Chapter 23


Toriko was quite excited to explore this new world, he hadn't completely conquered his own either but those parts were very ethereal and hard to approach.

He believed that some inspiration was required to approach such a level since most of his power had been too simple unlike Midora and others.

Toriko could easily control his blue and red demon while the white demon would barely stay for a sec.

He had grown stronger than the time when he started his galactic journey but had hit a block. Naruto's presence had been timely and he could now see some hope to get to the Gourmet Immortals.

'Are they like, Naruto?' Toriko thought as he looked at the city atop a skyscraper, the wind was nice and he liked the height

Toriko thought back to the battle he had with Naruto when the battle system was introduced.


2 weeks back, Toriko decided to check out his friend's power and find inspiration from a challenge.

"Master Toriko, who do you wish to fight?" The voice asked as Toriko appeared in the white room

"Naruto Uzumaki at full power" Toriko was confident that he could at least put up a fight

"Are you sure? According to the rules, the battle is beyond your capability and the right level would be Lord Seventh from 10 years ago."

Toriko heard the response but decided to still go with it, "I will use my privilege for this fight. Give me the full treatment."

"As you command"

Toriko saw the world change and found himself in open grassland. He saw Naruto sitting beside the lone tree and enjoying the shade.

Naruto looked at him and smiled as if a child had appeared near him.

Toriko could feel that his presence was being ignored.

"Don't be so hasty. Let us enjoy the breeze. This battle is quite unnecessary, Toriko. You are just a child." Naruto muttered with tranquil eyes and Toriko felt his world was just those eyes

He didn't even realize as his body became smaller and his view point short.

'What happened?' Toriko thought as he looked at his hands and towards Naruto again

'He turned me into a child.' Toriko smiled at that suppressing his embarrassment at wearing a diaper and unleashed his powers


"Children should listen to adults" Naruto muttered as he held Toriko by the shirt

Toriko hadn't even seen him move and felt his body collapse. He couldn't see, hear, taste or anything. All his senses had shut down and his soul was being crushed.

"That was why I said, you are just a child. My mere presence would erase mortals like you. Do you understand where I stand now? I am close to breaking through this realm, touching and breaking through wall of reality. Time and space are almost meaningless in front of me that is your destination as well so watch and learn." Naruto muttered as he moved and once again Toriko just felt a hand touch his heart

"I have taken Enbu as the compensation. What you learn from this, is up to you. Next time, I hope you know your place. We do not take disrespect lightly."

"Aren't you laying it on to thick? And robbing me in daylight, are you serious?" Toriko muttered as the hand was holding his tiny heart

"OH, I am serious. What can you do about it? My time is worth it so remember to find something expensive." Naruto chuckled and crushed Toriko


"That was just cheating. Time and space as meaningless, how do you deal with that?" Toriko muttered as he tried to think of how that worked and how he could make it work

"Toriko, I apologize if I am disturbing you but I require your help. My friend Steve has been captured and we need to hurry to rescue him." Tony appeared donning his iron man suit

Toriko looked at him and nodded, "Guide me and we will deal with it."

Tony didn't reply and flew directly towards his destination. Steve had been captured by Red Skull with the help of his henchmen called Sisters of Sin and Tony was worried that he might have something prepared for him.

'I really need to something to use when my suit becomes useless.' Tony thought as he flew at full speed as he realized that Toriko was following him with ease

"You know if you could just give me something of your friend, I can just find him within a moment." Toriko said as he found Tony to be too slow

"Why didn't you say so before?"

"You never asked"

Tony stopped and didn't retort as he felt like he would lose this conversation, and took out a dog tag that Steve had given him.

Toriko took it and smelled it, and vanished from the scene.

'Okay that was fast' Tony thought as his suit didn't even pick up any signals


Dxd World

"Are there any Succubi in the group? I want to ask how to find some in my world and befriend them." Issei wrote as he slept on his bed and relaxed after a long day of practice

His body had filled out and he was quite buff now, girls liked his body but his attitude still needed fixing.

"We all know what kind of befriending you want to do." Hybrid

"Suck my meat, Hybrid. At least I got some unlike someone."

"OOH, you are on. O Grand Master tell us, has this unworthy soul graduated." Hybrid typed and Issei paled as the man just summoned the demon into the conversation

"LOL, this guy barely got a kiss on his lips."

"14 more years left to become the Wizard King." Neo One for All

"I did not choose to be virgin, the virgin life chose me."

"Drops soap in prison, still a virgin."

"STOP Stop, I use my trap card. I got three beautiful girls on my side, what have you achieved in these three months." Issei had matured, even though he felt annoyed at being the butt of the joke but this time he was not about to lose to some kids with no experience

Cricket noises

"Victory tastes so sweet just like honey."

"Good for you Oppai. As for the Succubi, I heard they went through genocide because of ero-site." Lord Seventh

"Did you just make a rhyme about such a thing? How did that happen?"

"Yes, yes I did. How it happened is quite hilarious. You see as time went on; people became more open to the idea of pleasing themselves and wasted their life force into tissues and such.

Succubi suck on your life force when you are asleep through dreams but when you already done it, there is nothing left.

Many of them were victim of depression and low self esteem to lose to 2d pictures and such. So you see they slowly ended up dying out, you may still find the rare straggler in the world."

"You must be kidding me." Issei muttered as he was horrified of the thought that he contributed to such a deed

"Tell me it's a lie" Issei asked as he was thinking about burning his stash and deleting the files

"Sadly" Naruto replied forgetting about the not in the sentence


Rias slammed her face into the desk as she went through the conversation.

Face Desk when face palming is not enough.

'How can he be so stupid?'



Ichigo put his phone into his pocket after having laughing fit which confused the people around him.

'Man, I love that guy. He is the right amount of stupid to lighten up a bad day.' Ichigo thought as he remembered the words about not having a girl

He hadn't responded but Ichigo had already three girls on his back, a normal girl, a Shinigami girl and one human with powers.

'How do I even deal with this? I don't feel any so called love yet.' Ichigo was confused how to diffuse the situation as he realized that two of the girls actually liked him after the love radar appeared in the group

'For protagonist use only as they were denser than a neutron star until the plot line finished.'

Ichigo had read the message and understood nothing of that except that it shows if a person loves you in that way.

"Should just postpone it for now." Ichigo muttered as he realized that he didn't need to hurry as the girls hadn't confessed yet and he would need time to actually understand such a thing

'For now let's handle this' Ichigo thought as he jumped up transforming into his battle form

His battle form combined his Shinigami power with his hollow powers. It was weaker than his full power but slowly he was catching up to it and would be able to achieve it.

"Rukia, are you going to help?" Ichigo asked as he saw his new friend, a Shinigami assigned to Karakura town

"I will watch and provide support" Rukia responded as she watched the situation with causal grace

"Fine" Ichigo replied as he looked towards the hordes of hollows and knew they were attracted to this place because of his insane energy

'Lord Seventh was right about the horde.' Ichigo thought as he pointed his blade and it shone with energy.

The shining ball grew into a very a large ball and split into smaller ones before being launched at the enemies.

'Meteor storm' A technique that should utilize energy and split into small pieces and launch them at explosive speeds

Rukia was impressed and felt kind of jealous that the man could learn so fast and even knew such powerful skills.

'He isn't even serious yet.' Rukia thought as she saw that he never fought seriously and enemies fell in a single hit

'What is his limit?

Maybe it's time, I informed the captain.' Rukia considered it but decided to wait a bit and see


Naruto world:

Naruto sat in his study that existed in a complete different dimension, a world only for him. He never allowed anyone in this place and the books in this place were irreplaceable. The bookshelves held books about theories, facts, ninja arts, technologies and what not.

But one shelf was very unusual as it held books that were not meant to be open by mortals.

Naruto looked at the shelf and saw that the books were disappearing slowly.

"Good" Naruto muttered as he knew that things were changing because those books represented the worlds that he had connected to and the lives he cared for

He didn't know what the future held now but he had known what it would be when he met them the first time. It took the shape of a book that showcased the beginning till the epilogue.

But for every person there were many books as the future had many possibilities and Naruto didn't have the ability to know the true future with certainty.

His interference made those futures disappear and he knew it will be for the better because in the end, he was the Chosen.

'I wonder how boring life will be once i am done handling this situation.' Was the only worry on Naruto's mind, he didn't even worry about the danger as it will be dealt with in his mind and heart

'Maybe just continue playing with people' Naruto decided to plan his life after the final battle where he would be invincible and wouldn't able to fight anymore just like now

'What an annoying question to answer?'


A.N Hope you enjoyed