" Misaki firmly demands as her eyes become wet for heavy emotions that she carried for so long.

"Huh?" Akagi smug, "What do you care? After all of that, you still support them".

Akagi raise his left hand straighten the fingers, showing something to Misaki,

"After…" He stretches his ring-finger, soon his prosthetic ring-finger popped out from the palm "See what I mean, you still want to help your friends and I appreciate that, your good qualities that I remember, your caring personality suits your beautiful appearance, appeared more like a angel, but I'm nothing but a chaste nine-fingered man",

Misaki felt what Akagi's said and she appreciate his compliments as she wants to stay by his side however, she doesn't convince about Akagi's true feelings and intentions since he rarely showed any, and moreover his last attempt to kiss, really confused her.

She frowned, strictly confronts him, "Back in the cave, when you told me that you care about me and have feelings about me, so tell me what I am to you?".

Akagi's eyes hidden away from his long silky hair, after a long silence, he suddenly laughs loudly.

"Hahaha, Hahaha, oh you sweet Mayumi!" Akagi claimed, "You still believe what I had said back then, how naive of you".

"But you said..." surprise by Akagi's laughs, Misaki says in whimper tone, "You said that you-"

"I lied!" Akagi gladly retorts, "You should know by now, that night in the cave I simply placed up my lies for subverting you from the truth"

"Which is?" Misaki questioned, frowning towards Akagi,

Seeing her furrowed, Akagi gives her a nasty cold smirk and confess "The only person I care about is me! Not only that, my wants and needs matter more than yours and everyone else!".

Her eyes widened in shock, thinking about that humble gentle man as Akagi could fall deep that he couldn't came out forever, nevertheless she had an unwanted feeling that he was always like that which he's right now.

She's lower the eyebrows gives Akagi a sullen scowl and grumble in anger, "Just who do you think you are? A god?" she inquired, "You talk about bring good in people as though you owned them, as though they belong to yourself...You don't care about anything except you. You just want to persuade people that you love 'em so much that they ought to love you back. Only you want love on your own terms. Something to be played your way, according to YOUR FUCKING RULES!!!" she excessively howled,

"Precisely!" Akagi grins towards her angry face, "I manipulate everyone for my gain, that I do and always did, is that so much take, you, stupid bitch!".

Wordless Misaki witnessed Akagi's cold-hearted demeanour,

Regardless Akagi's Blacklight mutation causing him to become an attractive man with well-defined body structure, his heart was black, mind corrupted, full of villainous intentions.

Misaki gritted her teeth, bellowing, "If it was someone else I would've killed him, it appeared Yamamoto's claim is true"

Misaki continues "I'm not your sweet little angel that you think, nevertheless I have nothing to say to you, only this", she sadly mumbles "Don't fall for it, Akagi"

"Oh, fall for what?" he asked,

She frowned and explains "For the lie you keep telling yourself. You do the dirty stuff to get the power that you crave. It'll give you all the good things you really want. Then you get the power, you can't even remember what goddamn thing it was you wanted it for in the first place".

"How sweet of you, if you finish then go shoved yourself back in Yamamoto's lap, I don't have time for crying bitch like you hanging out with me".

Misaki hissed tremendously and rash out of the sight with utter hatred upon Akagi.

After she was gone, Akagi stayed, bowed down hiding his eyes in the hair, expresses his true feelings within himself,

"Misaki, that maybe rough for you, but that only you can be safe if you stay in Friendo's, I devoted myself into my plans, at the moment in the cave, I knew you wanted to come with me but I don't want to you carry my burden. Shun you away from me is the best way to prevent you from taking any more rash actions".