The Mutant Emperor:Ascend to the Maha Throne II

"Sceptre's user, are you the one I think you are?"

Doyle's voice, pitch and tone somewhat vague, harder to pin down. However, Akagi reported confidently,

"Yes. The blood which activate the Platinum Sceptre, using its power I summoned you here, to proclaimed the true heir of the Maha Throne. Me, Akagi Shinsuke."

Now, it is complex to say the least. The Formation of the Royal Mutants Society and Lords of Valhallal was before Eliza's abdication, therefore the RMS's system and rules were established when remaining Royalists decided to who will be their Emperor will be, named the individual as the first Mutant Emperor, granted him with the Sceptre. Therefore, accession will according prior to Royalist's accord, abduction of Victor X created a power or accession vacant. Doyle's loyalty goes with Sceptre holder. Conclusion, whoever holds the Platinum Sceptre, gained the advantage to establish new rule and dynasty.

"Then why isn't he sitting on the throne? Whoever blood holds the Platinum Sceptre, reign the Mutant kind."

"Thank you for the confirmation Master Doyle, now will make managements for the coronation?"

"You are the rightful heir; your blood activates the Sceptre. To my sworn duty I will. Fellow Royalists stand down, this man is your king, obey his command or suffer the consequences!"

After a short glance at each other, every Royal Guard kneel, acknowledged their new Emperor, leaving Akagi to show a gleeful smirk.

It's declared by Doyle. Akagi played his hand brilliantly, regardless Eliza as a usurper was first who ordered the return of the Sceptre from Georgia, she could have the privilege and power to rule as the Mutant Emperor, unfortunately the Sceptre got into wrong hands for sometime, then to the rightful owner whom recently got involved with the Mutant's thousands of years tradition culture and customs. Even Eliza knows she's done for, even with all her supreme powers, couldn't bested Doyle even she used plain brute force.

Sometimes controlling events just isn't enough. Akagi have a unique ability of manipulation, able to manipulate people, by reaching inside them and hitting them where it emotionally hurts. He has an intuitive grasp of every sentient beings' basic psyche and will use it against them at every opportunity.

"Scoffed. I am with the RMS from it's very beginning, the savour who will save our species from extinction and your best choice this, naive boy, Scoffed. You gotta kidding me!"


Eliza's Counseloiar pointed his Noryoku at Eliza's shoulder, turned against her right after Doyle made its last verdict.

"Huh? What is the meaning of this?"

"I shall warn you. Speak ill about our Emperor and you will suffer."

"You promised to obey me."

"I promise to obey the crown, not you."

"Even after you approved of the plan awaking the Assatur? To protect our race. You know very well without the elder god, there's no chance."

"I did and if the new Mutant Emperor went along, I won't protest. But I loyalty lies to the Emperor even if Shinsuke Akagi tricked me, The Helecters, arranged the Green Day Massacre or Dark Friday, if he's the true heir, then I pledge my loyalty."

"Scoffed. How honourable remarks coming from a mass-murderer and a torture technician."

Her sense of entitlement shattered from Ogomi's comment, knowing she had no choice but to abdicate. While remains stares, without making a fuss, Eliza stand, silently walked away from the Maha Throne, later out of the Hall before giving Akagi one piece of advice near his ear, with a smug sense of contempt.

"Watch your steps Shinsuke Akagi. Your father had the same vision, look what would become of him? The world you want to save is immutable, agony deeply inherited in the System, both physically and metaphysically, and cannot be saved or made a better place. Trying to break the corruption will instead always result in breaking every bone in your body and it winning, and any positive changes that you try to make will ultimately be torn down and revealed to be all for nothing—or, even worse, they will only succeed in making things even worse for you and the people that you were trying to help, or even accomplish whatever the villains wanted in the first place."

Sight turned Akagi replied, with a dry sarcasm.

"...Thanks for the advice for telling me something I already know. Beside who wants to save this good-for-nothing country? I want to rule it. All they need to little nudge to realised the world is corrupt, flawed, need to be upgrade, recommence into something new utopic society, then once it happens, everyone will fall in line, even with violent submission."

"Scoffed. Hmm. I will be seeing how you fail. Then, I will rise from the ashes, reborn something defined by its disregard for the natural laws of the universe as you understand them. Grotesque mockeries of reality beyond comprehensions, should fear of the unknown. Fear the Zhikanis. Fear the inconceivable Assatur. The deity of the malevolent abomination. Will come for you."

"The what!?"

With a smug Eliza walked out of Throne hall, ignore his question gave few subtle hints about what's to come.

Nevertheless, Akagi and all other ignored, began the preparation of Akagi's coronation.

Doyle summoned the Mutant Crown, yes only Doyle, the Archpriest can summon the crown which absolutes Emperor's authority internationally. When Emperor dies without clear successor the crown went Doyle's pocket dimension. Is that how experts put it.

Very Royalists became his subordinate, as the other half of Russian weapons consignment smuggled into Imperium States has seize, while Misaki's Athenaeum already had the other. Only Akagi thing left is crowning.

"By the Aether's name, our savour and creator of the Mutant kind. We all are having gather here in Caledonia to crown our real ruler—"

Inside the shiny palace, the coronation ceremony has conducted, while everyone at respective places, the Doyle, hooded crimson cloak standing in the centre, announced the Royalists,

"Akagi Shinsuke. I am hereby proclaiming you, the 19th Mutant Emperor!"

Placed the Mutant's shiny crown over Akagi's head, kneeling on the floor. Make vows later sits on the Maha Throne as the 19th Mutant Emperor, in front of everyone, sits on the Throne. Regardless they were here for fulfil their own individual desires, smaller and bigger they are still lousy villains after all, still they accepted Akagi as their leader and Akagi announced his preposition, motivate his newly forming followers,

"My friends. Brothers and sisters of RMS's Royalists. Unlike the previous Emperors whom abused their powers, indulge themselves and doomed our sacred society. I have one purpose, one drastic but simple purpose: To create a new future. Today. Imperium of Brittonia Empire has refused to acknowledge our rights, oppressed our voices, discarded our dignity! Brittonian military proclaimed me the public enemy no. 1. If not, they will be. Henceforth, everyone present in this room shall know my real name, from outside you will address me as Redtron. Now I hereby announced the formation our new organisation; The Fraternity, and me as your humble leader, formed with one purpose; the permanent removal of the Imperium's oppressive regime. For those who agree with me, tired of living under the tyranny of humanity? Then pledge your allegiance. We will fight until the end. Will not rest until the entire country achieves equality, more rights for the Mutantkind! Beware this war will be the first brutal deadlier than you ever faced before. Many Soldiers will die. Royalists and Civilians will die but we won't surrender if we draw breath we will fight against tyranny, oppression and discrimination! Together we will tear down the regime of Brittonia Empire and established new utopian nation for Mutants called: The Republic of Mutannia! And once that goal is achieved, we will unify the rest of the Mutants in the world under the banner of our great Mutanic regime!"

"The Republic of Mutannia?!"

"A new nation.... For Mutants?

"Is this really happening?"

"Yes. The Mutant Emperor will make this dream into reality."

"Cheer. All hail to the Emperor Shinsuke!"

"Long live The Mutant Emperor!"

As natural charismatic individual with strong beliefs, determined ideals, Akagi Shinsuke, using his charisma as an orator to gain Royalist's support, cheered him wholeheartedly. Along with his personal inner circle, Ogomi and even the Archpriest Doyle as the RMS's neutral member, shunned with his speech.

Afterwards with RMS's nearly limitless resources under his disposal, gave birth of a new era of Mutanic fundamentalism.

Nevertheless, like his time in Helecter's none of them truly comprehend Akagi's true ambition and desires, hidden agenda since he always has, no matter of circumstances good at hiding his true plans from everyone else. Despite his weak, disease-ridden body couldn't allow, Akagi always took a great interest in fighting and martial arts, due to the combat technique he is able to Mutant. Due to the harshness of his early life. Akagi was full of resentful and a proven fighter. After becoming the Super advanced mutagenic virus: Darkfallen Mutant. Giving his past traumas and history of child abuse, developed some sociopathic aspects and a desire for power. He himself holds a deep disdain for Imperium of Brittonia and humanity itself, as he referred to it as an "corrupt barbarians" that needed to be "cleansed".

Despite himself was a believer of the Empire, tragically had a severe abhorrence toward Imperium and became a staunch believer in what he viewed 'living one's personal code rather than societal'. Whose will do anything to get what he wants. Affectionately referring to his followers as "brothers and sisters". Akagi sincerely believed in his rhetoric, having striven to be fair and treat everyone equally since he was a child. Ultimately, it was a misguided desire for justice as well as latent lust for power, moral sociopathy that led him to start the Mutant Revolution. While subtlety state to his followers the in verbal subtle speech. Akagi Shinsuke: The newly elected Emperor sees the deaths of million of innocent people, military personal and his own people more than minor setbacks to his megalomaniac ambition if he beneficial for him, it doesn't care what happens to them.