Chapter 31

Renegade Immortal world:

Wang Lin stopped after running outside the town with the kid and dropped him on the dirt ground once he halted.

The boy was feeling his eyes spin as Wang Lin moved too fast for him and didn't use Ki to protect him from the speed so he fell to the ground and got his clothes dirty.

Lin looked at the younger kid and saw his uniform, which he used to dream about but now he was on a path that surpassed that simple sect.

"Be careful next time and don't make trouble with people above you. Pride is can't feed you and can't replace your life." Wang Lin muttered with his ANBU clothing and blank mask, he didn't give the boy a chance and vanished into the night

The boy finally got his bearing and looked around to see that his savior had disappeared.

'Who was he? I have never seen such a uniform. Was he an assassin?' The boy wondered but got no closer and decided to ask his elders at the sect

Wang Lin watched the boy disappear with his divine sense that he had gained once he had arrived at the second level of Qi Condensation.

His sense was much clearer than most people as he could see like he was watching from above, a skill won through the missions.

He had reached fourth level and it had only been three months since he started, it was the help of the group and the netherworld bead.

'His senses are so weak for a third level Qi condensation warrior.' Wang Lin thought with disappointment, his encounter with those crazy kids was clearly too easy because of their lack of strength

"Mission Notice: Spread your name far and wide. (50000 pt)

Take over the Kingdom. (20000pt)

Destroy the Divine Bull. (5000pt)" Wang Lin heard the announcement, these were missions given by Naruto, Don and Toriko.

'Master's mission is a long term while Elder Toriko's task is feasible within some years.' Wang Lin mused as he sat on the branch and found himself getting surrounded by the brat's bodyguards

"I definitely hate this but finally some points." Wang Lin muttered as he waited for the right opportunity, these men were 10th Level Qi Condensation and two were even on the 14th Level but Lin was not worried.

'The death scent is too low on my body while they stink.' Wang Lin thought with a smile, it was an ability gained from the study of darkness after receiving shadow paralysis and it allowed him to smell death when it was close and heavy

"Good enough" Wang Lin said as detonated the chakra smoke bombs that blocked the senses of everyone except the user

He moved like a shadow and his shadow moved like a ghost as it took over one of the fighters, Wang Lin Followed with a nail punch to the chest.

The man hit Wang Lin on the chest but it contained barely any power since he didn't use Qi and Lin was wearing armor.

The nail punch contained power of 10 punches turned into a sharp nail so when it hit the man, the result was a hole in his body.

Wang Lin felt great about this experience but the fatigue from using this technique was very high, his reserves were almost finished so he decided to bounce after pasting exploding tags on some of the men quickly.

Wang Lin activated the tags and ran through the smoke, towards the forest and hid his presence with life erase.

"You have received 400 pts (80 pts for each man.)" Wang Lin heard the score and was happy as he could now get something useful, like a escape technique

'Earth fish projection technique' Wang Lin chose without a question and received the information, he could use it once for only 1 minute

'Good enough, I don't even understand how it works. It just works, how did anyone make it? This is some low level space technique. I should be able to start learning something into the Dao of Space now along with Darkness.' Wang Lin mused as he ran deeper into the forest where more life could be sensed to get better cover

Once everything was good, Wang Lin sat on top of a tree and took out his phone to see what the other guys thought. There he saw the fight of Lord Seventh.

'I wonder if I can do this one day.' Wang Lin dreamed of standing on the same stage as his idol while in the void All Heaven watched him with interest

'This match I shall win, your champion might have good intellect and unique skills but I have no problem in that department as well.' All Heaven thought as he looked towards his Champion that was growing stronger for the battle a century later


Dxd World:

The day of the rating battle against Riser had arrived; the team had trained according to the plan cooked by the experts from the chat group that sent them to the brink of insanity.

Issei was sure he was completely normal but people seemed to disagree with that notion, his maid said it was his charming personality.

Rias had leveled up to become a strong leader; her powers had been tested extensively in the virtual world where she experienced death on a constant basis.

There was no sign of experience in those eyes as she stared at her team and they all moved through the replica of the Kuoh academy like predators on the hunt.

Rias went for Riser while Akeno went for the enemy Queen, the others hunted freely.

Issei was overjoyed about this battle as he could finally show his power to the world and attract some girls. He had bet with Riser that they would win and he would give away three of his servants while if he lost then he would become his loyal dog.

'Sad little birdie, didn't know who he was dealing with. Let's get our game on, Ddraig.' Issei thought with a smile as he moved silently like a ghost and attacked twin cat girls from the other team

These two girls were wearing some revealing school uniform and Issei found them pleasing to his eyes, "What a feast for these hungry eyes?"

Issei muttered into Ni's ear as he caught her from behind and she tried to struggle but he held tight against his body.

"I am very interested in you two, so please surrender."

"Let Ni go, Nya" Li muttered defensively

"How cute, you think this is a battle. Haha" Issei chuckled in an evil like manner that he had learned from Lord Seventh and shot an energy ball at the girl, which sent her crashing into the administrative building

"I like girls that give me a challenge but now I can't show you any mercy so what will you do." Issei whispered as he bit her ear and fondled her breast that were calling for his hands

Ni tried to kick him and use chakra to enhance her strength but all of it was useless and Issei finished her off with his armored hand piercing her heart.

"What a tragedy? I hate hurting beautiful girls." Issei complained as he blocked Li's attack with well placed punch to her throat and finished her off with a kick to her neck with his armored feet

"You fiend!" A girl wearing armor and equipped with a broadsword attacked

Issei felt like she might be impressed more with his skills while the two cats were impressed with his evil like nature.

'I love this love meter, got them chicks hanging on my words.' Issei thought as he took a stance and parried the strike with his gauntlet and punched the foe with his other hand that was not armed

The strike sent the girl back a few feet and she threw a dagger at him which he dodged. The girl continued with a slash and he felt the heart emitting from it as it passed by close to his face

Issei side stepped and jumped forward with a hook to her shoulder, he could never attack that beautiful face.

"You got some skill, girl. What's your name?"

"Karlamine, you as well. I thought you were just a pervert."

"Thanks, I want to ask if you would be willing to serve me. I will help you become a better sword master than ever and even provide better equipment." Issei offered but the girl continued to attack that he parried and blocked while giving small hits

"I think it's time to finish, we will talk later." Issei muttered as he sped up suddenly and hit Karlamine with a palm strike that was followed by an energy shot through her heart

"Oopsie, you were too late." Issei smiled as he blocked the fireball aimed at him and saw a beautiful girl of shirt stature with blonde hair

'Loli's aren't so bad either.'


Naruto World:

It had been months since Momoshiki joined his entourage and was assigned to Madara to learn some tricks as he lacked experience.

Naruto was once again experimenting with his space time mastery, it was a domain that was his favorite and Naruto felt like he was about to transcend to a higher realm soon as the universe was shaping up within his body.

Naruto could technically destroy the whole universe and the only thing that stopped him was the Otsutsuki King.

"What about your conscience?" Kurama asked as Naruto narrated

"That's common sense bro, like do you think I will ever do such a thing." Naruto looked at him with a raised eye brow

"I would have trusted that statement a month ago but last week you posted it felt fun destroying the known universe. You bloody asshole; you killed us all didn't you." Kurama pounced on the traitor

"I would never do such a thing" Naruto replied with a serious expression

Kurama hit him with the phone screen where there was a quote by him about destroying the universe and a picture of him laughing maniacally.

"It was just a joke bro, Photoshop." Naruto said with a smile and got up with Kurama hanging on his neck with his paws

"I like this feeling but can you let go."

"Naruto, don't try this again." Kurama slapped him with his tails

"Hahaha, Kurama you need to chill. I would never do such a thing. I destroyed a universe with no life." Naruto replied with a smile as he held Kurama up

Kurama just shook his head, he knew the feeling of wanting try out your powers and it was not healthy for the mind.

"Fine but what are you doing now."

"I was thinking, what if Konan had killed Obito? How would the world have changed? Want to see?" Naruto looked at him with a wide grin

"Bitchin, let me get the pop corn." Kurama muttered with foxy smile and summoned some popcorn plus some other snacks

The two sat down on a sofa as a giant screen appeared and Naruto fixed those commands into a parallel world plus increased his affection towards Sakura.

'What will the results be?'


Alternative world:

It was a hectic week for Konoha denizens as the city had been destroyed by Pain and they had to take care of the dead and their relatives as not everyone was saved by the revival.

Naruto had learned about his parents during the fight and had been stuck in training as he had more time to invest as battles were waiting for him.

Madara was out there and the remaining Akatsuki along with Sasuke so he needed to grow stronger faster.

Naruto deployed hundreds of clones to fight each other in one on one and two on two battles to increase his experience in taijutsu battles while he sent clones to read upon basic elemental knowledge to increase his powers of ninjutsu.

Naruto was very happy these days as the people had finally accepted him and more, they saw him as a savior on the same level as his father.

Naruto didn't brother revealing his background as Iwa was still not an ally and Konoha needed to be rebuilt.

He had found people with fragmented knowledge about Hiraishin and found Uzumaki tomes plus masks at abandoned locations around Konoha as he looked around those places after learning that his family house had been near the edge.

Naruto was happy with these fragments as it was better than nothing and learned day and night to inherit this legacy.

No one had asked him to help with the reconstruction as they knew he was the main fighter of this conflict but things in the background were moving towards an uncomfortable future as Danzo was trying to become Hokage while Tsunade was in a coma.


A month passed by peacefully and Naruto was visited by Konan as she told him that Madara had been defeated by her trap.

Naruto didn't how to react and hugged the older woman, who allowed it as she also needed someone to share this good news.

"I need to go back and rebuild the village so let us meet again." Konan said as she flew away

Naruto watched her go and then returned to the village, towards the Hokage office. Tsunade was sitting inside as Danzo had returned to his position since none of the forecasted events took place to help him along.

"Madara is dead" Naruto rushed inside and declared

Tsunade looked up towards Naruto and decided it wasn't time to rebuke him about his manners, "Who?"

"Konan told me and I checked with sage mode to see if she was under control." Naruto replied

Tsunade nodded and Naruto could see a smile on her face, "I will see to it then and you can go celebrate and relax now for some time."

"You don't have to tell me." Naruto said as he ran outside whooping in joy as a war had been stopped


Like this a disaster had been diverted and the world went towards peace once again. A year passed by as Naruto grew strong and had even befriended Kurama, learning a new mode of power with it he had forced the leaders to talk.

He had used his powers to spread order across the globe, with his speed and clones. It wasn't too difficult as he could sense evil and lies.

As promised by the end, Naruto let go of Kurama after gaining enough control of his chakra and seals. He would have died without both of them being careful but they were close friends so it went without a hitch.

Naruto didn't worry about the loss in power as his powers were still vastly above everyone else as he had trained continuously in sage mode, which made his body the strongest in the world and learnt from Tsunade about healing and strengthening.

His chakra was enormous as Kurama and the only difference was the density of their chakras.

Sasuke had also been returned and Akatsuki had been taken out but life always had its roadblocks. Naruto was disappointed as Sakura chose Sasuke when he confessed again after achieving everything.

It threw cold water on his face and he awoke from a dream where everything went his way. Naruto didn't know how to react to this rejection as he had worked so hard and gotten so close.

"I need to relax so don't search for me." Naruto spoke to Kakashi and disappeared after having drowned in alcohol for a month and indulging in sexual escapades with the many women across the nation, leaving behind quite the pregnant women

'Did he just ditch child support?' Kakashi thought as even he would disappear after hearing the number 500

'The Uzumaki clan is finally back'


Naruto appeared in a cemetery where it was night time and raining, which made his mood worse. He was wearing a shirt and black pants that were his casual clothes.

The rain didn't fall on his body because of the wind and Naruto finally concentrated on an irregularity around him, he saw a male with a large sword fight with some monster.

Both these targets were leaking spiritual energy and had no sign of chakra, 'It's a different world so I guess that's to be expected.'

The monster was hurt by the man and ran for it but Naruto decided it was enough and threw a giant rasengan at it, which sent it flying into the sky and exploded while grinding its body.

The orange haired teen looked towards him and actually cried, "Thanks"

"Why are you crying?" Naruto asked

"That was a personal battle so I am happy that it died. My name is Ichigo substitute Shinigami." Ichigo introduced himself as he felt his heart become lighter after the death of the Grand Fisher

It had been a black spot on his memory of his mother, a guilt that refused to go away until this monster was cleared.

"Naruto and you should go rest; it seems you are too tired now." Naruto replied as he patted Ichigo's shoulder

'A large amount of energy inside his body to rival mine.' Naruto found it surprising to find an equal in energy reserves but could see that Ichigo couldn't utilize it

Ichigo looked at Naruto and nodded, he will need to talk to Rukia about the man since he was strange and new to this place.

Naruto watched the boy leave while he took flight on wings made of wind, "You can come out. I know you are there."

Naruto muttered as he had sensed a group watching him, his energy must have attracted their presence. He had hid it quickly but a moment was enough since his large reserves were like the shining sun.

Naruto had already entered sage mode with a thought and was ready for a fight at any moment. The group appeared and they had him surrounded.

There were eight people of different ages and clothing style, three girls and five men.

The leader seemed to be a man with blonde hair and wearing an orange suit, Naruto saw that they were walking on air naturally without actually controlling wind.

'What a strange ability these beings have.'

The man looked up and down, "So our friend said a strong presence appeared and here we are. Are you a threat kid, tell me you are night? I need to get some sleep."

Naruto found that the man was very much an agreeable person, "I am not a threat, just on a vacation from my country."

"He is human and this strong, are we really trusting him? Let attack him and take him into custody." A short blonde girl said as she looked at Naruto

"I hope we don't battle right now, not in a good mood so I might do some serious damage but I don't might following you. I got no place to stay." Naruto muttered nonchalantly, he was confident that they couldn't fight him

"Alright, you got your wish Hiyori. So follow us, Naruto and we can have some fun together if you are up for it." Shinji replied as he closed the distance between them and took his hand, and had him follow them

Naruto was surprised that his first day, he would meet people close to his powers and speed.

'I guess more work needs to be done.'


Back to Lord Seventh:

Naruto was amused with the result while Kurama was dying from laughter; it seems he might have to write an embarrassing quote for this fox.

'Died from Laughter'

What an embarrassment to Immortals everywhere

"Never thought, I would see a counterpart have so many children. Damn, 500 that's gonna be a bitch to handle. I am having trouble with just three." Naruto muttered as he thought of importing some children to his world

"I am surprised that he ended up breaching a way to Ichigo's world. What will be Hybrid's reaction to this show?" Kurama held his stomach and muttered with difficulty

"I feel that would be an awesome idea but let this play go one for some time as it has just started." Naruto replied and stood up; he appeared on the moon where some guests had arrived


A.N Hope you enjoyed and comment

If you had any problem than share. Changed the previous part about Jean as i had confused it with a future version where she had been corrupted by Naruto's presence

I am not ending the story but a peak of the end.



In the silent but large halls of a palace, the steps of a man with horns could be heard as he walked with a purpose.

The man arrived at a giant gate and opened it as he was given permission to enter the Emperor's court; it was enormous area with the Emperor sitting at the front while on the sides you could see his companions.

"My Lord, your command has been fulfilled. The Multiverse is in peace." Momoshiki muttered as he stood facing the giants

"Good, you can leave now and maintain the status quo." The man that had conquered the universes, Lord Seventh declared

Momoshiki saluted and left, leaving the court in silence.

"Man, it got boring real quick." Goku voiced his opinion

"Isn't it because you grew too strong and we killed the strong ones." Don added as he sat on his throne

"Chill, I got an idea." Naruto muttered and everyone quiet down with curiosity blazing

"A tournament of our own counterparts, with different games that we design."

"That's bloody awesome, when can we start." Issei said as he jumped in his throne

"Will you meet them or will you hide behind the darkness?" Naruto questioned

"I believe I will choose the cowardly path." Neo One for All

"Yeah, now I can play the mysterious enemy with cool style." Ichigo

"Hehe, it's going to be so damn hilarious playing with their minds." Jean exclaimed in excitement as her throne brined with white flames

"You guys have completely lost your minds, wanting to see your younger selves gore each other." Didi muttered as she held Naruto's hand

"But you love us this way; we had be so boring if we didn't play around." Naruto kissed her hand and said with a smile

"Why don't we bring in more worlds in to this?" Gohan

"Man, what a sadist you have become. But I love it." Gon said with a wide grin

"I was thinking why Bruce wasn't invited. So I am all up for this Multiverse mayhem but it won't cause any problems would it." Tony said as he lay on his throne with chill

"No issues, we got it all handled."

"What are we calling it? Where will it take place?" Rias asked as she held her long hair and looked at her wild husband

"Tournament of power" Goku

"Tournament of Might" Toriko

"Tournament of Survival" Gohan

"Test of Worth" Grand Scholar added as he smiled at the childishness of his companions and looked at his master for clues

"This will take a long time so don't hurry with it, we need a good name." Naruto said as he changed the seating so that they were sitting on a round table, it was much better than being titans