Chapter 6

"You fiend, never have I encountered such corrupt and foul minded perversity. Have you ever considered a career as a demon?"

"LMAO" All for one typed along with a picture of a man falling of his seat in a fit of laughter

"I have certainly considered that job but the demons said I was too evil for their tastes." Lord Seventh replied with a picture of a little girl smiling while a house was burning in the background

"LOL, I guess that's how I should respond. But seventh I didn't really expect such care freeness from you, good job." The Glutton said with his own picture, he was smiling while giving thumbs up

Issei looked at the responses and saw that they were having fun at his expense, which was annoying but kind of fun as he could feel that it was just lighthearted banter and nothing malicious unlike how some of the people reacted on campus.

'Even if it's not so magical, these guys aren't so bad but I hope they won't make a habit of making fun of me.'

Issei posted a picture of a family jumping on the beach, where the little kids hand slipped from her fathers.

"Why have you betrayed me, Father?"

"With a name like that, you are no son mine." Lord Seventh replied with a man kicking another man of a cliff

"I think we call that savage" Grand scholar typed with a smiling emoji

"Apply holy water to burned area." All for one typed

"Is that you? You from our school, OD." Ruin Princess had watched the little show play out and seen the picture

'A dragon in the background, Issei was really special after all. I thought it might have just been twice critical but he has an actual dragon. Even if it's not true, it will be good try it out as Seventh won't have chosen weak beings.'

"Who?" Issei replied acting like he didn't know but he was curious and wanted to know more on why she would call out to him

"I know who you are OD and just like Seventh said, we are all special in some way and you are definitely special. Otherwise, you wouldn't have that dragon name or profile. Just wait for me; I am coming to meet you."

Issei was surprised by the answer, he didn't buy the special thing but he didn't mind accepting it since he will be close to Rias Gremory an A-One hottie

"Okay" Issei replied and waited for Rias in a daze, he couldn't believe she was coming for him personally.

'Maybe she likes me.

Don't be so vain and try to understand others.' Issei thought but then Seventh's words entered his head and he was slightly conflicted

'I will think over it later but let's enjoy some Oppai first.'

"Are dragon's really strong or something? Cause the only thing I remember they could do was fly and breathe fire. They are just lizards with wings that can barely destroy a small village while toads are the cool ones, they can wield weapons, use the elements and even be sages. Isn't that cool?" Seventh typed while sharing a picture of a toad wearing samurai uniform and holding a sword, and spitting a water a lance

"I think we will have to disagree on that, Lord Seventh. No offence but toad's are disgusting and Dragons are cool." All for one

"Same here, toads just don't taste that good and they were really weak. The dragon was really strong in my world, it could shoot lasers that destroyed planets and moved really fast." Glutton

"I will agree with Master here, the toad seems capable of utilizing his hands unlike the dragon. This gives at an advantage, the usage of water is another one and weapons are better than fighting with your own body most of the time so the toad would be better combat wise. Appearances are dependent on the person." Grand scholar gave an honest answer

"Boys, no need to argue so much. It's obvious that Kyuubi's are the best." Golden Fox

"I agree, must have been lost my mind for a moment. Kyuubi for life, Yo." Seventh wrote

"Kurama, what are you doing?" Naruto asked as he turned around to see Kurama holding his phone after he had put it away for a sec

"Nothing, just stating some facts" Kurama replied with a smile

Naruto just nodded and went back to checking for threats, it was routine checkup.

While in the chat group, it had ended up with the members thinking that Naruto was hitting on Golden Fox.

"Momma, will he be my new daddy?" Kunou asked as she sat in Yasaka's lap

"We will see" Yasaka replied with a smile as she poured some of her energy in Kunou as she was affecting by his words


"Goku, it's nice to meet you." Naruto muttered as he appeared above the phone, Goku had received.

"Same, can we fight?" Goku was excited and seeing the man appear just like that increased his delight

"I am not really here so no. This body is made from light and not actually real." Naruto replied as he looked around, his eyes were the only indicators as he was unable to utilize his powers correctly through such a distance without being completely connected to the world

"Aww, I was so looking forward to a spar." Goku was deflated by the news

"There is a way for us to fight, I can solidify this body by controlling light but it would be really weak. The other method is really useful and will satisfy your desire as we can fight without control, in the illusion world." Naruto said as he thought about it and remembered that he could use genjutsu. Naruto was a master of all skills but he was physical most of the time that he forgot about it.

"Really, then let's do it." Goku was up and going again. Goku was fighting junky more than anything, it was his life and living in peace had starved him for a long time

"But first let's talk about some things about you.

You are not human but an alien and came from space in a machine, you should try looking into that.

Just like I said, you were not realizing your potential and wasting it. Train harder without worry, don't you have some magical beans." Naruto said as he showed him the scenes to make him understand

Goku stared at the picture of his family; he didn't really feel anything but it showed him that there was a world waiting for exploration.

"Thanks, I will see."

"Good" Naruto replied as the world changed and both were standing on a ring

"Be careful Goku, you will feel the pain and everything will be like reality." Naruto warned as Goku was testing out his body to see any difference

"No problem"

"You can start" Naruto said and he saw Goku rush at him with full speed

'Too slow, around mach 10 or so. Usually the speed should follow the strength but here the difference is vast.' Naruto thought as he could feel Goku was strong but his speed was not correlating with his power

Naruto dodged the straight punch followed by a hook, then by a left kick. He blocked the kick with his hand and hit Goku in the abdomen, causing him to land out of the ring.

"Too slow, I was faster that then when I was barely trained." Naruto muttered as he knew Goku was the type to grow from challenges; they were the same kind of animal

Goku was in great pain from the hit as the damage was done to his insides, 'He is good.'

Goku held back his pain and stood up, he felt like some ribs had broken along with his intestines damaged.

Goku controlled the Ki and threw Ki blasts at Naruto from different directions and then started charging a kamehameha while retreating

"The energy attacks are strong but once again too slow." Naruto muttered as he easily dodged all attacks and even bypassed the kameha followed with smashing Goku's face into the ground and pinning him with his knee to the back and catching his arms

The attack was strong enough to easily contend with the Juubi's blast and some more focus along with energy, and the attack would be like Toneri's first golden wheel that destroyed the moon.

"Thanks but can you let go now."

"No! You will come to learn that my way is not cuddling, no pain no gain." Naruto muttered causing him to shiver as Goku felt his arms come off cleanly from the pull

"AHHHH" Goku screamed in agony and woke from the dream, his first reaction as to jump back but his knees went weak

"See the consequences of wasting your life. You could have been stronger and we could have real fight but you disappoint me, Goku. Such a waste of my energy to travel through dimensions for this." Naruto said as he looked down on him

"I did not waste my life. You can say anything bad about me but stay away from my family." Goku replied in anger as his Ki was increasing with his frustration and rage

"Better but let's have actual spars for some time and I will guide you for some time. I hope we can see the real you soon." Naruto replied with a smile as he extended his hand. His words were harsh as sometimes it is required to anger the other side for good results, to check for their spirit and such

Goku looked at his hand and face before catching his hand, "Fine but no more of that attitude."

"Aww was the little baby hurt. Do you want mister to talk like this?" Naruto replied in a childish tone used to pacify to babies
