Sovereign of Ice

The mid-21st century world maybe complex with deep political waves, but simply put, there are total 5 main nations, apart from Brittonia's Imperium States there are, newly formed The Indian Rashtra an Indian subcontinental federal monarchical nation whom made an with joining alliance with self-proclaimed Southern Chinese political leaders, India, Bangladesh, Thailand, Nepal, Myanmar under the leadership of the Mathara Dynasty Maharaja Biswajit Mathara who opposed the Brittonia and A.N.A. Although both the Brittonia Empire and A.N.A refused to acknowledge their existence and referred as the Indian Liberation Front.

The others players are - Chinese Confederate, control all the Chinese and Mongolian province as a constitutional monarchy but separated due to Indian Rashtra involvement.

The League of Europa (a federal republic) who occupied all western Europe upto West Poland. Russian Empire (constitutional monarchy) govern whole Russia and Eastern European countries upto East Poland.

The Americana Union (Authoritarian or Oligarchy) who holds the Americas, though not interested militaristic expansion because economic elites and organized groups representing special interests have substantial independent impacts on A.U. government policy, while the military, average citizens and mass-based interest groups have little or no independent influence. Next is URA/United Republic of Africa (federal republic) and few Neutral countries like New Zealand and Switzerland, etc. Those are remained independent, and is not a major player in international politics, instead becoming a neutral state. The Middle-Eastern United but the nation is not a superpower, however, it is believed to have warm relationships with the A.U. and being democratic.

Despite Brittonia's cruel, mercilessly tyrannical regime they treat their subjects fairly, never mistreated them, due to this the citizens do not flee from the country, though other nations are hardly innocent lambs themselves, arguably lot worse from the Imperium States.

Regardless the communist uprising, the Brittonian colonies are relatively peaceful and stable for the Imperium States compared rest of the Asian mainland, with a large defensive standing army, The Empire also spent on other ventures and there was confidence for investors. With native resources are also abundant and readily available for initial technological developments and dimensions engineers and inventors are also respected and encouraged in Imperium society and are backed by wealthy patrons, a powerful navy and the Empire bringing in vast wealth and resources from its colonies also contributed to the catalyst for industrialization.

While 6 nations struggle to control over the neutral countries, their warlords rebelled, refused to join the A.N.A's domain thus a vast political instability particularly in South Africa, where racial discrimination between Humans and Mutants is on high level, URA government grow tired of fighting against South African Mutanic extremist.

While the rise of the ultra-nationalism, it also rises of opportunistic groups who played both sides. An equal-opportunity despot and make sure the terror and oppression are distributed fairly, not just against one group that will form the core of the rebellions.

After long search for the lost Russian weapons, Misaki and her Athenaeum group found those weapons by the hands of Ajunk Traders.

Among the notable factions of African Continent there is a neutral group originally called Junk collecting Militant, operates mostly in URA (United Republic of Africa) are unique and powerful human individuals who serve as a combination freelance explorer, conquistador and international merchant for the Brittonia Empire.

Despite Imperium holds entire of it's economy they allowed few private Corporations run it's own businesses into their province, especially higher nobility runs the major corporations while lower nobles controls much of the minor commercial business and bureaucracy outside the Imperium Brittonia itself, and judging by the number of legal and illegal businesses that appear in occupied areas. Capitalism is widely encouraged and Ajunk Traders are one of them expect they do business with the Empire's enemies while been undetected. Brittonia wildly encourage native people to reproduce more, to increase Imperian population, the residents of conquered nations can become Honorary Imperian citizen, and while not genuine not part of the Brittonia or generally not humans or free from discrimination, they are entitled to the same basic rights. Those who refuse to accept honorary citizenship are consigned to live in infected wasteland ghettos beyond the wall with the Scavengers, exceptionally violent undesirable group of humans and other unholy abomination of the Fallen whom dwell on the war zones.

Many believed Imperian and Brittonian are interchangeable, however it's not true. Only the "pureblood" mostly noble families from minor European people of British descent are allowed to called Brittonian. The people (Both humans and Mutants) Brittonia Empire annexed, regardless of their nationality, social status, religious beliefs, they all called Imperians.

Ajunk Trader often know as a prestigious and notoriously powerful group in the criminal underworld of the Imperium State's community, the group considerably wealthy and are often the source of exponential contributions to the criminal element they usually in the business of renowned as the keeper of the largest collection of Earth's fauna, relics and species in the world, operating from the South African port installation.

With the Ajunk Trader holds the weapons that Misaki seek, she had no choice but to come to their warehouse to negotiate.

"Are you sure those shady people can be trusted?"

Driving towards Ajunk Trader's operation site, TYZ's southern docks, Yuji asked Misaki about the untrustworthy Ajunk Traders since they offered Misaki to return the stolen weapons for a fair price.

"What choice do I have? I need that stolen weapon crates, the arm supplies stopped, some Black-flag operatives demands repay with arms."

"What about Imperium's spies? they are watching us, Misaki."

"Natsume and Rena will distract them as they can, meanwhile we need to finish the international deals and went underground, because of them we could caught by the Empire's spies, now focus on the current mission here."

Misaki did not know what to reply else, gazing thoroughly at the car's window nevertheless she deeply exhales, light up the cigarette, smoke breathe out from her lustrous sugared lips as she think it through.

Apart from racketeering, smuggling all sorts of contrabands items, Misaki trafficked Brittonian weapons internationally and throughout Imperium States, selling stolen, smuggled or "officially destroyed" weapons with the serial numbers filed off. With the Empire watching the criminal underworld, she had to stop the supplies, however pesky Black-flag wanted a large refund for the failure and Misaki was unable to ignored, thus had to find the only large number of weapons in TYZ which originally was for RMS (Royal Mutants Society).

Upon arriving, Misaki stepped out the black cars parked beside the Docks, and entered the Ajunk Traders secret warehouse with Kishino Fumihiro, Yuji and few other of her subordinates.

"Welcome, welcome, I am the Contractor, the leader of the Ajunk Traders. It is a pleasure, been in service your service Miss Antheia. Forgive me, I don't get except to the Don of the infamous Athenaeum crime syndicate to be a such lovely lady, especially with a slender waist, ample bosom and a gorgeous face."

"Sign ~~Where the consignment?"

"And stop your babbling for Fuck's sake."

"Be quiet... Fumihiro..."

"Sorry.... Misaki...."

Misaki gets firmly annoyed by the Contractor's creepy attempt of flirting, still she kept her cool, deep sigh, crossed her arms made a refined, prim and proper posture, appeared composed and asked directly unlike Fumihiro on the other hand who scorned at him for no reason. Nevertheless, Misaki's one intimidating glanced behind were enough to petrified Fumihiro. The same Kishino Fumihiro who regularly bicker back in Friendo's.

"I truly apologise for my subordinate's rudeness."

"Ahh.. Don't forget about that..."

At the centre of the warehouse, Misaki and her subordinates encountered a dark robe wearing, white old man with a buzz cut hair, whom claimed to be the 'Contactor'.

Beside him there were another man: tall, young with long white hair tie up into a low ponytail, fair-skinned and amber-coloured eyes, wears a yellow and black jacket with grey trousers and behind him there dozens of dark-skinned men appeared like african militiamen who primarily operate out of their home continent, carrying out guerrilla operations against domestic and foreign governments, and also frequently being involved in the drug trade.

"Before I show the stuff there is small accommodation from the third party thus you will get 50% of the stuff."

"What!? A third party?"

Secretively Misaki was exclaimed when the Contractor mentioned about a third party whom willing to take the weapons, she angst about the Ajunk Traders from the start since they're highly unreliable, however those guys are the real deal, never dealing in substandard goods because that wouldn't be good business practice and they rely on their reputations.

They don't ask any questions either. Their main vice is that they're going to ask for a fair bit more than what the item is worth. Their defence for this is often that it's the circumstances and the effort to get the items that makes them charge the prices, but often it's also a bit of avarice too.

"Are you crazy? I want to all to shipped things up—"

"—Into the Black-flag, for the repayment!"

Misaki was extremely disagree about spitting the share into two, however when Contractor's man in behind, speak about the Misaki's client Black-flag, she was momentarily speechless,

"Who are you!?"

She asked that white-haired man with suspicion,

"Name is Lockyer, but the people in business calls me Loki."

"How could you know about the Black-flag?"

"He hehe."

Lockyer responded her question before a small giggle, stepping forward,

"Because the fundamentalist group, black-flag is a myth, created by the Ajunk Traders to took the blame for all unorthodox businesses we committed in U.R.A."

"So, you made that Black-flag shit for what? Mock Brittonia?"

"No, my dear, but may ask—'

With smug Lockyer shook his head, inquired

"--do you know what Imperium States people called from abroad? For Lacking any names western powers refer citizens of Imperium States as Imperian. There so diversity among the Imperian people, what it needs, is a unification. Imperium States the land of opportunities, where humans eat each other. After sundown where cannibals, the sons of the devil, raised by the nastiest witches prowled over the streets tell me why wouldn't I drown myself into the world?"

"Lockyer.... why are you wasting our time? For Mutant criminal you're much metaphorical than your company."

Despite a subordinate of a junk collecting group, the man Lockyer seen like a passionate man with thriving sense of realism and twisted motivation made stand out from his boss and his crew from the black-market, him and The Contractor made the fictional terrorist organisation to attributed their flaws in based in the Middle East, Ajunk Traders turned out is Black-flag, a cunning move to toy with the Athenaeum.

"You're a Mutant, right?"

"Hmm, so what? This is not the days, morality is judged by race, in modern world their people from different races joined for the same cause unlike my home, in Johannesburg."

For a short glance, Misaki knew Lockyer revealed himself to be a Mutant who works with Humans against the political matters in South Africa, at the end didn't satisfied how things turned out in his hometown.

"Fine, who's the third group?


With the men denial, Misaki couldn't help but to agree, knowing Lockyer has played her, though she wanted got out from external affairs, finishing up with Ajunk is the best option.

Upon agreeing she sense some movement behind the secret warehouse,

"On your guard, someone's here!"


Misaki warned her men as the men as someone comes behind them,

"Misaki watch out!"

Within matter of seconds, after her immediate warning, two individuals with covered robes ambushed Misaki from behind, however she was prepared, thus when attacking, she straightly pulled out AM Gun, aiming point blank at one individual and the Noryoku Blade repelled the other, before Fumihiro, Yuji and the other of her gang could realised what happened, she already made a statement: their thunderous sneak attack appear useless compared Misaki's reflexes.

"Please settle down Athenaeum, those are our allies."

Two figures with robes stood down upon Contractor's polite command,

"Who are those guys?"

Misaki asked resentfully, after standing down.

"My other client, follower of RMS."


When the two removed their hood, Misaki's eye widened to see someone whom she knew very well.

"M... Miyoshi?"

"Yes Long time, Misa-chan."

The one attack Misaki was Miyoshi Nagako, the little innocent carefree girl is now with the largest and secretive cult, Royal Mutants Society!?