Wrapping Papers

Present timeline-

"Here your paper. You have my assurance as Supreme One: from now on, Imperial Army will withdraw from Heilongjiang and Shenyang frontline with immediate affect, and continue to honour our pact in the future."

Ichiro signed the non-aggression pact with Chinese Confederacy, one of the dominant superpowers in the world. As it sits immediately to the West of Far East, to end the Second Continental War which had been on a stalemate for a year. As his top priority to get rid of Mutant extremists out of the Imperium States, a peace treaty to be sighed, non aggression treaty: promises in time of crisis and turmoil there will be no invasion over Imperium's territory.

Inside the Green Zone's Imperial Palazzia Ichiro handed over the peace treaty to Chinese Confederacy's Councilman: Tián Zixin, and his bodyguard - Zhōu Han Jing, whom are pleased about the terms. Promised to give total support if only Imperium complete their promise, Zixin show them on the digital map.

"Yes, yes, we made our decision, the Mutanic radicals aren't only your problems. If you agree to help recapture southwest, north, within the Himalayas, there is string of regions, military outpost, strongholds all took by the mutants. Backed by the Indians. India is said to be vying for independence and has to this end covertly amassed profits by supplying arms to mutant Resistance groups in Tibet to sabotage our supply trains transport, power lines and telecommunication system we recently placed in the mountains to keep an eye on their movements, their Sentinels are very mobile."

"Your Mutants."

Interjected Kakehashi Yuzuru present behind Ichiro inside the meeting.

Kakehashi Yuzuru (tall, large man featured with purple eyes, long light brown hair that reaches up to his shoulder, with a short-trimmed beard. Former military commander of the Golden State, the man who was kicked out from the Imperium Senate when Redtron brought MRC Headquarter down. With humiliation due Yuzuru played a major part in Ichiro's rebellion dethroned Byron now got his position back as Brittonian Military Commander here in TYZ. Begin questioning the nature of the agreement.

"No offence but they are Chinese mutants, right? How they can be backed by someone outside of your domain? As far I know Chinese Confederacy be more respectful of mutant's rights than its Imperium's counterpart, despite still an imperial monarchy with most of the power concentrated in the hands of High Council."


Zixin chuckled, contemptuously response.

"Forgive my bluntness but if there be any pact to be made, Imperium first fulfil our requirements. According to the terms we are requested to attack The Indian Rashtra down Himalayas—"

"—Then we cannot pass our troop. Tibet and the Tibetan Plateau function as buffer zones; if the Mutants continue to disrupt our military resources, blocked the path, holds the Stronghold and outposts, regardless of their nationality."

Very professionally Zixin's personal bodyguard Zhōu Han (A tall young man with a lean body, brown eyes and long black hair that reach to his knees with a red back headpiece. Wears a brown short shirt like a men's qipao and a long white shirt with two cut leg slit underneath. Also dons a white sash with his sword attached to it, black pants and boots.) explained their situation unfazed.

"Afraid not Councilman,"

Ichiro ensured the Chinese, setting term, in a relaxed manner.

"My best unit of Terrarium Knight will join your operational site shortly. In return, no matter what, not a single Chinese Confederate's troops will pass through Imperium's soil. As you can see,"

Ichiro stood up, walk around the office floor, an aura of intimidation dwell in when proposed mildly to his guest if they broke the treaty, try to double-cross him with this quote of sarcasm,

"Regardless 'some people' already calling me a bloody dictator, one thing they do not know that I am also very superstitious man. If any alternatives Imperium States is on chaos, caused by an earthquake, Mutant's Rebellion or attack of the undead walkers if I see any Chinese Confederacy's involvement, Imperium of Brittonia Empire will retaliate with full force, violently."

A strong steady silence surrounded among Chinese representative knew they should get intimidated by Ichiro Kyousuke, as they heard stories about his underhand act of cruelty, only half of months of his rule, his enemies/opponents had to face imprisonment, torture or death and sometimes all of these. Captured about 20 thousand political prisoners and executed them in concentration camps. Brutal genocide against the rebels who fought against his father's regime on the Silver State: included traitors, left-wing radical, mutants or otherwise.

The Councilman Zixin: oddly skinny, paled-skin man in a double-breasted jacket, after a few seconds silence laughed out in amusement: naturally he got the subtle impression of Ichiro's threat, respond exactly what he'd wanted.

"Hahahe!... That's funny, 'The attack of the undead walkers' yeah... we got it, Han let's go, our flight is ready."

"Yes sir."

Naturally Zixin got the subtle impression of Ichiro's threat. He bowed to keep his part of the bargain and leave without delay. Waiting for the lift to arrive Ichiro remained.

"Terrarium Knights shan't fail you councilman, so, rest assured."

The lift arrived, as the Chinese went in, towards ground floor where their car waiting to take them to the airport.

Inside the lift, Han inquired in a nonchalant tone. Eyes stays forward.

"So, is it wise to ignore his warning? Even we have superior manpower compared to the Imperium, he seems confident."

"Because he thinks we got intimidated with his ruthless reputation. But we will play along what he wishes, once Tibet regions under our control, we wait at the side-line, watch Imperium's downfall."

"Huh? I don't understand."

"Why you Kyousuke Ichiro come to power so quickly? Why he wanted to sign up to non-aggression treaty now, why not before or later?"


"It's because he knows the big storm of Mutant Rebellion is coming. The less enemies he has the less he can control the Empire. Enemy fighting against another enemy is the best bet."

"What should we do now?"

"Nothing, for now as High Council's already decided Chinese special forces should assist Imperium's Terrarium Knights in Tibet."


"It's not that convincing..."

After Chinese went out from Imperial Palazzia, Ichiro stared at the elevator. Said obliviously.

"What is?"

Kakehashi: TYZ military commander inquired intensely,

"The Chinese, it's no guarantee whether or not they made an invasion over Imperium's territory during civil war which is evitable. Confederacy and Imperium Brittonia had some tensed relation we even invaded over the north to get resource supply, failed nonetheless. Now our primary focus on the RMS's Mutants, they have to do with Antheia's escaped from police's radar, Athenaeum's keeping low profile, or.... Redtron is playing them under shadows."

"Re... Redtron!? I thought he. He's dead!"

Hearing the name Kakehashi exclaimed, eyes widened with shock. Only Ichiro and Masamune know Redtron's real identity as Akagi Shinsuke, and Ichiro wanted to keep his identity secret, just like Akagi wanted.

"No. Commander Kakehashi. Redtron still dwelled on the lands until this day. Trying to unify the Mutant kind into one. That's why he will be our top fugitive, Chinese Confederacy can wait. Understood?"

"Y-yes Supreme One!"

"And one more thing. Connect me to minster of weaponry. Let the Engineering Corp informed me every update about thermobaric weapons and flamethrowers filler."

Like pretty much every nation Chinese Confederacy is the sneaky one, have abundant natural resources that Brittonia wanted, Chinese would sell the resources much higher prices, thus a cold hostility between these two neighbours grew. World–enemies Imperium Brittonia and the Chinese Confederacy surprised the world by signing the Imperium-Chinese Nonaggression Pact, in which the two countries agreed to take no military action against each other for the next 10 years. With Asia on the brink of another major war, Chinese High Council viewed the pact to keep his nation on peaceful terms with Imperium, while giving them time to build up the Chinese military. Brittonia on the hand, Supreme One Ichiro Kyousuke used the pact to make sure Imperium was able to exterminate Mutant Extremists unopposed, willing to enrage another major civil war without interruption or surprise invasion from abroad.

The pact also contained a secret agreement in which the Chinese and Imperium agreed how they would later, defeat the Indians and divide up Asia Continent among themselves.