Blaze Monster Spawner

"Look! There it is!" Pointed Xiao Fu.

In the direction of Xiao Fu's finger, there's another majestic fortress made of strange dark colored bricks. It was really bigger than the last nether fortress that they found earlier.

George nodded. "This one is huge! I hope there's "that" block!" He thought.

All of them had to fly to the roof of the nether fortress, as the fortress didn't have any gates or opening to go inside.

Li Weixiang frowned "Who the hell designed this thing? Why isn't there any door or maybe gates? It's annoying!"

The last nether fortress was slightly destroyed, so they can go in from the destroyed corridors. "Sigh.. There's also an advantage to fly to the roof!" Said George, even though he was also annoyed by it. He also added "The thing that we want could be seen by flying!"

George's eyes then sparkled when he saw a monster spawner from his mini map skill. "I know where is it! Let's fly to there! I could sense it!"

All of them followed George. Li Weixiang also followed him. He also grabbed his spirit stone powered sniper rifle from his dimensional ring. He couldn't contain his excitement anymore and wanted to use it immediately.

George twitched when he saw that. "Uhh.. There's the thing that we needed! But, Brother Li, If you use that SSPSR, all of them will be destroyed and we'll have to search for another of these!"

Li Weixiang was confused by George's words. "What's a SSPSR? Do you meant this Spirit Stone Powered Sniper Rifle that i bought?"

George nodded. "You have seen it's power before! So if you use that, the monster spawner will get blasted off and turned into nothing!"

Li Weixiang's face frowned slightly. "Sigh.. Let's just try this magical artifact to those black skeletons. But, let's try killing some of this monster too!"

George nodded and continued to get closer to the spawner. "That block is called as a monster spawner. Like the name said, it's function was to spawn monsters from nothingness."

"What?! From nothingness? You are talking nonsense! Aren't you? Brother Ma?" Replied Li Weixiang.

George only replied "Well, yeah it's very illogical! But, this whole dammed place is already illogical. So.. just thought that it was a weird item that summons a lot of monsters to here!"

When they came close to the blaze monster spawner, two figures appeared magically near it.

It was... a flying skull? the skull was shaped like a block, and they didn't have a standard body, their bodies are only made of sticks that's also flying with it's skull. Not only that, their body was covered with a thick black smoke.

"Wh.. what? Is that? Why is it so bizarre?!"

George replied "Blazes! What i needed was the sticks!"

George grabbed his magnum revolver and shot one of the blaze's head very quickly.


As the blaze fell down, George thought "Mmn.. The bull's eye is really a good skill! A headshot on my first try!".

The guards was shocked by that sound. "What? Is that sound?!"

All of them didn't know, including Li Weixiang.

"Ah! It was my projectile weapon. No big deal!" Said George.

All of them nodded in awe. "Such an intimidating sound! It must be another good artifact! Sigh.. unfortunately we don't have to many spirit stones.. If i have a ton, i'd like one too!" They all thought.

Even though the magnum revolver was unique and similar to the spirit stone powered sniper rifle, Li Weixiang didn't want it, as it wasn't as destructive as the latter.

"Anyone wants to try fighting them?"

All of them nodded and surrounded the monster spawner. When George saw all of them interested by it, he added "If you all done, tell me! I need to collect those sticks.. Uhh.. rods, uh.. whatever!"


As the guards taking down the blazes wave after wave, Li Weixiang was shocked by the monster spawners. "This.. is indeed the best treasure we could find! I tried to kill one earlier, and my cultivation also increased by it! Although it wasn't as much as the... What is it called again? the demonic, gigantic, volcanic turtle?"


"Yes.. Ahem! Although it wasn't as much as the khalk, it's pretty good too! I'm guessing that the more powerful monsters that you killed, your cultivation state will got increased more than just killing a weak monster."

George nodded "I know that it's really a good place... but, when will they stop? We literally waited like a year in here!"

Li Weixiang's face twitched when he heard that. "Uhh.. Brother Ma! It's just five hours, not a year!"

George rolled his eyes. "I know.. it's was only a joke! So... when will they stop?"

"I don't know..."

Sigh... Look at those blaze rods that scattered around the floor. If you picked all of them, i think that you could make a mansion with that.

When the blazes dies, the drops isn't like in minecraft. In minecraft, if you killed one, it only dropped zero to one rods, but in here... Because of their bodies that's not dissapearing like in the minecraft, you can get seven to ten rods.

George sighed while he thought about that. He then had an idea. "Hey Brother Li! Why didn't you stop them? Don't you want to try the SSPSR?"

Li Weixiang's face darkened when he realized that. He then ordered all of them to retreat while collecting the rods for George.


All of them was out of breath. The blaze rods are indeed abundant! With those blaze rods, George wouldn't need to go to the nether for a while.

The funny thing is, when they touched it for the first time, the blaze rods was really hot. A few of them burned their hand with it.

George noted that to his mind. "Never touch the blaze rods with your hands! use heat resistance gloves!" He thought.

Mo Jianhong and the others reported to Li Weixiang. "It was all of the rods of that monsters!"

George was slightly flabbergasted by the sight of that mountain of blaze rods. "Mmn.. i thought that making a mansion with blaze rods are too exaggerated.. But i guess it really wasn't." He thought.

Well.. the last thing he does was to put them inside his golden bag of holding.