Edge of Nightmare Part 3

The meeting has concluded. After their host's departure.

Ichiro personally reminded the Imperial politician with ruthless sardonicism.

"Next time, before spilling the classified information to defend your ego, you should read Imperial Palate first, is that understood?"

"Bu, but they-they are bunch of miserable misfits running around, thinking they'd make a difference!"

"Never underestimated your enemies, Lord Rayleigh, or you'll pay the terrible price."

After said that Ichiro rush off of the meeting office, without taking Airicaba he called the lift, goes straight into super-secret facility, build underground on the New Government Borough, to meet his most trusted scientist—Doctor Kornine.

"Yes-yes I revised the protocol's infrastructure. Nothing will interface with you plans, my Lord—"

Lift rings.

"I call you back. Glad you're here my Supreme One—"

"Heard you've been talking to someone? Who's the caller?"

"Ohh... It's nothing, anyway The New Colossus is almost ready, as well as the Fallen Gate, but we still don't know how to use it."


"Is it biological or mechanical? The engineers haven't figure it out how to start the Gate. A point in real space which is linked to another point in real space by a tunnel through the bridge. The tunnel somehow avoids the normal disturbances of the Gate allowing a journey to be made within a fixed time and in perfect safety. In simpler terms mutants has "magic" rather than technology or Mutanic abilities to teleport. Which helps them stayed hidden over centuries, maybe over millennia, who knows. Travelled one place into another undetected."

"Magic? Mutants use magic?"

"I think that a possibility. Plenty of wizards roaming around the midst, seeing the Fallenborn gifted with psychic power I don't doubt it."

"So, there's could be a chance RMS cultist using this technology to teleport one place onto another Pocket-dimension?"

"The 'Realm' they called it!" Kornine murmured, subconsciously, therefore Ichiro questioned back, stood beside at overseer chamber, ogling the construction of weapon of mass destruction.

"Really? How did you know? What's it called?"

"Humph. The existence of Fallen Gates represents something of a mystery, and much debate rages over whether they are natural or artificial. If artificial, then none can say who made them or for what purpose? Furthermore, some Fallen Gates have been artificially enhanced, their entrances delineated by mechanical constructions whose exact function can only be guessed at. Other Fallen gates are mere "controlled" small black holes in space, pulled people into abyss then shut itself automatically."

"(Scoffed.) You have been busy. Bleeding Imperial Treasury dry,"

"The more we know about this arcane material, the better the perfected of weaponizing it."

"Fair enough. And the New Colossus? You said it's ready."

"Yes, after few weeks, it's ready to deploy."

"Few weeks!? You said—"

"--As an astronomical space-based satellite containing first ever weaponized Fallen-made projectile, it will take time as my top engineer theorised, Fallen Stones Imperium soldiers collected from different regions is refined into liquidised form, then injected the missile's shells. Satellite contained a magazine of Fallen stones in a liquid form. Compressed Fallen Stone became highly volatile material; when chain-reaction ignited, it can explode with tremendous force and the resulting fire burns so hot that water cannot extinguish it. Only by smothering the flames with large quantities of sand can they be put outs and a directional launch system. Holds the capacity to obliterate biggest city, megacities in mere seconds from space."

The New Colossus, The Supreme One Ichiro called it, had been planning for a decade. As the former Byron Kyousuke dictated 'This weapon will change very nature of modern warfare.'"

In theory: when a strike is ordered, the launch vehicle brakes. one of the missiles out of its orbit and into a suborbital trajectory that intersects the target. As the projectile approach's periapsis due to gravity, it picks up immense speed until it reaches terminal velocity shortly before impact. The missile would shape to minimize air resistance and maximize terminal velocity. In addition, the missiles coated with highly stabilised Fallen Stone, in a form of a flammable liquid.

The Fallen Gates occur in the depths of space, at the boundaries of continental places in a country, within earth, and even on planets. The largest are easily big enough to permit the passage of transportation and are usually situated at the edge of southern pole or amongst its outer surfaces

Smaller ones are scaled-down version of Fallen Gates technology. It allows transportation to any coordinates on Earth and even in the planet's orbit. It is considered easier to maintain and less costly in Mutant Sorcerer's Biotium in order to operate it.

Program is to MRC scientists, they can have no clue what a Mutant Sorcerer is or how they get the gate open, or how they can manipulate the Gate's coordinates, best option is to let that kind of complication to mutants.

While New Colossus is alone is enough wiping out every enemies of the Imperium.

However, Colossus to be confused with the Reredos creature Colossal, created by Darkfallen's genic mutation.

While New Colossus isn't exactly a nuclear weapon.

The Real reason behind all this downfall and the start of the never-ending human horror and suffering is the Second Global Conflict which nearly destroyed the planet and thrown the humans and mutants into a new age of imperialism where nation's economy sunk joined other countries to survive or subjugate others. The great golden age was the thing of a past, and now everything is in slow decline as people continue to use the slowly-deteriorating Lost Technology while lacking the need to create anything of their own, because older was better and whatever we can do, it won't match what we have. With the Fallen directing our whip on a grander scale.

The world as we know has been twisted into an unfathomable horror where internal and external, vast conflict occurs between human's Superpowers fighting among themselves for the global conquest.

Alongside several absurdly powerful malevolent Mutant factions, fighting throughout the world, sometimes against humanity or themselves as they remain embroiled in their own civil wars, with every single weapon, ideology, and creative piece of nastiness imaginable turned up to eleven... The great politics mess-up and subsequent collapse of many democratic and communist regimes drastically changed the political picture of both the present and the future. Rise of petty dictators, Totalitarian and corporate governance, Lot more focus on how technology has come to permeate everyday life and challenge long-held conceptions of the individual and society. Right-Wing dystopias and endless nation's Interventionism are daily occurrence. It is truly unpleasant, and life is hard; nowhere is truly safe. People are beset by enemy from within and without, and to eke out an existence, they become hard, thick-skinned and likely not very friendly because humans are bastards, full of barbarians and apathetic, a tough place to live. It is quite likely dying, or at least regressing, the golden age is past and unlikely to return ever, the gods don't care much, everything is in shambles, the decline is slow and agonizing, hypothetical world, divided in castes, one of which lives in flying cities and has decadent parties all day long while the other has to work to fund those parties under watchful eyes of ruling class's machinery. Quite a few people who do heroic things, only do them because it is all in a day's work or because they wanted attention or money or fame nothing else.

Alternatively, in world, filled in fierce wars there is no such thing as nuclear weapons, non-existent in this chaotic world. Due to this constant state of war between rivalling superpowers, continues--

The constitution law of A.N.A after the second global conflict, the whole the Americana Union itself is prohibited to interfere any Asian and European matters or wars and thus AU as a primary member of the A.N.A organisation has to obliged, nevertheless The Imperium of Brittonia Empire are in good terms with the AU, signed multiple treaties both economic and commercial and regularly supplied valuable resources to AU to keep them separate from their conquest over Asia.

Also, in the late 60s A huge conference was held by A.N.A's members in Pairs about modern warfare upcoming 21st century-

1. No use of nuclear weapons or any kind of mass destruction.

2. No use of chemical warfare

3. No killing civilians during war time

Basically A.N.A suggest a contained aggression on earth, taking over the other territories without extinct themselves, despite A.N.A members don't have any nuclear warhead nor formula or notion to create one. It also the reason why hasn't such war-tore earth turned into a total nuclear apocalypse.

However, it turns out the all major six nations is just as corrupt and elitist as Brittonia. They use harsh persecution in neutral nation's they conquered and are willing to send civilians into exile if they don't compile, promising their families citizenship if they do so.

Despite the foundation of A.N.A, caused many wars and many more in the future.

"What's that?" Ichiro pointed his finger forward, "It's I think it is...?"

"The Lightbringer, another prototype, still under process." Kornine grudgingly agreed, to luminous blue sparkle radiating from prototype Cube knightly sword. Under care top's scientists.

"If everything fails." Ichiro renowned gloomily, "Arata Yurie's Brightlight, the formula destabilising serum, injected into mighty sword: The Lightbringer will protect Brittonia."

"You seem lacking in confidence my Supreme One?"

"...I believe Sosuke's Justified, already made a Fallen-made, using a Fallen Stone. Just pending to be ignorant, one of his lieutenants, the big guy, my Hikaru flicker around his presence."

"You cannot just conclude everything on a hunch, my Supreme One. Be patient..."