Mockingbird Pt 2

But he couldn't, scolded Nobeshiba, as solemn and serious-minded as Akagi is — he hated inefficiency and frivolous attitude during serious work.

IADS Akagi referred to is The Imperial Administrative Department of Security (IADS) is the Security Service agency of Imperium States, which was also responsible for border and immigration services. It said to be soon departed as part of a wider Executive Reform, soon to be replaced by the Brittonian intelligence Agency--

IADS is tasked with providing security to state institutions and VIPs, providing judiciary police investigative services and serving as a counter-intelligence service to both external and internal threats. At IADS, Imperial citizens and foreigners living in Imperium States could obtain their background records, a common requirement for a variety of transactions and services involving both state and private institutions. In addition, IADS was responsible for immigration control and the issuance of visas. The word is: Admiral-General Killen Mojuko will present in the IADS, he's will be leading the fleet to blockade the Island-City after few days.

Akagi thought Killen's time is up, in order to buy time and make sure those Brittonian ships stayed at the harbour. He tasked Vivian and the Scavengers to do the deed and suffer the consequences, the result was far beyond his expectations: unbeknownst to Vivian and his men of the content, at 7.30am truck parked near the building exploded, killing 930 people and injuring about 3.000 Imperium States. The bomb blast, an estimated 500 kg of dynamite beneath the statue, levelled several city blocks and destroyed more than 300 commercial properties. Imperian citizens is widely believed that the Scavengers was responsible for the attack, to assassinate IADS director and Admiral-General of the Imperial Navy: Killen Mojuko as notable casualty, who were both killed unfortunately.

Simultaneously Akagi deployed two of his separate units led by Fumihiro's few remaining Athenaeum soldiers and Nobeshiba's men into newly created Administrative Zone, previously were viral wastelands: Fumihiro's team — just following orders, infiltrated the Zone wearing fake ID as construction workers slipped into the location, whether they'd like or not; deliberately release Fallen toxins upon Imperium citizens across one of the newest sector in the war zone, inhabited by mostly Justified members. The People Sosuke desired to protect; whoever inhaled the toxin first - choked to death or organically exploded, toxic implanted under the skin of the victim. After a brief period, tentacles force themselves from the infected subject, at a high velocity, like the tendril barrage of tentacles spouting in infinite direction, the screams, the agony of their fellow mutants hard to bear. These tendrils pull anything they touch in towards their epicentre.

The Toxin which mutated their body, transforming into horrible mutated abominations, whom do not have resilient DNA gene pool died instantly or increased their ability to be spread into the environment - killing 340 people and injuring about 900 at single morning. The gas releases, an estimated 500 litre of Fallen toxins: a harmful substance produced within living cells or organisms; synthetic toxicants created by the one-third fraction of Akagi's own blood, weaponized to a small-scale Fallen biological weapon which slipped into several city blocks of newly established Administrative Zone and contaminated more than 100 Square kilometres.

Horrific as it may seem: The IADS building bombing and New Administrative Zone's Attack are the beginning in the long series of attacks that targeted Imperian politicians, officials, and journalists, mass killing of judicial officials in Imperium States for the war which haven't even begun.

All the Scavengers Zone: lawless towns and municipality, previously ruled by the King himself, now Justified occupied the area where they shelter the non-violent mutant refugees in north-eastern side of TYZ's is besieged. The city had briefly been invaded by more than 100 members of the Nobeshiba's group, claimed themselves as the "Mutant's Liberation National Army" and "captured the public imagination" in its first act as a new guerrilla organization. Nobeshiba personally leads an assault on the city's borders and manages to lead a small detachment onto the battlements. An attempted sally led by Second Lieutenant Theodore's men falters when his fear of fire causes his flight from the field. The invaders murdered sixteen of town's policemen, six Justified's peacekeeping mutants, robbed the local bank, plundered and pillaged and harassed the townspeople and looted the local stores and pharmacy of its medicines and food, ravenous and ravaged they bite and bites away — before being driven out by the Brittonian Army. Only 9 of the 100 Nobeshiba's men were captured later beheaded. 

Nevertheless, it was mockery to The Justified and an unofficial declaration of war, released deadly toxin over the citizens of his own race. Akagi made clear he wasn't afraid playing with fire: not hesitate to grimly murder thousands of his kind and torture many more to achieve his vision end. Show off his power, but not before the beast defecates on the doorway of the Justified's domain, while rob Sosuke's off his title being the Hero, and "The pillar bridge between the two races" he proudly thinks he was.

The only thing that remains are the decaying buildings of Justified's province and Administrative Zone left its inhabitants have all either died, or become hollowed, crazed and undead. In addition to it being host to dozens of different types of horrific forms of infected, twisted animals and grotesque monsters.  

As Ichiro heard about this, he imminently tasked twelve Imperial agents and huge chunk of military police to stamp out the local mutant radical organization being involved these attacks. Few days of cracking skulls, stern investigation, scouring throughout TYZ's Brown and West Red Zone's sectors for any Fraternity related lead: what the police found shocked the entire Imperium law enforcement agency: