Experience Points?

"H.. How could this be?" Li Weixiang exclaimed. He felt that his cultivation raised a little after he sliced the khalk's head cleanly. The increasement is similar to a cultivation for a week!

George was confused by Li Weixiang's actions. He should've known that if the khalk dies, it's body will be break down and turned into lava, so why does he make an exaggerated face after it turned into lava?

"What's wrong with you, Brother Li?" asked George in confusion.

"This realm is indeed a treasure! I thought that it was only good for tempering body, but if we kill that turtle-like monster, our cultivation will be raised by a little." Said Li Weixiang with an exclamation.

George rubbed his chin and said "Really? Now that you said it, when i killed the wisp near the portal, my body felt like when i was absorbing spirit qi. It was really comfortable. But it was only for a few seconds."

Then all of them looked at Qiao Wuying curiously. "What?"

Wang Tian asked him "Do you feel anything when you killed that black skeletons?"

Qiao Wuying frowned helplessly "No.. Maybe it's because we disassembled it, so it didn't count as killing it. Or someone else might get their cultivation increased without knowing about it."

Everyone else nodded their heads. It's pretty logical.

"But, we don't know if it's really like that. It might be some placebo effect or maybe only a certain monster will increase your cultivation." George added. "So.. Let's do some research by killing all kind of monsters. But of course, skip those zombie pigmens!"

"P- placebo effect? What is that? Is it somekind of advanced theory of a famous scholar?" They all thought. But they are more interested to hunt all kind of monsters.

"Why not? It's more interesting than searching treasures inside the castle!" Li Weixiang's excitement could be seen by his tone.

"Well.. If our theory is right, there's a very good place to train inside one of the castles. It can spawn monsters indefinitely. It was the thing that i always wanted to find from the beginning."

Li Weixiang gasped by George's words. "So.. it's basically a nest?" He nodded his head slowly "If it's a nest, it's probably a very good place to train. Not only cultivation and fighting instincts could be trained, our body could also be tempered in here!"

"Uhh... It's not really a nest, but sure.." George replied.

"In that case, it's probably good to find it, but we need to try our theory first! If it's true, then let's go search for more of that castles!"

All of the guards said "Yes, Godfather Li!"

"Wait.. don't we forget about something?" thought Mo Jianhong.

"Hey! What's wrong with you Brother Mo? Let's go." Wang Tian grabbed Mo Jianhong's hand and pulled him.

"Well.. it's probably not very important if i forget about it." thought Mo Jianhong.

If Xiao Fu heard that, he probably will punch him until he die.


"Hmm.. what kind of beasts should we kill first? Oh! What about that giant spider?" Li Weixiang pointed his finger at the ceilings. There's a lot of giant spider up there. "Mmn.. it's probably it's nest!"

George nodded while he looked at the ceiling. There's a lot of cobwebs up there, and a lot of spiders. "Uhh.. I think that it's kinda good, those spiders are called as the heatscar spider. It's a huge and deadly spider that when slain, their belly will burst into a pack of two to four "baby" spiders, each just slightly smaller than it's mother."

Li Weixiang nodded in agreement. "If those six spiders were killed, probably there would be twelve to twenty four of it's "babies" that will come out from it's belly. But, does male spiders do that too?"

George scratched his head and said with his twitching mouth "Uhh.. good question. I.. also don't know. Just try it shall we? The record said that when it dies, it's "baby" will come out from it's belly. We all know that only females could be pregnant, but who knows? Maybe their gender is labile, or perhaps they're actually a trap.."

Li Weixiang confused by George's word, but he realized something. a trap is exactly a trap, not something else, so he asked George about it. "Brother Ma! What kind of traps they'll use?!"

Ugh.. Really George?! Why do you say something like that... It's really troublesome to explaining THAT to them.

"Ahaha.. just forget about it. Maybe they're just labile." Said George while he laughed awkwardly.

"Oh! Is that so? Well let's try attacking them with bow and arrows first!" Commanded Li Weixiang. "All of you! Shoot them with your arrows! You guys should try too. If you felt that your cultivation increased by killing them, immediately report!"

All of the guards shouted. "Yes, Godfather Li!"

All of the guards opened their dimensional storage ring and grabbed their own bow and arrows that they have prepared.

Sthwit! Sthwit!

A few arrows were shot to the air, before they hit their targets. The heatscar spider's body wasn't as tough as those khalk. Their defense is only mediocre, even though they are gigantic. But it wasn't enough to kill them either. The arrows could only stab their body, not killing them.

All of the heatscar spiders immediately jumped down when they realized that their base is being raided by an unknown being. They hissed at them and came toward the guards that's using bow and arrows as their weapon.

Li Weixiang frowned when he see that. "Archers, retreat! After that change your weapons and try to attack them, but be careful when they die, some of their "babies" will come out from their bellies!"

All archers retreated and changed their weapons before coming back to the battlefield and attacked those heatscar spiders.

George could only watch them from far. He didn't have any combat related skills and begun regretting that. He could only kill the wisp with the help of that lightning warding charm, not his combat skill. Maybe in front of those guards, his move is really stiff and strange. George smiled bitterly and then sighed while he thought about that.