Second Assault on the Raizen Supermaxim Part 2



Miyako's eyes widened with shock and terror, dodged Redtron's incoming fierce kick, slide besides, while he decapitated the following officer's stead. Redtron didn't bother whether she live or die. He's on a barbarous mission, executing every Raizen Guards more violent, fierce and ruthless than ever.

"Redtron! He's... Incredibly fast and strong! Ahhh!"

"Ohh... He's coming! Ugh-ahhh!"

"Somebody. Anybody! Please help. Ahh-guh!"

Even one's he killed, stunned at his tremendous physical prowess.

The Redtron they knew as agile, nimble and stealthy fighter, usually prefers work behind the scenes, rely on schemes and complex plans.

However, without any of the mutant prowess. Redtron able to subdue even the toughest men around, fast enough to evade bullets and melee attacks, limbs tough enough to break bones, dislocated joints, deliberate attacks to quash their morale to fight back or stood against him in the fight. Even he must brutally slaughter every one of them. Turned the Guardsman who did nothing rather than doing their duty into ghastly meat moss. The indestructible masked man they assumed as Redtron aren't only use brute force. He also inwardly uses the agility, cunning precision, graceful fighting skills into play. For instant: Redtron was agile enough to easily twists one guardsman arm behind his back, only to be use as human shield to pass the couple riflemen across, then gracefully jumped above, sliced off both of them, using one's military knife; a vague combination of hand-to-hand combat with touch of Jujutsu. Added with facade of a composed, silent and ruthless domineer.

That kind of atrocious attack, Miyako couldn't take it. She intends to face Redtron on her own as Renkik and Ilza went back from the armoury, provide backup.

Meantime at Raizen, it is total chaos, siren won't work, the system failed, the reinforcement won't be coming. Only Raizen's hope was Miyako Fukumori's crew.

"AHHH!!! Gulp!"

Glowering Guardsmen screaming of battle cry was stopped as Redtron shoved a heavy mace into the face, kicked his lower jaw to push the body away. And grabbed the number two behind. Twitching his legs around. A moment notice Redtron has no red Hikaru-Eye to flash over, only a pair of bewitching blue-eyes.

"Hey! You're not...!?—"


A plasma cannon fired at behind, powerful enough to push the grunted Redtron aside, melted major portion of his back, however regenerative healing factor quickly repaired the damage.

When turned, Miyako Fukumori, holding a massive destructive weapon: Long Plasma Cannon Launcher, begun to heating up. Sometimes called the Heavyweight plasma machinegun, is an Imperial heavy weapon that relies on plasma technology to deliver lethal blasts of superheated matter to the target. Plasma Weapons work by using hydrogen fuel suspended in a cryogenic state, in either fuel flasks or cylinder containers. As the fuel is fed into the miniature fusion core inside the weapon, the hydrogen energises into plasma which is held in the core of the weapon by powerful electromagnetic containment fields. When fired, the fields dilate open and the plasma is ejected via a linear magnetic accelerator as a bolt of superheated matter akin to a solar flare in appearance and temperature. This bolt will explode on impact and can generate the destructive heat of a small sun. For this reason, Plasma Weapons are sometimes called "Magma Guns" by the common Imperial population.

"What you're think? You just come down here, attack the supermax prison, killing people as you like? Your schemes, manipulating your band of evil Mutants ends here!"

What's impressive about Lieutenant Miyako "Ice Queen" Fukumori. At desperate times not only she mercilessly, and ruthlessly crushed her enemies while having no remorse whatsoever, she can exhibit extreme strength, courage and willpower.

Plasma Cannon is a mounted gun represent one of the few Brittonia's infantry units that can carry Plasma Cannons because of the weapon's heavy weight. A Special Division's Techno Suit also offers better protection against the weapon when it overheats or malfunctions. And Miyako holds the machinegun, despite having a graceful, feminine, slender-build with slim, womanly arms. Now flexing with light muscles, gripped the heavy machinery, recharging behind Ilza and Renkik.

Redtron said nothing, silently stood across Miyako in intense manner.

"You said with such conviction, like you're the "good guys" here."


"Some "kickass" tragic heroine here to save the day and undo the world's wrongness by capturing bad guys. Scoffed. How pathetic..."

When hearing Redtron's feminine tone, shocked Miyako. "The apparent Redtron" removed the hood and the mask, short silvery white hair flowed, thin slippery silky strands swayed as she shook her head around, finally revealed herself as Misaki Mayumi to everyone.

"Redtron... Is a woman!? Is she capable of performing those absurd stunts? Is she the real Redtron all along?"

"Who cares she's... She's superhot! I -- I mean, she killed or severely wounded 11 guardsman in last 15 minutes."

Baffled Ilza and Renkik wondered mindlessly, before Miyako interjected—

"No. I'd saw him, heard him talking, she's—"

"—You're right! I am just a decoy."

Misaki admitted, with a snobbish tone and expression. Adjust her precious hair properly,

"Look. Look around you..."

They did what Misaki instructed.

Overwhelming number of Mutants, cutting the Raizen's Guardsman casually, masked individuals' leather-coating uniforms, decreasing their numbers,

"What is it you want exactly?"

"To me test the new Redtron new suit's configuration and compatibilities during combat. Well, apart from the minor complaints. I say: Bulford did well."

Undeniably Bulford Ashiruse (The bald dark-skinned Royalist/Janitor) now a major enforcer in the Fraternity; did his job perfectly. Modified the Redtron Suit into whole new level. In this new design, the bodysuit is made of hardened Kevlar plates on a titanium-dipped fibre and is broken into multiple pieces of armour over a more flexible bodysuit for greater mobility, countless micro/Nano holes for Noryoku-blade to manifest quickly. The long-coat of the suit, which previously had been donned to one's body is now a separate component, allowing the wearer to freely swivel and move his neck without moving the rest of his upper torso.

Since the new armour of Redtron has drawbacks as a trade-off, the flexible armour leaves Akagi more vulnerable to injury from bullets or knives in favour of increased flexibility and lighter weight. He gave the Redtron armour to Misaki Mayumi to do a test run.

Another plus is her athletic body, defined by toned muscles, shaped and enhanced until she became physically stronger than any average Mutant and enemies she encounters.

Expert at hand-to-hand combat and jujitsu Misaki prized with physical and martial arts prowess highly.

Misaki's attractiveness notably exceptional, that been said, according the one's she mercilessly squashed claimed her as "A repugnant monster that needed to be put down."

"And that's not all." Misaki added, "It's small fraction of the Fraternity's Royal army. We'll destroyed your Empire in an instant..."

".... Is that what you trying to prove! Huh?" Miyako snarled, face was distorted with rage, "Don Athena! I know who you are, I read your files..."

"That's why I despised short-minded Imperians!"

Misaki snarled back, glared back to the Imperium soldiers.

"You think you know everything, because you read some fancy profiles and have the right to pass the judgement? You, the Brittonian military attempted to explain this away by having Toad describe it as irony, based upon the perceived notion that all mutants are "evil." Scoffed. What differences it would make now when you opted instead to simply drop "Evil" from the group's name and refer to the group as "The Brotherhood of Mutants" or simply the Fraternity..."

*Chuuuuuu... Smash... Chuuuuu... Smash... Chuuuu... Smash*

On an extreme impulsive, Miyako shot full-loaded Plasma cannon three times, mangled Misaki's body with hot plasma shots.

"You two fall back! We cannot hold her much longer..."

"But lieutenant..."

"No more grumbling... We cannot hold her. She's a Higher Mutant, a way more powerful than three of us—"

Given Miyako order to fall back. They hesitant to obey. Until—

"What did I say? Short-minded Imperians..."

—Misaki said, while the figure remains out of sight, four black and crimson colour sprouting thrashing razor-tipped tentacles, rose through the melting plasma moss. Soon expands absorbing; not unlike consuming, which needs biological substance extract Biotium from. Currently what she doing is taking over it's hot plasma mass to separate off her body, instead only her left-side, she split her semi-mutagens manifested into right, meaning: she can sprout one-third of Tendrils-Noryoku rightwards.


She called one of the major enforcers, Kazuico Benjamín who also the leader of the Imperium's Drug cartel, been on this mission.

Benjamín arrived at the station, with bunch of Mutants with single black suit and tie. Benjamín has a similar appearance, except he has a blindfold on, apparel broken voice with purple suit and tie, and Noryoku-type long-range: "The assault rifle" pointing at Imperium soldiers!


Rifle clicks

"Lieutenant take cover!"

Misaki ordered, Benjamín fired at her whip. Shielded by Renkik who Miyako ordered to stand by, against heavy fire he barely sustains. While Ilza provided cover fire.

"Told you. Need our help... But the shield power will wear off any moment."

"Yes... Remove the shield on my signal. I gonna give those freaks something they will remember forever."

After said, Miyako begun dismantling, improvising the cannon. Removed its cylinder.


Shield removed.

Miyako couched down, held Plasma the cannon on shoulder, at its full potential, power and destruction level, blasted through the hordes of Mutant's squad.


What Miyako did is to readjust the cylinder's socket with much larger one. Enhanced its capabilities making it the—

Termination Cannon fires a particle of unstable matter harnessed from the dying sun, and is a far more sophisticated weapon than other forms of conventional plasma-based weaponry. A Termination Cannon can maintain a high rate of fire and always remains cool to the touch despite the ravening energies housed within. But the shockwave was so powerful, Miyako's womanly body thrown back one meter away, somehow stable herself. Only Misaki and Benjamin escape in time pulled themselves away from the blast range from the brutal explosion, after being literally obliterated by the mega blast, which took almost 14 of Benjamín's members. Made a huge hole between them.


Benjamin, as a final attempt, manifest his telekinetic powers and those of other mutants in his type in the form of long biomass arms. To normal people they are somewhat fleshly, flexible biomass tentacles with hand-like at the end, simply causing everyone who gets to close to those to seemingly randomly explode in a fountain of blood. Nevertheless, he never reached them.

"I will find them..."

"Leave them. Focus on the current mission. Where's he?"

"He's in forth down, searching for Nagako Miyoshi in basement he's close."

Benjamin reported, despite blindfolded, he can see everything. More accurately than the two eyes. One of the his Mutanic abilities, functioned as a bat, his eyes can see, sense and locate targets like a bat.

"Good. He's on his way. meanwhile we prepare the aircraft, prepare our exit plan..."

"What about him?"

"He will promise me to get Miyoshi safe. And he will always keep his promises — At least with me..."