Irrational Games 4

Brittonia tracked Mutant vigilante group Capricorn Union's hideout and it's all members when they tried to reclaim the Throne by using the Platinum Sceptre.

Despite being failing The Capricorn leader Scarecrow kept the Sceptre and wanted to try other alternatives to save his brothers and sisters from the Empire's way.

However, Scarecrow's relentless self-righteousness caused some lives of the Empire and Brittonia won't tolerate this. Usually Imperium let's these ineffective factions lose as long it benefiting the Empire, even sometimes encourage them to fight against Empire's own enemies. And if both their enemies are bad enough, having them killing each other is a victory for everyone! Nevertheless, The Imperium Senate required the Platinum Sceptre, simply put Ichiro required the Sceptre. Capricorn went above Brittonia's radar, antagonising and killing their men.

Brittonia had no choice but to neutralise the faction.

Upon discovering the location Masamune leading troops began their assault.

Masamune as a Terrarium Knight who is now rarely summoned was about to on his mission, before getting into the aircraft, "Masamune!"

After long while Miyako Fukumori, Masamune's former superior and friend called Masamune. She was hoping to talk as she hasn't spoken to him since Dark Friday events.

"Lieutenant? What can I do for you?"

"No nothing It's just..."

Despite Masamune turned, showed Miyako his cold, deadpan formal tone, meanwhile Miyako who was formally know as Ice Queen especially for her aloof, cold personality is now more empathetic and concerned for her friend/partner who previously involved in a romantic relationship.

"I just wanted to know what's is going with you?"

Miyako wants to bring out Masamune's cheerful, confident personality which he previously had, blushed as she looked down, unable to express herself to Masamune.

After Masamune's adopted sister Yurie death who Masamune secretly in love with, Masamune deeply broken inside, lose faith in goodness, moral righteous became extremely cynical more hardened personality, significantly changed. Both Masamune and Yurie Atara genuinely believe they'll be able to reform the shockingly racist Brittonia Empire and cure the Mutants race be facilitators for the peaceful integration of the Mutant people into the empire's fold. Nevertheless, it all turned out horribly wrong. Later Masamune would continue honouring his sister's memory by continuing his quest to change within by becoming Terrarium Knight so that he could have the privilege of ruling an area on his own and transform TYZ.

"I'm fine Miyako, you don't have to worry about me. I can manage on my own."


Before Miyako could finish Masamune coldly walked away from the conversation, leaving Miyako with slight tears, grief and endless worries about his fate.

"Where did the Capricorn are located right now?"

Masamune questioned his subordinate Katsuo Harasaki who was — ironically his superior.

"Well, we located a long grassless field, outside of the Brown Zone's southern parts. There are mostly rural areas coated with brown soils. They attending a wedding feast."

As exactly Harasaki said, The Terrarium and infantry surrounded Capricorn Union when they attending their leader Scarecrow's Mutant-based ritualistic wedding, they were totally surprised as Brittonia caught them completely unprepared and off guard.

Brittonia Military hierarchy is quite different modern military hierarchies. However, a strong correlation in the opposite direction. During combat, the lowest ranking soldiers (private, corporal, sergeant) obviously need a lot of fighting-related skills but they are regular troops like army, navy or air force, not part of the Special Division. The Special Division required soldiers with high fighting skills and education is going to be entirely focused on large-scale planning, strategy, and management hence they hand-picked the soldiers from special ops from countries then trained them under as the Special Division, usually operating under the one-man leadership, called The Overlord. The Terrarium Knights are whole different stage, directly taking orders from the Supreme One himself Terrarium Knights is the force of the Empire's mighty strength. Like their female counterpart Valkyrie, Terrarium equipped with high-tech weapons, armours and ammunition to exterminate high profile targets.

By Masamune's order, Brittonian forces surrounded Capricorn without shooting any fire, Masamune wanted to proceed with a diplomatic solution without unnecessary bloodshed.

"What the fuck is you want!?"

With much anger inside, Scarecrow right real name Kaseko and his loyal second in command Maxim demands aggressively against Masamune, Harasaki and couple of their top men in the empty surrounded by their armed men.

"We are here to negotiate."

Harasaki sneered,

"Hand over the Platinum Sceptre and die gracefully."

"If we refuse?"

Scarecrow replied in a calm, collective manner unlike his subordinate, growling in anger.

"If you refuse then we have to take that Sceptre by force and butchered you, your friends and we will lay waste in your fucking wedding reception."

"Wait, wait Harasaki."

Harasaki just about to give his men to shoot and Capricorn begin to retaliate but before the clash begins, Masamune stopped Harasaki and bring out a better alternative,

"I got a better idea, how about a one on one duel, your best man against mine, the winner will decide what will happens. Agreed?"


Scarecrow response, agreeing with Masamune's terms to do a one vs one fight without any interference Harasaki does not like the idea.

"What are you doing!? you don't have to fight those scumbags, we already over number them. We can easily squash those little fucks."

"And then what?"

Masamune replied slightly annoyed by Harasaki's rash judgment,

"Our mission is to get the Platinum Sceptre before the real Mutant Emperor have it. They probably hidden it somewhere as the Royal Society rejected their claims and we got to retrieve it from them. I don't want a bloodbath. Understood?"

"Fair enough..."

Harasaki keeps quiet, not able counter Masamune's. Harasaki is not custom of taking orders from the person who was previously under him.

The terms set; the remaining Capricorn circled around making a ring-like circle.

Masamune dropped his heavy armour and guns and equipped with necessary tools for combat. He himself getting into the one on one fight.

Masamune watched and discovered his opponent is Capricorn's leader Scarecrow himself. Apparently, he is the most powerful Mutant in his group, he hugged his new bride who is recently got pregnant, and the other wishing him, a blight blink of hope gloss over their eyes.

A loud set of cheering as well as worry and tension from Capricorn's as the Scarecrow comes forward, stretching his limbs.

When Masamune adjusting his Techno Suit part, since he's not intended to wear it, Harasaki kneel and whispered into Masamune's ear,

"Look behind Scarecrow, shit! that's Freddy, The Helecter's Doctor, the Angel of death, why is he here?"

"Attending wedding?"

Masamune suggested, standing in his feet, show little concern for Harasaki's, about the stone-cold Doctor Freddy's presence.

"Bullshit, the angel of death works for the Helecters organisation and Helecters joined an alliance with RMS. Fuck, he must be here to receive the Sceptre, and we need to take him out."

"Hey! Don't fuck yourself Terrarium."

While Harasaki hardly convinced Masamune about Freddy, one soldier from his regiment, mocked Masamune from behind, and that enraged Harasaki tremendously since he knew a Terrarium Knight isn't screwing around. He yelled with furious rage at the soldier,

"Hey Korosuki, if you don't shut up, I will shove a fucking bullet in your FUCKING ASS!"

After the heated yelling, Harasaki pat Masamune's shoulder to said,

"Alright go for it."

And Masamune walk forward, faster his pace every time he moves, the Kaseko did while defective against Masamune.

Only Masamune's limbs are protected by the Techno Suits the rest are vulnerable for Kaseko to attack and he did as first offensive with much carefulness.



Despite a skilled fighter as Kaseko went out, attack Masamune's defenceless torso Masamune however reflected his attack with his flawless skills.

The two opponents across face and started attacking again,


With a strong collide with Kaseko's Noryoku, Masamune briefly found his weak spot and he strikes without flinching, strikes it right onto the ribs.



Kaseko grunted withdraw from the combat zone for a moment, gripping his ribs for portentous bleeding he sustained.

Despite Techno Suit's modes manually commanded Masamune became expert to use those modes at right time, making him extremely dangerous enemy against even powerful Mutants.

Irritated Kaseko begins with his real offensive, expands his Noryoku Blade on the right hand and attacks Masamune carelessly.

Using Kaseko's recklessness to his advantage, Masamune joined his Lancaster Swords, make the double-blade sword and blocked Kaseko's brutal attacks if he can.


Masamune grunted, blocking Kaseko's ruthless attacks wasn't easy, as an idealistic Mutant Scarecrow really losing his grip from reality and bitter end he's imagining.

"Ahhh, ahh, Ahhh!"

Each hit Masamune blocked, made him stronger, at the same time relentless hits drained Kaseko's stamina.

When the opportunity rises Masamune detached The Lancaster and ripped Kaseko's right dominate Noryoku off.

"Araghh, Ahhhhh!!!"

His goopy scarlet blood gushing out from the joints and stained the brown soil. His healing generation is incredible however against the Mutant killing Lancaster making it very doubtful.


His pregnant wife Tanya screamed as she watched her beloved injured husband going to his tribulation.

At his last attempt as well his breath, Scarecrow jumped above and plunge the Tendrils-like biomass at Masamune.

Masamune dodge and once Kaseko hit the ground, Masamune ruthlessly cuts off all Kaseko's Tendrils at mere seconds.

"It's over. I had enough with your bullshit."

Masamune commented, while pounced Kaseko without him getting re and shoved his one Lancaster Sword-Cube right into his belly.

'Noo. Kaseko, get back, you will die!!!"

Tenya, cried, as the rest remaining Capricorn members, they begged for Kaseko to return but Kaseko refused, still going to fight for his comrades.

"Still little fight in you."

Masamune response coldly to Kaseko's courage and willingness to fight when he gripped Masamune's Lancaster with his bloody hands while it plunged in his stomach, dripping blood

"I will fight to the death for Tenya!"

"Fine. Have it your way."

Masamune replied Kaseko's idealistic last words in a deadpan manner.

Right after Masamune pushed his sword further into his flesh when Kaseko groaned and bent down, Masamune ruthlessly chopped off Kaseko's head vertically, right through his neck.