The Crown in the Glass Castle

"How ya doing Harasaki-kun? Feeling alright?"

Within the Brittonia Medical Centre building, Dr. Tetsuzō Hiroshi check on slightly battle injured Harasaki as a mutual friend.

"Relatively okay thanks."

Harasaki replied, half-sitting on the bed with Tayama Seiko, Hiroshi's female assistance sitting on the chair beside Harasaki's bed.

Hiroshi gazed at Masamune's empty bed and asked Harasaki,

"Where's Hyoubu Masamune?"

"Gone as soon he healed up from the minor injury him and Harasaki got in the mission."

Seiko replied Hiroshi with deadpan tone as usual.

"How typical of him, goes back to his duty without resting properly. Hmm... what's that?"

"Samosa. An Indian snack which I made personally."

"May I try those?"



Hiroshi saw the Samosa plate which his assistant Seiko made, the snack was looked good and crispy but untouched, with Seiko's permission Hiroshi picked one and put inside his mouth. Poor Hiroshi failed to notice that Harasaki warned him about something hesitant to speak it out loud however Hiroshi find out what the warning was is when he tasted the Samosa.

"Mmmm.... Ahhhh!!!! Spicy, spicy, spicy!!!"

The samosa exploded in Hiroshi's mouth for being extremely spicy, Hiroshi's face went red, walked restlessly, trying to find water.

"So how was it?"

Despite the answer right in front, Seiko still asked Hiroshi about the snack.

"What the hell!? Are you trying to kill us Seiko? That Samosa was terrible, my mouth is on fire! felt like someone shoved ton of chilly powder into my mouth. You are terrible, terrible cook Seiko."

"Huh.... Is that right?"

While drinking water restlessly Hiroshi tells about Seiko's snack which angered Seiko excessively.

"What did you say? me as a terrible cook?

As a short-tempered violent scientist Seiko kicked Hiroshi's Feet at first then grabbed his neck, chocked the life out of him.

"Whao!? Wh-what are you doing? You killing me."

"Then your better off dead! Bastard how dare you insult my cooking!?"

"I was telling the truth!"

"Then die!"

"Hmm those two!"

Harasaki deeply sighed see two intellectual people as Hiroshi Seiko fighting so ridiculously.

"Pardon the intrusion."



Their senseless agreement stopped when Ichiro Kyousuke comes in, politely state his presence to three of them.

"Please sit down, don't have to salute, I didn't become prime minister just yet."

After entering, Ichiro request them not to be formal around him,

"May I talk with Major Harasaki in private?"

"Of course sir."

For Ichiro's request both Hiroshi and Seiko left the room, with a deep sigh Ichiro walk near Harasaki's bed, took a seat and said quietly,

"Heard about the Capricorn Union assault. Bloody fucking mess."

"Huh, at least we returned in one piece, and we got Maxim in custody, Capricorn's second in command, I intend to interrogate him personally once I discharge."


Ichiro hummed heavily, gaze down on the floor,

"So, your team did not recover the ancient device, The Platinum Sceptre?"

"No sir, but we will, Maxim must have known where it is. Meanwhile Major Ken Kawazoe is working on Athenaeum lead, the criminal underworld somehow connected to the RMS."

Harasaki said with confidence, assuring Ichiro.

"Alright I keep tap on the operation."

Ichiro stood up, his sliver hair swayed left and right as his face shows a sight of concern and thoughtfulness hence Harasaki asked Ichiro when he was about to leave,

"May I ask why are you interested this Platinum Sceptre?"

"Because the Supreme One wants to have it. and since the time of instability Supreme One going will head south towards the Sector XV."

Ichiro replied nonchalantly to Harasaki's intrigue questions.

"Supreme One is heading out?"

"Yes, a small tour to secure the military alliance with the imperialists in the Sector XV though I cannot sure it is a good idea, there is many political assassination attempts, especially from the communists or the Mutants radicals."

"Ahhh fuck them! At first racism is the primary reason to fight, Humans are good, Mutants are bad and now it's all confusing."

"Time will come Major Harasaki, where our people do have to confusion anyway, where our nation will unite our lost men through nationality without racism and ideology shall not defy us."

Harasaki was astonished watching Ichiro's personal integrity and strong passions and ideals about his nation.

"Well I be off then."

"Right sir."

After Ichiro left the Medical Care, he received a text from the Supreme One himself.

"Let's found out what he wants now."

Ichiro murmured as he gazes upon his smart phone, but went into Imperial Palazzia to meet his father.