Netherworld of Blocks

For the trip to another "realm", George bought a few other things from the Eldritch Shop. A heat resistant shoes, an angel ring and a book that's explained about all living beings inside the Nether.

The Angel Ring is one of a mystical artifact from one of the mods inside minecraft. If someone wear this ring, the wearer could fly without using some flying sword or flying weapons. It didn't use any of your qi, but it uses nutrition inside of his body instead. So, if you flied too much, you'll get hungry faster.

As George didn't know how to fly with a sword, so he decided to buy that angel ring. He didn't want to have any incidents inside the nether, if he fell from the nether fortress, he will fall directly to lava if he doesn't know how to fly.

Soon Li Weixiang and his men came to the elixir store.

"Let's go to there! The Netherworld of Blocks." Said George while leading them to his attic.

Wait.. i felt that i forgot about something...

But George shrugged it off "Ah, Nevermind". When all of them inside of George attic, he realized that the portal haven't been activated by him.

He bought a flint and steel and tried to make a fire with it. All of them confused by George's actions, but they kept quiet.

Not long after that, the fire lit up inside the portal's frame.

The fire suddenly goes off and there's a purplish screen like projection inside the obsidian frame. "Uhh.. It made strange sounds. What is that?" One of Li Weixiang's men suddenly asked that.

"Haha... it's the portal to another realm called The Netherworld of Blocks! Let's go inside!"

One of the guard called Wang Tian looked at the portal and then to Li Weixiang. Seeing Li Weixiang nodding his head, he immediately jumped into the portal.

After that all of them joined Wang Tian. George and Li Weixiang was the last one who used the portal.

As they stepped inside the portal, George's head felt really dizzy. It felt like someone grabbed his head and put it inside a plastic bag and they spun the plastic around with a velocity of 100 rad/s.


After a few second, the teleportation is completed. George stepped out of the portal and throwed up some of the food that he just ate earlier. The complexion of Li Weixiang isn't much better than him, let alone those poor men that bravely jumped into the portal.

Sizzle~ Sizzle~

Hearing such sounds, all of them saw what's happening to George's puke. All of them suddenly realized that this place is really hot. They didn't realize the hotness it in the first place because they are very dizzy, but when they saw that happened, they subconsciously looked at their shoess soles. Their soles are scorched black.

"Uhh.. This place is really treacherous! Even the portal is treacherous! There's also lava everywhere and it was flowing like a waterfall." Said Li Weixiang. He then saw his surroundings and saw something that almost made his jaw fall.

"Wh.. what? Is that an eye?" Said Li Weixiang while he points his finger at the ceilings of this weird netherworld realm.

Everyone suddenly looked upwards and flabbergasted by that. But George just simply said that it was only a vine plant, no big deal.

Li Weixiang and his guards's mouth twitched when he heard that. What kind of a plant is that? The vine, that you said looked normal is similar looking to a muscle that surrounds human's eye and there's a fruit that looks like an eye at the end of that vine. How can you say that it wasn't a big deal?!

George rolled his eyes. "They overreacted so much! I bet the eye thingy doesn't do anything and it was only some decorations. What will they do if they saw a creeper or maybe a ghast? That sh*t's crying is f*cking annoying!" He thought.

Suddenly one of the guards, Mo Jianhong flied with his flying sword to one of the eye. He used another sword do cut one of the eye vine, but the eye instantly turned into a green goo and fell into lava.


Feeling not satisfied, Mo Jianhong tried to cut another vine, but this time he had a few other guards to put a bag below the eye fruit.

"Young master Ma, what is this green goo?" Asked Mo Jianhong.

George looked inside the bag for a moment before saying that it was a slime ball. It could be used as a glue.

"What a weird plant!" they thought.

But then, there's a weird sound coming from behind them. A green ball of energy flown near the portal.

"Sh*t! It's a wisp from Thaumcraft mod! Run! They can shoot lighting at your *ss and hit like a truck."

Hearing George's words, all of then ran away from the portal, before they realize that there's all sort of mobs nearby. Some of them are aggressive and some of them aren't.

When they saw what's happening, the guards that Li Weixiang brought, fought all sort of mobs that comes to their face.

And then there's a weird orange colored monster with no hands and four feets coming to their group. It makes a weird noises.

Tssh.. BOOM!

Sh*et! There's an orange creeper inside the nether? WTF?! They instantly exploded when we are nearby. Fortunately, they are quick and dodged that sh*t!

Before they can take a breath, Li Weixiang accidentally attacked a sword wielding monster with a pig head. And those weird pig monster immediately surrounded the team.


"Ah?!" George slapped his forehead. "RUN! GO BACK TO THE PORTAL FAST!!"

No wonder George felt that he forgot about something. He forgot to tell them about not offending the zombie pigmen.

This trip to another realm is failed! It was really chaotic!