'Unique' Dishes from Earth

While thinking about what face will Li Weixiang make, George felt exhaliriated. He immideately searched some 'unique' foods at the Eldritch shop.

< Shirako >

Shirako in Japanese means "white children" but refers to the sperm sacs of either cod, angler fish or puffer fish. Looking like white blobs of goo or miniature brains, they are said to have a sweet custardy taste.

[Price : 10 credits]

< Balut >

This fertilised duck egg, with its partly developed embryo inside, is boiled alive and then eaten from the shell with salt, chilli and vinegar. You're supposed to tap a hole in the top of the shell, sup the savoury liquid and then crunch down the rest of what's inside – feathers, bones and all.

[Price: 10 credits]

< Surströmming >

Surströmming is a lightly-salted fermented Baltic Sea herring. They are plucked out of the Baltic Sea before they are stored for months to stew in their own bacteria through a carefully calibrated autolysis method which creates rather smelly acids, using just enough salt to prevent it from rotting.

「This is considered as a one star gourmet food. Upon eating surströmming, your soul strength will be increased by 5%. The effect of this food can't be stacked.」

[Price : 25 credits]


I don't think it would be a great idea to buy him these kind of 'unique' foods. If he died because of the smell or if he shocked by them and then got a heart attack, i would be responsible for that. Even though he's slightly annoying, but he is a good guy. I won't be unreasonable and heartless. Let's buy something that's not so 'unique' like twisted cluster beans or jengkol.

In the end, George bought a plate of fried twisted cluster beans, stewed jengkol, 2 bowl of rice, beef rendang for some protein, and a durian fruit for dessert. As a proud Indonesian, of course he would share these iconic Indonesian foods.


When George put those foods in the table, Li Weixiang became really curious. "What is these foods? I never smelt something like this!"

"Oh? You're interested by them? This is a food from far away land called Indonesia. Even though some are a little bit smelly, but it's very delicious. Especially the stewed jengkol!"

"This is called stewed jengkol? It doesn't smell at all! Why are you calling that smelly? Did your nose break?"

George only smiled when he heard that. "Of course it's not smelly... Hehehe! Wait until you go to the toilet!" George thought.

But he himself forgot that there's no toilet in the bottom of the cliff, so all of the residence in there is going to be tortured by it.

"I've been wondering... What the hell is that spiky thing? The smell.. almost made me puke!"

"It's a fruit called durian. It's pretty good.. But i'm also not much a fan of it. Okay now! Let's eat!"

George eat those foods in a very natural way, but Li Weixiang don't know how to eat these things. "Just put those greeny stinky beans inside your mouth? Right? Well foods usually eaten like that." He thought.

"It's slightly bitter and very crunchy. Bweh.. Wait it's kinda delicious!" Li Weixiang kept eating the fried twisted cluster beans. And then he tried the stewed jengkol and the beef rendang. "Mmn.. Not bad! And that beef stew is really delicious! How come i never know a country called Indonesia? I'd like to go there for some culinary trip!"

George's face twitched when he heard that. "This guy is unexpectedly a foodie!" He thought.

"Hey Brother Ma! How do we eat the spiky fruit?"

That's a great question. I don't have any knife that's big enough to open that durian.

George asked "Do you have any sword, or a big knife?"

Li Weixiang suddenly opened his dimensional storage ring and brought out his five star battle axe. "I have this axe, Will this do?

If people saw that this foodie opened fruit with such treasure, Li Weixiang and George would be beaten to death.

"Mmn.. He must be very rich! He doesn't seem to care that i used such high leveled battle axe. If it was another people, he would steal my axe. He is a great guy!" thought Li Weixiang.

But in reality, George thought that it was only a regular axe.

George grabbed the axe and cut the durian into two parts. "What? i used a little bit of my strength and the ground is also split a little? This is a horrifying axe!" He thought.

Hearing George's thought, the spirit of the battle axe snorted inside. "Of course i was! I'm a five star battle axe. The highest grade of a weapon." The spirit of that battle axe would rolled his eyes, if he had one.

When the durian split open, the smell immediately engulfed the ravine. "This.. This devilish smell! I almost puked again!" Said Li Weixiang.

"Haha! It's okay. It's actually sweet like a custard and sometimes there's a fermentation taste to it. You could actually drunk by eating this!"

Li Weixiang looked at his brother Ma with his unconvinced eyes. "Really?"

"Just try it! Why should i lie to you?"

Li Weixiang ate the durian a little bit, then he suddenly looked at George. He then continued to finish the durian. He didn't realize that the durian he just ate is already gone, when he does, he unconsciously grabbed another one while talking to George.

The foodie! Suddenly become a fan of durian...

m(_ _)m

And why does that old man eat the durian with a very little bite? do you think you are an anime girl who exaggerated the way they ate things?

"Uhh.. Do you want another fruit? or want to try something that's more unique than these foods?"

The old man's eyes suddenly lit up. "If you have something more unique and delicious, i'd like to try that!"

"Are you sure?"

Li Weixiang nodded his head "Why not?"

Fine! You asked for it! I'll let you taste the almighty shirako!


"Hmm? What's this white blob thingy?" Li Weixiang asked.

"Shirako. It was from another country called Japan. They are said to have a sweet and custardy taste, but i don't like it! It's actually-"

Li Weixiang immediately put those shirako inside his mouth. While nodding, he said "Not bad! Slightly fishy, but overall delicious. What is it made from?"

Uhh.. should i answer it or not?

"Don't panic when i said it, okay?" George said to Li Weixiang. And he nodded his head.

"Uhh... Shirako in Japanese means white child, so it's basically a sperm sac of some fishes."

When Li Weixiang heard that, his face suddenly stiffen. He nearly puked all the things that he ate.

"You... Why didn't you tell me sooner?" He asked George.

George replied "I tried to explain it, and then you suddenly put it in your mouth. Well the uniqueness of this dish is considered mild compared to other dishes that's available."

I take back my word about him being a great guy!