The Delayed Revenge

"It's a.. A desert?"


"Okay you bastard! Who are you and where am I! Why you teleport us to a desert?!"

"Please! Calm down a minute!"

A series of tensed questions by the terrified Knights made little the man in violet little nervous. Especially when Steinbach violently chocked him, given his personality: extremely uncaring, malicious repulsive personality; none expected any more, gladly switch into bad guy's good books in order to survive.

"Let him speak Steinbach!"

"Eh? Captain?"

Obeyed his orders. Steinbach released the man grudgingly.

"Right.... Who are you, what are you? What are you doing in here and most importantly how did we get in this fucking cold desert?!"

He's not certainty the malevolent-type. However, "Appearance can be deceiving" phase Hiden known very well. Therefore, stood by and listen.

"Name's Cesare Sosuke. An Imperian and a... I... Am the lost specimen of the New Darkfallen Project. Sample No. Y67. Or simply Project 644. Another living Darkfallen's variant apart from regular sample MRC took from Redtron to create Code Phoenix, three years ago."


"Shocking may sound, I am telling the truth. MRC had hundreds of experiment on the humans, many failed, however few of are successful.

"Does Sosuke Cesare is really your real name? Also claim to be a fierce Mutant?"

"Yes! Here the proof!"


Sosuke's hand expands luminous spirals tendrils twist and turn: partly transformed into a well-sharp Noryoku-blade.

"I don't know what to do with him?"

"Why? Seem decent to me. After all guy saved our lives. If he DOES something fishy just blow his fucking head off."

"Donno, he's seemed too dubious to me... Looks like the bad guy?"

"For a guy in the black armour with the skull mask screaming out litanies of hatred "SUFFER NOT THE UNCLEAN TO LIVE! GLORY FOR BRITTONIA!" then went on mindless rampage against everybody else than him and everybody on his side? Ya haven't enlightened a bit." Ken quipped

"Ken...When did I said that crap!?"

"Probably never. After witness the 15-foot Tall tentacle hentai monster forced those chicks into literal "tentacle rape", suppose everybody is little too messed up."

"What are you even talking about?"

"What? Don't ya get it?! Let me explain: I have a soft-spot for attractive women. When a dude or ugly looking or okay-looking gal gets stabbed, mutilated or gang-raped in every hole possible, ya'll never see me shedding tears but as soon as a gorgeous woman gets her face torn off, gets her skull bludgeoned in, or creepy alien tentacles inserted into her private parts it seriously messing me up. But we are Terrarium Knight force- and arguably one of the world's ambiguous 'good' guys. Then there's the Brittonia are the unyielding force with names like Meat Slasher and Soul Ripper. That scar-faced woman with a cybernetic arm riding into combat against civilians on a tank adorned with spikes, crushing them under her wheels while incinerating them with high-tier flame throwers? Also, arguably relatively good."

"That's the most offensive sexist joke. Stop that!"

"Target be sure to go after those in the mutant Radical or Anti-imperium community have fun poking that hornet's nest. Yet better than telling racist jokes on Mutant creed sentiment, is like trying to walk-on a tightrope, except that tightrope got cut around a decade ago and now just leads to a deep pit full of cancel hashtags."

Ken Kawazoe. As always fearlessly question authority. While expression like a white snake ready to bite any minute, his motivations are almost always questionable. Bring up controversial subjects to stall time.

"Look gentleman. I know you have lot of questions. But we got to go back into TYZ. The Supreme One Ichiro will vouch for me and my story. I just get your entire squad back to open from the Fallen's Lair, let me audience with the Supreme One to prove him that I'm with the good guys."

"Not a chance kiddo! What happens if you turned into Shapeshifter or Reredos? Almost got myself killed. Listened somebody's advice and show mercy but not this time!"

"Take aim!"

*Gun cocks*

Excluded Ken, who stood mildly. The Knights did what frustrated Hiden told to. While dreadfully threaten Sosuke, the man who saved their lives.

"You took us for a fool! Second-class Knight Ken here went frizzy in mission, however he earned might be quirky but earnest."

"I see... Seem he's the smallest of your group. Instead growling he actually think it through."

However, the man Cesare seem fiercely straightforward, blunt and stoic, pale skin and long, violet messy hair which swept down in front of his blue eyes. He bore a striking rough-looking, rebellious image.

"It's true then. Brittonian military are embodiment of corruption and atrocious cruelty."

Although raise his hand, smirks, fearlessly.

"What are you smirking for!?"

"We'll see in a minute—"



"You guessed right. It's a Vertical Takeoff and Landing airborne assault carrier!"

A minute later military air-carrier flew over their heads. Strong gash of sands flows randomly. Landed on the surface.


Heinz Kurt called, hand over the telecom device.

"It's from the high command!"

With gulp Hiden answered the call.


"Captain Ogai. Pick that boy and report back to the TYZ base now! Why haven't your team extracted Project 644?"

"But! He's--"

"Do your job Captain! Don't ask questions."

"Yes General!"

"Bloody hell!"


Very angry military General cut the line. Which led Hiden harbour serious doubts about Sosuke and his goals.

Before a short glance at Cesare. Now knows that guy Cesare is the game changer. Not only he teleported the Terrarium Knights squad into Adak.

In the past, Adak gained importance from its strategic location at the crossroads of important trade routes, but since the Chinese authorities closed the borders between Tibetan Administrative Region and Adak in the 2029s, international trade has dwindled except for tourism. Since 2041, the Government of Brittonia has successfully encouraged tourism in Adak. Since Adak is a part of the strategically important Buffer Zone between Chinese and Imperium. The region, the Brittonian military maintains a strong presence in the region. And quickly track any frequency transmission which Sosuke delivered to pinpoint their location.

With maximum menace Hiden attempt to interrogate Cesare.

"Alrightly. That Fucking lazy bureaucrat piece of maggot shit of an Imperium General seem to trust you. But I don't... What you really want...?"

Sosuke mildly responds with confidence. Aura of conviction, hell-bent on the goal.

"I have one primary goal: to create a world where both humans and Mutants can live together peacefully. The first plan to achieve this is to bring the Brittonian government and the military to a table by force in order to negotiate."


"Yes, I know what you'll say? And you guess correct. It was my mentor's dream. Leader of the Capricorn Union Kaseko, also referred as the Scarecrow. My mentor who was butchered mercilessly and devoured along with his pregnant wife and rest of his friends, during his wedding. That's why I created the powerful Mutant Organization led by Mutant and Variant like myself capable of defeating the likes of Redtron, callously ruthless Crime Boss Antheia, or the serial killer Spider. And several Commanders which obviously are top-ranked Mutants, no matter how competent and they are, they're all will be punished!"