Men with Bloodstained Swords 2

Lida Nobeshiba, the officer of the internal affairs, a former supervisor of the Raizen Supermaxim and big brother and Hatteki's subordinate Arkatsu Nobeshiba.

Though everything seems normal Lida is somewhat paranoid hampering into people's lives and businesses, obviously it is the part of his job as a inter affairs officer but he takes everything to the extreme.

A desperate desire to escape from the Imperium States with his brother he seems suspicious from the start as he hiding something and trying to hide it he even tried to interfered with Tereko's mysterious work whom had been a top secret, Tereko on the other hand is working for a different group of people.

And Lida found it very suspicious, he falsely presumed that whatever Tereko doing is something do with him and to do with a mysterious Code Phoenix officer Takamatsuke Hatteki with no solid past or any background.

With harbouring extreme doubts Lida invited Tereko and Hatteki in dinner in his mansion.

"More wine?"

Lida asked gently, before standing with a wine bottle in hand, refill Hatteki's glass,

"I must say, your hospitality is fantastic, Lida Nobeshiba."

Hatteki complimented his host, rolling the glass, sitting beside Tereko well decorated long dinner table with a classic music playing background.

With a vague expression on the face, Tereko inquired Lida,

"Nice home, Nobeshiba-san, strange your younger brother is not here."

"Mm-hh true but that is not the matter of our discussion tonight."

"So, what is the discussion then?"

Hatteki asked Lida, leaned back to his chair with a widened grin, knows already about why Lida had invited him and Tereko.

"Lida Nobeshiba, you planned to exploit me to found out about me, haven't you?"


"I thought so that's why I did little bit research on you too, Mr. Lida Nobeshiba."

"What did you mean?"

"It's obvious I don't find your 'honourable' deeds in regular Brittonian military database so while inside the mainframe hacked into the deleted archives, particular in Raizen."

"I still don't understand what you are implying Mr. Hatteki?"

As much as Lida tried not to appear nervous, his face became pale when heard about Raizen, Hatteki noticed his nervousness and countered with a cocky smug,

"Fear, Mr. Nobeshiba fear for been exposed, about nine female prisoners that you raped and killed during your time in Raizen Supermaxim as a Supervisor!"

It was a tremendous accusation that Hatteki gave him, most of people in Lida's situation would growl out in anger, however Lida kept his cool, knowing that if he loses his temper, Hatteki knew caught it right thus, he nonchalantly responded,

"You accused me on so many things, I hope you can prove it."

"Humph, perhaps not, but my theory is - during Brittonia's military campaign continued over Australian heartlands, you were in charge watching over Raizen Prison, maybe for some personal reasons you decided to fucked up some prisoners there, since you had the authority for nearly 3 years, you and your men soundlessly raped and killed countless prisoners, discretely."

"If I say those all accusations are lies."

"Sure, then a new internal affairs officer would reinvestigate the case, sure they will find something."

Lida has out of words to counter Hatteki's, after he revealed Lida's every dark secret that he so desperate to hide, nevertheless he kept steady and confessed,

"Hmm, yes, I did some misguided deeds back in the day, my wife had an affair did not satisfy my needs instead sold her body to some other man, so a man must do something to satisfy his urges."

Even Lida confessed, he didn't feel guilty about heinous crimes that he committed moreover justifies himself, meanwhile Tereko seen not affected by any of it, despite she knew about Lida's dirty secrets, she still casually having dinner, kept herself out of the conversation,

Nevertheless, Lida's justification merely amused Hatteki,

"He hehe you quite amusing fellow aren't you Nobeshiba, Lida, you think your monstrous actions somehow justified?"

Hatteki holds his sharp cheek with his fingers, show his card as displayed a snobbish, arrogant tone,

"However, I am not here to judge, every man has his weakness, someone they wanted to protect from harm and younger brother is only redeeming quality you have."

Lida sighed and counter Hatteki's claim about loving for someone,

"It is true I love my brother, but you seem don't love anything or anyone, like parents, siblings, relatives or lover?"

"Humph, whom am I to love?"

Hatteki straighten his posture, and confidently declared,

"Let me clear myself: I don't care about anyone, my wants and needs grater than any other person's life -- Ahhagh!!!"

A shock that stroke Hatteki' mind like a piercings blade, dropped glass of wine on the ground and clutching his eyepatch, rambling and stuttering in dread,

"Da... Da... Dark Tower, the Dark Friday?!"

"Mr. Hatteki?"

Hatteki's eyes extends to its limits before he tossed the whole dinner table aside with heavy growl.


Hatteki immediately walked back, bent down still clutching his eyepatch as the table and its items shattered Lida's dining hall,

"W-whose there, who are you, who are you!?"

"Oh, you don't know who am I? Mr Hatteki?"

Lida retorted sardonically, stands up from the seat, watching the show,

Minutes before normal Hatteki become significantly unstable, clutching his eyes rambling his previous exploits,

"What the fuck is this place, where am I!? MRC Training Institute? No, Helecter's Hideout, Ahhh'aghh."

Hatteki grunted excruciating for having his brain on fire,

"Ahhh noooooo TAKAMATSUKE HATTEKI get out, get out from my head!!!"

"Apologies, Nobeshiba-san I believe Hatteki is tired I see to his quarter—"

*Handgun clicks*

"Why? He is all okay to me."

Sensing the outcome, Tereko attempt to withdraw Hatteki from the scene, but stopped by Lida who appear to discover who Takamatsuke Hatteki is.

"Step a aside Nobeshiba Lida. You don't know what is going on around here."

With Hatteki's mental condition rapidly detreating Tereko tried to force her away out but stopped by Lida who stood across, pointing a gun at her.

"You know, I think I do!"

Lida smug, continued, aimed at both Tereko and berserk Hatteki, then asked her in curiously.

"Tereko Shiori, do you aware who Hatteki really is?"

"I know who he was..."

"Then tell me, because I have some suspicious upon him all along, mostly few days after MRC's Headquarter fallen down and Redtron's sudden death, Takamatsuke Hatteki suddenly enlisted into Code Phoenix Program without any legal permit or authorisation."

"Takamatsuke Hatteki was deployed as a Brittonia's military advisors and head of the Code Phoenix Program by the Imperium Senate who happens to be Supreme One's inner circle."

"So, what does any of it related to us?"

"I know the man before we met, I read his files, wanna know what Brittonia's psychologist diagnosed about Hatteki's true personality?"


Lida respond uninterestingly, still haven't figure it out what Tereko's play.

Toriko gladly answered, with a tame smile on her face,

"The doctor said his mind is delectable, quite sharp about logic and reasoning skills, all those traits indicates a genius-level intellect, denote a highly creative yet meticulous nature, however some behaviour can account for acute narcissism, complete lack of empathy, PTSD, bipolar tendency and moodiness that led us to—"

"Ahhhhhhhhhh!!!! Ye-ye-yes sir, no, nooo, who are you!?"

Hatteki crazily screamed in fear and paranoia.

"That led to Moral insanity!"

Tereko finally proclaimed.

"Ahhhhhhhhhh, Aaaaaaahhhhhhhhh!!!!!"

For not holding Hatteki's ears any longer, he bellowed senselessly tore off the black eyepatch and the red Hikaru-Eye emerge from his silky, dark hair.

"Wha? The Red Hikaru-Eye!"

Lida extremely shocked when the legendary magical Hikaru-Eye concealing behind the man's eyepatch for this time.

"Heh, so that's how it is..."

After a shock Lida sighed calmly said in contemptuous smile, amused to know about Hatteki's identity,

"So, this man, who terrorised the Imperium States in three years ago whom I admire greatly. The man who crippled the Brittonian military, organiser of half that is evil and of nearly all that is undetected in TYZ, he was a genius, a philosopher, an abstract thinker. He has a brain of the first order. He sits motionless, while he does little himself with the Helecters. Only plans."

Lida points directly and proclaimed,

"Takamatsuke Hatteki is Redtron or rather say, Akagi Shinsuke!"

Hearing the name, Hatteki subconsciously quivered, gripping his long smooth hair strand.

The arrogant, sinister, immoral man whom known as Takamatsuke Hatteki revealed to be Akagi Shinsuke himself!