Collision of Heavens

"I'm never get to make my decision, life made the decision for me, deep down when I thought about myself, I wasn't the evil demon that I never dream of, but I meant to be the villain. For 84 days I have rotten in chains, starved, beaten, tortured, hoping for my pending death but destiny did not gave me the that instead it gave the new light of purpose, had my eyes open to see the very evil lies at the centre of every lifeforms, then on I understood there is no good morals or ethics here. Only exists some naive virtues soon to be crushed, and never-ending depravity, hatred, corruption. With those two, I chose none, I am something greater than those I'm the man who is to be great is the one who can be the most solitary, the most hidden, the most deviant, the man beyond good and evil, lord of his virtues, I am lavishly endowed with will — this is precisely what greatness is to be called: it is able to be as much a totality as something multi-faceted, as wide as it is full."

Good news is Akagi Shinsuke came back from the brainwash remember everything including his defeat and capture during the Dark Friday Attack by his dearest friend Hyoubu Masamune, bad news is Tereko Shiori, his former partner and a double agent to Brittonia Secret Intelligence Service caught Akagi off guard, demanded the leader of the infamous Athenaeum gang, Misaki Mayumi exchange of his life.

Akagi agreed but he doesn't know what to do with her, for couple of days shutting himself in Brittonia Quarter, he thinks, deep into deepest mental processing, scowling down to his laptop find any available information about Tereko Shiori, find some leverage.

"When I see my past I see nothing, nothing memorable to remember only thing that still lives on is my mother, Amiya, she was the only one who cared; the only one who saw good in me, hoping that thrive the cruel world, despite everyone else had let me go. She taught many things, among the most useful is never let go of an opportunity which is invisible, hard to find but it is solely for you and I himself to find the hidden chance Tereko Shiori even years has passed I still don't know much about the her, no...I must think."

"What are looking at?"

Suddenly, Tereko barged into Akagi's deep introspection, questioned in deadpan tone.

"Just finished up my novel, though I made lot of mistake in the beginning."

"You still have to write the things; you cannot publish this."

"Why not? The Conspiracies about Dark Friday is a good subject, especially the one who planned this."

"Don't be cocky Akagi Shinsuke."

Akagi changed his laptop screen, judging by Tereko's strange behaviour, Akagi suspect she did not trust him and she felt the need to verify what he was doing, climbing into his bedroom.

"Info from the overlord. The operation starts tomorrow."

Walked down to his bed, Tereko coldly shared the new information about Phoenix's next assignment, now Akagi already knew Tereko's true personality, she was to be kind-hearted and innocent to Akagi and others around her, however now she shows her true, more ruthless side, which to be cold, if downright not heartless.

Despite her cold attitude, Akagi didn't response anything, gaze at his phone for current mission he will face down.

"Malcolm Denon, who is this asshole?"

"Some scumbag Imperium Senate wants Code Phoenix to clear, we don't usually don't deal with national criminals of the underworld but the Senate demand us to handle also Valkyrie provided the information, so they not taking charge."

"We have time for the mission."

"Where are you going?"

"To visit a friend of ours."

After spending a lot of time in the alone room, Akagi decided to pay his subordinate Zenjo Shin'ichi a visit, the lecherous but skilled womaniser who spent his time drinking and whoring. After regained his memories Akagi decided to stay, planning to restart his failed Operation Recommence within Brittonia domain, investigate what's going on around here, he has theory that someone is running Brittonia behind the scenes, the special someone or group of someone who also responsible for alternating Akagi's memories and they conspire something and Akagi is determined to found what that is but first he have to deal with his former partner, Tereko Shiori.

At once Akagi entered Zenjo's lavish quarter, he saw eight voluptuous women mashed together with each other on a single bed and Zenjo lying at the middle.

"Sorry I came here uninvited..."

"Well, well, Captain Hatteki what brings you here?"

"No no please. Come yourself at home. These girls are real professional."

After entering, Zenjo greeted him still believe that Akagi Shinsuke is his superior captain Takamatsuke Hatteki and, Akagi pretends to be him dressed like him.

"Girls would you excuse me, and Zenjo for a minute?"

"Oh, Are we having a chat? girls please, go to the other bedroom for a moment"

"Sure. Whatever you say sweetie..."

Zenjo couldn't resist Akagi's politeness, got up while pajama on, immediately call off his prostitutes, making his place more appropriate for a conversation.

"Aw.... And please... They will do their "work" silently...."

Zenjo points forward, signal the eyebrows forward, Akagi turned behind, eyes little widened seeing: 'Girl-On-Girl' action, the other side of the room's bedroom, two blonde busty beauties while naked, kissed passionately, tongues rolled as their soft fingers rubbing one another's carves and "other" feminine organ. The bed cranked as their breasts squeezing against each other, before the others joined them closing the door.

"True emphasised of sweetness, femininity, girlishness, innocence, purity. A very romanticized or idyllic view of female's eroticism, isn't it?"

"Just asking does it turned you on?"

In curiosity, Zenjo questioned. Referring the lesbian sex he just witnessed.


Hatteki said with a stony face.

"Really? Girls? Hmm. I hope you won't be offended when I say I never would have guessed--"

"Not at all. I said "perhaps" but I was never interested in girls, either."

"What then?


"Come on captain. Everybody is interested in something."

"Not me. Although, a women have passion for the another woman, making out or having sex is about as hot as you can get. Smirked."

"Hehe-haha... Captain...."

They both exchanged some chuckles and laughs. Before get down into business.

"So, you brings you at my doorstep Hatteki? Must've a damn good reason."

"How's your planning going, Killing the Supreme One? I was very surprised when you spilled you to me, still confident that I wouldn't tell anyone."

"And you still didn't nevertheless my time has come."

"What do you mean?"

"Haven't you heard, Supreme One will crowing his son as the prime minister of the Brittonia Empire and the captain General of their military, Ichiro Kyousuke will crown after the operation of Agra Fighting Association with me on his team."

"Yeah, because about that, I want to let your vengeful intention and leave things where they are."

Zenjo now realised why Akagi has come to his quarter, his casual contemptuous, casual face turned numb for shock, after he already planned slay Ichiro Kyousuke during the operation. Knowing he wasn't kidding around, he will know Hatteki/Akagi's face when he was serious.

"So, you finally realised that your balls have no bounds?"

By Akagi's straightforward denial, enraged Zenjo tremendously, while sitting across him, he continued in a snarling tone

"6 Years. 6 fucking years I plotted, earned their trust, that's why I go along with the Program, despite all of that, you want to stop me?"

"Yes. I tend to follow Supreme One's inner circle; your selfish desires of vengeance will spoil everything."

"Selfish desires? You want to save the people who murdered and raped my sister, you want to protect the men who took destroyed my men, took everything from me!?"


"Then fuck you, you lousy cold-hearted bastard!"

Despite Zenjo's justifiable and sympathetic motives Akagi doesn't approve to his work, knowing of his tragic backstory. Enraged Zenjo even more.

"I know what you feel, but your impulse caused more damage than good."

"Huh impulse? Since you have feelings for others? You don't know nothing about Mutant's emotions."

Akagi rather ignored Zenjo's complaints but one phase of his grabbed Akagi's attention,

"Mutant's emotions? What is that?"

"Oh, you do not know that?"

Zenjo explained to him rather arrogant tone since he pissed off to Akagi,

"What is to be a superhuman is to be naive, you so focused on the results, often you fail to consider how actually want us to find it, but it's always there whether see it or not whether you choose to or not, the real truth about ourselves is doesn't care about our wants or needs, it doesn't care about our government, our ideologies, our way of lives. It'll wait for all the time and this last is the gift of something that beyond human capabilities, when I reach the capabilities belongs in human's dreams where I once fear the cost of the truth now I only ask what is the cost becoming something that you can't fully understand?"

Akagi's eyes widen with surprise, impressed to see Zenjo holds such strong beliefs.

"Interesting point of view, sham I don't see what you really want, aside assassinate the Supreme One and his son."

"I want justice."


"Do you think it's funny?"

"Why you telling me a joke?"

Despite Zenjo's pure seriousness on the tone, Akagi found it very amusing, all he wanted is justice,

As a suppressed rebel in the Silver State who got his family killed by the Empire, is foolish to retry thus he advised him nonchalantly,

"Look if you still don't know then I will tell you."

Akagi lean forward on the chair, firmly stating, while staring eye to eye,

"Only innocent die here in TYZ, the guilty goes free, doing harm because they can, darkness always prevail."

"Like Mutant, because of them the TYZ suffering with terribleness. We're always are the race, the millions of us spread across the known world, who have been deformed from the baseline human phenotypic state by genetic mutation. The mutation caused the Fallen's Mutagen by the supernatural phenomenon."

"Zenjo, did I ask you to give me a lecture?"

"What they say mutants are terribly monstrous creatures filled with blood lust and killer instinct, abominably deviating from the normal human form. On the other hand, I say the people who said those things are just jealous to make as some shit, not all mutants are degenerate beasts; many bear a few extraordinary traits, apart from the rest of Mankind. Yes, Mutants are often gorgeous as any human supermodels."

"Hehe no, no not just that."

Zenjo chuckled, added few details to Akagi's claim,

"Because humans and Mutants are not the same. There are, indeed, more of them than us, but we few hold greater wealth and power as individuals than they can ever hope to attain. We are stronger, smarter, more talented, and more beautiful. Like humans they have emotions if not more than humans, quite sensitive and desperate for approval to live their lives. Without Mutants, the world would be nothing more than a snuffed candle."

Zenjo lectured Akagi, things he already knew but for having the conversation an idea ignite inside of his head how to deal his current obstacle, Tereko Shiori.

"Alright then, since you decided your fate, I don't bitch around, it always good to have social chat, I feel much human now."

"Why do you even here for?"

Knowing Zenjo do not back down despite Akagi's warning he let him do as he like. Rudely denied everything and went back inside other room, to be with his girls.

Meanwhile he prepared for next mission assaulting Agra Fighting Association.