Tibetan Expedition 4

"Second-class Yito is right Captain. It's no point wasting our time judging nobody's live."

Masamune also sided with Renkik, opposed his superior, inspired by his idealism while regained some of his own.

"Hehey see, Knight Lord Masamune, Hyoubu also agree with me."

Overjoyed Renkik chuckled, collared Masamune with friendly gesture. Grateful of his actions.

"Thank goodness! Finally, someone with some common sense. I thought I will die with much apathy before I attend an inspection over Raizen."

"You have an inspection task on the Supermaxim, Renkik?"

"Yep, on next month. Volunteer serviceman. True is I really like see the massive Fortress-prison hovering over TYZ."

"Enough. Both of you! It's not the time to discuss such matters."

Hiden interjected intensely, get back to the current topic immediately.

"What should I do with him? The Chinese doesn't want any prisoners nor does we."

"Cut him lose captain. Look at him, as miserable as can be. Sure, he'll find his way out."

"Their appearance can be deceiving Second-class Knight Lord Hyoubu Masamune. They not only resemble us in appearance, but also share our intelligence and behavioural patterns. This means they do not squat in distant forest or hide in the shadows. On the contrary, they are particularly fond of cities, where they live out deceivingly normal lives. Now they have the privileges to walk free among the good people of Imperium States." Hiden stated sternly,

"If you ever in the Brittonian Imperial Army overseas, fighting against foreign nation on their soil you will know, imagine being an Imperial soldier. A normal person armed only with an assault rifle, a bulletproof vest jacket which you will quickly discover to be utterly useless, and training not much different from the modern military like any other and say the entire world isn't out to get you. It doesn't help that military propaganda says "every soldier is expendable". However, when you fight against Mutants rather than millions of other hostile humans, every nation's Fallenborn varies from different kind of treatment to POW. The amount of horror you will suffer varies depending on who you're fighting. You can pretty much expect Far Eastern Mutants to just kill you. African-inherent Mutants will usually just eat you. European ones generally just kill you if you're in their way whether killed by their hand or by the hand of another faction they influenced to attack you, the Chinese might even take you prisoner without doing horrible things to you; hell, you might even get to join their club if you don't mind being a second-class citizen and never seeing the Imperium again, because if you do, they'll brutally slaughter you as a race traitor, beheaded you. Simply being shot, eviscerated, turned into a pile of shredded flesh isn't so bad considering what would happen to you if some of your foes feel like taking prisoners, especially the Arabian. You do NOT want to be captured by the Arabic Mutants or any Mutants from Middle-east.

Among all different kind of Mutants throughout the globe, one thing is common; Their hatred for humanity. Throughout history, Humans are complex creatures, they are diverse, tend to followed different paths: religion, nationality, philosophy, ideology, and lastly, humanitarian. Religious fanatics has had their own "holy wars," exchanging campaigns of political repression, burning of scriptures, and outright murder other humans.

Fundamentalism, other than a religious phenomenon. Non-religious ideologies: communism, capitalism, socialism, racism, environmentalism, fascism, democracy, anarchism and yes, even atheism, can all attract their own brands of "weirdo" as well. But in case of Mutants, they're much unified, they value their race, their creed above everything, but despised one another meaningless distinction but killing and devouring Human's Biotium for just the thrill of it. That's downright despicable!"

Both Renkik and Masamune may not respond but it made clear to him, Terrarium Captain Hiden despised Mutant race more than any soldier in the Imperial Army, holds a deep grudge disdain against Mutants, intend to eradicate them all.

In addition. Masamune knows from the start Hiden is not a typical sociopathic killer for hire like Steinbach Vannier, by the look at his eyes they could tell Hiden went through some traumatic experience, he killed with passion and conviction, sees his own values and passions as above or better than those of others, His intense drive and determination to live out his ideology and his own point of view without regard to others' perspectives. it is the only reason Masamune bother to listen what he has to say— even it became a long rant,

"The Higher Mutant do not need to absorbed Biotium as a survival necessity; they consumed biomass either enhance their strength or just for an experience not unlike the consumption of alcohol. But I am not unreasonable man nor I am a sadist."


"Here you go. Have your way. If somebody else in charge would shoot both of you for insubordination."

Shockingly after the dark joke Hiden deactivate the Mutant-Restrainer set the prisoner free. Apparently, he agreed what his subordinate said, the decision which shock Renkik and Masamune, though it boosted their respect for their captain.

One of his Terrarium Knight arrived, required his Captain's assistance, showed him the tablet, grabbed Hiden's attention.

"Captain Hiden. I need you to look at this assessment. Look we are standing in a—"

While Hiden busy advocating his subordinate behind, they forget what happen to the Tibetan prisoner he just released.

However, Renkik heard some strange gigging, meaningless muttering behind, when he turned back, saw the prisoner, gigging senseless, scattered his hair by his hands, certainly not the sign of a sane person.

"Hehe... Bless you... Haha... Imperians... K-ake!"


Among the most unfortunate time. The prisoner's body transformed, fleshy red biomass overflowed body increased its mass, while becoming something terrifyingly incomprehensible, within big fleshly surfaces long blade spouts forward, towards Captain Hiden at back.

"Oh, shit captain!"

"Everybody falls back!"

At right time Renkik thrust Hiden off the assault, however the sudden attack was so fast, the blade gouged other Terrarium Knights behind Hiden.

"Aragh.... Help... Captain... Help me!!! I don't want to die..."

While Renkik did save Captain Hiden's life, the other poor Knight caught on the process, begged in agony as the long thin blade easily pierced through the armour, impaled him like a meatball before cutting his body along the armour in half.

A large amount of blood squashed on the surface, along with the remaining mushy red-flesh and bone.

"What did I tell you stupid bastard!"

"Sorry captain."

Hiden smacked Renkik in the head in mild resent, witnessed the situation gone much worse.


The helpless Janitor who shouldn't kill a fly transformed into brutally bloodthirsty Reredos.

"What is he?!"

"Great... It's the fucking Brute."