Imperium Brittonia’s Bests Pt 2

Heavy grunts snorted out, standing 8-feet tall, biomass cladded armour mutant, big, fierce-looking man, scarred and battered, clad in heavy battered armour, a sense of danger about it, however they seem no mutant that big, instead an abominable monster, appears to be titanic beast with double horns and shoulder spikes. His mind dulled and his body physically invincible, glowering staring from above. Applied enough force squeeze through entirely into room, tossed Harasaki and Ken with single thrust, went outside before their instinct triggered, landed over their parked vehicle, with Masamune's inside.

"Whoa-what happened!?"

"That, that beast comes out of nowhere starting attacking us! Stupid fuck-head."

"Ken are you okay?"


Ken coughed heavily, crouched down, seem that brute struck Ken's vital organ, severely incapacitate him from combat.

Fortunately, Masamune brought couple of Power-Cubes, yet they were not enough to tackle that beast, and fortunately for the intruder that he only needed Steinbach to finish his personal business.

"Found you now Steinbach!"

Tongan greeted his old friend, had a broad smile on his lips though, and his pleasant demeanour was greatly at odds with his personality As he straightened up, towering over everyone else, the room began to seem absurdly cramped. His sheer bulk was intimidating, but there was something more, something that seemed to come off him in sickly waves. Steinbach in his rough hands felt it, uncomfortably.

"No. Aragh-argh... No..." he yelled swings his limbs in sheer panic and terror.

"Look Tongan. I know you're angry but haven't ratted you out, I swear to you. They here for a different reason."

"Too bad I don't believe you. Is your lying aura what drags me here."

Steinbach did everything he could, nonetheless it's all useless to Tongan.

The towering brute clad in the thickest bio plate armour. Revealed his face casted in shadow, hidden under his horned helmet, black as coal bio strings sided out: Sosuke's lieutenant, the first Fallen-made who restrained his conscience, The Fallen stone melted into lava and was absorbed into Tongan's entire body, merging his clothes and helmet into his skin, turning him into a titanic knight, and whose dreaded reputation is known throughout as one of the Imperium's most feared Fallen-made, beyond as merciless butcher capable of turning the course of battle with a single thunderous charge. He fought unto battle atop immensely powerful strength; mount clad in thick Biomass Armour. Biomass attached onto him like an thick armour, and countless pointy spikes, while exercise his immense powers and raw physical strength which he misuse to satisfy his never-ending bloodlust and brutality and sadism: gripped Steinbach's purple hair up on air, causing extreme pain as much as pulling one's hair five feet away from ground.

"Aragh... It hurting me."

"I thought we were friends, given those Mutant whores to fuck, never imagined you with the Brittonia's cunts, screw me over five thousand, you want protection from them?"

Said Tongan, as his helmet disassembled, fractured into tiny black bio strings, tug back into his shoulder, here to settle some unfinished business, petty nonetheless.

"We still are. It's just a coincidence they know shit—"

"—Sosuke's wants to create a world where humans and mutants can coexist. But I care less what he wants, rather purely enjoy killing meat bags like you, too bad Sosuke refuse to trade with Cobalt, otherwise there will more cunts for me to fuck."

"I-I, you fucking monster!"

"Ah? Exactly, otherwise I be giving you a quick death!"

Tongan grinned, with a sadistic glee, donned the helmet again, then smashed Steinbach's head over wall, enough force to keep him alive and his conscious intact, prevent his skull to shattered, Tongan smashed Steinbach's head against the concrete wall over 37 times!

Have his eyes nearby popped out from the socket his face nothing more than bloody disfigured mess, then begins his mutilation, gripped Steinbach's neck firmly two fingers could collar his neck, start pulling out his intestines through his abdomen sliced by sharp fingers, while spouting nonsense--

"Like the mutant-whores that charge few portions of their Biotium in addition to money as payment for their sexual services. Elder ones do not need biotium to sustain their life, it is more like alcohol or the drug that they enjoy the most. And it's my upmost pleasure eating you! You don't mind, would you?"

"No-no, please, A... Araghh...!!!"

Steinbach screamed in immense pain, while his insides being ripped off out his body screamed as a drowning man gasping for air and channelled it through every flesh inside him toward tearing.

While very much alive; Steinbach groaned in horror at seeing nothing but bloody stumps past his hips, and his fears were replaced with morbid terror as he watched his waist slowly got stretched from his body at very eyes. Been consumed by Tongan's Seaks. Eyes bursting out in immense pain and agony, Steinbach's took his last breath before the Seaks extract every bits of Biotium out of him.

Tongan wasn't finished with the corpse; he performed his final touch before burst out from the shed.

"I leave things here—for now, got other matters intend to," Tongan said in a monotonous voice, within scary helmet, gazing towards the helpless Terrarium Squads, scowling over, being outgunned and outmatched, "Next time I'll enjoy tearing you into sheds, limb-by-limb, just like that I did that to that traitor Steinbach."

"Damn you!!!" Ken snarled throaty, glowering over Tongan's arrogance,

"Wait... Ken we can't win this, even three of us." Stopped by the sensible comrades.

"Listen to your friends, White one. You have a puncture lungs, it's a shame I have to go, otherwise I will enjoy ripping out from you while you breathe," With arrogant smirk, Tongan storms off, fled into gusts of wind, energy waves he'd created, shook the cars afar.

For a brute who tortures, skins, hunts, rapes and psychologically breaks people with absolute sadistic glee simply because he enjoys doing it and manages to make any widely-disliked mutant or human sympathetic simply by being subjected him to the most gruesome torment imaginable, he is by far the most cruel, psychotic and animalistic of Sosuke's Justified supporters. Having burned his own comrades' face for insulting him, denounced for his spiteful, petty cruelty above all.

"What now?" Asked Masamune,

"It's no doubt about it. It was Tongan Rem. An executive of the Justified, just tie up lose ends, that's why he had Steinbach killed, prevent him from exposure." replied Harasaki, disgruntled tone,

It was certain that: Redtron's Fraternity secretly imported some shady cargo into TYZ, blackmailed Steinbach to pass above customs into TYZ. Pretty simple:

However, Tongan's inappropriate interference, killing a Terrarium Knight in front of other witnesses, tortured, mutilated and placed his upper body on a stick. Messed things up even more.

What they gather Brittonian now suspects the Justified for breaking the Treaty between them and Brittonia, concerning their relationship which gives Akagi's Fraternity Army more time to perfected his allege plans of attack.