Chapter 26


It was vibrant morning in Kuoh Academy; it was a very important day for Issei's class as they were going to hand in their career aspirations so that the academy could help them in the path chosen.

The students sat in their seat with a serious expression as they looked down when the teacher entered. She was a woman of middle age with average looks and a mild personality.

"Good Morning class, I hope you have finished the forms."


"Then Kiba, please collect the forms."

Kiba stood up and collected the forms, and brought them to the teachers desk without an issue

The teacher saw the pile and then looked at the unusually quite class, which made her suspicious about these troublemakers.

"Just checking, but, you answered seriously, right?" The teacher looked at the class with a strict look

The class was like an abandoned town as nobody responded; the silence was palpable and made her even more suspicious that she decided to check them in class.

"Then I guess I will be checking them here." The teacher muttered as she massaged her head and took up the first form

'Middle school student' the teacher felt a headache coming as she read those words from one of the boys

"See, I knew it."

"This is what I am talking about!" The teacher spoke harshly as she showed the sheet of paper to the students

"I am begging you, take this seriously!"

The class remained silent and their expressions were solid, like they had been frozen. The teacher saw that no one responded and continued.

"Ghost, then please die already." It seems she had already enough of the joke

"Sports adventurer, which one is it?" The teacher screamed as she threw the paper back at the student

"Teacher's wife"

"This is just gross!" The teacher recoiled in disgust and continued to showcase many expressions as she read the career choices of students

"Harem King"

"AHHH, why can't any of you be normal?" The teacher finally snapped as she flipped the table and the class before leaving the room

"Pphh, Hahaha" The class could finally breathe as they had been holding back from laughing at those hilarious reactions

"Kiba, my man. Thanks for convincing the class." Issei patted Kiba's back as he walked over to him

"No problem, it was an interesting experience. Though I can't believe they wrote so many embarrassing things."

"We all gotta have some fun somehow. Wanting to stay as a middle school student, lmao." Issei laughed as he remembered what Kiba wrote

"You know that's not how French people laugh."

"How do they laugh then?" Issei questioned and Kiba just face palmed as he had met one of those people that thought LMAO was how French people laughed

"No, they laugh Lol lol lol." Kiba said seriously as he stood up and left the room

"Okay, thanks for the advice." Issei chuckled at Kiba's comment; he had become such a witty bastard after becoming close with him


Hunter X Hunter:

Gon glowed golden, his body grew and within a moment it had changed into an adult's body. Gon looked like a buff man with long hair, his presence commanded attention.

'So intense, I feel invincible.' Gon thought as he felt the immense power flowing through his body

The room was flooded with his intense battle thirst and power that it leaked outside the building, the men inside finally started taking this seriously.

Netero felt his old heart finally start to beat fast; he felt the power and knew a challenger had finally come.

'The moment I have been looking for.' Netero thought with a smile as his body seemed to loosen to the challenge

Gon looked at the three foes and his eyes locked onto Netero, his power stood out and he was the leader.

"I challenge you to a duel, Isaac Netero." Gon declared as he pointed at the man

Netero smiled and chuckled, "I accept"

Gon moved with the acceptance and disappeared from his position, the back of the room exploded as Netero and Gon fell from the top floor.

Gon had sent crescent kick that Netero blocked with his right hand but the force had sent him hurling and Gin followed without a moment notice.

Netero felt his arms hurt and finally was assured that Gon had attained the power to fight him.

"I don't know how you did it boy but this will have an immense cost. Did you go insane Gon, I appreciate your gift of battle but this might destroy your future."

"Please don't worry about my future, this form is just a fragment that I will achieve later and I am just borrowing that power of the future." Gon explained as he crashed into Netero with both his feet, giving more force to crush him into the ground below

Netero was confused by how Gon was so sure about the power as all power came at a cost and such a power boost should not be free.

'The man behind him might truly be real.' Netero thought as he tried to force back Gon but it was futile and the force pushed him into the ground, creating a crater

A golden hand appeared and Gon concentrated his nen on his hand, and punched it. The giant hand and Gon's fist collided; it caused an explosion of energy that sent Gon flying back.

Netero stood up and realized that fighting in close combat might not be a good choice; Gon physical power was higher than his.

A giant golden construct appeared behind Netero and Gon felt excitement, it felt like seeing a Susanoo.

'It's weaker and slower. Uchiha Sasuke would have killed me with a look. I am still too slow as I am barely above mach 2.' Gon thought as the nen flowed through his body strengthening it beyond limits

"LET US ENJOY" Gon spoke as he kick at the coming at him from above and felt it push him down, another hand came from the side and slapped him while Gon did retaliate by pushing the hand above and then pushing against the other one to dodge

He got out without any damage and rushed at Netero, charging his nen. Gon punched at Netero multiple times, throwing golden punches at him.

Netero blocked the moves with one of the hands and followed it with a barrage of his own that Gon was forced to dodge.

'How uncomfortable seeing my hard work replicated so easily.' Netero thought as Gon had received similar to his own without the hard work

Gon continued to fight Netero and the damage built up on his body and the battlefield.

Gon could feel the pain and the pressure from the increased strength, 'It seems I have to be serious.'

Gon jumped around dodging attacks while charging his nen on his fist, "Janken"

The energy pulsed on his fist that Netero felt the danger and initiated a flurry fists to counter the attack.

Gon rushed with the glowing attack and dodged as many fists he could before colliding with one; time seemed to stop for a moment before the place exploded into a glorious mess.

"Are you willing to listen now, old man?" Gon muttered as he stood over the fallen Netero as the avatar had been destroyed in the clash

"I guess, I can consider it." Netero coughed up some blood laughed heartily, he was truly happy now and more than ever

'I feel so young again.'


A.N Hope you enjoyed and comment