Collision of Heavens 3

"What are you waiting for, get down here and fucking kill everybody!"

"Aye, sir!"

Malcolm was pissed about Brittonia Military Police, storming in, destroying his source of income, at rage he ordered his men to a full counter and Ichiro wanted exactly that, he waited for his team outside the underground entrance, waiting for the right opportunity.

Ichiro may not know but the Sadistic administrator of Agra Fighting Association, Malcolm, the Impaler is one of the Lord's of Valhallal in RMS thus he was a powerful man with lots of men and firearms and he will do anything for evading capture.

"Alright, the Impaler won't go down without a fight, his men are well-armed, squad two will take the exit meanwhile the squad four and six will hit the arena, be quick and precise, we don't a huge mess on our side."

"Yes, sir."

While Captain Ichiro Kyousuke explained to the regiment the strategy, Zenjo insisted him, come out from the squads.

"Captain Ichiro, if you don't mind, I will very much like to join your squad."

"Mr Shin'ichi of course, but I don't know why haven't you with the Code Phoenix."

"Well, Phoenix is a bunch of spoiled brats, I like to work with the professional."

"Look at you, Zenjo, the Paingiver, like to work with me, well you're on."

"Thank you Captain I heard it is your last mission before your promotion."

"You heard correct Zenjo, father wanting me to take politics seriously, I can't help but to agree on making myself Imperium's prime minister. Now let's go."

Ichiro humbly accepted Zenjo's proposal, letting him into his squad after Zenjo made a convincing lie, he still planning to hunt Supreme One's prize possession for killing his sister and comrades in the past, now Zenjo aware the Supreme One won't care of his son, only cares about his Imperium's legacy which he will passed down to his sole son Ichiro and Zenjo found the quickest way to seek revenge is destroyed Supreme One's legacy, hence Zenjo volunteered to get into his squad, after lounging for years he conspired to kill Ichiro in the assault of AFA.

"Area 15 is clear; we are going into middle."

"Roger that keep pushing down, eliminating every hostile if you have to."

Within the screaming crowd, running into the exit, Ichiro headed towards Malcolm's office near the stadium.

AFA's arena is presented under southern Brown Zone's underground tunnels which is huge with lots of pathway, according the given condiments transmitting from the undercover spies inside, including Code Phoenix members like Akagi and Tereko, Ichiro must lead his team, Zenjo included together into Malcolm.

"Over there, I see light, there must be where The Impaler is hiding."

"Fuck contract three o' clock!"

When Ichiro's team see the light that comes from the widespread gladiatorial arena, the massive fireworks started behind his team.

"Open fire, fucking shoot it."

"Aw, Fuck!!!"

Bunch of armed thugs is not enough, Ichiro's team faced down with six-feet tall Vector closing in.

"Take that Vector down."


"Fuck that thing!"

The squad fired down that Vector however it wasn't ready to give up, despite sustaining dozens of bullets it kept going, roaring wild.

It very common for humans and Mutants to control Darkfallen infected monsters for their advantages, they captured them from war zones tamed them, then use the as they wish.

The stubborn Vector hold It's ground, preventing Ichiro's squad get to the arena.

"You all put the Vector down, I head forward."

"Wait for me, Captain."

Nevertheless, Ichiro himself skilfully passed from Vector's clutches, running towards the arena alone, however Code Phoenix Zenjo couldn't waste such a good opportunity thus he followed Ichiro, passing the Vector.

Regardless what the others Ichiro Kyousuke is far from been a coward instead, the Silver haired pretty boy seem very experienced and skilled that puzzled Zenjo who was wanting to kill Ichiro when the time comes.

"No one's around."

"What makes you so sure, look upwards."

At first glance upon reaching the arena, Ichiro and Zenjo alone saw the ground was damaged due to the battle but there was no one there except multiple mutilated corpse it was empty until Ichiro pointed forward towards Malcolm who was baffled to see them both.

"It's over Malcolm, better surrender now, that makes our work much easier."

"Fuck you Brittonia, you are weak and you going to crush you, what are you waiting for, get him."

While staying above the arena, The Impaler Malcolm throws away every bargain and command his men to finish them off.

"Be ready for combat, Zenjo"

Making the fighting posture, Ichiro warned his temporary companion Zenjo as they face down Malcolm couple of Henchman, one male and one female Mutant closing in, activating their Noryokus.

"Why can't you go there?"

"My mission is saving your ass, not getting into Brittonia affairs."

"If they defeat them then what will we do, as second Lord of Valhallal I command you go and kill them!"

Sending two of his henchmen is not enough for Malcolm bratty yelled at long decreased Nakajo Tomotaki whom apparently transformed into a Darkfallen Variant just like Code Phoenix members who is changed side, friendly trustworthy Soldier as Tomotaki is now rather calm, quiet, aloof, and easily annoyed yelping like Malcolm's.

Since Malcolm is a Lord of Valhallal, a primary member of the secret cult Royal Mutants Society and, as a regular member Tomotaki forced to himself into the action, pulled out his dark blue robe, revealed himself.

"You are... Nakajo Tomotaki is it? Ice Queen Fukumori's old friend who partnered up with Hyoubu Masamune?"

"I don't know what are you talking about, nevertheless it's nice, before I will kill you, you should know my name."

Once reveal, Ichiro easily recognised Tomotaki but he doesn't return the courtesy, neither does not who he is, aggressively taunts him into brutally kill him

"You two, take point, I'll handle the grey-one."

Tomotaki ordered Malcolm's henchmen presumed they were brother and sister surrounding Ichiro and Zenjo.

At this moment the situation Zenjo believed that Ichiro trusted him, he even letting his guard down, leaving Zenjo an opportunity to betray him for avenging his sister and friends that he will be lost in last year Silver State's revolution.

"You should watch your back carefully Captain Ichiro. Because I'm not the one I said I was!"

At the right moment, Zenjo activate his Noryoku, turning against Ichiro, making him all to himself right at time Henchmen siblings attack them.

"Humph how dull, you should plan your betrayal more carefully."

Ichiro's sudden sinister grin startled Zenjo tremendously, before he could act on its Ichiro kicked him at his jaw, putting him out from his balance.


Zenjo groaned, stepping backwards, before Zenjo's conscious could return to the reality, Ichiro collared Zenjo's neck and throws his distracted body forward, using him as a human shield and Henchman's Noryoku gashed into his chest.


Both henchmen were overly exclaimed, once their Noryoku stuck into Zenjo's body, taking the advantage of the distraction Ichiro moves forward, gashed his Cube right into the sister's eye and went out from the back of her head, immediately killing her.


The unharmed brother screamed, shock to his sister died all the sudden.


In rage, the Brother growled went out aggressively attacking Ichiro

However, Ichiro easily repealed all his attacks, casually swinging his Cube, reflecting all Noryoku blows. No doubt Ichiro Kyousuke is badass Well-trained soldier extreme combat skills, able to withstand against two Mutants combatants.

With no effect on Ichiro, the enraged Mutant brother attacked relentlessly, and Ichiro found his weak spot.

Once Ichiro's dodge the Brother's one of many offensive attacks, he counters, kicking the brother's knee, nearly decapitated it.


The single kick fairly broken the brother's leg, putting him out from attacking Ichiro.

"Oh, did I overdo it?"

Ichiro asked sardonically, slowly walking towards the injured brother, holding his cube.

"Well, you will see your sister soon."

Wasting no time, Ichiro shoved his cube into the brother's shoulder, the stroke was so strong and brutal that it spites his shoulder near the stomach.

"Oh shit!"


Once turned Ichiro, by his Cube at reverse blocked Tomotaki's widespread claymore sword-like throws at him.

"Lieutenant Nakajo Tomotaki what were the circumstance for to switch sides?"

"This is not the place to discuss any of that beside you got many things to worry about, like your little jacquerie."

Tomotaki said in snide diverging Ichiro by slides forward the blade struggling, with Ichiro slightly desperate to counter, Tomotaki reveal his ace card.

"What, but how?"

Ichiro's eyes widened exclaimed at first, seeing Tomotaki's right eye glows orange.

"What? Went speechless? Orange Hikaru gravitational force."


While gritting his teeth Ichiro pushed back to the wall for strong gravitational force created by Tomotaki's Orange Hikaru-Eye.

"Hey Red-head what are you waiting for? Kill him! Kill him now!!!"

Malcolm's face went downright pathetic once his only two bodyguard were killed, helplessly yelling Tomotaki to finish Ichiro Kyousuke when he was out of his backup.

Nevertheless, Tomotaki on the other hand, did not do anything and he was not bound to do as Malcolm commanded just staring at

"What the fuck you are doing? You supposed to be protected me a Lord of Valhallal you-."


Not tolerating any more of Malcolm's pathetic whining, Tomotaki went back right up, pierced Malcolm's throat right in the middle by his Noryoku.

"You begin to annoy me, not to forget I'm not your lapdog!"

While staring dreadfully at Malcolm's dying eyes, before tossing his dying body into spike-filled abyss surrounding the Arena's boundaries, proving rogue Tomotaki wasn't the one who takes order from anyone even a Lord of Valhallal. Before withdraw from the arena, Tomotaki lastly warned Ichiro in a casual carefree manner,

"I say farewell, grey-haired one, before the Emperor officially crowned, you and your Brittonia Empire shall rule the Imperium States."

"So new Mutant Emperor has elected and your Lords of Valhallal agreed and I thought they still fighting among themselves, still, wonder who that is? And how they will topple my interest in the Imperium."

"Humph, you will know soon enough."

Ichiro stayed watching his prime target Tomotaki gets away, though he never intended to get him.

Leaving him, Ichiro turned, walking back towards Zenjo, lying senseless on the ground, groaning quietly like if he's shrieking in pain.

keep wondering why his previous wounds has been healed until Ichiro casually informed him of the information,

"Hurts does it? But the Noryoku hit wasn't the cause of you paralyse."

While explaining satirically Ichiro shows a thin metal sting at over exclaimed Zenjo bugging out, unable to speak, move, or do anything but to watch, something ached behind, prevent him from talking, feel trapped.

"You might know, the Brightlight cure before it was contaminated three years ago, we had gathered some samples by which we created few weapons, the needle which I placed on your back once you desire to betray me, you see I need to settle things with my mission before I can deal with you..."

Talking further, Ichiro placed his right foot right on Zenjo's paralysed face, starting to squeeze it, every passing minute the hold got even tighter, utterly suffocating him.


Zenjo's eyes extends to the limits, as Ichiro's boot pressing hard on his face, upon fracture, Zenjo's righteous quest for avenging his sister and comrades goes away to the dust, for mouths years of preparation failed and clumsy-looking Ichiro Kyousuke outsmarted him.

"No worries, even you don't tell anyone about your little plot for revenge by disrupting Imperium's politics over TYZ, I always ahead of you for one good reason."


"I own your ass!"

One big squeeze, Zenjo's head squash like watermelon, along with goopy, sticky warn blood and brain matter that shattered, coated around the dusty arena, eyes popped out from the socket, brutally crushed fragmented skull and dislocated jaw with clinging tongue beside his disfigured face once called pretty.

"Ugh, what a mess, my boots, ahh… disgusting."

Hypocritically Ichiro gaze Zenjo's mutilate head with pity and concern for his boots been dirty.