Divine Intervention 3

"You know, you're a little fool! Yurie-Chan" Akagi calmly response,

"So, you willing to help me?" Yurie eagerly asked,

Akagi nods, gladly "If you want to stop Operation Valentino and free all prisoners then I won't take any actions to interfere with your Brightlight"

After much thought, Akagi finally accepted Yurie's offer to shut down Valentino with peaceful means and avoids unnecessary killing,

"I'm glad, and Akagi would you talk with Masamune about something for me" she politely requests about something,

"What exactly?" Akagi questioned with confusion,

Yurie hesitated at first, wrapping around with confusion either she tells him something that Akagi don't know about, "You don't know yet but after when everything is over, could you please tell Masamune that I'm sorry for not falling in love with him,"

"What, Masamune in love with you!?," Akagi bugs out tremendously by Yurie's comment,

Yurie nods in regrets, expresses her true feelings towards Masamune, "Hyoubu-Chan was adopted by my father, he didn't confess anything to me but I sense it, even childhood he showed affection and compassion towards me, I always loved him and I'll always loving him, but as a brother and that's bitten me the most, I can't tell him that I can't fall in love with him but I don't want him to be upset or angry with me", then she looked Akagi with passion, "Soon, I'll go back in Norway, when I was gone, would you tell him that, for having you as his best friend, he might understand that",

"I never knew, that Masamune has a twist backstory, every time I asked about his last name, he was always ignored or avoided that question" Akagi explicitly explains, and agrees to Yurie's requests by saying, "Alright, I'll....Arrhhh!"

All fine Akagi suddenly clenched his head tightly as if his head will explode,

"Ahhhhhhhhhh!!!" he howled in pain.

Despite having a simple conversation, Akagi suffered a sudden anxiety, that he is suffering during times in the Detention Centre, he already displayed same stress and anxieties back in Raizen.

Regardless Akagi controlled and even mastered every Mutant's powers and abilities, nevertheless one traumatic flaws causing Akagi to lose control again.

"NO! YURIE go back now" Akagi growled, not controlling his powers "I couldn't, please stay bac-,"

Before Akagi could warn Yurie properly, a massive blackish Biomass emerged through his right shoulder, keep growing, taking a twisting spirals forms about his own body,

"You need to calm down and listen to me" Yurie politely requested, "Hyoubu-Chan will come here soon, just hold back"

Yurie shocked to Akagi's conditions, and mumbles,

"So, it's true, Darkfallen virus can create a full-grown Mutant from regular a human"

Distracted by internal thoughts, Yurie failed to notice, a sharp blade manifested from Akagi's biomass, pointing at her small weakly body,

"No! Yurie watch out!"

Soon, without any given warning, the blade fiercely launch upon Yurie's body,

Her eyes widened by fear, seeing the upcoming death closed in,


a last word that come out from her mouth before the blade violently pierced and gashed her body.

Blood poured out from the blade's exit wounds as her body flew out like a toy.

"REDTRON!!!!!!!!!," Masamune screams tremendously, as he stands behind Akagi's for a pure coincident,

Akagi ripped himself off from the biomass, right after gaining conscious,

"Masamune, why's he doing here!?" he thought desperately, putting his mask on,

But before he could do anything, Masamune put his Techno Suits and punched Akagi right in the mask, goes straight to the building across, fiercely crashed down into the floor with broken bricks tumbling near him.

Akagi slowly stands up, seeing his Redtron's mask cracked on left edge by Masamune's punch, he glared around the scene, witnessing, Masamune already gone with Yurie's wounded body.

"I made a mistake in impulse, I have to stop him before its too late" Akagi quickly phoned Eiji to cancel his order,

"Hey! You have to stop this, forget everything, you must stop your men poisoning the cure!"

"What!?" Eiji question, "You firstly planned everything, now you want to stop?!"

"Yes, I made a mistake, I will fix this, just, don't poison the Brightlight, it will make things worse, I will find another way for free those prisoners."

"Listen to yourself, Shinsuke" Eiji irritatingly said "6 years I've waited, when I could see the possibility to reunite with my family, and now you're telling me to stop!",

"Yes, can't you hear me at the first time, I said stop" Akagi firmly stayed to his final decision,

"Fine, whatever" Eiji answered then immediately cut the phone,

By Eiji's sight aggression and irritation, brought Akagi into questioning

"I don't like his tone of that" Akagi thought, "I need to get back to him as soon a possible before he could do anything."