
I take a step back. Unconsciously. There's nothing there. He's empty. He must be Japanese. One of the ghosts with no face. He offers me his hand.

"I'm Tyler" his voice rings through my head. I put on my award-winning smile and nod while taking a seat in the row in front of him. I shower Tyler with questions asking where he is from and stuff like that. He IS a faceless ghost from Japan. He likes football and apples, he's only moved to Scotland two weeks ago and has to board because his family are in America. That must be upsetting, not living with his family but he seems all right about it. We are fifteen minutes into the lesson. This is a travesty. I'm taking this to the headmaster. I wish my best to Tyler as I head for the door. I slide the panels to the side and stomp down the hall. I mutter what I'm going to say down. I swear if the head doesn't do anything I'm going to crush this school with my bare hands. I reach the office and throw open the door. He doesn't even acknowledge me as I charge into his room. I sit my butt down on the spare chair and cross my arms. It suddenly dawns on me that I've just marched into my Principle's office without warning or even knocking. I gave a tiny gasp as blood seeped from my neck as the colour drained from my face.

"Is Mr Alion not in today?" I whisper. He doesn't glance up, he keeps tapping away at his crappy keyboard. I'm quite irritated now. He does not want me to see me past this. I glower at him," tu sunt mox morturus. Responsum me!" At this, he looks up. FInally. He gawks at me astonished that I would be able to guess what language he spoke. Latin if you wish to know. He responds by telling me our teacher will not be in after I ask a few questions. He grins. Obviously proud that he has a student that is so amazing. I roll my eyes and head out. This school is freaky. I mean the person who runs the school has tentacles coming out of his mouth and can only speak Latin. I pause outside the classroom. I beam. God, am I glad I go to this school.